Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2015

Not All Morning Sickness Symptoms Mean Pregnant

Nausea and vomiting in the morning, especially if you are sexually active or are married, often suspected as a symptom of pregnancy. However, the symptoms of which are also referred to as morning sickness is not always a sign of pregnancy. Morning sickness can also be caused by various factors, such as hormonal imbalance, stomach acid that rises, sleep disorder sleep apnea, stress, or depression.

According to the chairman of the American Medical Association, Dr. Brian Morton, the release of hormones from the brain will determine whether we are the people who used to get up in the morning or evening. He explained that the sense of nausea in the mornings can be caused by the inability of the brain to release natural hormone such as adrenaline or serotonin, when we wake up in the morning. Morton said the biological rhythms of day and night at every person is different. In women, this is compounded by the influence of hormones during menstruation.

Symptoms of morning sickness is not always experienced by women, but also men. The most common cause of this condition is the reflux, the stomach acid up into the esophagus. Morton continued, the symptoms as there is a bitter taste in the mouth or pain in the lower abdomen. Overcome by drinking milk or antacids to address excessive acid. To prevent reflux, Morton advised to not skip dinner. Also avoid excessive alcohol consumption or drinking less before bedtime. In some people, raising the pillow in the head can help.

The best drink to treat nausea

There are many reasons why we feel sick, and drinking fluids is the fastest way to solve it. Various parts of the body can be involved in the onset of nausea. According to dr. Lawrance Szarka, a professor of gastroenterology (digestive), part of the inner ear, stomach, nose, or blood, can send signals to the brain that something is ingested and bad effects. Szarka said, experts believe that nausea is the evolutionary adaptation to remove rotten or poisonous food.

Nausea can be caused by food poisoning or excess intake of fatty foods, alcohol, or caffeine. Even a foul odor can also make stomach uneasy. Pain due to rising vehicle (motion sickness) also become a common cause nausea, although the cause is unknown. But this is no relation between the mismatch between signals originating from the movement of the eyes and the inner ear.

One way to overcome the nausea is by eating certain drinks. There are some peoples feeling better after consuming ginger ale, soda, or coconut water. Difficult to determine which is most effective, but just listen to body signals. Our bodies are very good at telling what we need, and most people who feel nauseous already better after drinking water, said Dr. Szarka.

Sugary drinks and soda, sometimes better than water to treat nausea. Carbonation can reduce the acidity in the stomach, so that nausea is reduced. Cola drinks also contain phosphoric acid which is found in the-counter anti-nausea medications.

In addition, other beverages are also believed to be effective is drink ginger tea. But sometimes only a ginger drink packaging containing flavorings ginger, thus eliminating substances that nausea is actually a sugar or carbonation. Research has shown that coconut water is as good as in the case of sports drinks to replace lost fluids after exercising and also reduce nausea. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine when you're sick. Consumption of just what it feels comfortable in the stomach. Sometimes, simple things are the best choice.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Drinking Coffee Habits Lower Risk of Diabetes

Behind much controversy about bad effects of coffee on health, in fact many benefits of coffee that we can get if taken according to the rules. A study, again revealed that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of developing diabetes type 2. This study was conducted to measure coffee consumption on 1,300 adults in Athens. Researchers also took blood samples to measure oxidative stress and inflammation. Ten years later, researchers followed up respondents and found 13 percent of men and 12 percent of women suffer from diabetes. They are those who did not regularly drink coffee.

Research shows that people who drink coffee, 54 percent less risk of developing type 2 diabetes, even though there is a family history though. They were said to drink coffee, that if you drink more than 1.5 cups of coffee per day. The researchers believe these benefits are gained because coffee beans contain antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. From blood samples of respondents showed, those who regularly drank coffee had a lower inflammation.

The antioxidant content of coffee may be beneficial, but more research is still needed. Previously, research in 2012 found that people who drank four or more cups of coffee per day, 50 per cent lower risk of developing diabetes. Another reason coffee is good for health, which can reduce stress, and even reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.

So that coffee is healthier to drink

According to a study from the University of Scranton, coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants that drinking a small amount of cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, and even prostate cancer. However, coffee processing also determines the benefits. How to bake, store, brew, to drink it affect the taste at the same time benefit from the coffee itself. Here are the steps that need to be done to make coffee more healthy to drink.

1. Roasting: roasting process relates to a process for converting the acid in coffee as an antioxidant. The brighter the color of coffee beans that have been roasted, the higher the antioxidant content. Peter Martin, director of Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee, say, the effect of antioxidants in coffee relates to a compound called chlorogenic acid. Roasting coffee beans will turn it into an antioxidant acid. However, if too long, the antioxidant will be damaged.

2. Storing: Food Chemistry According to the study, which have been roasted coffee beans contain antioxidants that exposure to air can damage it. That is why, penyimpannya should be special. Roasted coffee beans should be stored in airtight containers. When deployed, the new ground coffee beans.

3. Brewing: Researchers from Italy found five different methods of brewing coffee and find a way to brew mocha, espresso, and neapolian help increase the levels of antioxidants in coffee compared with a filtering method. If too thick, then the results can be added steeping water so be americano coffee.

4. Drinking: How does drinking coffee most healthy? Black, without sugar. Nutrients in coffee will be damaged when other ingredients added to it. Even so, you still can add cinnamon to add other flavors in your coffee. The results also showed that levels of antioxidants in coffee could be reduced if mixed with milk.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How To Boost Metabolism

Increase metabolism is important when losing weight. However, how fast your body burns calories depends on several things. Some people have a fast metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting. For most people, metabolism slows down continued after reaching the age of 40 years. While you can not control for age, sex, or genetic, there are other ways how to boost metabolism.

Metabolism is the process by which food is converted into energy and calories your body needs to perform the activity. Every meal or drink, our bodies do mengubahan process calories into energy. The rate of metabolism is influenced by several factors such as body size, sex, and age. However, the actual rate of metabolism can be accelerated in certain ways. The faster rate of metabolism we have, the more calories that we burn.

Here are some ways to boost your metabolism

1. Exercise: Aerobic may not form a large muscle, but it can speed up your metabolism in the hours after exercise. High intensity exercise produces metabolic rate which is larger and longer than medium or low intensity exercise. To obtain the benefits, try a more intense class at the gym or do a short jog in your walking routine.

2. Keeping the body well hydrated: Your body needs water to process calories. If you feel a bit dehydrated, your metabolism will slow down. In one study, adults who drank eight or more glasses of water per day burn more calories than those who drank only four glasses.

3. Protein intake: The body burns more calories when digesting protein than fat or carbohydrates. As part of a balanced diet, replacing some carbohydrate with protein rich foods and lean can improve the metabolic performance during meals. Good sources of protein include lean meat, turkey, fish, chicken, tofu, nuts, eggs, and dairy products without fat.

4. Do not skip breakfast: Rather than cut calories, skipping breakfast will only make slow metabolism so that calories eaten can not be burned to the optimum. Many studies show breakfast associated with the body's metabolic rate.

5. Avoid fast diet (crash dieting): Crash diets, diet limited to only receive intake of 1,200 calories per day for women and 1,800 calories for men, bad for anyone who wants to boost metabolism. Although this diet can help you lose weight, this method can sacrifice good nutrition for the body. Coupled with the loss of muscle, thus slowing the metabolism. The end result, your body burns fewer calories and gain weight faster than before the diet.

6. Black coffee: If you are a coffee drinker, you may be able to enjoy the benefits of energy and improved concentration. By consuming in moderation, one of the benefits of coffee can be felt the short-term improvement in the body's metabolic rate. Caffeine helps you feel less tired and even improve endurance during exercise.

7. Green tea: green tea or oolong tea offers the combined benefits of caffeine and catechins, which are able to raise your metabolism in a few hours. Research shows that drinking 2 to 4 cups of one type of tea can make the body burn 17 percent more calories during moderate intensity exercise in a short time.

8. Add spicy flavor to food: Spicy foods have natural chemicals that can increase the body's metabolism. Cooking food to include one tablespoon of red pepper or chopped green chili, can boost metabolic rate. The effect may be temporary, but when often eating spicy foods, the benefits will accrue.

9. Milk: There is some evidence that calcium deficiency can slow the body's metabolic processes. Research shows that consuming calcium in the form of fat-free dairy foods and low-fat yogurt can reduce fat absorption from other foods.

10. Watermelon: A study in the Journal of Nutrition claims, arginine amino acids are abundant in watermelon, can promote weight loss. The findings are based on the results of experiments on mice that are obese and given arginine for more than 3 months. The result, researchers found that a decrease in body fat increased by 64 percent.

11. Smart selecting snack: Eat more often turned out to help you lose weight. When you eat large portions at intervals of a few hours, your metabolism slows down between meals is. Consuming snack every 3 or 4 hours to keep your metabolism, so you burn more calories in a day.

Metabolism becomes the keyword for those who are trying to lose weight. Simply put, metabolism is the way the body convert food into energy. However you should be careful in interpreting the metabolic processes, there are still many people who mistakenly believe myths about metabolism.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How To Increase Testosterone Naturally

Testosterone or often referred to as male hormones are hormones that affect muscle growth, libido (sexual health and mood), as well as overall body organs and bone health. In general, there are many foods that can increase testosterone levels, but certain foods should be avoided because of a condition, such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Testosterone levels, will reach its peak second and third decades in the life of men. But since the age of 30 years the levels will be reduced by 1-2 percent annually. Low libido in men is also often caused by low testosterone. But most people think because of age.

Low testosterone levels, will lead to many health problems, such as diabetes mellitus, reduced muscle mass, obesity, heart disease, and of course sexual dysfunction. People who have hypogonadism or low testosterone tend to have a lower life expectancy.

Normal testosterone levels in men, ranging between 300 nanograms / deciliter. While the maximum level between 1000-1200 ng / dL. The most accurate way to determine testosterone levels is with a blood test.

Even so, there are some signs that could indicate low testosterone levels, which decreased libido, decreased spontaneous erections in the morning, can not erect, sweating, there is a burning sensation in the face, and reduced the frequency of shaving. Testosterone decreases with age, but we have to keep the decline to follow the standards, so as not to degrade the quality of life.

There are several therapies that can be done to treat the condition, among other hormonal therapies. There is also a combination therapy with growth hormone therapy. Such therapies would keep male testosterone levels in accordance with the standards of his age. Hormonal therapy should be done by a specialist. There are several conditions that make a man should not do the therapy, especially in those who suffer from prostate cancer.

How to increase testosterone naturally?

Here are four foods that can increase testosterone levels.

1. Coconut oil: Coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides or MCT. This mechanism allows the body to absorb oil in order to prevent it is stored as fat, even pushing to eliminate fat in the body. Coconut oil also allows the direct oxidation and quickly converted into energy, similar to the effects of simple carbohydrates. The increase in energy can extend endurance and improve overall testosterone.

2. Garlic: All the hormones in the body are directly mutually regulate each other. Therefore, a decrease in testosterone is often the response of other hormonal shifts. One of the hormones responsible for the rise in testosterone levels is cortisol. Garlic has been shown to regulate cortisol levels and thereby also increases testosterone.

3. Broccoli: Another hormone clearer directly related to testosterone is estrogen. High estrogen can lower testosterone in the body. Broccoli contains indoles, a phytochemical that helps the body convert into other forms of estrogen, which can increase estrogen. Additionally, broccoli contains chromium which can regulate blood sugar levels, as well as calcium regulating hormones to prevent further fat storage.

4. Red Meat: Red meat such as beef and mutton has been shown to improve the quality of testosterone. Zinc deficiency is the reason the majority of low testosterone, so that the high zinc content in red meat is very useful for that. According to research from Harvard Medical School, zinc supplementation can increase free testosterone levels between 8-14 percent. This is because zinc can play an important role in normal serum testosterone in men. In addition, saturated fat and cholesterol found in red meat quickly be converted into testosterone in the body. If you do not like red meat, eggs also have an equal role in increasing testosterone levels in the body.

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Best Oily Skin Treatment

Oil or sebum production in the skin is affected by the production of hormones. So, if unbalanced hormone levels, skin also chimed greasy. In women, hormonal changes occur when puberty, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, also during pregnancy and pre-menopausal. No wonder that at the moment, we are often affected by acne problems. In addition, the emotional state can also make hormones fluctuate. It occurs in both men and women. Oil actually needed to make hair shiny and helps the skin remain lembat and chewy. However, when excessive oil production, hair and skin so it looks healthy, shiny, and seemed dirty.

Facial treatments
One way to control the oil is routinely clean the face and hair carefully. But, there are still many people fooled. Not a few people who wear facial scrub to reduce the oil content. Excess oil is the reaction of an irritation to the skin. So increasingly hard to clean, the more oil is produced. Therefore, treat the skin gently. Choose facial cleanser products that works to reduce excess oil, but keep the levels of fatty acids that are needed to protect our skin.

Experts also suggest that we have two types of facial cleansers. When the weather is cold, choose a facial cleanser that is very gentle. While in the warmer months, choose deep cleaning product because the oil and dirt more easily mixed with sweat making it more difficult to clean. What about the special facial cleanser for oily skin? Can be used, as long as non-irritating. That should be avoided is, clean your face with soap because it will remove the natural oils in the skin.

Using a moisturizer
Most people whose skin is oily, lazy to use a moisturizer, because of fear getting a shiny face. According to experts, oil and moisturizing are two different things. And the more we age, the more we need to put on moisturizer, including if our skin is oily. For maximum results, experts advise to try the moisturizing products that contain alpha Hydrox acid (AHA). In addition to stimulating the production of collagen, AHA will also reduce wrinkles.

Avocado herb able to cope with oily skin

Avocado is a restorative fruit, suitable to protect and balance the oil on the hair and skin. Avocados are also often called the fruit of beauty, because it provides a nourishing natural oils and other benefits. Vitamin A in avocados add sheen to hair. While vitamin B therein, can balance oil production. Because of avocado, oil production in the skin of the body and the head, can be controlled. The fruit is a beauty solution for you who have oily skin and hair. Avocado nutrition are also rich in vitamin E, which protects the skin from sun and pollution.

After understanding avocado benefits, now you can start making an avocado to be a natural beauty products. The trick is, one or two avocado puree then spread to the rest of the hair or skin. To feel the sensation of others caring for the body with avocado, add mashed avocado with:
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey warm.
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise organic or almond oil.
Then, apply this avocado to the face, body and hair. Then cover the hair with a shower cap and let stand for 15 minutes. Then rinse the entire body. Use shampoo to rinse your hair.

There are also another natural ways to get rid of oily skin. So beauty treatment does not have too expensive, natural ingredients from your kitchen can be processed to refresh dry skin and dull hair, or rejuvenate the skin. Fresh and organic ingredients such as fruits, can be formulated in a practical way to beautify ourselves.

Simple Flu Treatment With Chicken Soup

As long as we are exposed to the flu virus, the body will feel uncomfortable and weak thus making appetite decreased. In fact, to build endurance, you need to eat foods that contain lots of nutrients. Chicken soup can be one of the choices. It is estimated that each year there are 1 billion cases of people affected by colds or flu worldwide. Although many free drugs that can alleviate flu symptoms and colds but in fact we can also shorten the flu with nutritious food.

In an article, "The Science of Chicken Soup" by Tara Parker-Pope, a team of medical researchers exploring substance behind the content of the chicken broth as a flu treatment. Dr. Stephen Rennard, a pulmonary specialist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, found the chicken broth proven to contain anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent unpleasant side effects from the flu, such as nasal congestion. In addition, the soup can improve rehydration and nutrients in the body.

Dr. Rennard tested in the laboratory using chicken soup and artificial blood samples from volunteers. The results showed the soup could inhibit the movement of Europhiles, the most common type of white blood cells to fight infection. But it can not know the specific ingredients in the soup that make it effective against colds. Soups tested contained chicken, onions, sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots, celery, parsley, salt and pepper. Additionally, it compares with instant soups and soup turns out it also has the same inhibitory effect.

No need to use antibiotics when flu

Antibiotic resistance is a major health problem in modern times. Resistance means that doctors are increasingly difficult to treat infections due to bacteria are already drug resistant. Therefore do not arbitrarily take antibiotics. There are many disadvantages of antibiotic resistance, among others, the risk of death from infection, the cost of expensive treatment, the patient must stay in the hospital, and doctors should prescribe antibiotics more powerful and more expensive.

Although antibiotics are actually a drug to treat a disease caused by germs, but in fact these drugs are often used for disease coughs, sinusitis and flu. All of these diseases triggered by viruses, so antibiotics will not be effective. Why antibiotics are now often abused? Patients are often asked doctors to prescribe antibiotics. They believe taking antibiotics can make the condition better. In addition, there are still many people who do not know the side effects of indiscriminate use of antibiotics.

On the other hand, the study revealed that doctors sometimes prescribe antibiotics, even though not required by the patient, because he considers the patient wants it. Antibiotics are important drugs in the treatment of infections. But like other drugs, antibiotics are most effective when used with tapat. If used excessively exactly the opposite effect.

Antibiotic side effects include allergic reactions and secondary infections. Research has also documented some of the harmful effects of antibiotics, such as heart rhythm disorders, diarrhea, nausea, headache, and so forth. Therefore, physicians should educate patients about the use of antibiotics rationally. Not every disease can be treated with antibiotics, especially those caused by viruses such as flu.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Foods That Cause Bloating And How To Prevent

Bloating is one of the body's signal that indicates the diet consumed less precise, or disturbance in the digestive tract. In fact, the body can not produce gas, so that gas in the stomach usually comes from external factors. In general, there are two basic causes gas in the stomach, which is due to swallowing air, including air from carbonated drinks and usually cause belching. In addition the bacteria that normally live in the intestines healthy. These bacteria will convert undigested sugars into gas. If the air excess is not relieved by belching or fart, it's a sign you're bloated. But, by knowing the cause, actually we can avoid bloating.

Actually, bloating usually not a serious health problem, but this condition will make you feel uncomfortable. However, bloating can also be early symptoms of health problems. Therefore, if often experience bloating, immediately consult a doctor, to find the source of the problem. Foods is one  of bloating cause. Gas content in food that can cause flatulence. But, that does not mean the food is not good for you, the fact that many of these foods that contain fiber and including healthy food. The following seven types of food that can cause bloating.

1. Nuts: Dried beans and nuts are high in fiber, if consumed in large quantities can cause the formation of gas. Nuts contain nutrient-rich, so it is included in a healthy diet. Therefore, you should keep taking them, just start with small portions and gradually increase the portion.

2. Cabbage group vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale also contains high levels of raffinose (which is difficult to broken fiber), which can cause gas and bloating, but also high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Consumption in small portions, so that your digestive system is much easier to make adjustments. Steaming vegetables also can do, to reduce the effects of gas in the stomach.

3. Soft drinks: carbonated beverages such as soft drinks, can make you bloated because basically you swallow air. You probably will release some of the gas by burping, but others remain trapped in the stomach. In addition, chewing gum, sucking candy and eating or drinking too fast will produce the same effect.

4. Greasy food that is high in fat: Eating high-fat foods can also make flatulence. Because the fat will slow down the performance of the stomach, so it will empties into the small intestine. So, the consumption of fatty foods may be okay, but eating greasy foods may be more pronounced effect in your stomach. Not much can be done, just waiting bloating disappeared from the stomach, and then adjust your next portion.

5. Foods with sweeteners: alcoholic food sweetener, such as soorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol can make flatulence, because the food can not be digested, so it is fermented by bacteria in the digestive tract. Alcoholic sweetener is commonly used in sugar-free gum and some low-calorie foods.

6. Milk and its derivatives: Milk and dairy products can cause discomfort and bloating in people who have lactose intolerance, which is unable to digest milk sugar. To fix this, you can eat lactose-free milk or soy milk consumption. To be more safe for your health, consult first with a doctor.

7. Wheat: Wheat is actually consumed because it is rich in fiber and nutrients. However, the fiber in combination with starch will make flatulence, especially if you eat them in large quantities. The good news is, your digestive system will adapt to the extra fiber, thus reducing flatulence piecemeal.

Try to avoid or prevent bloating in the following ways:

  • Beware rafinose: rafinose is the sugar contained in broccoli and beans. The body can not absorb or digest these sugars, but healthy bacteria can turn it into gas. There are enzymes that break down sugar, but is not very effective.
  • Do not underestimate the lactose intolerant: Women or men who are sensitive to lactose (the sugar in milk), usually often experience bloating. Seek alternative dairy products that make a comfortable stomach, such as yogurt.
  • Avoid simple carbohydrates and sugar, these include sweet foods like candy and cookies.
  • Eat slowly: Eating quickly can cause more air is swallowed and cause bloating and gas.
  • Do not use a straw. Each time the siphon, the air will be attracted, and swallowed into your mouth. This could create the same problem as eat quickly.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages. Bubbles in these drinks is gas.
  • Reducing artificial sweeteners: For most people, the artificial sweeteners can cause gas and bloating. Reduce by selecting foods labeled sugar-free, materials called "sugar alcohol" could be a problem.
  • Reduce fructose: Fructose is a natural sugar found in fruits, honey and some vegetables. Foods with high levels of fructose can make flatulence for some people. Corn syrup containing high fructose is also commonly found in processed foods and sugary drinks, which becomes a contributor possibility of discomfort for some people.
  • Make a note: Bloating is a very individual response. If you are among those who often experience this, you should take careful note of food and beverages consumed, as well as noted the conditions that seem to cause discomfort in your stomach.

Although bloating is often experienced can make you avoid fibrous foods, but in fact it is actually detrimental. Avoiding fiber can cause constipation. Conversely, if you have tried all these suggestions and still can not identify the cause of bloating in the body, you may need to consult an expert. For certain people, the problem may not be the actual gas, but their perception of the gas so that they are more sensitive to certain foods or beverages. Prevent and avoid bloating is much better than treat it. But if you have experience it, there are also few ways how to get rid of bloating.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally

As we get older, there is no doubt that the natural signs will start to appear, among others, there are wrinkles on the face. But in some people who are trying to disguise, or at least do some ways to not look too old. One alternative to prevent wrinkles is, with regular exercise and regularly to keep the body fit and healthy. We can found a lot of ads that offer a cream or other drugs that is able to get rid of wrinkles on the face. There are some successful, and not a few were unsuccessful.

What causes wrinkles

Wrong facial treatment movements: Gravity causes the skin to slack off in old age. Apply the cleanser and moisturizer with movement from top to bottom every day will only worsen the condition. This is what makes skin wrinkles. The best way is when treating the face with a delicate touch and movement from the bottom up, starting from the chin toward the forehead.

Sucking beverages from the straws: Many beauty experts suggest you order a drink without a straw. Dendy Engelman, MD, (a skin consultant in the United States) said the move would encourage frown lines around the lips. When done regularly, suction will result in the appearance of smile lines and creases on both sides of your mouth.

Outdoors activities without sunscreen: sun and ultraviolet rays cause damage to the skin. In fact, direct exposure to sunlight for 5 to 10 minutes a day can cause significant skin damage. Engelman advised to use sunscreen with SPF 30, a serious risk that could be posed as skin cancer if you do not use sunscreen.

Bent position during activities: How often do you bend every day? If too often, it could be this was the cause of the pain in the neck. In addition to soreness in the neck, this position also can stretch the skin that eventually make sagging neck skin, and it makes your skin wrinkles.

Less exercise: Exercise will increase blood flow to the skin, so the metabolic processes smoothly and beneficial to health. The American Heart Association recommends at least you perform aerobic activity for 30 minutes at least five days a week. Health will be reflected in your skin. Cardio or yoga is also very positive for skin health and beauty.

Tips how to get rid of wrinkles naturally

Using pineapple mask
Provide: pineapple and warm water.
How to: wash pineapple, take the meat. Rub pineapple meat evenly to the face. Then let stand for 15 minutes. wash your face with warm water. Do it regularly.

Using olive mask
Provide: olive oil.
Way: face wash to clean. Apply olive oil evenly to the face at night before bed. The next morning rinse your face with water and soap. Do it regularly.

Using watermelon mask
Provide: watermelon.
How to: Mash watermelon until smooth. Squeeze and take the water. Save the juice in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Apply regularly watermelon water on skin areas that have wrinkles.

After all, preventing wrinkles is far better than treatment that could cost you very expensive. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals and iron also can avoid wrinkles too much. An example is eating vegetable and fish oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids that have the benefit of maintaining endurance and survival of cell regeneration well. You also should update information about list of foods that rich in vitamins for skin.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Another Ways How To Remove Blackheads

Do not underestimate blackheads that appear on your face. If the facial skin treated appropriately, can be resolved even prevent blackheads appear on the face. With proper skin care, blackheads resolved and you avoid infections that can cause acne in more severe conditions. Black blackheads evident in the face and often disturbing appearance, as dangerous as white comedones are often invisible but dirt is stored deeper.

According to Dr. Alicia Zalka (dermatological clinic Surface Deep in Connecticut, United States) said, blackheads is a combination of oil on the face and dirt on the skin pores. If allowed, blackheads will clog pores and eventually make the face look dull.

There are many causes of blackheads, among others age, skin care way, hormones, and genetics. If some instant blackhead removal products on the market are not able to get rid of blackheads perfectly, there are some other alternatives that might help you. However, remember not to suppress or prying blackheads in various ways. This method will make your skin inflamed, infection, and cause scarring of the skin.

1. Baking soda: Zalka said, exfoliating dead skin is one way to minimize the occurrence of blackheads. For more effective results, use baking soda. Baking soda is an active ingredient that is commonly used in the technique of microdermabrasion to exfoliate the skin.

If used regularly, baking soda can help to minimize blackheads. The trick is, mix baking soda with water and stir until it forms a paste. Rub gently on the face, then let stand until dry and rinse. If you do not have baking soda, you can use apple cider vinegar to clean the pores of the face. Apple cider vinegar has astringent and anti-bacterial properties, thus helping to reduce the incidence of blackheads.

2. Clay masks: Dr. Jennifer MacGregor of Union Square Laser Dermatology revealed that, kaolin content in the clay masks can help remove dead skin cells and prevent blackheads. In addition, clay that has high absorption will help reduce excess oil production in the face.

3. Pore strips: If you want a more practical way, you can use the plaster lifter blackheads on the market. Zalka suggest, plaster blackheads can indeed help lift the blackheads and improve the pore structure. However blackheads will keep coming back unless you treat the skin with a proper and routine cleaning of the face to prevent it from coming back.

4. Salicylic acid and glycolic: MacGregor said, the best way to break up the oil that clog the pores is to use beta-hydroxy acid or salicylic acid. Salicylic and glycolic acid helps absorb oil and clean the surface pores so will prevent the formation of blackheads. Typically, the second active ingredient is widely found in soap products, or anti-acne cleanser.

5. Microdermabrasion: If you have more money, and want to remove blackheads longer, then microdermabrasion may be the answer. In addition to eliminating blackheads, this procedure will also help improve the texture and appearance of skin.

Basic skin care, such as cleaning, moisturize, and protect with sunscreen can solve problems also prevent blackheads. In addition, periodic facials are also able to overcome or prevent the appearance of blackheads. For a facial, for oily skin should be done regularly every two weeks. While dry skin tends to do facials every three weeks or once a month. With this simple treatment, blackheads can be lost and you prevent from potential infections that cause acne at a later stage.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Our Habits That Can Reduce Calcium Absorption

Calcium is a mineral that the body needs in large quantities to maintain a healthy body. The benefits of calcium is to maintain bone density, maintain heart rhythm, nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, blood pressure control, and plays a role in blood clotting process. Unfortunately, calcium included in the mineral can not be fully absorbed in the body. Consumption of calcium from food can only be absorbed approximately 70 percent by the body, while the supplement is only about 30 percent.

The amount of calcium that is absorbed can be smaller again due to some less conscious habits. There are some particular habits that impact on the decrease in the body's ability to absorb calcium, among others:

1. Alcohol consumption: Alcohol consumption is significant in reducing the body's ability to absorb calcium consumed. Even moderate alcohol consumption can affect the dose is large enough.

2. Coffee consumption: Almost the same as the consumption of alcohol, coffee may block the absorption of calcium in the body. Then coffee consumption should be no more than one cup per day, and drink do after mealtime.

3. A diet less in calcium: Absorption body can not be 100 percent, require people to consume more calcium. Lack of calcium from foods can aggravate deficiency in the body.

4. Excessive exercise: Excessive exercise makes bones extra work that requires more calcium. If we are not able to increase the consumption of calcium, your body will take it from the bones.

5. Consumption of steroid drugs: Drugs steroids are consumed in the long term will result in the body are deficient in calcium. That is because steroids can menghalani calcium absorption in the body.

6. Diets high in salt: Salt is one of the ingredients that block the absorption of calcium. High-salt diet also increases the risk of hypertension associated with calcium deficiency.

7. High-protein diet: Just as salt, protein also can block the absorption of calcium. Although protein is required for the growth and regeneration of cells, but should be consumed balanced as needed.

Tips to increase calcium absorption

Calcium deficiency can lead to stunted growth in height. However, consuming excessive amounts of calcium are also not good for health. Research shows that too much calcium tends to increase the risk of prostate cancer and kidney stones. 

Therefore, it is advisable to consume calcium effectively to maximize height without ignoring the health factor. In addition, by consuming calcium should also be appropriate, in order to maximize the absorption of calcium by the body. Here are some tips to help increase calcium absorption.

  1. It certainly avoid habits that could interfere with the absorption of calcium which have been mentioned above.

  2. Try to consume calcium from natural sources and not synthetic. Because natural resources are healthier and easily absorbed. Natural sources include milk, cheese, fish, etc.

  3. Do not consume high amounts of calcium in one swallow. Preferably a little in one day. Drinking half a glass of milk as much as four times better than drinking two glasses of milk at once. Because it is more easily absorbed by the body. Remember! Intestines, have limited ability to absorb nutrients. If you consume two glasses of milk at the same time there is a tendency most nutritional wasted because only partially absorbed by the intestine is capable of. Especially if you are experiencing stomach pains, then the absorption ability is also reduced.

  4. Avoid smoking. Because it can dispose of the body's calcium supply. Moreover, also avoid consuming 3 other foods that may inhibit the body improvement program that will follow.
Calcium should be in synergy with vitamin D. Because the vitamin D can help calcium absorption useful for forming and maintaining bone density and teeth. And don't forget that always keep update  information about calcium rich foods.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Symptoms of the body if you have a vitamin deficiency

Our body has its own way to communicate and tell there was something wrong, such as vitamin deficiencies, with the appearance of symptoms without an obvious cause. It is our duty to be sensitive to the signals given body. The modern diet makes many people vulnerable to vitamin deficiencies. Whether it's due to improper food intake or absorption is less than the maximum because of indigestion.

Susan Blum (author of The Immune System Recovery Plan), said vitamin is a supporting factor for all bio-chemical reactions in the body. We need them so that the organ is functioning properly. The function disorder can sometimes happen in mysterious ways. We recommend checking the warning signs of unusual vitamin deficiency. The good news is, most of the problems that can be fixed with a modified diet, which makes nutrition a top priority. When the food that can cure does not work, be sure to check with your doctor.

Here are some signs your body is deficient in vitamins

1. Angle experiencing chapped mouth
Deficiency: Iron, zinc, and B vitamins such as niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), and B12. Blum said the general case if you're a vegetarian who is not getting enough iron, zinc and B12. If you are short of essential proteins, start changing your diet.
Fix: Eat more meat, poultry, salmon, tuna, eggs, oysters, clams, dried tomatoes, peanuts, and legumes such as lentils. Increase iron absorption with vitamin C to help the body fight infection. So combine these foods with vegetables such as broccoli, red peppers, cabbage, and cauliflower.

2. The face is red, scaly rash and hair loss
Deficiency: Biotin (B7), which is known as the hair vitamin. While your body stores fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) so it does not keep most of vitamin B which is soluble in water. Bodybuilders are advised to eat raw eggs because it makes you vulnerable in a raw egg protein called avidin inhibit the body's ability to absorb biotin. For hair loss sign, maybe we can do a hair loss treatment to solve the problems, but not other effects of vitamin deficiencies.
Fix: Eat cooked eggs (disable avidin), salmon, avocado, mushrooms, cauliflower, soybeans, nuts, raspberries and bananas.

3. Red or white lumps like acne, usually appear on the cheeks, arms, thighs and buttocks
Deficiency: Essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D.
Fix: Reduce saturated fats and trans fats and increase your intake of healthy fats. Focus by adding more salmon and sardines, nuts such as walnuts and almonds, and seeds. For vitamin A, multiply the consumption of green vegetables and colorful like carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers. Blum said, the food is produce beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which will use your body to make vitamin A.

4. Tingling, prickling sensation, and numbness in hands, feet or elsewhere
Deficiencies: B vitamins such as folate (B9), B6, and B12. Blum said, these issues are directly related to peripheral nerve which ends up in the skin. These symptoms can be combined with anxiety, depression, anemia, fatigue, and hormonal imbalance.
Fix: Consumption of spinach, asparagus, beets, beans (pinto, black, kidney, five), eggs, octopus, clams, oysters, and poultry.

5. Muscle cramps are a craze with sharp pain in the toe, calf, arch of the foot, and the instep
Deficiencies: Magnesium, calcium, and potassium. If it happens regularly, it is a symptom that you are deficient in these substances. And if you exercise hard, you could lose other minerals (and B vitamins are water soluble) through heavy perspiration.
Fix: Eat more bananas, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin, cherries, apples, oranges, broccoli, bok choy, and dark green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, and dandelions.

Monday, August 10, 2015

4 Unexpected Ways to Lower Cholesterol

"Bad" cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL) plays a major role in increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. In fact, according to the American Heart Association, LDL levels provide a greater influence than the total cholesterol levels. The optimal LDL levels below 100 milligrams per deciliter. To keep levels remain below this limit, then someone needs to limit risk factors, such as implementing a healthy diet and regular exercise. In addition, there are also foods that can help lower cholesterol levels rapidly.

How to lower cholesterol levels become a very important issue in recent years. The effects of high cholesterol are quite frightening for health because it can lead to heart disease and stroke. As is known, a healthy diet and a balanced, regular exercise, and medication assistance could be the best way to get change cholesterol levels significantly. But, in fact there are also unusual method that has been done a lot of people to obtain normal cholesterol levels. Most of these methods is quite successful in reducing the cholesterol level of 5-10 percent.

1. Onions and garlic extract: In a recent national study, extracts of onion can lower total cholesterol levels in experimental diabetic rats. Other studies also showed garlic extract can lower both bad cholesterol (LDL) and blood sugar. However, these studies were conducted in mice, not humans. Deepika Gopal, cardiologist at The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano, believes that the onion and garlic contain cholesterol-lowering. Especially in ancient medicine onion is known to have healing properties.

2. Brown rice mushrooms: Rice mushrooms, the type of fungi which were grown in the fermentation of rice, contains a component called monacolin K. It is the same components as in the type of statin drugs such as lovastatin. Just as in medicine, monacolin K also block the liver form of cholesterol that the body needs to protect the cells. Because there is no cholesterol being produced, will change the LDL receptor liver to dispose of bad cholesterol. This fungus can be found in supplement form.

3. Laxatives: Laxatives not only as a constipation remedies, but also lowers cholesterol if we eat properly. Soluble fiber is found in laxative, such as Metamucil, will inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. Because Metamucil only take cholesterol from food, not produced by the body, then the drug is more effective if taken in the period of a great meal. In addition to inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol, soluble fiber like Metamucil also has the effect of lowering cholesterol by making us feel full longer.

4. Phytosterols: type of cholesterol is produced from plants, namely phytosterols, may improve cholesterol levels by changing the cholesterol in the body. Phytosterols is similar to soluble fibers such as Metamucil. They will bind to cholesterol in the food we eat so immediately metabolized. We can get phytosterol of foods, such as fruits and vegetables, nuts, or oatmeal.

High cholesterol can usually be solved by changing lifestyle, but if cholesterol remains high despite someone already made lifestyle changes, your doctor will give you medication to lower cholesterol and triglycerides as well for al: statins include fluvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin and atorvastatin, which works to eliminate cholesterol in the liver cells and causes the cells that take cholesterol from the bloodstream. Statins also help the body reabsorb cholesterol from plaque, thus gradually reopen the road in the blood vessels. These drugs are usually safe, just not recommended for patients with liver.

Nicotinic acid is actually a vitamin B complex, giving an effect on HDL, LDL and triglycerides. Acid group fibrates including gemfibrozil and fenofibrate, this drug effect on HDL, LDL, and triglycerides.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How much water should you drink a day?

Water component in the human body reaches 60 to 70 percent. In fact, the bones also have a water component of about 22 percent. That is what makes the water has a very important role in the body is as a major component of cells, but fat cells. So, how much water should we consume? Here is the amount of water intake per day should be consumed.

Drinking enough water that does not mean we have to drink water as directed, eight glasses or two liters per day. Body fluid needs to be balanced between the fluid entering (input) with a discharge (output). According to doctors, generally in one day, the body secretes the fluid around 2,500 cc, equivalent to 8-10 cups. The fluid excreted through urine, sweat, breathing, and other metabolic waste disposal process (excretion).

But keep in mind, the fluid replacement not only from drinks alone. But also foods such as vegetables and fruit. From the food we usually gets about 20 percent of fluid intake. In particular, the fluid needs of each person is different. Depending on the needs of the body, physical activity, body mass index (weight and height), age, gender, health condition or disease. The more activity or exercise and expend a lot of sweat, the more the fluid must be replaced.

Recommended daily water intake
The number of different suggestions regarding the adequacy of the amount of water intake per day may have made us confused. So how much water should you drink?
  • Drink enough water, which means not too little and not too much. Associated with a variety of fatal impacts that occur in the marathon perlari from too much drinking water, the International Marathon Medical Directors Association (IMMDA) recommends that we consume drinking water only when we feel hungry and thirsty. Consume sufficient drinking water or not excessive, ie not more than 0:03 liters per kg of weight. So, for example, a person weighing 50 kg, then the drinking water consumption is allowed for the individual is no more than 1.5 liters per day. This recommendation becomes very logical, because a person's weight, certainly influenced also by the amount of water that needs to be drunk per day. People who are obese, would require the water in an amount more, when compared to skinny people.
  • If we often heard the advice to consume as much as 2 liters of water per day, it does not mean that all the necessary body needs water we have to come from the water. The recommended two liters of water could also include foods that contain lots of water, or other drinks, for example soup, milk, juice, or other types of foods and beverages containing water.
  • Recommendation drink 2 liters per day applies to healthy people. As for kidney patients, certainly should be limited. People suffering from kidney disease should not drink water too much, because it will further aggravate the kidneys.
  • Drink water gradually, not all at once in one time. For example, 1 cup of water after waking up, then proceed to 1 cup before and after breakfast, 1 cup before and after lunch, a cup before and after dinner, and 1 cup before bedtime. But there are still many people who mistakenly drinking water on this suggestion. Because you want to meet the water needs for the body, they usually drink water in large quantities at once in one time.
  • Water needs per day for each person is different, depending on certain conditions, namely physical activity, weather, diet, weight, sex, and health condition. To that end, take sufficiently tailored to the needs and conditions of each. Drink when you feel thirsty, as thirst and thirst is the best indicator to know when our bodies need a drink.
  • Besides thirst, you can also find sufficient amount of fluid through the body color of urine (pee). When urine is bright yellow / clear and numerous, it means the body fluid needs quite well and have been met. Meanwhile, if the color of urine turned into darker (dark yellow / orange) and few in number, it means that the body's fluid needs are still unmet.

    Sunday, May 10, 2015

    Be grateful when experiencing morning sickness, read the reason here!

    Morning sickness is a problem and complaints of pregnant women and also often experienced by most pregnant women in the early days of pregnancy. However, this problem will soon disappear by itself after four months of pregnancy. Although in some cases, there is also experience nausea and vomiting until the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The most important is, you must be grateful if you experience morning sickness, continue to read to know the reasons!

    Approximately seventy percent of pregnant women will experience morning sickness. Morning sickness usually starts about four to eight weeks of pregnancy and usually ends at the beginning of the second trimester (each pregnancy are different). It is natural that pregnant women have a variety of complaints, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and so on. Nausea and vomiting is commonly starts in the morning so it is often called morning sickness. Morning sickness is inevitable. In some women, levels can be quite heavy, though some are not too feel it.

    Morning sickness symptoms

    The symptoms of morning sickness is vary, for some people, the symptoms are mild enough to cause nausea only occasionally. For some others, morning sickness is severe enough, can cause excessive vomiting and sometimes even require special care in hospital. The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but many experts concluded that, morning sickness occurs because of the hormonal changes of pregnancy.

    Interestingly, morning sickness does not only occur in the morning. Nausea and / or vomiting can occur at any time of the day. These symptoms are usually worse in the morning. However, every pregnancy is different and you may find that severe morning sickness in the evening or afternoon.

    Morning sickness have a lower risk of having a miscarriage

    This is the reason why pregnant women should be grateful if experience morning sickness. A study that examined the effects of morning sickness and in various aspects of pregnancy. As a result, it is known that women who experience morning sickness, frequent nausea and vomiting in the mornings during pregnancy have a lower risk of miscarriage. The study found that pregnant women who experience morning sickness risk of 55-80 per cent lower miscarry than women who do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy.

    In addition, women who experience morning sickness during pregnancy, are also more likely to give birth to healthier babies than women who had never felt and overcome morning sickness during pregnancy. According to a study in Toronto, babies born to mothers who experience morning sickness are also less likely to develop abnormalities in organs, such as the cranium and the cardiovascular system.

    Researchers also found a link between morning sickness experienced by pregnant women, the risk of premature birth is lower. Pregnant women suffering from severe morning sickness, also likely to have children who are smarter when they grow up. These children have a better value in IQ tests and have better ability in math and verbal ability.

    Even so, it does not mean that women do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy should be alert and worried. This did not show any abnormalities in your pregnancy if you do not experience morning sickness. The researcher explains that the morning sickness is influenced by hormones in the body and this can vary depending on a woman and others. And for those who experience morning sickness, you may just have to eat certain foods to relieve morning sickness.

    Tips to relieve morning sickness

    • Eat smaller portions but more often than before pregnancy. Eating large meals will only cause stomach becomes too full and it can trigger nausea.
    • Consumption of healthy and balanced diet that provides all the nutrients and energy needed by the body. Because it nutrition is important to maintain the health of pregnant women and the fetus.
    • Provides healthy snacks. In this case the cake would be nice to avoid the empty stomach of pregnant women, especially at night.
    • Morning sickness generally will be followed by a decrease in appetite. To keep nutrition and energy level, pregnant women are advised to choose foods that most arouse your appetite and food that does not interfere with the health of pregnant women and fetuses.
    • Drink more water that it is beneficial to balance and prevent dehydration, especially when the perceived frequency of nausea and vomiting more frequent.
    • Eating foods containing carbohydrates with fresh vegetables.
    • Schedule time for napping as a way to restore energy levels and eliminate fatigue.
    • Wearing loose clothing and avoid tight clothing in pregnant women. Because by wearing tight clothing can aggravate the stomach area with nausea.
    • Make sure air circulation in the house remains smooth. The air is fresh and free of dust would make pregnant women thought to be quieter.
    • Minimize stress, because morning sickness is more common in women who are under the influence of a lot of pressure and stress, either at work or at home. Because it is the danger and the effect of stress on pregnant women to the health of the pregnancy and the fetus can not be underestimated.
    • Eat in bed to avoid an empty stomach and keep your blood sugar stable.

    Wednesday, February 18, 2015

    Tips How To Lower Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

    High cholesterol could be caused by our lifestyle, eating habits, less activities and so on. Some people try to lower cholesterol with cholesterol-lowering foods, some successful, some not. You should know, that despite your cholesterol levels have gone down, but not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, then all it will be useless. Cholesterol is a disease caused by a number of oil content in the meal and the amount of fat contained in the blood. Most people when exposed to cholesterol, will feel uncomfortable and often experience straining, because due to the content of oils and fats in the diet.

    Cholesterol is actually a very important role for health, especially to assist in the formation and cell wall useful as a raw material in the body's hormone formation. However, if blood cholesterol levels already exceed the needs, can lead to a variety of diseases such as stroke and coronary heart disease. Cholesterol can be considered normal if the level is less than 200 mg / dl. While the amount of cholesterol is already above 240 mg / dl, it is likely to be at risk of disease caused by cholesterol. Here's how to lower cholesterol.

    1. Exercise regularly
    Exercise is a good way to lower cholesterol and as well as to maintain a healthy heart. Cholesterol may reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, triglycerides. Regular exercise at least 30 minutes every day and can help burn fat and calories in the body.

    2. Take a walk
    If not accustomed to exercising regularly, you can replace it with a walk. Take a walk is a very easy way, healthy, and efficient because it only requires a pair of shoes. Aerobic exercise every morning can be beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels, which in turn can be prevented from dangerous diseases and can nourish the body, such as: stroke, heart disease, lose weight, keep bones strong.

    3. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates
    Reduce the intake of carbohydrates and as well as foods that do not have a lot of fat content is one way to lower cholesterol.

    4. Consuming unsaturated fats
    The body only needs a bit of fat in the daily diet, about 25% up to 35% of daily caloric intake. This type of fat needed by the body is saturated fat, which can be found in canola, olive and safflower oil, and so on. Unsaturated fat is beneficial to reduce levels of bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol and increase good cholesterol or HDL. While saturated fats can also be found in butter and palm oil. Saturated fats can increase bad cholesterol or LDL. However, the fat calories and better eating in moderation.

    5. Stop smoking
    If you suffer from high blood pressure or have high triglycerides, stop bad habits such as smoking can be the best way for you to do in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Tobacco is bad for the health, since tobacco can increase blood pressure and heart rate.

    6. Green tea
    Theanine content in green tea can increase good cholesterol. Consuming 4 cups of green tea every day can keep blood cholesterol levels.

    7. Consuming citrus fruits
    Citrus fruits, such as lemon, sweet orange, lemon, and other kinds of fruits that contain lots of pectin substances. Pectin substances is a type of fiber that is good for lowering cholesterol in the blood. Citrus fruits rich in anti-oxidants that can strengthen the walls of the arteries.

    8. Consuming tomato juice
    With enough consume 2 cups tomato juice every day, it can be beneficial to lower cholesterol levels.

    9. Avoid stress
    Stress can increase blood pressure higher thus increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, which occurs when cholesterol plaque builds up in the arteries. In a study shows that some people, stress may directly increase cholesterol levels in the blood and can even increase dramatically. To reduce the stress of being in nature, you can read the previous article on how to relieve stress.

    10. Avocado
    Avocado is a fruit that can lower cholesterol. Avocados are one of the fruits that can raise levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is because, there are two types of cholesterol is bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol or HDL.

    11. Soybean
    Consuming soy products or soy-based foods can lower blood cholesterol levels. Consuming soy every day is known to reduce cholesterol and can control high blood pressure.

    12. Control blood sugar
    Blood sugar is not well controlled, can lead to increased risk of heart disease.

    Sunday, January 25, 2015

    7 Natural Tips How To Whiten Teeth

    Some people may have a problem with yellow teeth, already brushing teeth every day and may even perform tooth whitening, but it still looks yellow teeth? So how to whiten teeth naturally? One way to whiten teeth naturally is to use lemon. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and is very good for the health of teeth and gums. Lemon has natural cleansing properties that make teeth look clean and healthy. Salt is a natural ingredient that is good for the teeth, because salt is rich in sodium.

    Taking care of dental health had been recommended for a long time and it is advisable to perform a dental examination every 6 months to a dentist, so as not to run into many dental problems, such as yellow teeth, tooth loss, tooth decay and others. Dental health problems will disrupt your day, especially when your yellow teeth will certainly make your do not feel confident, and indicates that your are not diligent in maintaining dental health. Yellow teeth problems if not addressed properly and quickly, can have an impact on other oral health. Yellow teeth problem can also be caused by several factors, such as brushing your teeth or lazy to brush teeth done in a way that is not properly, too often consume coffee and tea, smoking, use of eye drops excessively, often consuming supplement drinks, and several other factors.

    Some tips to whiten teeth below, is actually not necessary if you do diligent cleaning and routine dental care. But for those of you who already have yellow teeth, you should see some teeth whitening tips below:

    1. Using carchoal: This method is included traditional but powerful way eliminates the yellow color. But you also have to be careful in using wood charcoal, excessive use can damage enamel and cause pain in the teeth.

    2. Orange peel: Orange peel can be used to treat teeth. Use the inside of the orange peel that has white color to brush your teeth. Do it regularly every day, and your teeth will be whiten naturally and quickly. Be careful for those who have sensitive teeth, vitamin C contained in it, is not suitable for the type of your teeth.

    3. Strawberries: In addition to good to eat, strawberries are also believed to whiten teeth naturally. Consuming fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, apples, carrots, and celery are also useful as a natural ingredient of tooth whitening. You do not need to make a special potion, consumed as usual, and your teeth will look healthy and white.

    4. Lemon and Salt: Make toothpaste made from natural materials, consisting of lemon juice plus a little salt. Natural toothpaste which one is believed to help whiten your teeth. But remember not too often, because salt can damage the enamel.

    5. Baking soda: Baking soda is able to remove stains that exist on the teeth, but if it is too often used baking soda it will damage the natural layer of the teeth therefore use baking soda to whiten teeth up to 1 or 2 times a month. Whiten teeth with the way this one is easy. You only need to apply baking soda to the entire surface of the teeth and let stand for about 10 minutes. After that brush your teeth with toothpaste to clean.

    6. Areca palm seeds: Areca palm seeds (also known as areca nut palm, betel palm, Indian nut, Pinang palm) are believed by the first community to help whiten teeth. The trick is to burn areca palm seeds until charred and mashed until smooth. Then rub areca palm seeds that have been refined to the teeth using a cotton cloth. Perform two weeks one time.

    7. Consuming dairy products: Do you know, some dairy products sold in the market such as cheese and other foods (yogurt) which contains high calcium, it is best eaten to help whiten and strengthen our teeth. So multiply the consumption of foods containing high calcium, especially milk.

    Friday, January 23, 2015

    Stomach Flu Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

    Although the term name looks similar, stomach flu is not related to influenza. Stomach flu that in medical terms is called Gastroenteritis (also called as infectious diarrhea, gastro, stomach bug, stomach virus and gastric flu), is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract involving the stomach and small intestine, resulting in a combination of diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain and spasms. Globally, the majority of stomach flu cases in children are caused by rotavirus.

    In adults, norovirus and Campylobacter become more common causes. Other causes are less common that other bacteria (bacteria or toxins) and parasites. Transmission can occur due to the consumption of food cooked incorrectly or contaminated water or through direct contact with an infected person.

    Symptoms of stomach flu
    Common symptoms of stomach flu include diarrhea, pain, and cramping in the abdomen, and mild fever. Along with this may occur nausea and vomiting, muscle pain and headaches occasionally. In case if it contains blood, it may indicate a severe infection. Stomach flu incubation period tends to range from 4 hours to 1-2 days. However, it may depend on the type of virus. These symptoms tend to have a duration of one or two days. In some cases, it can last for 10 days.

    Causes of stomach flu
    Rotavirus and noroviruses are the pathogens causing stomach flu. The infection is highly contagious. Someone who has an infection can make contact through contaminated food or water. Even sharing objects such as utensils, towels or food from an infected person. The other stomach flu causes can be found on wikipedia.

    Stomach flu treatment
    The most important in the treatment of this disease is adequate hydration. For mild or moderate cases, this can be done through the provision of oral rehydration salts. For more severe cases, administration of intravenous fluids may be required. Gastroenteritis is the most common in children and communities in developing countries.

    There is no specific treatment to cure the stomach flu. Because this is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not help. Doctors usually recommend patients to follow a few steps home care. The first thing to do is to give a break to eat and drink for several hours. Drink plenty of fluids every day is very necessary.

    Afterwards, eating can be resumed gradually. It is better to start with easily digested foods such as bananas. Foods that contain caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine should be avoided. It is also wise to stay away from dairy products and fatty foods. Getting plenty of rest is also important to control the symptoms of the stomach flu.

    Gastroenteritis can be prevented by following proper hygiene pattern. Wash hands thoroughly, especially after going to the toilet, and use the personal items separate, are some important considerations to be addressed. In addition, avoid close contact with an infected person.

    Thursday, January 22, 2015

    5 Natural Hair Loss Treatment

    The number of people whose hair loss, increased each year. The cause of these cases, due to lack of care or attention to the health of the hair. Hair loss can be experienced by anyone, adults, teenagers, and even children are common. Hair loss in large quantities, is certainly very worrying. Therefore, if left over time these conditions will make baldness. If you experience this, do not panic but better find a way to resolve it.

    4 causes of hair loss

    1. Food: Sometimes spicy and oily foods, providing more delicious taste of the food is mediocre. But, you should know that the food is the beginning of the emergence of the disease in the body. One of them will be excess scalp oil, and lead to hair fall out or will increase problems such as the emergence of dandruff.

    2. The use of hair tools: Hairdryer, comb, coloring, and use a hair tie. It can make the hair more beautiful to look at, but, if it is excessive or not in accordance with the rules. Then came the hair loss problem.

    3. Drugs: Chemicals does have many side effects. And there are also a lot of various drugs, which turns the effect can shed hair. But, if the drug is in use is completed then rontokpun stop.

    4. Pregnancy: Pregnant women look, would be worse than an ordinary woman. It is, could be affected due to telogen effluvium which can make hair fall out. This problem will usually appear after 3 months after childbirth.

    Natural hair loss treatment

    1. Massaging the scalp: Frequently massaging your scalp, with a relaxed and more comfortable. Because by doing so can make the process of circulation on the part your hair into a tapering and well. When the massage you can also use the oil that has been reliable.

    2. Using aloe vera: Vitamins and minerals contained in or aloe vera aloevera can make your hair better especially makes hair thick and lush. You can do this by taking aloe vera and then cut into two parts. Then take the mucus and apply on all parts of the hair while memijti-mijit. And let stand about 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

    3. Eggs: High protein contained in eggs, we can take the benefits as a hair loss solution. Take an egg and then whipped into a container, then drops lemony juice into the whipped egg. Then apply on your hair.

    4. Reduce hair tie: If you like to tie your hair, then it is part of the cause. So from now on, try to reduce the hair tie. But if you want to keep tying the hair, try not too tight binding.

    5. Honey: It's no secret, that honey is able to treat a variety of health problems. So also with hair loss. Honey can make hair become fertile and stronger. Now, as for how its use by applying honey on all parts of the surface of the scalp and hair with while doing massage for 10 minutes. Do it this way as routine as possible to get maximum results.

    Thursday, January 8, 2015

    What Causes Nausea After Eating & How To Get Rid Of It

    Sense of nausea after eating experienced by many people, even accompanied by vomiting. Although anyone can have the same experience, it turns out the cause of the nausea is diverse. There is a glut or even just because this is a symptom of a serious disease. There are several possible causes experienced when we feel nauseous after eating.

    Nausea after eating, can be a symptom of the disorder may be a sign of a disturbance (illness) are more serious. Nausea is a condition that refers to feelings of discomfort before vomiting, but does not always lead to vomiting. Nausea after eating due to them for various reasons, such as eating certain foods, eating contaminated food and also eat too fast etc. This may occur both in children and adults.

    If these symptoms persist, then you should get to the doctor for further treatment. Nausea may be related to some other diseases either mild or serious. Eating foods that are difficult to digest or acute gastroenteritis is the biggest cause of the symptoms of nausea after eating. Nausea after eating can be caused also by a virus in the gut, and can also be due to drinking too much alcohol.

    Causes of nausea after eating

    1. The content of the food as well as pregnant symptoms
    content of food can also be a cause, some foodstuffs are not suitable for some people and cause digestion is not going well. In the first half of pregnancy, pain or nausea after eating is very common. So you can say feel nauseous after eating can be a sign of pregnancy.

    2. Eating in a hurry
    Eating foods quickly, can cause nausea after eating. Weight and fat meal also can tend to make people sick after eating. In some people, nausea may also occur due to eating too frequently or maintaining long intervals between meals, in addition to other causes such as viral gastroenteritis and pregnancy.

    3. Food poisoning
    Nausea is also caused due to food poisoning, food allergies or, in such cases, patients may also experience headaches, body aches, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain or cramping and vomiting. People who are more susceptible to severe symptoms of food poisoning include those who have weak immune systems, the elderly and children.

    4. GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
    gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd) conditions that can lead to a condition in which the excesses levels of stomach acid that causes nausea after eating. Some of these symptoms can be controlled by antacids, but only in certain cases it can be done.

    5. Blockage of the small intestine
    A blockage in the small intestine is the most serious cause to feel nauseous after eating and usually requires immediate medical attention because it can cause a buildup of toxins in the bloodstream. Nausea after eating, escorted by constipation can also be connected to a blockage in the small intestine.

    6. Diseases of the gallbladder
    People, who suffer from gallbladder disease, especially in the early stages, may experience nausea after eating. It began to be felt after eating if people are eating greasy foods or high fat.

    7. Crohn's disease
    In some individuals, Crohn's disease or illness bowl may be prone to nausea after eating, other more common symptoms of inflammatory conditions including chronic diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Stomach ulcer or erosion in the lining of the stomach or upper small intestine causes nausea after eating.

    A short step to get rid of nausea after eating

    Ginger: Ginger is an effective remedy for nausea after eating. Drink as much as 5 Milimter ginger juice mixed with honey can overcome the 10 Millimeter Nausea

    Peppermint: To handle the nausea after eating, chewing peppermint gum or sucking hard peppermint candy.

    Massage: Massaging the wrist can prevent and reduce nausea, just below the wrist, pressure points on the forearm. Use the index and middle fingers to measure the distance between the arm and two fingers of your hand. With your thumb or middle finger, press right under two veins you, do During the 2 to 3 minutes, with moderate pressure.