Sunday, May 10, 2015

Be grateful when experiencing morning sickness, read the reason here!

Morning sickness is a problem and complaints of pregnant women and also often experienced by most pregnant women in the early days of pregnancy. However, this problem will soon disappear by itself after four months of pregnancy. Although in some cases, there is also experience nausea and vomiting until the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The most important is, you must be grateful if you experience morning sickness, continue to read to know the reasons!

Approximately seventy percent of pregnant women will experience morning sickness. Morning sickness usually starts about four to eight weeks of pregnancy and usually ends at the beginning of the second trimester (each pregnancy are different). It is natural that pregnant women have a variety of complaints, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and so on. Nausea and vomiting is commonly starts in the morning so it is often called morning sickness. Morning sickness is inevitable. In some women, levels can be quite heavy, though some are not too feel it.

Morning sickness symptoms

The symptoms of morning sickness is vary, for some people, the symptoms are mild enough to cause nausea only occasionally. For some others, morning sickness is severe enough, can cause excessive vomiting and sometimes even require special care in hospital. The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but many experts concluded that, morning sickness occurs because of the hormonal changes of pregnancy.

Interestingly, morning sickness does not only occur in the morning. Nausea and / or vomiting can occur at any time of the day. These symptoms are usually worse in the morning. However, every pregnancy is different and you may find that severe morning sickness in the evening or afternoon.

Morning sickness have a lower risk of having a miscarriage

This is the reason why pregnant women should be grateful if experience morning sickness. A study that examined the effects of morning sickness and in various aspects of pregnancy. As a result, it is known that women who experience morning sickness, frequent nausea and vomiting in the mornings during pregnancy have a lower risk of miscarriage. The study found that pregnant women who experience morning sickness risk of 55-80 per cent lower miscarry than women who do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy.

In addition, women who experience morning sickness during pregnancy, are also more likely to give birth to healthier babies than women who had never felt and overcome morning sickness during pregnancy. According to a study in Toronto, babies born to mothers who experience morning sickness are also less likely to develop abnormalities in organs, such as the cranium and the cardiovascular system.

Researchers also found a link between morning sickness experienced by pregnant women, the risk of premature birth is lower. Pregnant women suffering from severe morning sickness, also likely to have children who are smarter when they grow up. These children have a better value in IQ tests and have better ability in math and verbal ability.

Even so, it does not mean that women do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy should be alert and worried. This did not show any abnormalities in your pregnancy if you do not experience morning sickness. The researcher explains that the morning sickness is influenced by hormones in the body and this can vary depending on a woman and others. And for those who experience morning sickness, you may just have to eat certain foods to relieve morning sickness.

Tips to relieve morning sickness

  • Eat smaller portions but more often than before pregnancy. Eating large meals will only cause stomach becomes too full and it can trigger nausea.
  • Consumption of healthy and balanced diet that provides all the nutrients and energy needed by the body. Because it nutrition is important to maintain the health of pregnant women and the fetus.
  • Provides healthy snacks. In this case the cake would be nice to avoid the empty stomach of pregnant women, especially at night.
  • Morning sickness generally will be followed by a decrease in appetite. To keep nutrition and energy level, pregnant women are advised to choose foods that most arouse your appetite and food that does not interfere with the health of pregnant women and fetuses.
  • Drink more water that it is beneficial to balance and prevent dehydration, especially when the perceived frequency of nausea and vomiting more frequent.
  • Eating foods containing carbohydrates with fresh vegetables.
  • Schedule time for napping as a way to restore energy levels and eliminate fatigue.
  • Wearing loose clothing and avoid tight clothing in pregnant women. Because by wearing tight clothing can aggravate the stomach area with nausea.
  • Make sure air circulation in the house remains smooth. The air is fresh and free of dust would make pregnant women thought to be quieter.
  • Minimize stress, because morning sickness is more common in women who are under the influence of a lot of pressure and stress, either at work or at home. Because it is the danger and the effect of stress on pregnant women to the health of the pregnancy and the fetus can not be underestimated.
  • Eat in bed to avoid an empty stomach and keep your blood sugar stable.

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