Showing posts with label Home Remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Remedies. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Natural Hair Loss Treatment

The number of people whose hair loss, increased each year. The cause of these cases, due to lack of care or attention to the health of the hair. Hair loss can be experienced by anyone, adults, teenagers, and even children are common. Hair loss in large quantities, is certainly very worrying. Therefore, if left over time these conditions will make baldness. If you experience this, do not panic but better find a way to resolve it.

4 causes of hair loss

1. Food: Sometimes spicy and oily foods, providing more delicious taste of the food is mediocre. But, you should know that the food is the beginning of the emergence of the disease in the body. One of them will be excess scalp oil, and lead to hair fall out or will increase problems such as the emergence of dandruff.

2. The use of hair tools: Hairdryer, comb, coloring, and use a hair tie. It can make the hair more beautiful to look at, but, if it is excessive or not in accordance with the rules. Then came the hair loss problem.

3. Drugs: Chemicals does have many side effects. And there are also a lot of various drugs, which turns the effect can shed hair. But, if the drug is in use is completed then rontokpun stop.

4. Pregnancy: Pregnant women look, would be worse than an ordinary woman. It is, could be affected due to telogen effluvium which can make hair fall out. This problem will usually appear after 3 months after childbirth.

Natural hair loss treatment

1. Massaging the scalp: Frequently massaging your scalp, with a relaxed and more comfortable. Because by doing so can make the process of circulation on the part your hair into a tapering and well. When the massage you can also use the oil that has been reliable.

2. Using aloe vera: Vitamins and minerals contained in or aloe vera aloevera can make your hair better especially makes hair thick and lush. You can do this by taking aloe vera and then cut into two parts. Then take the mucus and apply on all parts of the hair while memijti-mijit. And let stand about 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

3. Eggs: High protein contained in eggs, we can take the benefits as a hair loss solution. Take an egg and then whipped into a container, then drops lemony juice into the whipped egg. Then apply on your hair.

4. Reduce hair tie: If you like to tie your hair, then it is part of the cause. So from now on, try to reduce the hair tie. But if you want to keep tying the hair, try not too tight binding.

5. Honey: It's no secret, that honey is able to treat a variety of health problems. So also with hair loss. Honey can make hair become fertile and stronger. Now, as for how its use by applying honey on all parts of the surface of the scalp and hair with while doing massage for 10 minutes. Do it this way as routine as possible to get maximum results.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

5 Simple Home Remedies For Toothache

Almost everyone has felt the toothache. Toothache is very in hate by anyone and is very keen to avoid. Almost everyone hope not experienced it, although it could have gone to the doctor or dental pain medications given. However, if the pain does not come at the right time while we do not have the preparation treatment then what can we do ? Is there any home remedies for toothache that we can find around us? The following home remedies may be an option.

1. Garlic: Garlic is known to have many benefits as natural ingredients including treating toothache. Antiseptic content contained in garlic can relieve toothache. The opinion was reinforced by the family health book author, Jude.C, entitled Jude's Herbal Home Remedies. The way is easy, that is by preparing 1 clove of garlic then mashed and put on the aching tooth, leave about 5 minutes. Next, clean the garlic and gargle with warm water to clean.

2. Onion: In addition to garlic, onion turns are also useful in treating toothache naturally. The anti microbe is found in onion able to cope with a toothache. The trick is not difficult, you just need to set up one spring onions then crushed. Place the onion on the aching tooth then let some time before rinsing. Anti-microbe in onion, will kill the bacteria that cause infections in toothache.

3. Pepper: Pepper is also known as one of the traditional medications toothache heritage. The trick is quite easy, simply by combining pepper and salt. To do that, prepare pepper and salt with a ratio of 1: 1, or the same amount. Then put a few drops of water and combine it all to be like a paste. Apply the mixture on the aching tooth and allow a few minutes. Do this routine every day.

4. Ice Cube: Ice cubes able to freeze parts of the body so numb and relieve toothache. The trick is quite easy, take some small shards of ice. then rub on the sore tooth for a few minutes until the pain subsides. Repeat again if tooth started hurting again. This treatment is only temporary one to relieve it.

5. Salt: If you still have trouble finding the ingredients above, then the following method can be said to be the easiest. The trick is to dissolve the salt with warm water, then use water to rinse. Keep in mind that water is not swallowed.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Cough Fast At Night

There is a method that is rumored to have been tested by the Canadian Research Council, effective way to get rid of cough at night during sleep quickly. The method is claimed to be very safe for infants and children, the natural way is also shown to be more effective than taking medicine. Sleep more comfortable, harmless and free of side effects. The way is easy, that is by applying a balm mint in the bottom of the foot when going to bed, then wear socks.

Then the coughing will stop in a few minutes and you are free from the tug (cough) during the time of your night's rest. In addition to stopping cough, this method can make the body feel warmer. And quite effective also for adults who suffer from cough for weeks. Maybe this tips is not get rid of cough totally, just relieve. But its safer because it's just an ointment.

If you have tried it but in the next morning still coughing, maybe you should try traditional home remedies for cough below.

*Ginger: Ginger is one kind of cough with phlegm herbs, which can help to make the body remains in a warm state. By drinking ginger juice mixed with using aromatic ginger (kencur, Kaempferia galanga, sand ginger, cutcherry or resurrection lily) can help to relieve cough with phlegm. Drink once a day. In Asia, herbal tea, ginger tea, or other types of tea is often used to treat a cough. One of the powerful ingredients to treat cough is ginger. Provide 2-3 slices of ginger that has been washed clean, pour in the hot tea. Well taken two to three times a day.

*Betel leaf: Betel leaves are useful to help relieve cough with phlegm. By boiling the betel leaves is mixed with a few pieces of ginger. And this herb taken once daily to make the body keep warm and stay in good health.

*Key lime: Squeeze the lime juice and take the water, you can also mix lemon juice with honey or also with soy sauce for a more complete benefit. Then drink 3 times a day.

*Averrhoa bilimbi: Averrhoa bilimbi (commonly known as bilimbi, cucumber tree, or tree sorrel) also been shown to help relieve cough. Take about a handful of flowers starfruit, then mix with a few grains of fennel, add sugar and a cup of water, then steamed. After a rather cool, strain and then ready to drink.

*Honey and white pepper: Try to drink a teaspoon of honey plus a sprinkling of white pepper 2-3 times a day. This material is believed to cure a cough.

*Young tamarind leaves: Leaves Young acid can also serve to cure a dry cough. The trick is, take half a handful of young tamarind leaves, then mix with sweet sage leaves, cinnamon, and sugar cubes to taste. Simmer over low heat until boiling and filtered.

*Roses: Roses are also believed to cure cough. The recipe is, grab fresh roses approximately ten grams, then boiled with water and add rock sugar to taste. Drink twice a day.

Consuming cough medicine before sleeping, does not guarantee the cough will subside immediately. But many people choose this way to more quickly fell asleep, the article cough medicine commonly cause drowsiness effect. Adequate rest is absolutely necessary for all the sick, not least for a dry cough. Adequate rest will give comfort to the throat. Drink warm water help to thin the mucus so that it can quickly get out of our bodies.

Monday, March 31, 2014

5 Simple Ways How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Naturally

For some people, getting rid of dandruff is an easy thing. But for some others, it is very difficult. There are some people who only use shampoo regularly, the dandruff will disappear. However, for others, using regularly shampoo can actually increase the severity of dandruff. That is why, we should know what is dandruff and the causes.

What is dandruff?
Dandruff is not a kind of animal like head lice. Dandruff is the excessive flaking of dead skin on the scalp. Dandruff can be caused by fungi, bacteria, and could also be due to a less damp scalp. Dead skin cells and exfoliate, is a natural occurrence that is normal for small amounts of peeling it. However, there are people who are continuously (chronic or occasional, exfoliating in large numbers followed by milking and irritation. Most cases of dandruff can be treated with a special shampoo or free treatment.

Dandruff can also be a symptom of seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infection or head lice. When experiencing dandruff, excessive head scratching should be avoided. Scratching can cause damage to parts of the skin, which in turn can increase the risk of infection, particularly of bacteria staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus.

What causes dandruff?
With the growth of skin, epidermal cells will be pushed out, where they eventually die and peel off from the head. In general, this exfoliating too small to be visible to the eye. However, certain conditions causing turnover / cell growth becomes too fast, but especially common in the scalp. In people who have dandruff, skin cells may die and be replaced about every two weeks, whereas in people without dandruff, this cycle takes place once a month. As a result, dead skin cells will detach and accumulate in large numbers, which appear as small flakes of white or gray on the scalp.

5 ways to get rid of dandruff naturally

  1. Coconut oil: Coconut oil contains vitamin E and is loaded with fatty acids to eradicate dandruff. The trick is, use coconut oil to massage your head before bed. Then bandaged head using a hot towel and leave for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

  2. Mixture of Coconut Milk, Pineapple, Lemon: Combine a few ingredients such as coconut milk from half a coconut, with a glass of pineapple fruit in a blender and then add lime juice plus a glass of coconut water. Stir the mixture until evenly distributed. Use the mixture on your scalp once in five days.

  3. Salt: Salt is useful for treating wounds on the scalp. When the wound did not heal quickly, it will accumulate and become dandruff. The trick is to use salt to wash the hair. Sprinkle and rub the scalp with salt to taste. Let stand for a few minutes before rinsing it off with shampoo to clean.

  4. Lemon water and key lime: In addition to beneficial for nourishing the hair, key lime can also eliminate dandruff. Take 2 tablespoons of key lime water, and apply on the scalp. Then massage your hair and scalp. Prepare a glass of water and add 1 tablespoon of lemon water, then pour into your hair. Allow a few moments, then rinse thoroughly. Do this over and over until the dandruff is completely gone.

  5. White Vinegar: White vinegar is believed to be very good to get rid of dandruff. The trick is, mix a cup of white vinegar with a cup of water. Use the mixture to massaging your scalp after shampooing, let sit a few moments. Rinse with water until clean.

5 Simple Home Remedies For Dark Circles

There are various home remedies for dark circles that you can do such as, using cucumber, tea bags, potatoes and so on. Lack of rest, exhausting activity, collagen losing reserves, and allergies, are some of the causes of dark circles under the eyes. Perhaps for a mild case, you can try following some simple tips. But for long panda eyes occurs, then the medical products could be an option that you choose. It is important for you to first identify what caused the panda eyes you have. Because then, you can determine how to resolve your problem correctly. For example, if due to lack of sleep, then that should be done immediately changed the pattern of your life is more regularly, accompanied by compressing circles under the eyes and on the eyelids with ice cubes or a used teabag.

The causes of dark circles

  • Allergies: Levels of sensitive skin every person is different, especially in the area under eye bags are more sensitive than other parts of the skin. A person can have eye bags because he often rubbed the under eye. 

  • Heredity: If your parents have dark circles eyes, it's likely that your cause is difficult to eliminate.

  • Medications: Several types of drugs can cause dilation of blood vessels, including vessels on the eye bags. This is what makes the section below the eye darkened than usual.

  • Fatigue: This is the most frequent factors that cause under-eye circles. Fatigue will make the vessel at the bottom of the eye is more active so that the resulting black hue. One way to overcome this is enough sleep and rest.

  • Anemia: Do not underestimate iron deficient, anemic women more often than men. What's more during menstruation, women more often have problems to iron deficiency. So try to eat foods that contain iron, especially when you are menstruating. 

  • Age: The older a person, the less collagen is produced. As a result, the skin looks more and more thin, blood vessels under the eye become more visible and create the illusion of a dark shadow.

Below are 5 simple home remedies for dark circles that you can try:
  1. Cucumber: Clean the face first, then lie down and place the cucumber slices that had been cooled, to the area around the eyelids. Relax and rub cucumber slices gently for 15 minutes. Then rinse. Cucumber is an excellent influence for health, not only to reduce dark circles or blemishes bruising in the eye, but also can smooth the skin.

  2. Tea bags: The tea bag of black tea and green tea, it has properties that are effective enough to overcome the dark circles. This is because black tea and green tea contains tannins, which can constrict blood vessels and skin tightening. That way, the blood vessels will be smooth, so as to reduce swelling around the eyes.

  3. Grated yam: Yam rich in vitamins B1 and C. The water content of the yam is also able to refresh the skin. Besides being able to overcome eye bags, grated yam is a natural ingredient to remove dark eye circles, because of the nutrients they contain. Grated yam can be applied directly, or by making it as a mask. Perform a compress of grated yam or mask for 10-15 minutes on a regular basis.

  4. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is very useful and effective for eliminating dark circles and eye bags. Massage a few drops of coconut oil around the eyes to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. You may have to do this home remedy every day to reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

  5. Milk powder mask: Take 1 teaspoon of milk powder and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask to the bottom of the eye (the temples) and allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes. This homemade remedies, said the best way to reduce the black marks under eyes and eye bags.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Get Rid Of Insomnia With Several Simple Tips

Before you use drugs to get rid of insomnia, maybe you could do some treatment tips you can do at home. Having trouble sleeping or insomnia, not only have a fatigue  impact for the sufferer. In fact, recent studies show that insomnia also increases the risk of heart disease. The study, published in the journal Circulation showed that people with insomnia have a risk of having a heart attack 27 to 40 percent higher than people who sleep normally. So, it is very recommended for you to recognized insomnia symptoms early, so you can do next steps to prevent severe insomnia.

Suzanne Steinbaum, a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital who participated in the study said they do not know exactly how large the effect of the sleep disorders, insomnia is also how long conditions that can lead to heart disease, they can be sure is that there is a connection. Indeed there are many that can be the cause. The reason could be due to the effects of treatment, cramps, sleep apnea, stress, depression, up to anxiety. Until now there are different types of options for treating insomnia. Most doctors recommend the use of sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medication to cure insomnia patients. But that you should note is, it is not good in long term use. That is why, maybe you should try simple insomnia treatment tips below.

  1. Avoid light during sleep: Light greatly affects the production process of the hormone melatonin. The bright light will inhibit the production process, and the absence of light will encourage the production process. Tips: Turn off the TV, computer, or other light source equipment one hour before bedtime. Cover with a dark cloth all equipment light sources can not be turned off.

  2. Avoid to continue to look towards your watch: When you constantly glanced at the clock late at night, your sleep will suffer. You will continue to feel worried about the rest of your busy day to sleep before another begins. If you are one of these people, then you have to put the hours in a drawer, under the bed, or turn in the direction contrary to the visibility you.

  3. Avoid caffeine 9 hours before bed: coffee in the morning good for a few people. However, just before bedtime, you need to avoid foods and beverages that contain caffeine. Reduce also in eating chocolate, cola, tea or coffee without caffeine though. Tips: Pain killers and weight loss pills also contain caffeine, so you should avoid it too.

  4. Set a sleep schedule: Arrange for a schedule to sleep and you wake up the same on every day, including weekends. This routine will keep your body and brain remain on sleep-wake cycle and go healthy. In time, you will be able to fall asleep soundly throughout the night. Tips: Get a bright light for 5 to 30 minutes as soon as possible after you wake up. Light is the strongest regulators to wake you from sleep.

  5. Regular exercise: Regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality, as long as you do not get too close to bedtime. The energy you get after exercise can keep you awake. Leave a gap between the time you are finished exercising with sleep between 3 to 4 hours. Tip: exercise or light exercise such as yoga, tai chi, and similar exercises should be done before bed.

  6. Neutralize noise: Drops of taps, the dog barking, the sound of the vehicle will eliminate most of your sleep time. Tips: Resist the sound, with sound is more regular and quieter, like the sound of the fan, air conditioning, or other soothing voice. You can also use ear plugs. 

  7. Do not smoke: Nicotine is also a stimulant, similar to caffeine. Nicotine will make you more awake and can aggravate insomnia.

  8. Keep your pets out of bed: The movement of your pet will prevent you from getting a good night's sleep as desired. They can also bring fleas, dust, dander, and other allergens into your bed.

  9. Relax your mind before sleep: relieve emotional and also your mind about an hour before bedtime. Read something light, listening to music, or a warm bath to soothe your mind. 

  10. Use a pillow to relieve back pain: mild back pain probably will not wake to sleep, but would greatly annoy your deep sleep. The easy solution is to put a small pillow between your legs when sleeping sideways, the point is to align the hips and reduce pain in the back.

  11. Place the neck in a neutral position: If you wake up with stiff neck, blame your pillow. Sometimes you use a pillow that is too thick or too thin. You must be appropriately sized pillow to support your neck in a neutral position. For the sleeping sideways, your nose should be aligned with the center of your body. Avoid sleeping with tummy, because it will wrap your neck. 

  12. Clean the bed on a regular basis: Allergies can cause sneezing, runny nose, itchy or can cause your sleep disturbed, and it is probably because your bed which over time will be filled with dust, mites and all sorts of other allergens. Wash your bed in a certain period of time on a regular basis.

When the severity of your insomnia is still relatively low, then you can still cope with these tips. But if your insomnia for a month still does not go away, it's time to check yourself and find out what happens to your body. Insomnia can be simply a symptom to a more serious disease. Insomnia is a chronic need for evaluation of a local doctor.

You might be tempted to use sleeping pills when your sleepiness has not arrived in the middle of the night, but be careful in using it. Sleeping pills can make you addicted and have bothersome side effects. Ideally, the drug was used in a short period of time, not to be a daily lifestyle.