Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How To Boost Metabolism

Increase metabolism is important when losing weight. However, how fast your body burns calories depends on several things. Some people have a fast metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting. For most people, metabolism slows down continued after reaching the age of 40 years. While you can not control for age, sex, or genetic, there are other ways how to boost metabolism.

Metabolism is the process by which food is converted into energy and calories your body needs to perform the activity. Every meal or drink, our bodies do mengubahan process calories into energy. The rate of metabolism is influenced by several factors such as body size, sex, and age. However, the actual rate of metabolism can be accelerated in certain ways. The faster rate of metabolism we have, the more calories that we burn.

Here are some ways to boost your metabolism

1. Exercise: Aerobic may not form a large muscle, but it can speed up your metabolism in the hours after exercise. High intensity exercise produces metabolic rate which is larger and longer than medium or low intensity exercise. To obtain the benefits, try a more intense class at the gym or do a short jog in your walking routine.

2. Keeping the body well hydrated: Your body needs water to process calories. If you feel a bit dehydrated, your metabolism will slow down. In one study, adults who drank eight or more glasses of water per day burn more calories than those who drank only four glasses.

3. Protein intake: The body burns more calories when digesting protein than fat or carbohydrates. As part of a balanced diet, replacing some carbohydrate with protein rich foods and lean can improve the metabolic performance during meals. Good sources of protein include lean meat, turkey, fish, chicken, tofu, nuts, eggs, and dairy products without fat.

4. Do not skip breakfast: Rather than cut calories, skipping breakfast will only make slow metabolism so that calories eaten can not be burned to the optimum. Many studies show breakfast associated with the body's metabolic rate.

5. Avoid fast diet (crash dieting): Crash diets, diet limited to only receive intake of 1,200 calories per day for women and 1,800 calories for men, bad for anyone who wants to boost metabolism. Although this diet can help you lose weight, this method can sacrifice good nutrition for the body. Coupled with the loss of muscle, thus slowing the metabolism. The end result, your body burns fewer calories and gain weight faster than before the diet.

6. Black coffee: If you are a coffee drinker, you may be able to enjoy the benefits of energy and improved concentration. By consuming in moderation, one of the benefits of coffee can be felt the short-term improvement in the body's metabolic rate. Caffeine helps you feel less tired and even improve endurance during exercise.

7. Green tea: green tea or oolong tea offers the combined benefits of caffeine and catechins, which are able to raise your metabolism in a few hours. Research shows that drinking 2 to 4 cups of one type of tea can make the body burn 17 percent more calories during moderate intensity exercise in a short time.

8. Add spicy flavor to food: Spicy foods have natural chemicals that can increase the body's metabolism. Cooking food to include one tablespoon of red pepper or chopped green chili, can boost metabolic rate. The effect may be temporary, but when often eating spicy foods, the benefits will accrue.

9. Milk: There is some evidence that calcium deficiency can slow the body's metabolic processes. Research shows that consuming calcium in the form of fat-free dairy foods and low-fat yogurt can reduce fat absorption from other foods.

10. Watermelon: A study in the Journal of Nutrition claims, arginine amino acids are abundant in watermelon, can promote weight loss. The findings are based on the results of experiments on mice that are obese and given arginine for more than 3 months. The result, researchers found that a decrease in body fat increased by 64 percent.

11. Smart selecting snack: Eat more often turned out to help you lose weight. When you eat large portions at intervals of a few hours, your metabolism slows down between meals is. Consuming snack every 3 or 4 hours to keep your metabolism, so you burn more calories in a day.

Metabolism becomes the keyword for those who are trying to lose weight. Simply put, metabolism is the way the body convert food into energy. However you should be careful in interpreting the metabolic processes, there are still many people who mistakenly believe myths about metabolism.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Cough Fast At Night

There is a method that is rumored to have been tested by the Canadian Research Council, effective way to get rid of cough at night during sleep quickly. The method is claimed to be very safe for infants and children, the natural way is also shown to be more effective than taking medicine. Sleep more comfortable, harmless and free of side effects. The way is easy, that is by applying a balm mint in the bottom of the foot when going to bed, then wear socks.

Then the coughing will stop in a few minutes and you are free from the tug (cough) during the time of your night's rest. In addition to stopping cough, this method can make the body feel warmer. And quite effective also for adults who suffer from cough for weeks. Maybe this tips is not get rid of cough totally, just relieve. But its safer because it's just an ointment.

If you have tried it but in the next morning still coughing, maybe you should try traditional home remedies for cough below.

*Ginger: Ginger is one kind of cough with phlegm herbs, which can help to make the body remains in a warm state. By drinking ginger juice mixed with using aromatic ginger (kencur, Kaempferia galanga, sand ginger, cutcherry or resurrection lily) can help to relieve cough with phlegm. Drink once a day. In Asia, herbal tea, ginger tea, or other types of tea is often used to treat a cough. One of the powerful ingredients to treat cough is ginger. Provide 2-3 slices of ginger that has been washed clean, pour in the hot tea. Well taken two to three times a day.

*Betel leaf: Betel leaves are useful to help relieve cough with phlegm. By boiling the betel leaves is mixed with a few pieces of ginger. And this herb taken once daily to make the body keep warm and stay in good health.

*Key lime: Squeeze the lime juice and take the water, you can also mix lemon juice with honey or also with soy sauce for a more complete benefit. Then drink 3 times a day.

*Averrhoa bilimbi: Averrhoa bilimbi (commonly known as bilimbi, cucumber tree, or tree sorrel) also been shown to help relieve cough. Take about a handful of flowers starfruit, then mix with a few grains of fennel, add sugar and a cup of water, then steamed. After a rather cool, strain and then ready to drink.

*Honey and white pepper: Try to drink a teaspoon of honey plus a sprinkling of white pepper 2-3 times a day. This material is believed to cure a cough.

*Young tamarind leaves: Leaves Young acid can also serve to cure a dry cough. The trick is, take half a handful of young tamarind leaves, then mix with sweet sage leaves, cinnamon, and sugar cubes to taste. Simmer over low heat until boiling and filtered.

*Roses: Roses are also believed to cure cough. The recipe is, grab fresh roses approximately ten grams, then boiled with water and add rock sugar to taste. Drink twice a day.

Consuming cough medicine before sleeping, does not guarantee the cough will subside immediately. But many people choose this way to more quickly fell asleep, the article cough medicine commonly cause drowsiness effect. Adequate rest is absolutely necessary for all the sick, not least for a dry cough. Adequate rest will give comfort to the throat. Drink warm water help to thin the mucus so that it can quickly get out of our bodies.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

9 Natural Ways For Getting Rid Of Migraine At Home

Migraine is a chronic disorder characterized by the occurrence of mild to severe headaches that are often associated with symptoms of autonomic nervous system. Migraine is a type of headache that is very annoying, especially if you're working or doing other important activities. Migraines often reduces work productivity due to the pain. Migraines can be caused by various factors, including hormonal factors, dental pain, lack of sleep, stress, and many other factors.

Migraine generally suffered by women. According to a research, 30% of women around the world are more prone to migraines than men who only reaches 20%. Migraine disease is one of recurrent disease, meaning that can arise anytime and anywhere. For that reason, be careful when taking chemical drugs to cope with this disease, because it can get you into dependency.

Signs and symptoms of migraine such unilateral headache (only half of the head), throbbing, and lasts for 2 to 72 hours. The symptoms are also accompanied, among others, nausea, vomiting, photophobia (more sensitive to light), phonophobia (increasingly sensitive to noise) and more intense pain when doing physical activity. About a third of migraine sufferers experience aura headache: a kind of visual disturbance, sensory, speech, or motion / motor is a sign that the headache will soon appear.

There are many medications with or without prescription that can help alleviate some of the symptoms of a migraine, but there is no medicine that can cure migraines. But there are several ways to overcome migraines without taking medication.

  1. Blood sugar levels: Decrease in blood sugar levels can trigger a migraine because it leads to glucose which is released into the bloodstream, causing blood pressure to rise. Eat regularly every four hours and not more than 12 hours overnight without food. Choose foods with a low glycemic index, such as fruits and vegetables, low-fat yogurt and cheese. Avoid high glycemic index foods such as white bread, pastries, sugary drinks and candy.
  2. Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is a therapeutic technique using water. To treat migraine try enter both your feet into cold water and place a warm cloth on your neck. This way can help blood flow from head to toe. You also can take a shower with warm water in order to reduce strain on the neck and back.
  3. Consuming foods rich in magnesium: Several studies have shown that magnesium deficiency is one of the originators of the onset of a migraine. Therefore, eat foods rich in magnesium to prevent and reduce complaints of migraine that can appear suddenly. Our body can not make its own magnesium, for that we need to consume foods rich in magnesium such as green leafy vegetables and nuts. Magnesium can relax the tension on the nerves, muscles and nerve impulses flow throughout the body and brain. consume magnesium at 200 to 600 mg per day may help prevent the onset of migraine.
  4. Drinking warm ginger tea: Another natural remedy that you can use to cope with migraines is to drink hot ginger tea. Ginger has been widely used by the Arabs, Indians and Chinese to treat migraines. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory that works by helping inhibit prostaglandin synthesis is a chemical compound that can trigger a migraines. If the migraines attack, try drinking warm ginger tea. Drink ginger tea can reduce the duration and severity. With peel and ginger cooked in water until boiling. Then insert one tea bag into boiling water brewed ginger, then filtered and ready to drink. To obtain maximum results, you can also mix a bit of honey, lemon, or milk.
  5. Chewing ginger: Chewing ginger can relieve nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraine symptoms. Ginger can also block the effects of prostaglandins, which are substances that can cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and trigger a migraine. 
  6. Increase your serotonin levels: Studies have shown low levels of serotonin in migraine sufferers. Eat protein-rich foods such as chicken, turkey, eggs, dairy products, bananas, dates, wheat, rice, nuts and seeds to increase serotonin levels.
  7. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 efficacious to relieve migraines. Foods that contain vitamin B2 as meat, yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, liver, green vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, spinach), and nuts. Vitamin B2 is able to act as aspirin is efficacious for treating headaches. Consuming vitamin B2 (riboflavin) regularly for 3 months as much as 400 mg per day may reduce the risk of migraines by 50%. To get vitamin B2 can also take supplements of vitamin B2 can be found in the market. Studies suggest that supplementation of vitamin B2 may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines disease. Supplements of vitamin B2 include safe and may be consumed by pregnant women.
  8. Drinking coffee: For some people, caffeine content in coffee can help calm state of the body, as well as eliminate migraine pain. Some medications are also commonly used ingredients of caffeine. But you should know, if you consume too much coffee, then you are likely to be addicted to coffee.
  9. Drink plenty of water: Dehydration can also trigger migraines. Tissue around the brain consists of water, so that when the fluid loss, the tissue will shrink, and cause irritation and pain. Drinking between 1 and 2 liters of water a day can reduce the severity, duration and frequency of migraine attacks.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How To Prevent & Get Rid Of Bloating Naturally

Bloating occurs when there is excessive gas in the digestive tract that is in the stomach and intestines. Gas produced by the stomach and intestines due to the breakdown of food into energy. Normally everyone would dispose of the waste gas through the gas, some people may be more likely to fart. The emergence of excessive gas that has many causes, determine the cause, it would be easier for us to get rid of bloating. Although bloating may subside by itself through belching or farting, but it is recommended to be overcome. The presumption that the bloating is mild, a great wrong opinion. Because we often get bloating, it could harm our gastric.

In medicine, bloating is known as flatulence. Bloating is a disorder or problem, which occurs due to an increase in the amount of gas in the digestive tract. While the occurrence of flatulence, sometimes as a sign of irregularities that refers to other diseases. Early symptoms of bloating that often happens is, the feeling of nausea to vomiting, stomach feel full, causing pain, occasionally chest pain, and constipation. This condition if left unchecked can lead to increased gastric acid that can lead to the emergence of ulcer disease. 

Some causes of bloating

  1. Swallowed air: If a lot of air swallowed but not burp, then the air will pass through the digestive tract and is released through the anus (fart). However, if the amount is excessive, it will cause bloating and hiccups. Excessive gas in the upper intestine is usually caused by gas that goes along with swallowing food, drink or chew gum. Gas in the lower bowel is a normal by-product of bacterial activity against food that is not digested until it reaches the large intestine. Gas-related intestinal bacterial activity consists of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane.
  2. Foods cause bloating: Some foods contain substances that are not fully digested until they are acted upon (metabolized) by bacteria in the large intestine, where food will be broken down into simpler compounds, including gas. Food was the most frequent cause gas (causing bloating) among others (if eaten in excessive amounts):
    • Dairy products containing lactose 
    • Packaged foods that contain lactose, such as bread, cereal, and salad dressing
    • Fructose and sorbitol, which is found in some fruits and also used as a sweetener 
    • Vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, peas, radishes, and raw potatoes
    • Beans and other legumes
    • Fruits such as bananas, melons, pears, and raw apples
    • Eggs
    • Carbonated beverages, fruit drinks, beer, and red wine
    • Fried and fatty foods
    • Sugar
  3. Constipation: Constipation can cause bloating but generally does not improve gas.
  4. Medications or supplements: Certain drugs, as well as dietary supplements, can cause bloating and gas as side effects.
  5. Medical condition or disease: Bloating due to excessive intestinal gas characterized by belching or farting more than 20 times a day - sometimes showing digestive disorders such as celiac disease, dumping syndrome, food allergy or intolerance, GERD, Gastroparesis (common in people with diabetes), Irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance and gastric ulcer (severe ulcer).
  6. Changes in hormone levels: Often experienced by women, namely the appearance of bloating right before menstrual periods because their bodies retain fluid. Bloating is also common in pregnant women.

How to cope with bloating 

To be able to cope effectively bloating, it must know first what is causing the bloating. If it turns out you suspect the cause is excess food, then for a while to avoid it. However in general may use drugs to treat flatulence, which is a drug that contains simethicone, a medication that works dissolving gas bubbles, so as to reduce flatulence, simethicone usually found on an ulcer drug.
    Get rid of bloating naturally:
    • Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. Water helps reduce gas in the stomach and the stomach acid. By drinking one to two liters of water per day to help the body properly hydrated. The water will help remove impurities that cause flatulence that are in the body.
    • Consume 25 to 35 grams of fiber each day. Constipation often make us feel bloated and feel full, therefore, in order to relieve bloating and also improve bowel health, consume foods that contain lots of fiber.
    • Flaxseed, carrots, oranges, and barley are included in foods that contain soluble fiber. Meanwhile, dark green leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, legumes and whole grains included in insoluble fiber.
    • Reduce the intake of salt in the body. Reduce intake of foods containing high salt levels to reduce the risk of flatulence. Salt makes the cells in the body to retain water content may contribute to cause flatulence. Replace the salt in your diet, the garlic powder, oregano or black pepper. This will help reduce the intake of sodium and bloating.
    • Smaller portions. Compared to consuming three large servings of food a day, eat five small meals each day. By doing so, the body gets time to extract food and take advantage of all the nutrients contained in the food better. 
    • Consuming foods that can relieve bloating include peppermint leaves, lemon juice, pineapple, papaya, aloe vera juice, celery, whole grains, nuts that do not use salt, and yogurt.
    When did you have to go to the doctor?
    Although bloating sometimes a sign or symptom of a serious condition, but it is rare. To be sure, bloating can cause discomfort and embarrassment because of frequent fart. However, contact your doctor if the bloating persists or worsens, or if the bloating associated with vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss, blood in the stool or excessive stomach pains.