Showing posts with label Signs & Symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Signs & Symptoms. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hyperkalemia Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Hyperkalemia is a condition that indicates the presence of excess levels of potassium in the bloodstream. Hyperkalemia sufferers often have no symptoms, but some people experience irregular heartbeats, pulse slow and weak, fatigue, weakness, difficulty breathing, and nausea. Hyperkalemia requiring intensive care in hospital, with close supervision and treatment of the same with kidney disease. Hyperkalemia treatments including dialysis; medicines diuretics; Intravenous calcium; glucose and insulin; as well as restrictions on the amount of intake of potassium in the diet.

According to MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, hyperkalemia occurs when certain disorders-such as acute or chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis or obstructive uropathy-lowering kidney's ability to remove potassium from the body. Hyperkalemia can occur when cells release excess potassium into liquid that is outside the cell, as a result of tissue injury-like burns, bleeding gastrointetinal, surgery, traumatic injury, tumor or rhabdomyolysis of drugs, alcohol or infection.

Those with poor kidney function had a higher risk for experiencing hyperkalemia. It should be noted, some treatments, such as potassium-sparing diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, can inhibit the body's ability to eliminate potassium. Patients with kidney failure, especially for those who perform the treatment by means of dialysis, should avoid foods high in potassium. These foods include meat and fish; vegetables such as broccoli, peas, tomatoes, and potatoes; and fruits, such as kiwi, plums, apricots, and cantaloupe.

The body needs potassium to make the synthesis of protein, metabolize carbohydrates, muscle development, and other important functions of electrical and cellular. However, you should be careful to consume potassium. If excessive, potassium will give serious health consequences.

Hyperkalemia causes

Potassium is an important component of all body cells. Almost 2% of the total potassium in our bodies found in the blood. Serious injuries, severe burns, surgery, alcoholism, drug abuse, and the destruction of tumor cells are some of the factors that can damage cells and tissues to release high amounts of potassium in the blood.
  1. One of the main hyperkalemia causes is renal dysfunction. This is because the potassium in the body is excreted through the kidneys. Every time there is a problem in the kidneys too often will result in an increase in the number of high potassium levels in the body.
  2. Potassium supplements or medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause hyperkalemia.
  3. The adrenal glands are located next to the kidneys produce hormones. One of these hormone called aldosterone. This hormone makes the kidneys to hold sodium and excrete potassium in the urine. Disorder or disease such as Addison's disease can also cause adrenal gland disorders.
  4. Diabetes is also known to be the cause of hyperkalemia. Diabetics often require insulin to maintain glucose levels. When there is a shortage of insulin in the body, fat cells in the body is damaged. This can cause the liquid and potassium in these cells to migrate into the bloodstream.

Hyperkalemia symptoms

Hiperkelamia symptoms generally tend to be asymptomatic so difficult to detect early, unless the increase of potassium occurs in a short time. The level of potassium in the blood, which is slightly higher than normal levels usually do not have any symptoms. Even when the potassium in the blood increases gradually, the symptoms experienced hyperkalemia is not so clear. In other cases, the most common symptoms are slow heartbeat and weak pulse. Both of these symptoms accompanied by extreme fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, weakness in the muscles that often make it difficult to move the limbs. If the growing conditions become more severe, the heart will stop beating entirely. In some rare cases, hyperkalemia is a genetic disorder, the level of potassium in the blood suddenly increases and causes muscle paralysis

Some Hiperkelamia symptoms that may be seen or felt, such as:
  • Nausea
  • Malaise
  • Weakness of Muscles
  • Palpitations
  • mild hyperventilation
  • irregular heartbeat
  • Breathing problems
  • tingling sensation
  • Paralysis

Hyperkalemia treatment

Treatment should be done if potassium rises above 5 mEq / L in someone with poor kidney function or above 6 mEq / L in someone with normal kidney function. Potassium can be removed from the body through the digestive tract or kidneys or by dialysis. Potassium can be removed by inducing diarrhea and by swallowing a preparation containing resin sucker potassium. These resins are not absorbed in the digestive tract, so the potassium out of the body through feces.

When kidney function well, given diuretic drugs to increase spending potassium. If needed immediate treatment, can be given intravenous solution containing calcium, glucose or insulin. Calcium helps protect the heart from the effects of high concentrations of potassium, although this effect only lasts a few minutes.

Glucose and insulin moves potassium from the blood into cells, thus lowering the blood potassium concentration. If this treatment fails or in case of kidney failure, dialysis may be necessary.

In the case of chronic hyperkalemia will require intravenous dose of insulin, glucose and calcium. As this can help in the absorption of potassium from the blood. It is also in turn will protect the heart and other muscles that could otherwise damaged by hiperkelamia. If this condition arises due to renal impairment, the affected person may need dialysis to treat simultaneously. Hyperkalemia Patients should augment drinking water, so the excess mineral potassium can be removed from the body through urine or sweat.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Malnutrition Symptoms, Causes and It's Impacts

Malnutrition is a general term that refers to a medical condition caused by a diet that is not right or not enough. Although it is often equated with lack of nutrition caused by lack of consumption, poor absorption, or a large loss of nutrients or nutrient, this term actually also includes excess nutrients (overnutrition) caused by overeating or excessive inclusion of specific nutrients into the body. One will experience malnutrition if not consume the amount or quality sufficient nutrients for a healthy diet for a long enough period of time. Prolonged malnutrition can lead to starvation, disease, and infection.

Malnutrition in children can affect brain development. As a result, the child will be impaired include permanent brain damage, lack of myelin and dendrites, and the malfunctioning of neuritransmitter. Nutrients that should be given regularly, among others, iodine, iron, vitamins, and protein. Iodine deficiency, for example, can lead to reduced intelligence and stunted children. Others, lack of vitamin A causes children reduced eyesight, even to blindness. Children with malnutrition are also easily recognizable with physical characteristics that look. The first characteristic is a face that looks much older than the actual age.

In children with good nutrition, face looks bright and fresh. Children with malnutrition tends to show facial wrinkles, such as parents who were exposed to a lot of problems. Demeanor was not agile like a normal child. Mental development of children with malnutrition tend to be inhibited. It can be recognized by the dominant attitude of the child, as too cool, easily irritable or cry. Children so insensitive, because of lack of stimulation due to malnutrition.

Signs and Symptoms of Malnutrition

Symptoms vary and depend on what is causing the malnutrition. However, some common symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss. Children who suffer from severe malnutrition typically experience slow growth behavior, even mental retardation may occur. Here are malnutrition symptoms in children:
  • easily tired and no energy,
  • frequent dizziness,
  • susceptible to infection,
  • dry and scaly skin,
  • gums swollen and bleed easily,
  • brittle teeth,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • below normal weight,
  • sluggish growth,
  • weak muscles,
  • flatulence, and
  • brittle bones.

Malnutrition causes

Malnutrition, as a result of a lack of essential nutrients, may be caused by several conditions or circumstances. In many developing countries malnutrition long-term (chronic) is widespread,because people do not have enough food to eat. Meanwhile in the rich countries, malnutrition is usually caused by:
  • Poor diet: If a person does not eat enough food, or if what they eat does not provide the nutrients they need. Poor diet can be caused by several different factors.
  • Mental health problems: Some patients with mental health conditions, such as depression, can develop eating habits that lead to malnutrition. Patients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia may develop malnutrition because food they ingest too little
  • Mobility problems: People with mobility problems may suffer from malnutrition.
  • Indigestion and stomach condition: Some people may eat right, but their bodies can not absorb the nutrients they need.
  • Alcoholism: An alcoholic is a person who suffered from alcoholism, the body is very dependent on alcohol. Alcoholism is a a chronic disease (long-term). Individuals suffering from alcoholism may develop gastritis, or damage to the pancreas. These problems also seriously weakens the body's ability to digest food, absorb certain vitamins, and produces hormones that regulate metabolism. Alcohol contains calories, reduce feelings of hunger.

Diseased caused by malnutrition

According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition is the biggest contributor to child mortality either directly or indirectly lead to various deficiency disorders. Here is a list of diseases caused by malnutrition, we must know:
  • kwashiorkor
  • marasmus
  • anemia
  • goiter
  • hyponatremia
  • hypokalemia
  • Vitamin deficiency

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Iron Toxicity Symptoms & Side Effects

Iron toxicity often occurs in children under the age of 5 years. Iron is a mineral that is essential for the formation of red blood cells. If the intake is less, the formation of red blood cells will be disrupted resulting in anemia. In children 3 years of age, the iron around 7 mg / day in the form of "elemental iron". Toxicity can occur when eating iron in a very large amount at one time or giving a blood transfusion in the long run continuously as in patients with thalassemia. Iron needs to be given to premature babies, children with anemia and children whose diet is deficient in iron. The provision of appropriate short-term iron dose will not cause intoxication, but long-term use should be under a doctor's instructions.

The level of iron toxicity, depending on how much iron into the body. Children may show signs of toxicity after ingestion of 10-20 mg / kg of elemental iron tablets. Severe toxicity can occur when children consume more than 60 mg / kg of elemental iron tablets.

Iron toxicity is the cause of fatal poisoning in children younger than 5 years. High iron levels irritate the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, so sometimes cause bleeding. Within a few hours, of iron into the body's cells and interfere with chemical reactions in it. Within a few days, can damage the liver. A few weeks after recovery, can form scar tissue due to previous irritation of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, and liver.

Signs & Symptoms

Severe iron toxicity usually cause symptoms within 6 hours.
  • In the first phase (within 6 hours after the overdose), symptoms include: vomiting, vomiting blood, diarrhea, abdominal pain, irritability, and drowsiness. In case of severe poisoning, there can be an increase in respiratory rate and heart rate, decreased blood pressure, the patient becomes unconscious, seizures, and even coma.
  • In the second phase (6-48 hours after the overdose), the condition of the patient may seem to be improving (latent period).
  • In third stage (12-48 hours after the overdose) could decrease very low blood pressure (shock), fever, bleeding, janudice, liver failure, and seizures.
  • In the fourth stage (2-5 days after the overdose) liver failure and patients can die of shock, bleeding, and blood clotting disorders. The level of sugar in the blood may drop. Patients can become lethargic, confused, and even loss of consciousness and coma.
  • In fifth stage (2-5 weeks after overdose), stomach or intestine can become clogged due to scar tissue. Scar tissue that forms in other organs can cause abdominal pain and vomiting. The formation of scar tissue in the liver severe (cirrhosis) also may occur later.

Side effects

1. Digestive problems: Excess consumption of iron supplements will trigger a variety of stomach problems such as:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
Iron is potentially corrode the lining of the intestine that causes ulceration. After taking the supplement, one common complaint that arises is that the dark-colored stools due to lack of iron absorption. Although harmless, if this condition occurs repeatedly advised to consult with a doctor.

2. Color change: Excess iron supplements can also cause:
  • Discoloration of teeth
  • The color blue appears in the lips, palms, and nails
3. Skin Problems: Side effects of iron overload also lead to skin disorders such as:
  • itch
  • rash
  • Pale and sweaty
  • Swelling of the mouth or throat

Other side effects
Some other side effects were observed, including fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, blood clots, and hair loss. Irregular heartbeat, drowsiness, and weakness may also occur.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Heartburn Symptoms & Causes That You Should Know

Heartburn or pyrosis is usually described as a burning sensation that radiates from the epigastric or solar plexus towards the back of the chest and neck, which caused reflux of stomach acid. It can be felt in addition to the presence or burning sensation is also no discomfort in the chest. In fact, there is also a mouth watering experience and like no taste salty or salty taste, but this occurs at a high level and very rare. Heartburn is not a disease, but just a general complaint or symptom that often occurs in pregnant women. Based on several studies, it was said that 50 to 80 percent of heartburn in pregnant women when the third trimester. One thing to remember, heartburn has nothing to do with the fetus. So as not to cause something or gives effect on the fetus.

Causes of heartburnHeartburn occurs because the food in the stomach has been pushed into the esophagus as a result of growing uterus. As a result, there was irritation in the esophagus wall, because the food is mixed with acidic stomach acid. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid moves up into the esophagus channel. Normally when you swallow food, the valve at the end of the esophagus channel opens to allow food down into the stomach and then will close again. However, in this condition, the valve does not close normally, causing stomach acid moves up and cause a burning sensation in your chest.

While in pregnant women, the occurrence of heartburn due to a change in the shape of pregnancy, in which the uterus is bigger so that the diaphragm will be pressed stomach or the pressure on the stomach, to the rare occurrence of heartburn in the first trimester. In addition, changes in the location of the stomach and tone the limp of the esophagus or esophageal sphincter muscle causes intraesophageal low pressure and high pressure in Intragastric or stomach causing acid reflux and contribute to the occurrence of heartburn. For pregnant women who have stomach ulcers, then the risk of the occurrence of heartburn will trend higher. It could even be actually already raised the first or second trimester.

Heartburn can occur only a few days only and is not constant. Depending on diet and lifestyle pregnant women. The food, the level of stress and alcohol consumption can cause greater. For example, the consumption of foods containing fat, eating irregularly.

Foods that cause heartburn

1. Orange: All kinds of oranges products, such as lemons and grapefruits, can lead to heartburn in some people. Oranges contain a large amount of acid that can improve the symptoms of heartburn.

2. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are also high in acid content. People with heartburn usually will increase their symptoms after eating tomatoes. The amount of acid in fresh tomatoes terkadung far more than once cooked. Although tomatoes are high in antioxidants, but the food is not recommended consumed in large doses in people with symptoms of heartburn.

3. Garlic: Garlic contains antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties and can help boost the immune system. However, some compounds in garlic also can increase the production of acid in the stomach, which trigger heartburn or burning sensation in the chest.

4. Spicy foods: Just like garlic, spicy foods such as chili pepper and can lead to heartburn. Unlike some other foods, eating spicy foods in moderation will not reduce the symptoms of heartburn. Even if consumed in small amounts though.

5. Peppermint: During this time, peppermint is known to help soothe the stomach by relaxing the muscles of the stomach and bile to help digest fats, it turns peppermint can also cause heartburn.

6. Cheese, nuts and sticks: cheese, beans and meat are foods that contribute to trigger the sensation of heat in the chest, because of the high fat content. Keep in mind, high-fat foods can not be digested as quickly as low-fat foods. Stomach can not be emptied quickly when containing fatty foods, food consequently accumulate in the stomach and the esophageal sphincter (ring of muscle between the lower esophagus and stomach).

7. Alcohol: Alcohol, including beer, wine and liquor, all can contribute to the onset of heartburn. Red wine has the same effect as tomatoes and citrus fruits. Moderation is the key to avoid this problem. Some people with symptoms of heartburn may be able to drink two glasses with no side effects, but for others, it can cause a burning sensation in the chest, although only sipped a few glasses.

8. Caffeine: In addition to coffee and tea, soda and caffeinated beverages can quickly trigger a sensation of heat. Before enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, make sure you have filled in the stomach with a light meal or snack. The bread is a good choice because they will help absorb the acid in the stomach roam.

9. Chocolate: Chocolate can be a cause of heartburn attack. Chocolate has a relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles, thereby increasing the acid reflux into the esophagus. Consuming chocolate after eating can help reduce the incidence of heartburn. You do not need to avoid the consumption of chocolate at all. By limiting the portion, it has been able to help alleviate the onset of heat sensation in the chest.

Signs & symptoms of heartburn

Heartburn is a symptom that can be used to identify the presence of disease Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD commonly referred to by its acronym. Heartburn symptoms itself is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest caused by acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. Usually, this kind of symptoms triggered by prolonged stress and is supported by several factors causing heartburn triggers. In general, the causative factor is derived from foods or drinks that contain certain substances that have the potential to increase stomach acid.

The symptoms of heartburn from each other will be different. However, once you are aware of the characteristics of heartburn, you should see a doctor immediately. If not, heartburn may increase the risk of infection of the esophagus, ulcers, sores in the esophagus or pre-cancerous conditions. Moreover, if you can treat it early before the condition worsens.

Some heartburn sufferers do not experience any symptoms of this disease. Even the symptoms experienced by patients with one to be different from the others. However, most of the symptoms caused by acid reflux disease usually difficulty swallowing or coughing up blood. Acid reflux occurs when the sphincter muscle (the muscle connecting the esophagus and stomach) are in a relaxed state at the wrong time and remain open for a long time. It allows stomach acid to flow, and back into the esophagus.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Stomach Flu Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Although the term name looks similar, stomach flu is not related to influenza. Stomach flu that in medical terms is called Gastroenteritis (also called as infectious diarrhea, gastro, stomach bug, stomach virus and gastric flu), is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract involving the stomach and small intestine, resulting in a combination of diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain and spasms. Globally, the majority of stomach flu cases in children are caused by rotavirus.

In adults, norovirus and Campylobacter become more common causes. Other causes are less common that other bacteria (bacteria or toxins) and parasites. Transmission can occur due to the consumption of food cooked incorrectly or contaminated water or through direct contact with an infected person.

Symptoms of stomach flu
Common symptoms of stomach flu include diarrhea, pain, and cramping in the abdomen, and mild fever. Along with this may occur nausea and vomiting, muscle pain and headaches occasionally. In case if it contains blood, it may indicate a severe infection. Stomach flu incubation period tends to range from 4 hours to 1-2 days. However, it may depend on the type of virus. These symptoms tend to have a duration of one or two days. In some cases, it can last for 10 days.

Causes of stomach flu
Rotavirus and noroviruses are the pathogens causing stomach flu. The infection is highly contagious. Someone who has an infection can make contact through contaminated food or water. Even sharing objects such as utensils, towels or food from an infected person. The other stomach flu causes can be found on wikipedia.

Stomach flu treatment
The most important in the treatment of this disease is adequate hydration. For mild or moderate cases, this can be done through the provision of oral rehydration salts. For more severe cases, administration of intravenous fluids may be required. Gastroenteritis is the most common in children and communities in developing countries.

There is no specific treatment to cure the stomach flu. Because this is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not help. Doctors usually recommend patients to follow a few steps home care. The first thing to do is to give a break to eat and drink for several hours. Drink plenty of fluids every day is very necessary.

Afterwards, eating can be resumed gradually. It is better to start with easily digested foods such as bananas. Foods that contain caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine should be avoided. It is also wise to stay away from dairy products and fatty foods. Getting plenty of rest is also important to control the symptoms of the stomach flu.

Gastroenteritis can be prevented by following proper hygiene pattern. Wash hands thoroughly, especially after going to the toilet, and use the personal items separate, are some important considerations to be addressed. In addition, avoid close contact with an infected person.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Insomnia Symptoms And 9 Impacts For Health

Insomnia is not a disease, but a symptom that has many possible causes, such as emotional disorders, physical disorders and drug use. Difficulty sleeping often occurs, both at a young age and old age, and often occur together with emotional disorders, such as anxiety, restlessness, depression or fear. Sometimes a person have trouble sleeping simply because the body and brain are not tired.

With increasing age, sleep tends to decrease. Stadium was also changed, with stage 4 becomes shorter and eventually disappear, and at all stages more awake. These changes, although normal, often make parents think that they are not getting enough sleep. The pattern of waking at dawn more often found in the elderly. Some people fall asleep normally but wake up several hours later and it was hard to fall asleep again. Sometimes they sleep in a state of anxious and feeling unsatisfied sleep. Awakened at dawn, at any age, is a sign of depression. The person may experience disturbed sleep patterns are reversed sleep rhythm, they are not asleep at the time to sleep and wake up in time to sleep.

Insomnia Symptoms

Patients have difficulty sleeping or waking frequently at night and feel tired all day. Beginning the process of sleep in patients with insomnia, referring to the prolonged latency from time to sleep until time asleep. In the psycho-physiological insomnia, patients may complain of feeling anxious, tense, worried, or considering continuous problems in the past or in the future as they lay in bed too long without sleep.

In acute insomnia, it is possible there is a triggering event, such as death or disease affecting a loved one. This can be attributed to the onset of insomnia. This pattern may be fixed from time to time, and the patient may experience insomnia, repeated constantly. The greater the effort expended in trying to sleep, sleep becomes more difficult to obtain. Watching the clock when every minute and hour passed only increase a sense of urgency and effort to fall asleep. The bed can eventually be viewed as a battlefield, and sleep more easily achieved in an unfamiliar environment.

Below are the symptoms of insomnia:
  • It is difficult to start a long sleep and could not close his eyes.
  • Asleep easily but wake up too early and can not fall back asleep.
  • Often awakened in the middle of the night so often sleepy during the day.

The most common causes of insomnia: 
  1. Stress at home or work
  2. Changes in lifestyle, moving house for example.
  3. Noisy environment so uncomfortable to sleep
  4. Disease that causes pain, shortness of breath or frequent urination
  5. Age
  6. Anxiety and depression
  7. Tense

9 impacts of insomnia

  1. Increases the risk of death: In the Whitehall study 2nd, British researchers discovered how sleep patterns affect the mortality rate of more than 10,000 British civil servants over two decades. Based on the results of a study published in 2007, those who sleep less than 5-7 hours a day increased the risk of death due to various factors. Even lack of sleep increased twice as much risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

  2. Increased weight or obesity: Lack of sleep is associated with increased hunger and appetite, and likely to become obese. The relationship between sleep and peptides that regulate appetite. Ghrelin stimulates hunger and leptin signals satiety to the brain and stimulating appetite. Short sleep time is associated with a decrease in leptin and increase in ghrelin.   Lack of sleep not only stimulates the appetite. It also stimulates the desire to eat fatty foods and foods high in carbohydrates. Ongoing research conducted to examine whether adequate sleep should be a standard part of a weight loss program.

  3. Forgetful: In 2009, researchers from the U.S. and France found that brain events called sharp wave ripples, responsible strengthen memory in the brain. This event also transfer information from the hippocampus to the neocortex in the brain, where long-term memories are stored. Sharp wave ripples occur mostly during sleep.

  4. Affect skin health: Most people have pale skin and puffy eyes after a night of sleep deprivation. The situation is really due to a chronic lack of sleep can lead to dull skin, fine lines on the face, and dark circles under the eyes. When you do not get enough sleep, your body will release more stress hormones or cortisol. In excessive amounts, cortisol can break down skin collagen or proteins that keep skin smooth and elastic. Lack of sleep can also cause the body to secrete less growth hormone. When we were young, human growth hormone to encourage growth. In this case, the hormone helps increase muscle mass, skin thickening, and strengthen bones.

  5. Can cause depression: In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania reported that people who sleep less than 5 hours per day for seven days led to stress, anger, sadness, and mental fatigue. In addition, lack of sleep and sleep disorders to be one of the causes of the symptoms of depression. Insomnia and no appetite due to depression are related. Sleep deprivation exacerbates depressive symptoms and depression makes it harder to sleep. The plus side, good sleep patterns can help treat depression.

  6. Decreased concentration: good sleep patterns, plays an important role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep can affect many things, First: Disruptive alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. This makes learning difficult and inefficient. Second: Cycle to sleep at night plays a role in "strengthening" the memory in mind. If not enough sleep, then you will not be able to remember what you learned and experienced during the day.

  7. Serious health problems: Sleep disorders and chronic sleep deprivation can lead to the risk of: heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. According to some studies, 90 percent of people with insomnia (sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep and staying awake all night) also experienced similar health risks.

  8. Accident: Lack of sleep is one of the biggest disasters factor, it must be recognized lack of sleep also have an impact on safety while driving on the road. Because fatigue is the cause of a car accident, which is the equivalent of driving while drunk. Lack of sleep or have poor quality sleep can also lead to accidents and injuries at work. In one study, workers who complain of excessive sleepiness during the day vulnerable injured at work and are constantly subjected to the same accident at work.

  9. Decreased libido: The experts reported that sleep deprivation in men and women, libido and reduce the urge to have sex. This is due to depleted energy, drowsiness, and rising tension. For men who suffer from sleep apnea (breathing problems during sleep) sleep deprivation causes sexual arousal sluggish. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2002 showed, almost all people who suffer from sleep apnea have low testosterone levels. Nearly half of people who suffer from severe sleep apnea have lower testosterone levels at night.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Recognize 9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms That Can Lead To Dangerous Diseases

In general, iron deficiency can lead to disruption of biological processes in the body, including the more severe conditions may cause anemia. Iron deficiency can lead to several dangerous diseases, and even, a new research reveals that, it can lead to stroke. Iron is necessary for the body to transfer oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and help the muscles in order to save the and use oxygen. Iron is classified as an essential nutrient for the growth and development of infants, therefore, advised to pay attention to symptoms that may lead to iron deficiency.

Adult male (weight 75 kg) containing ± 4000 mg of iron, while the adult female (body weight 55 kg) containing ± 2100 mg of iron. Males have a reserve of iron in the spleen and bone marrow as much as 500-1500 mg, which is why the lack of blood (anemia) is relatively rare in men. In contrast, women only have backup iron 0-300 mg so susceptible to anemia, especially in women of childbearing age who are menstruating.

Iron intake is needed at any time, and is usually fulfilled by implementing a diet with balanced nutrition. In certain conditions, the body needs more good intake of natural food sources or iron supplements. The signs that indicate the body need iron supplements are as follows:

  1. Fatigue: Blaire Morriss, a nurse at the Vanderbilt Center for Integrative Health, said that the body uses iron to make hemoglobin, a substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Therefore, if you do not have enough healthy blood cells, you certainly will feel tired.

  2. Hard to focus: synthesis of neurotransmitters, may change in the iron-deficient. According to Morriss, this change leads to a function which is lower than normal, so you will be more difficult to focus and concentrate. 

  3. Apathy: One of the other effects of changes in neurotransmitter synthesis is the appearance of apathy. The attitude appears to various issues, including friends, family, work, and even couples.

  4. Shortness of breath: Kimberly Mueller, RD, owner of Fuel Factor Nutrition Coaching said, without enough iron in the blood, the body becomes deprived of oxygen. This condition continues to shortness of breath. 

  5. Pale skin: Mueller also said that, the pale appearance of the skin caused by reduced blood flow and a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

  6. It's hard to exercise as usual: Need a struggle to make the portion of practice as usual? A recent study from Cornell University found that low iron levels also affect your ability to perform usual activities. 

  7. Muscle pain: Not having enough iron, blocking the ability of the muscles to recover after strenuous activity. This condition then have an effect on the appearance of pain in the muscles.

  8. Brittle nails: Less iron can also give effect to the nail. The nails will be very fragile, thin, and easily damaged. 

  9. Pink or red urine: Beeturia is a condition characterized by a pink or red urine after eating fruit bits. Although normally occurs in 10 to 14 percent of people, but Morriss said the number is much higher in people who are deficient in iron.