Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2015

Not All Morning Sickness Symptoms Mean Pregnant

Nausea and vomiting in the morning, especially if you are sexually active or are married, often suspected as a symptom of pregnancy. However, the symptoms of which are also referred to as morning sickness is not always a sign of pregnancy. Morning sickness can also be caused by various factors, such as hormonal imbalance, stomach acid that rises, sleep disorder sleep apnea, stress, or depression.

According to the chairman of the American Medical Association, Dr. Brian Morton, the release of hormones from the brain will determine whether we are the people who used to get up in the morning or evening. He explained that the sense of nausea in the mornings can be caused by the inability of the brain to release natural hormone such as adrenaline or serotonin, when we wake up in the morning. Morton said the biological rhythms of day and night at every person is different. In women, this is compounded by the influence of hormones during menstruation.

Symptoms of morning sickness is not always experienced by women, but also men. The most common cause of this condition is the reflux, the stomach acid up into the esophagus. Morton continued, the symptoms as there is a bitter taste in the mouth or pain in the lower abdomen. Overcome by drinking milk or antacids to address excessive acid. To prevent reflux, Morton advised to not skip dinner. Also avoid excessive alcohol consumption or drinking less before bedtime. In some people, raising the pillow in the head can help.

The best drink to treat nausea

There are many reasons why we feel sick, and drinking fluids is the fastest way to solve it. Various parts of the body can be involved in the onset of nausea. According to dr. Lawrance Szarka, a professor of gastroenterology (digestive), part of the inner ear, stomach, nose, or blood, can send signals to the brain that something is ingested and bad effects. Szarka said, experts believe that nausea is the evolutionary adaptation to remove rotten or poisonous food.

Nausea can be caused by food poisoning or excess intake of fatty foods, alcohol, or caffeine. Even a foul odor can also make stomach uneasy. Pain due to rising vehicle (motion sickness) also become a common cause nausea, although the cause is unknown. But this is no relation between the mismatch between signals originating from the movement of the eyes and the inner ear.

One way to overcome the nausea is by eating certain drinks. There are some peoples feeling better after consuming ginger ale, soda, or coconut water. Difficult to determine which is most effective, but just listen to body signals. Our bodies are very good at telling what we need, and most people who feel nauseous already better after drinking water, said Dr. Szarka.

Sugary drinks and soda, sometimes better than water to treat nausea. Carbonation can reduce the acidity in the stomach, so that nausea is reduced. Cola drinks also contain phosphoric acid which is found in the-counter anti-nausea medications.

In addition, other beverages are also believed to be effective is drink ginger tea. But sometimes only a ginger drink packaging containing flavorings ginger, thus eliminating substances that nausea is actually a sugar or carbonation. Research has shown that coconut water is as good as in the case of sports drinks to replace lost fluids after exercising and also reduce nausea. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine when you're sick. Consumption of just what it feels comfortable in the stomach. Sometimes, simple things are the best choice.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Banana Benefits For Pregnancy

For women who were preparing for pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to the food consumed each day. With good nutrition or preparation since the beginning of pregnancy, the fetus is expected to grow and develop properly and later the baby is born healthy. Healthy body obtained from habituation in eating healthy foods are nutritionally balanced. Obviously, good habits need to start from ourselves. Therefore, preparations need to be done by applying a pattern or a healthy lifestyle early on.

Banana is one fruit that is good for pregnant women to diet and snack. In the recommendation of the National Institutes of Health for pregnant women is to consume 3-4 servings of bananas every day. Because of the nutrients contained therein is needed by the mother and the fetus. In the medium banana contains 105 calories which is sufficient to meet the needs of pregnant women, in addition also has a low fat content.

banana nutrition

Below are the benefits of banana for pregnant women

Bananas are rich in folic acid: As often we know, the benefits of folic acid is important for pregnant women. Folic acid plays an important role in the development of nerve and brain and spinal cord. Bananas benefit for pregnant women, to prevent folic acid deficiency causes the baby is born prematurely. It also has the risk of birth defects.

Bananas could prevent anemia: Anemia in pregnant women is a common thing. One result is a pregnant mother anemia can cause complications during the late stages of pregnancy and childbirth. So it takes advantage enough iron to meet their needs. Bananas contain an average of 3% iron in 225 grams of bananas. So that the iron in bananas able to produce hemoglobin to reduce anemia.

Bananas contain vitamin B6: In Bananas contain vitamin B6 is a vitamin that is soluble in water. Vitamin B6 can help improve the development of the central nervous system cells in the fetus. With the right amount of vitamin B6 will reduce morning sickness. The daily amount required to meet the pregnant women vitamin B6 is 1.9 milligrams. One medium banana can contain 4 milligrams.

Bananas are able to increase the growth of hemoglobin: banana benefits for pregnant women, to have a role in the growth of hemoglobin or red blood cells. In addition to iron, bananas contain vitamin B6, which plays a role in neurotransmitter that is able to raise the growth of hemoglobin in the body.

Prevent constipation: Constipation is increasingly becoming a common pregnancy problems. Bananas can reduce abdominal bloating and can smooth bowel movement. Without artificial supplements, pregnant women can increase the intake in the diet of pregnant women. This is because bananas contain fiber that causes bowel movements form the stool. Bananas contain 6 grams of fiber on average each banana.

Believed to help digestion: Pregnant women often experience heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy, it will cause the fetus to grow will be more pressure on the stomach. Consuming healthy foods for pregnant women, will alleviate these difficulties. Bananas contain an antacid that will suppress acid secretion. Bananas are also rich in pectin which helps normalize digestion in the gut mortilitas.

Sources of calcium: Calcium is commonly known for the development of bones and skeletal system at all ages. Bananas every 200 grams of banana contains 10 mg of natural calcium. Calcium to nerve himself useful in expediting the process of muscle contraction neurotransmitter in the development of the fetus in the womb.

Natural diarrhea medicine: Bananas contain pectin soluble fiber that lowers. For pregnant women, the fiber can help relieve diarrhea by absorbing or absorb excess water that is inside the body. Then the benefits of bananas for pregnant women, the symptoms of diarrhea can be reduced. Not only that, Potassium that is inside will cope with intestinal cramps also sometimes accompanies diarrhea.

Contains antioxidants: Vitamin C in bananas is very high, at 33% on each fruit. Antioxidants that can fight the aging process for a mother and may also improve the immune system of pregnant women and fetuses. (See also: how to maintain the pregnancy to stay healthy)

Protein rich: The banana is a fruit that is rich in protein. Proteins serve as a source of calories and also to the formation of antibodies to the fetus and the mother. Snack with a banana is a good choice for pregnant women, lack of protein can cause the risk of babies born with a cleft lip. Natural protein in bananas is 2.5 grams per 225 grams of bananas.

Reduce nausea and vomiting: On the morning of pregnant women often feel nausea and vomiting. This was seen during the first trimester of pregnancy is the first three months. If the bananas consumed in the early stages of pregnancy will be able to help and reduce morning sickness.

Rich in Potassium: During pregnancy, women experience swelling of one of them caused by insufficient potassium. It was discovered by the American Pregnancy Association. With the fulfillment of potassium will help reduce swelling during pregnancy. Bananas did help prevent and decrease swelling naturally.

Blood balancing: One case of major concern in pregnant women is related to fluctuations in blood pressure. Obviously with a healthy diet can stabilize blood pressure and it can be obtained from bananas benefits for pregnant women. Potassium in bananas will help keep the blood pressure of pregnant women during pregnancy. Potassium also reduces muscle cramps and leg pain during pregnancy. A pregnant woman should consume at least 4,700 milligrams of potassium. The minerals will reduce the side effects that are not good during pregnancy, including the severity of cramps.

Improve energy: In an instant, the banana can provide energy quickly. Especially bananas combined with milk. Bananas contain three natural sugars. Type contained sugar is glucose, fructose and sucrose. Bananas contain 28 grams of sugar in each 225 gram. Especially for mothers who face the last trimester and postpartum. Benefits for pregnant women bananas contain natural sugars, it would be easy to digest so it can quickly provide energy for pregnant women.

Rich in carbohydrates: By making a banana as a snack for pregnant women every few hours, then the carbohydrate needs can be met. Banana carbohydrate content in each 225 grams is 51 grams. This is what causes the bananas to make early satiety.

Keeping blood sugar and cholesterol levels: The banana is important to maintain the level of cholesterol and blood sugar during pregnancy. Especially for women who develop diabetes during pregnancy. Bananas can avoid it by way of taking it regularly. For pregnant women with low blood sugar levels causes easily fatigue and melancholy, so this can be reduced by eating a banana.

Good effect for breastfeeding: Bananas for mothers who are breastfeeding itself will help to restore any lost minerals. Banana is a type of very easily found in various places in Indonesia, so that pregnant women are easy to get. Minerals are required as ASI-forming substance itself, especially the benefits of calcium contained in bananas. Calcium alone is contained as much as 100 mg per 100 g in each banana.

Increases appetite: Bananas contain protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals that can help the pregnant woman's body to be healthy and maintain appetite. Every day, pregnant women should eat a lot of bananas in order to obtain a better appetite.

Lose weight after giving birth: In banana contains mineral components such as potassium, magnesium. Bananas so safe for women who are breastfeeding. Bananas benefit for pregnant women on a regular basis can help lower obesity in the abdomen. This is because bananas can make the process go faster metabolism. In addition, bananas can produce a membrane that protects the intestine, helps destroy toxins in the body and can stimulate in order to digest it better.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Avocados Benefits For Pregnant Women

When a woman is pregnant, she is no longer eating for herself, but for the development of the fetus in the womb as well. This means that pregnant women not only have to share with her baby nutrition and food, but also requires extra nutrients to ensure the body strength to endure the growth of the baby in her belly for 9 months. A woman's body will undergo many changes during pregnancy. As a result, consumption of food and nutrition also requires changes. It is one of the most important factors for the health and safety of both the mother and the baby in her belly. Here ibni various types of food consumed during pregnancy.

Not a few people who avoid avocado with reason to worry about the fat content. In fact, fat-owned fruit is an unsaturated fat that actually healthful. The fruit should be a list of pieces that must be consumed as it contains a lot of nutrients. Avocado, in addition to its delicious taste also contains a variety of nutrients. In fact, the nutrients in avocados have many benefits for pregnant women.

Avocados provide all 18 essential amino acids necessary for the body to form a complete protein. In contrast to the protein in meat is difficult to digest for most people, avocado protein is very easily absorbed by the body because it contains fiber. If you try to reduce the sources of animal protein in the diet, or if you are a vegetarian and want to find more protein, avocado can be a good nutritional choice.

Beneficial fats
Avocados provide the kind of healthy fats that your body needs. Such as olive oil, avocados can raise levels of HDL (cholesterol "good"). HDL cholesterol may help protect against damage caused by free radicals. Even this type of cholesterol can also help regulate triglyceride levels and prevent diabetes. A study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that a vegetarian diet, which includes HDL fat, can reduce levels of LDL ("bad" cholesterol).

Avocados are a good source of carotenoids and phytonutrients. Avocado, also known as the fruit that offers not only a wide range of carotenoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein, but also lesser-known varieties of this type of phytonutrient like neoxanthin, zeaxanthin, chrysanthemaxanthin, neochrome, beta-cryptoxanthin and violaxanthin.

Each time you consume foods rich in carotenoids, your body will receive much intake of vitamin A is good for eye health. Carotenoids also enhance immune system function and improve the health of the reproductive system. Carotenoids are fat soluble, thus optimizing nutrient absorption.

The effect of the combination of nutrients in avocados offer great benefits as an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory). The unique combination of avocado such as Vitamin C and E, carotenoids, selenium, zinc, phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids help prevent inflammation. This shows that avocados may help prevent or reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and rheumatic diseases.

Heart health
Fat content in avocados are often considered to have an adverse influence on health. In fact, fat is actually very good to protect your heart health. Studies have shown that oleic acid in avocados can improve heart health. Oleic acid is the main fatty acid in avocados.

Here are some benefits of avocado for pregnant women

Prevent the baby from bone disorders
Folic acid is contained in avocados is important in the development of baby's organs. Folic acid deficiency causes bone deformities in babies before birth. Deformity is an arrangement of permanent teeth are irregular, because the jaw disorders that is currently being experienced growth, too shaped ceiling is curved, the milk teeth in the future has been delayed to date.

Prevent neural defects in the fetus
In addition to preventing deformity, folate in avocados also prevent neural defects in the fetus. Pregnant women can eat as much as half a cup of avocado, in each of the cut contains 59 mcg of folic acid.

Preventing complications
During pregnancy the mother suffered a fatigue condition, the folic acid is known to prevent complications, anemia, insomnia, mood changes suddenly and preeclampsia. Preklamsia is high blood pressure in pregnant women, causing high mortality in infants, because lead poisoning in infants. The case may occur 5-8% of pregnancies.

Calcium intake
During pregnancy the body needs rise manifold, including calcium. This is where the role of calcium-rich avocado to oblige. The benefits of calcium for pregnant women as a builder substance and bone formation in infants.

Accelerate the absorption of iron
Vitamin C in pregnant women is needed to accelerate the absorption of iron (Fe) in the body. This is due, because pregnant women often suffer from anemia. Eating vitamin C chemically feared it would be an excess. It's also not a good thing, because it can cause miscarriage, because vitamin C will create greater pressure on progesterone.

Increase the production of the hormone prolactin
Vitamin E can produce the hormone prolactin. When a pregnant woman deficiency of this hormone, it will cause an influence on the emotional state. Vitamin E also will provide a comfortable environment for the baby. In addition, vitamin E can act as an anti-aging.

Red blood cell formation
Almost the same as the function of vitamin E. Not only that, vitamin K also functions in the formation of red blood cells. In addition to the formation of blood, vitamin K also plays a role in bone formation for the fetus, as the nutrition of pregnant women that must be met.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Avocado Can Increase Female Fertility

If you are a young couple who are trying to obtain a pregnancy, it is advisable to pay more attention to nutrition and food. With nutrition and good nutrition, fertility will increase. Opportunities to obtain pregnancy even greater. One of the recommendations should be considered in improving fertility, especially in women, is consuming avocado. Research has shown that consumption of avocado and salad with a mixture of olive oil can help women get a descent. This applies especially to those who were undergoing IVF.

Researchers argue, monounsaturated fats which are found in olive oil, sunflower oil, nuts, and seeds better than other types of fats to mothers. Those who get the intake of unsaturated fats have the highest chance of pregnancy is 3.4 times greater after IVF than those who consumed the lowest amounts. Conversely, in women who consume too much saturated fat, commonly found in butter and red meat, are less likely to produce eggs cell, thus affecting the success of IVF.

Scientists believe that the monounsaturated fats (which is already well known for the heart) can improve fertility by lowering inflammation in the body. The research results presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Istanbul. The best types of food to eat are avocados, which is high in monounsaturated fat and olive oil. Professor Jorge Chavarro (research leader) said, this is the first time to our knowledge that dietary fats associated with treatment outcome in IVF.

Prof Chavarro examined 147 women undergoing IVF program at Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center. In his study, he found a connection between the high content of monounsaturated fat and the live birth rate. A high intake of monounsaturated fats linked to a higher chance of pregnancy were 3.4 times more than those who only got a little intake of monounsaturated fat. Chavarro also added, different types of fat are known to have different effects on biological processes which may influence reproductive outcomes, such as the degree of inflammation or insulin sensitivity, fish remains the best source of omega 3 fatty acids, although in this study did not explain its contribution.

Avocados are also able to prevent fetal defects

Folic acid is actually vitamin B9, part of the vitamin B complex, water soluble vitamin. With water-soluble nature, this vitamin can not be stored longer in the body because after being taken by the body and then removed through the urine. By its nature, pregnant women and women who intend to become pregnant need folic acid daily intake. This vitamin can help the body in producing and maintaining the perfection of DNA and RNA, the genetic material of the body. Experts recommend that pregnant women should intake of folic acid sources of fresh fruits or vegetable salad. Because the vegetables are cooked to 80%, the acid content of folat lost during the cooking process.

Many people are afraid to eat avocados because they thought a very high fat content. It is true, the fat content in avocados can be 20-30 times more than other fruits. But keep in mind, the fat contained in avocado is a good fat. Namely monounsaturated fats are touted to help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). 

Avocados are the only fruits that contain monounsaturated fatty acids. For pregnant women who need fat as an energy producer, would be better if the intake of fat is unsaturated. In addition, the avocado fruit is also rich in folic acid most nutrients or substances that even had to be met by women who intend to become pregnant and pregnant women since the newly formed embryo.

According to Prof. dr. Joseph Hersh of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, the first trimester is a time of formation of the fetal central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Infants who are experiencing a folic acid deficiency, can suffer from heart problems, cleft lip, urinary tract defects, as well as other limb disabilities. Research in 1991 also found a link between folic acid and birth defects. Folic acid deficiency-which affect the formation of brain function, nerve, bone marrow and turns can result in babies born deformed.

As in other nutrients, if the fetus does not obtain supplies of folic acid, the fetus will pick it up from the reserves of the mother. This would adversely affect the health of the mother. In addition to anemia, fatigue, lethargy, insomnia, forgetfulness, depression, until the gray hair, the mother is also threatened by the risk of cancer of the colon, breast, and pancreas.

An avocado contains 114 micrograms of folic acid (read complete avocado nutrition). This amount is sufficient to meet the 30% requirement of folic acid for pregnant women. Requirement of folic acid is recommended for pregnant women every day about 600 micrograms, 500 micrograms nursing mothers, as well as adult women 400 micrograms. In addition to folic acid and fat, avocados contain fiber that can help prevent constipation that is often experienced by pregnant women. While the levels of potassium (helpful for balancing blood pressure) in the avocado 2-3 times more than bananas.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Be grateful when experiencing morning sickness, read the reason here!

Morning sickness is a problem and complaints of pregnant women and also often experienced by most pregnant women in the early days of pregnancy. However, this problem will soon disappear by itself after four months of pregnancy. Although in some cases, there is also experience nausea and vomiting until the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The most important is, you must be grateful if you experience morning sickness, continue to read to know the reasons!

Approximately seventy percent of pregnant women will experience morning sickness. Morning sickness usually starts about four to eight weeks of pregnancy and usually ends at the beginning of the second trimester (each pregnancy are different). It is natural that pregnant women have a variety of complaints, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and so on. Nausea and vomiting is commonly starts in the morning so it is often called morning sickness. Morning sickness is inevitable. In some women, levels can be quite heavy, though some are not too feel it.

Morning sickness symptoms

The symptoms of morning sickness is vary, for some people, the symptoms are mild enough to cause nausea only occasionally. For some others, morning sickness is severe enough, can cause excessive vomiting and sometimes even require special care in hospital. The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but many experts concluded that, morning sickness occurs because of the hormonal changes of pregnancy.

Interestingly, morning sickness does not only occur in the morning. Nausea and / or vomiting can occur at any time of the day. These symptoms are usually worse in the morning. However, every pregnancy is different and you may find that severe morning sickness in the evening or afternoon.

Morning sickness have a lower risk of having a miscarriage

This is the reason why pregnant women should be grateful if experience morning sickness. A study that examined the effects of morning sickness and in various aspects of pregnancy. As a result, it is known that women who experience morning sickness, frequent nausea and vomiting in the mornings during pregnancy have a lower risk of miscarriage. The study found that pregnant women who experience morning sickness risk of 55-80 per cent lower miscarry than women who do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy.

In addition, women who experience morning sickness during pregnancy, are also more likely to give birth to healthier babies than women who had never felt and overcome morning sickness during pregnancy. According to a study in Toronto, babies born to mothers who experience morning sickness are also less likely to develop abnormalities in organs, such as the cranium and the cardiovascular system.

Researchers also found a link between morning sickness experienced by pregnant women, the risk of premature birth is lower. Pregnant women suffering from severe morning sickness, also likely to have children who are smarter when they grow up. These children have a better value in IQ tests and have better ability in math and verbal ability.

Even so, it does not mean that women do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy should be alert and worried. This did not show any abnormalities in your pregnancy if you do not experience morning sickness. The researcher explains that the morning sickness is influenced by hormones in the body and this can vary depending on a woman and others. And for those who experience morning sickness, you may just have to eat certain foods to relieve morning sickness.

Tips to relieve morning sickness

  • Eat smaller portions but more often than before pregnancy. Eating large meals will only cause stomach becomes too full and it can trigger nausea.
  • Consumption of healthy and balanced diet that provides all the nutrients and energy needed by the body. Because it nutrition is important to maintain the health of pregnant women and the fetus.
  • Provides healthy snacks. In this case the cake would be nice to avoid the empty stomach of pregnant women, especially at night.
  • Morning sickness generally will be followed by a decrease in appetite. To keep nutrition and energy level, pregnant women are advised to choose foods that most arouse your appetite and food that does not interfere with the health of pregnant women and fetuses.
  • Drink more water that it is beneficial to balance and prevent dehydration, especially when the perceived frequency of nausea and vomiting more frequent.
  • Eating foods containing carbohydrates with fresh vegetables.
  • Schedule time for napping as a way to restore energy levels and eliminate fatigue.
  • Wearing loose clothing and avoid tight clothing in pregnant women. Because by wearing tight clothing can aggravate the stomach area with nausea.
  • Make sure air circulation in the house remains smooth. The air is fresh and free of dust would make pregnant women thought to be quieter.
  • Minimize stress, because morning sickness is more common in women who are under the influence of a lot of pressure and stress, either at work or at home. Because it is the danger and the effect of stress on pregnant women to the health of the pregnancy and the fetus can not be underestimated.
  • Eat in bed to avoid an empty stomach and keep your blood sugar stable.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Here Are The Dangers of Folate Deficiency For Pregnant Women

Folate (folic acid or vitamin B9) is a water soluble vitamin, and has a very important role in many bodily functions. This vitamin is particularly important in cell division and growth period. Children and adults require folic acid to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia. Folic acid is essential for pregnant women, because it will prevent neural tube defects (NTDs in babies), namely spina bifida (abnormalities of the spine) and anencephaly (a brain disorder which is not formed). With sufficient intake of folic acid in the period before and during pregnancy is about 0.4 - 0.8 mg per day, the risk of NTDs in babies can be reduced up to 80%. Women who plan to become pregnant should consume folic acid is enough, at least 4 months prior to pregnancy because of the risk of folic acid deficiency babies born with defects in the nervous system (brain) or neural tube defects.

Folic acid deficiency can cause the baby to be born with a cleft lip, low weight, down's syndrome, and vascular abnormalities. The destruction of the protective layer of blood vessels can cause the cord off prematurely. Other disorders that may occur is impaired infants and small bowel, the child can not walk upright and high emotion. In girls as adults do not menstruate. In pregnant women, folate deficiency can also lead to an increased risk of anemia, so the mother is tired, listless and pale.

In women who experience morning sickness in excess, are at risk of folate deficiency. Consumption of special milk for pregnant women or women planning a pregnancy, usually have there is the addition of folic acid in it. Consuming milk on the advice of the presentation, can meet the needs of folic acid a day. Folic acid is safe to eat up to 1000mcg limit, and if excessive can give side effects like nausea, decreased appetite, flatulence, and mild allergies.

Leafy vegetables such as spinach, turnips, dried beans and peas, cereals, sunflower seeds, and fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, are a rich source of folate. Eggs, liver, and whole grain products also include foods that contain folic acid.

Folic acid is very sensitive to light, oxygen and high temperatures. Because also rapidly dissolves in water, if the foods that contain folic acid washed, it often happens folic acid will be swept away by the water. Then it is also often the lack of Vitamin B9. Because it is advisable to consume vegetables that contain folic acid to be consumed in their raw form as in salads.

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Folate
Age Male Female Pregnant Lactating
Birth to 6 months*65 mcg DFE*65 mcg DFE*
7–12 months*80 mcg DFE*80 mcg DFE*
1–3 years150 mcg DFE150 mcg DFE
4–8 years200 mcg DFE200 mcg DFE
9–13 years300 mcg DFE300 mcg DFE
14–18 years400 mcg DFE400 mcg DFE600 mcg DFE 500 mcg DFE
19+ years400 mcg DFE400 mcg DFE600 mcg DFE500 mcg DFE
* Adequate Intake (AI)