Showing posts with label Health Fame Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Fame Tips. Show all posts

Thursday, January 8, 2015

What Causes Nausea After Eating & How To Get Rid Of It

Sense of nausea after eating experienced by many people, even accompanied by vomiting. Although anyone can have the same experience, it turns out the cause of the nausea is diverse. There is a glut or even just because this is a symptom of a serious disease. There are several possible causes experienced when we feel nauseous after eating.

Nausea after eating, can be a symptom of the disorder may be a sign of a disturbance (illness) are more serious. Nausea is a condition that refers to feelings of discomfort before vomiting, but does not always lead to vomiting. Nausea after eating due to them for various reasons, such as eating certain foods, eating contaminated food and also eat too fast etc. This may occur both in children and adults.

If these symptoms persist, then you should get to the doctor for further treatment. Nausea may be related to some other diseases either mild or serious. Eating foods that are difficult to digest or acute gastroenteritis is the biggest cause of the symptoms of nausea after eating. Nausea after eating can be caused also by a virus in the gut, and can also be due to drinking too much alcohol.

Causes of nausea after eating

1. The content of the food as well as pregnant symptoms
content of food can also be a cause, some foodstuffs are not suitable for some people and cause digestion is not going well. In the first half of pregnancy, pain or nausea after eating is very common. So you can say feel nauseous after eating can be a sign of pregnancy.

2. Eating in a hurry
Eating foods quickly, can cause nausea after eating. Weight and fat meal also can tend to make people sick after eating. In some people, nausea may also occur due to eating too frequently or maintaining long intervals between meals, in addition to other causes such as viral gastroenteritis and pregnancy.

3. Food poisoning
Nausea is also caused due to food poisoning, food allergies or, in such cases, patients may also experience headaches, body aches, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain or cramping and vomiting. People who are more susceptible to severe symptoms of food poisoning include those who have weak immune systems, the elderly and children.

4. GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd) conditions that can lead to a condition in which the excesses levels of stomach acid that causes nausea after eating. Some of these symptoms can be controlled by antacids, but only in certain cases it can be done.

5. Blockage of the small intestine
A blockage in the small intestine is the most serious cause to feel nauseous after eating and usually requires immediate medical attention because it can cause a buildup of toxins in the bloodstream. Nausea after eating, escorted by constipation can also be connected to a blockage in the small intestine.

6. Diseases of the gallbladder
People, who suffer from gallbladder disease, especially in the early stages, may experience nausea after eating. It began to be felt after eating if people are eating greasy foods or high fat.

7. Crohn's disease
In some individuals, Crohn's disease or illness bowl may be prone to nausea after eating, other more common symptoms of inflammatory conditions including chronic diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Stomach ulcer or erosion in the lining of the stomach or upper small intestine causes nausea after eating.

A short step to get rid of nausea after eating

Ginger: Ginger is an effective remedy for nausea after eating. Drink as much as 5 Milimter ginger juice mixed with honey can overcome the 10 Millimeter Nausea

Peppermint: To handle the nausea after eating, chewing peppermint gum or sucking hard peppermint candy.

Massage: Massaging the wrist can prevent and reduce nausea, just below the wrist, pressure points on the forearm. Use the index and middle fingers to measure the distance between the arm and two fingers of your hand. With your thumb or middle finger, press right under two veins you, do During the 2 to 3 minutes, with moderate pressure.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Diarrhea Fast And Naturally

Curious to know how to get rid of diarrhea faster and use natural potion? Usually, if you want to get stop diarrhea naturally, it will need a little effort. You should looking for some materials that could be not available in some places anymore. Let say if we will use guava leaves, I believed that not all places still found this plant. If this true, you should not be worried, because there are still many natural ways to get rid of it. For your information, according to Stanley M. Zildo as quoted from his book 'First Aid, How to Properly and Emergency First Aid', prolonged diarrhea can be fatal, especially if it occurs in infants.

Diarrhea is a disease in which the stool turns into a mushy or liquid that normally occur at least three times in 24 hours. In developing countries, diarrhea is the most common cause of infant mortality, and also kills more than 2.6 million people annually. There are many things that can cause diarrhea, such as food poisoning, eating certain foods, taking the wrong medication, stress, alcohol, bacterial infections and others. If the patient is still able to drink, the lost body fluids can be replaced. But if the patient does not want to drink and frequent vomiting, then it will be quickly lost body fluids and there was a symptom of dehydration.

Diarrhea first treatment:

  1. Give plenty of water to drink, to replace body fluids and chemicals lost. Drink fluids every 2 hours by approximately 60 mL. 
  2. If the diarrhea lasts a long time, such as 1 -2 days and reduced the number and frequency of urination, immediately take the patient to the hospital due to possible dehydration. 
  3. Avoid solid foods.

natural ways to get rid of diarrhea

  1. Guava leaves: How to treat diarrhea using guava leaf ie, boiled dried guava leaves as much as 15-30 grams in 150-300 ml of water. The standart is, every single gram of dried leaves boiled in 10 ml of water. As from boiling water, let the water boil about 15 minutes. Decoction is then filtered, and the water is drunk as a cure diarrhea. You can also use guava leaves are still fresh. The trick is, washing 12 pieces of fresh leaves to clean, then finely ground. Add half a cup of cooking water and salt to taste. This herb is then squeezed and filtered, and can be drunk directly. In order to add a more savory taste, may also add honey. Typically, at the latest within three days, the diarrhea has subsided. If after 3 days it turned diarrhea does not stop, it is better if you go to the doctor immediately for further treatment.
  2. Apple cider vinegar: You can drink apple cider vinegar to get rid of diarrhea. It's easy, just mix a few drops of apple cider vinegar into the water, and drink it. Apple cider vinegar is a traditional herb that is powerful to overcome diarrhea. Do this regularly to cope with diarrhea.
  3. Glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa) also called sticky rice, sweet rice or waxy rice: To treat acute diarrhea, or for those who suffer from diarrhea for days, you can try the concoction of glutinous rice. You only need to prepare 100 grams of glutinous rice and one finger turmeric. You have to roast until charred the glutinous rice. Then, burn turmeric until well charred. After that, the two materials are mashed until smooth. For how to consume it, you can brew the potion with hot water. Take one tablespoon for a drink, and can be taken 3 times daily.
  4. Drink tea: To soothe abdominal pain and tenderness, you can consume different types of tea from black tea, ginger, raspberry tea, chamomile, oolong to green tea. You can drink the tea after dinner. If necessary, mixed tea with a solution of lemon. There is also an advice that is better to take bitter tea to cure diarrhea.

6 diarrhea treatment tips

  • Avoid eating fruits and food products that contain fiber. Fruits such as apples, plums, or mango should be avoided as it has laxative properties that can worsen your diarrhea. 
  • Avoid yogurt that is high in sugar, because excess sucrose can also aggravate diarrhea. Look for yogurt with good bacteria culture, because it can help produce lactic acid in the gut, which is a deadly bacterial diarrhea worse and make recovery faster. 
  • Avoid milk and dairy products including cheese, especially the need for a little intolerant / lactose allergy. Lactose will pass through the digestive system of the gut very quickly, so it is hardly time to be absorbed. Lactose (from milk) can improve the problem of diarrhea, such as in the form of abdominal pain, flatulence, and abdominal distension. Yogurt is an exception, unless your body normally can not tolerate yogurt well. 
  • Avoid all cold beverages. Warm water would be better for your stomach. 
  • Soft drinks might hurt your stomach, so you should avoid these types of drinks. 
  • Avoid eating foods that are too spicy or hot, because it can worsen diarrhea.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

9 Natural Ways For Getting Rid Of Migraine At Home

Migraine is a chronic disorder characterized by the occurrence of mild to severe headaches that are often associated with symptoms of autonomic nervous system. Migraine is a type of headache that is very annoying, especially if you're working or doing other important activities. Migraines often reduces work productivity due to the pain. Migraines can be caused by various factors, including hormonal factors, dental pain, lack of sleep, stress, and many other factors.

Migraine generally suffered by women. According to a research, 30% of women around the world are more prone to migraines than men who only reaches 20%. Migraine disease is one of recurrent disease, meaning that can arise anytime and anywhere. For that reason, be careful when taking chemical drugs to cope with this disease, because it can get you into dependency.

Signs and symptoms of migraine such unilateral headache (only half of the head), throbbing, and lasts for 2 to 72 hours. The symptoms are also accompanied, among others, nausea, vomiting, photophobia (more sensitive to light), phonophobia (increasingly sensitive to noise) and more intense pain when doing physical activity. About a third of migraine sufferers experience aura headache: a kind of visual disturbance, sensory, speech, or motion / motor is a sign that the headache will soon appear.

There are many medications with or without prescription that can help alleviate some of the symptoms of a migraine, but there is no medicine that can cure migraines. But there are several ways to overcome migraines without taking medication.

  1. Blood sugar levels: Decrease in blood sugar levels can trigger a migraine because it leads to glucose which is released into the bloodstream, causing blood pressure to rise. Eat regularly every four hours and not more than 12 hours overnight without food. Choose foods with a low glycemic index, such as fruits and vegetables, low-fat yogurt and cheese. Avoid high glycemic index foods such as white bread, pastries, sugary drinks and candy.
  2. Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is a therapeutic technique using water. To treat migraine try enter both your feet into cold water and place a warm cloth on your neck. This way can help blood flow from head to toe. You also can take a shower with warm water in order to reduce strain on the neck and back.
  3. Consuming foods rich in magnesium: Several studies have shown that magnesium deficiency is one of the originators of the onset of a migraine. Therefore, eat foods rich in magnesium to prevent and reduce complaints of migraine that can appear suddenly. Our body can not make its own magnesium, for that we need to consume foods rich in magnesium such as green leafy vegetables and nuts. Magnesium can relax the tension on the nerves, muscles and nerve impulses flow throughout the body and brain. consume magnesium at 200 to 600 mg per day may help prevent the onset of migraine.
  4. Drinking warm ginger tea: Another natural remedy that you can use to cope with migraines is to drink hot ginger tea. Ginger has been widely used by the Arabs, Indians and Chinese to treat migraines. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory that works by helping inhibit prostaglandin synthesis is a chemical compound that can trigger a migraines. If the migraines attack, try drinking warm ginger tea. Drink ginger tea can reduce the duration and severity. With peel and ginger cooked in water until boiling. Then insert one tea bag into boiling water brewed ginger, then filtered and ready to drink. To obtain maximum results, you can also mix a bit of honey, lemon, or milk.
  5. Chewing ginger: Chewing ginger can relieve nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraine symptoms. Ginger can also block the effects of prostaglandins, which are substances that can cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and trigger a migraine. 
  6. Increase your serotonin levels: Studies have shown low levels of serotonin in migraine sufferers. Eat protein-rich foods such as chicken, turkey, eggs, dairy products, bananas, dates, wheat, rice, nuts and seeds to increase serotonin levels.
  7. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 efficacious to relieve migraines. Foods that contain vitamin B2 as meat, yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, liver, green vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, spinach), and nuts. Vitamin B2 is able to act as aspirin is efficacious for treating headaches. Consuming vitamin B2 (riboflavin) regularly for 3 months as much as 400 mg per day may reduce the risk of migraines by 50%. To get vitamin B2 can also take supplements of vitamin B2 can be found in the market. Studies suggest that supplementation of vitamin B2 may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines disease. Supplements of vitamin B2 include safe and may be consumed by pregnant women.
  8. Drinking coffee: For some people, caffeine content in coffee can help calm state of the body, as well as eliminate migraine pain. Some medications are also commonly used ingredients of caffeine. But you should know, if you consume too much coffee, then you are likely to be addicted to coffee.
  9. Drink plenty of water: Dehydration can also trigger migraines. Tissue around the brain consists of water, so that when the fluid loss, the tissue will shrink, and cause irritation and pain. Drinking between 1 and 2 liters of water a day can reduce the severity, duration and frequency of migraine attacks.