Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Migraines Increase Risk of Depression, Parkinson's, Stroke & Heart Disease

They are prone to migraine in middle age, it turns out, at a later date to have twice as much risk of developing Parkinson's disease. The research found that those who experience migraine aura, with early signs of such notice flickering rays are most at risk of contact with Parkinson's. British National Health Service estimates that one in five women and one in 15 men suffer from migraine. Migraine was particularly sustained in early adulthood.

Is still not known exactly what is migraines causes. It is estimated that migraine is the result of temporary changes in the chemical and blood vessels in the brain. About half of migraine sufferers have close relatives who are also affected by migraine. It is estimated that genes play a role affects the occurrence of migraine. Dr. Ann Scher from the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda say, migraine is the most common brain diseases experienced by men and women. This disease is associated in other studies with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. The new study found they were migraine aura turns risk of Parkinson's in the future.

Dysfunction of the brain messenger called dopamine is common in Parkinson's disease and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Researchers estimate dopamine dysfunction is a cause of migraine for many years. Migraine symptoms such as excessive yawning, nausea, and vomiting to be linked to dopamine receptor stimulation. Further research should focus on exploring the possibilities of this connection through genetic studies. While a history of migraine related with an increased risk of Parkinson's, the risk is still quite low.

The study was published online in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study looked at 5,620 people aged between 33 and 65 for more than 25 years. At the beginning of the study, 3,924 participants did not suffer from headaches, 1,028 people do not experience symptoms of migraine, 238 suffered from migraine without aura and migraine aura 430. Years passed and measured study participants to look for the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or have symptoms of restless legs syndrome, also known as Willis-Ekbom disease.

From the measurements, found 2.4 percent of people with migraine aura, suffering from Parkinson's. While only 1.1 percent of that is not suffering from headache suffering from Parkinson's. Those who suffer from migraine aura 3.6 times that reported having at least four to six symptoms of Parkinson's. While those suffering from migraine without aura experienced 2.3 times the symptoms of Parkinson's.

Migraines also increase risk of depression, stroke & heart disease

According to the study, if we often experience migraine then have a greater risk of paralysis in the face. After following a history of more than 100,000 people, most of them are migraine sufferers, a team of Taiwanese researchers found an increased nervous system disorder called bells palsy. Bells palsy is a neurological disease that affects the facial nerve (facial), which causes paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face, so the face becomes asymmetrical and seemed to sag or oblique. The author explains the risk is nearly doubled in people with migraine.

However, the research team says there is no explanation of how a migraine and Bells Palsy interrelated, although once they suspect that inflammation, heart problems, or blood flow is a problem that can connect the two. Unfortunately, people with migraine are also more likely to suffer from some other serious health conditions, such as:

Depression: People with migraine, particularly women, are likely to experience depression than non-sufferers. In fact, severe headaches would make a person's mood becomes more acidic. However, the relationship between depression and headaches go both ways. Depression also plays a major role in the occurrence of headaches.

Heart disease and stroke: Study other Neurology linking migraine with increased risk of both heart disease and stroke. Once again, a very strong relationship among women who experience migraine accompanied by halos. (You against the risk of stroke rises to 400% if you have migraine with halos, the study found). The third condition seems to be related to changes in blood flow.

The good news for migraine sufferers. According to studies migraine pain disorders can be prevented with simple, natural, and without charge. Exercise has been shown to prevent migraine and not lose its effectiveness with medications or other relaxation techniques. The conclusions resulting from the research conducted by researchers from Sweden.

One well-known nutritionist, Joy Bauer, author of Food Cures mention that there are some foods that can use as migraine relief or even treat a migraine attack. According to him, proper diet (balanced diet) can help manage, maintain and even stop the pain due to migraine headaches.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Main Causes High Cholesterol You Probably Not Know Before

High cholesterol levels, now become a problem many people regardless of age. Indeed, the body still requires cholesterol for the formation of cells and hormones. But excessive bad cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. When someone knows to have high cholesterol levels, most people blame the diet has been high in fat. But in some cases, high cholesterol levels also occurs in people with a healthy diet. Apparently, in addition to a diet that is high in fat, liver metabolism to digest cholesterol (lipid), is also one of the causes of high cholesterol.

So if high total cholesterol levels above 250 mg / dL, whereas diet has been addressed, it may be the problem is the liver lipid metabolism. Total cholesterol levels rated high when the numbers above 200 mg / dL. Meanwhile, there are also cholesterol numbers of other people to be concerned, namely low density lipoprotein (LDL) that the limit is 130 mg / dL, "good" cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) above 60 mg / dL, and triglycerides less than 150 mg / dL.

So if high total cholesterol levels above 250 mg / dL, whereas diet has been addressed, it may be problematic of the liver lipid metabolism. Total cholesterol levels rated high when the numbers above 200 mg / dL. Meanwhile, there are also cholesterol numbers of other people to be concerned, namely low density lipoprotein (LDL) that the limit is 130 mg / dL, "good" cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) above 60 mg / dL, and triglycerides less than 150 mg / dL. In other words, the total cholesterol can not be used as a parameter of good or bad cholesterol in the body. If the total cholesterol level is good, then the "bad" cholesterol is also low. But if the "good cholesterol" it is still less than the minimum limit, the lipid profile of a person can not be said to be good.

Main causes high cholesterol

Obesity: This problem is often cited as the source of various diseases, including high cholesterol in the body. In order not to increase, are highly recommended for those who are obese to lose weight. Because if left unchecked, obesity can increase the risk of other diseases in the body. However, having a skinny body does not automatically make a person has low levels of cholesterol and a smaller risk of developing heart and blood vessel diseases (cardiovascular). Skinny people, if you have a history of high cholesterol in the family, still have a greater risk of heart disease.

Unhealthy eating habits: excessive consumption of saturated fat is a major cause why the levels of cholesterol in the body increases drastically. Saturated fats are usually rich in fat and cholesterol found in foods such as meat, butter, and cheese. Limit intake of foods containing saturated fats to balance cholesterol levels in the body.

Genetic: Cholesterol levels also seem to be influenced by heredity. So, if we have a family history of high cholesterol, should be vigilant and diligent to see a doctor. Typically, high cholesterol gene heir higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Less activity: This is evident from research conducted by Costan G Magnussen from the University of Tasmania, Australia. He and his team analyzed the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides of 539 people, begins when adolescence and continued in adulthood. The first examination begins when participants aged 9 years, 12 or 15 years in 1985 and then resumed again in 2004 and 2006 when they were in their 20s and 30s. In children, one of the causes of high cholesterol is a lack of activity, obesity, and the habit of eating fatty foods.

Age and gender: Cholesterol levels also seem to increase with age since the age of 20 years. Continue to rise until the age of 60-65 years. Women tend to lower cholesterol before menopause. However, their cholesterol goes up dramatically after menopause. After menopause, a woman becomes more susceptible to high cholesterol. Along they get older, a woman will experience a decrease in the levels of certain hormones that make the body's ability to balance cholesterol levels become disturbed.

Smoking: Smoking can lead to a lack of good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol. Finally, various diseases will threaten our bodies. So stop smoking. Although it is difficult, try to diminish little by little until it can be stopped completely.

Stress: When a person is stressed, they are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, and eating unhealthy foods. This habit will obviously raise cholesterol levels. Therefore, avoid or quickly overcome stress before we make mistakes that affect the increase in cholesterol levels.

Disease: Certain diseases, such as diabetes, also affect cholesterol levels in the body. For a problem like this, we must be careful and consult a physician. Make sure our cholesterol levels stay balanced and not at risk of causing other diseases.

Drugs: Could it be that the drug causes increased cholesterol levels? May be! If we want to intake of certain medications, consult your physician first. Who knows, the drug can raise your body's cholesterol.

Alcohol: Consuming excessive alcohol on a regular basis will damage the liver, heart muscle, and ultimately led to an increase in blood pressure. Alcohol can raise triglyceride levels, harmful fats found in the blood, and can also lead to high blood pressure. Some people are also prone to a condition that causes irregular heartbeats when they drink alcohol, although some are not experiencing the same conditions.

Certain drugs are effective for lowering cholesterol, but it can be the cause of other diseases due to continuous use. Maybe it's good you can lower cholesterol naturally such as consuming cholesterol lowering foods, healthy lifestyle change and so on. As for preventing the rise of cholesterol, try to avoid the causes cholesterol above. Do not forget to do a routine check cholesterol levels to the doctor.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Simple Flu Treatment With Chicken Soup

As long as we are exposed to the flu virus, the body will feel uncomfortable and weak thus making appetite decreased. In fact, to build endurance, you need to eat foods that contain lots of nutrients. Chicken soup can be one of the choices. It is estimated that each year there are 1 billion cases of people affected by colds or flu worldwide. Although many free drugs that can alleviate flu symptoms and colds but in fact we can also shorten the flu with nutritious food.

In an article, "The Science of Chicken Soup" by Tara Parker-Pope, a team of medical researchers exploring substance behind the content of the chicken broth as a flu treatment. Dr. Stephen Rennard, a pulmonary specialist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, found the chicken broth proven to contain anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent unpleasant side effects from the flu, such as nasal congestion. In addition, the soup can improve rehydration and nutrients in the body.

Dr. Rennard tested in the laboratory using chicken soup and artificial blood samples from volunteers. The results showed the soup could inhibit the movement of Europhiles, the most common type of white blood cells to fight infection. But it can not know the specific ingredients in the soup that make it effective against colds. Soups tested contained chicken, onions, sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots, celery, parsley, salt and pepper. Additionally, it compares with instant soups and soup turns out it also has the same inhibitory effect.

No need to use antibiotics when flu

Antibiotic resistance is a major health problem in modern times. Resistance means that doctors are increasingly difficult to treat infections due to bacteria are already drug resistant. Therefore do not arbitrarily take antibiotics. There are many disadvantages of antibiotic resistance, among others, the risk of death from infection, the cost of expensive treatment, the patient must stay in the hospital, and doctors should prescribe antibiotics more powerful and more expensive.

Although antibiotics are actually a drug to treat a disease caused by germs, but in fact these drugs are often used for disease coughs, sinusitis and flu. All of these diseases triggered by viruses, so antibiotics will not be effective. Why antibiotics are now often abused? Patients are often asked doctors to prescribe antibiotics. They believe taking antibiotics can make the condition better. In addition, there are still many people who do not know the side effects of indiscriminate use of antibiotics.

On the other hand, the study revealed that doctors sometimes prescribe antibiotics, even though not required by the patient, because he considers the patient wants it. Antibiotics are important drugs in the treatment of infections. But like other drugs, antibiotics are most effective when used with tapat. If used excessively exactly the opposite effect.

Antibiotic side effects include allergic reactions and secondary infections. Research has also documented some of the harmful effects of antibiotics, such as heart rhythm disorders, diarrhea, nausea, headache, and so forth. Therefore, physicians should educate patients about the use of antibiotics rationally. Not every disease can be treated with antibiotics, especially those caused by viruses such as flu.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Foods That Can Be Used as Migraine Relief

Migraine is one of the most complained disease, the disease attacks sometimes come suddenly. Migraine sufferers will feel pain and throbbing like a beaten, pulled, and generally tend to be more sensitive to light and sound. If you have ever experienced a migraine, now do not worry too much. One well-known nutritionist, Joy Bauer, author of Food Cures mention that there are some foods that may relieve or even cure a migraine attack.

The migraine causes is unknown, one theory predicted, the originator of migraine caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals (serotonin) that causes narrowing of blood vessels in the head so that the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Originator of migraine vary. Could be hormonal, sudden changes in air temperature, emotional factors, physical or mental fatigue, and even certain foods. The most effective treatment is to prevent migraine attacks by avoiding triggers or taking preventive medication. In addition, so as not to escalate, immediately overcome if visible migraine symptoms attack.

How to overcome migraine

Sometimes migraines will go away after we do relaxation, rest and light exercise. Do this as soon as there are signs of migraine attack. In addition, when the originators factors are known, try to avoid it. If relying on drugs to fight migraines, in the early symptoms of patients can take medication Cafergot that contain ergotamine and caffeine which serves contract the blood vessels, thus relieving pain. Analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can also reduce pain. If migraine has been attacked, reduce misery by samatriptan.

However, the use of migraine drugs have to be careful because it has side effects constrict blood vessels so dangerous for people who have problems with blood vessels in the heart, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Additionally, migraine medication resulting in drowsiness, fatigue, and nausea. If migraine has been unbearable, immediately go to the doctor, which may be injected sumatripen to relieve migraine symptoms within 15 minutes. Other drugs will be given in accordance with migraine cases that experienced.

Foods to relieve migraine

According to Bauer, proper diet (balanced diet) can help manage, maintain and even stop the pain due to migraine. Here are some foods mentioned can help relieve migraine attacks:

1. Eggs enriched with Omega-3: Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly in eggs can reduce the inflammation that is suspected as the cause of migraine. In addition to eggs, you can also eat several types of fish, especially salmon, which also proved effective against headache due to migraine.

2. Nuts: Nuts contain lots of magnesium, a mineral deficiency has been associated with migraine. A number of studies have linked between magnesium deficiency and migraine headaches. Research shows that about half of all migraine sufferers have ionized magnesium in the blood in small amounts. Magnesium, which is contained in nuts, protecting the body from headaches by relaxing the blood vessels. In addition, magnesium has a calming effect that is useful to relieve tension headaches.

3. Skim milk: Skim milk is fresh milk left after cream is taken partially or entirely. Skim milk contains all the nutrients of milk except fat and fat-soluble vitamins. This milk rich in riboflavin, or commonly known as vitamin B2. Riboflavin has an important role in producing energy in various cellular level. Lack of energy could be expected to trigger a migraine. This vitamin also has a vital role in the formation of red blood cells, antibodies in the body, and the release of energy from carbohydrate metabolism.

4. Linseed: This small grains, has a high nutritional profile and also contains omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation due to migraine. Some studies even have seen a link between a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids with a reduced risk of hypertension, stroke, cancer, immune disorders and certain skin diseases problems.

5. Spinach: Almost everyone knows this familiar green leafy vegetables. Spinach is loaded with magnesium, one of the biggest nutrient that has the ability to prevent migraines.

6. Bananas: Bananas are not only rich in potassium, but also magnesium (medium banana contains 10% of your daily intake recommendation). Magnesium can relieve your migraine and headaches due to stress. A number of studies have linked between magnesium deficiency and migraine headaches. Research shows that about half of all migraine sufferers have ionized magnesium in the blood in small amounts.

7. Potatoes: Headache arising from drunk, not only due to dehydration but also because of the loss of electrolytes such as potassium. Therefore, eating foods rich in potassium can help relieve migraine. Potatoes contain a lot of potassium that is 100 grams, while the baked potato (with skin) contains up to 600 mg of potassium.

8. Watermelon: Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, then consider drinking plenty of water and intake of foods rich in water (such as watermelon). Fruits are rich in water also contains essential minerals, like magnesium, which is key to preventing headaches. You can also try a sports drink that contain electrolytes if you may get headaches after working for a long time because it loses a lot of minerals in the body.

9. Fish: Fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) is useful as a remedy for migraine, because it is rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit inflammation that often triggers migraine. If you can not eat fish every day, do not worry. You can take fish oil supplements and adding foods such as flaxseeds, walnuts, tofu, and soy for additional omega-3 in your diet.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

6 Of These Foods Can Lead To Constipation

Constipation is left too long is bad for health, including cause cancer. Bowel habits can also be a sign of the presence of other diseases. In America, a visit to the hospital due to constipation counted 2.5 million people a year. Of that amount, and 100,000 people had to be hospitalized. Total expenses for laxatives reached 800 million US dollars.

Constipation is defined as the frequency of bowel movements less than normal with a long time, difficulty, and accompanied by pain while removing feces. Constipation underlying factors, among others, is less active, less drinking, less fiber, often delaying bowel movements, the habit of using laxatives, side effects of certain drugs, and depression. More severe disorders, such as twisted bowel, intestinal obstruction, and colon cancer, can also be a cause.

Many things can trigger constipation such as, lack of body fluids or dehydration, stress or depression and dense enough activity, the effect of hormones in the body (such as menstruation), anatomical abnormalities of the digestive system, and lifestyle and poor diet regularly (such as poor diet).

Food has become one of the largest originators actors from constipation. There are some popular foods that you should avoid if you want away from constipation, as follows:

1. Processed food: Whether it is a frozen food or burgers and pizza, this food will make difficulties when defecating in the morning. In some preserved foods and fast food, essential nutrients contained in such foods will be lost. Processed foods have little fiber, and if these foods are consumed continuously and in the long term it will make uncomfortable digestive system.

2. Biscuits: Biscuits are foods that are high in sugar and fat. These foods may be more delicious when served along with tea or coffee, but the fiber content is very less. Sugar can lead to deposition of fat in your thighs, but it can also be the cause of constipation. To overcome this, preferably balanced with fiber intake, can of fruit or vegetables.

3. Red meat: If you consume mutton or beef on a regular basis, without vegetables, you may be at risk of experiencing constipation. Get used to include a salad or vegetables when you plan to eat meat. Remember, the human body takes about 90 hours to digest most of the meat.

4. Caffeine: Drinking coffee is considered able to stimulate the spirit and started its activity in the morning. But you need to know that the caffeine content of coffee can trigger dehydration in the human body, while the dehydration itself is one of the main causes of constipation. If you are addicted to caffeine, it is better to reduce and supplement it with food rich in fiber.

5. Greasy food: chips and fast food is very tempting, even for those who are determined to adopt a healthy diet. But foods high in oil and salted can take you on a higher risk of developing some digestive health problem, especially when you enter the transition from 20s to 30s. The food was fried and soaked in oil such as French fries, can slow down the digestive process. But not to worry, you can fight your addiction to ensure adequate drinking water and eating vegetables before or afterwards.

6. Dairy products: The content of saturated fat and fiber components are almost no reason why dairy products into the food that you should be aware. If you have constipation, you should avoid to eat cheese and milk on your breakfast and replacing it with oatmeal or yogurt.

Constipation should not be ignored. In the long term, this condition can lead to various health problems. For example, polyps in the intestinal tract, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, and colon cancer. Ideally stools must be removed every day. If allowed to accumulate, the toxin can be attached to the intestine and causes inflammation. If you are experiencing constipation, try to use home remedies for constipation first than using chemical laxatives. Because the use of chemical laxatives in long term, may cause another health problems.

Be careful in using a colon cleanser or laxatives repeatedly, because it can eliminate the mineral body, and this is dangerous. Laxatives can also make constipation more intense. For chronic constipation, you can do detoxification to remove the dirt. In addition to the fiber-rich foods, detoxification can also be done by doing a hydro colon therapy. To prevent constipation, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day plus lots of eating fruits and vegetables. Perform regular exercise because exercise helps stimulate bowel contractions.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Iron deficiency Could Be Indicator of Cancer

Always feeling tired, pale and often feel palpitations are a sign that you are iron deficient. Be careful, iron deficiency can interfere with the body's oxygen intake. Iron is essential for the body, because iron helps meet the needs of oxygen in your body. The body uses iron to form hemoglobin, the part of red blood cells. If your body does not have enough iron, the body will form red blood cells are smaller and fewer in number. Furthermore, your body will lack hemoglobin and you will be deprived of oxygen.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder that occurs in the world. About 2 billion people, which means more than 30 percent of the world's population, thought to suffer from iron deficiency. Mostly occurs in women, especially those who are of childbearing age. So, if you feel you have severe iron deficiency symptoms, it is advisable to immediately go to the doctor.

iron rich foods

Meet the needs of iron by eating healthy foods that are rich in iron, such as red meat, fish, chicken, spinach, kale, beans, eggs, and milk. In addition, the consumption of vitamin C will be easier for the body to absorb iron. In fact, a study reported that consumption of small amounts of vitamin C will increase the body's ability to absorb iron up to three times. Source of vitamin C that can be consumed, such as cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, and lemon juice.

However, for the consumption of iron supplements, you should consult your iron needs a doctor. Because, in some people, consumption of iron supplements cause constipation. Consumption of natural foods to improve iron levels seem to be more healthy for your body.

Iron deficiency is not only associated with symptoms easily tired and exhausted, but also can be an indicator of cancer. Although rare, but no cancer cells that can take iron in the blood, causing anemia person. According to specialists in internal medicine, anemia is not a disease, but a symptom to look for an underlying cause or the underlying disease anemia.

Anemia is a condition that describes the levels of hemoglobin or the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood is less than normal value. Anemia is generally caused by the loss of red blood cells as a result of bleeding during an accident or surgery. Decreased production of red blood cells, and increased red blood cell destruction, or hemolysis also causes anemia. Cancer disease characterized by anemia not only blood-related cancers such as leukemia, but also other cancers such as breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer and others.

However, it does not mean that anemia is always an indicator of cancer. Anemia can be defined as a fever, which is not yet definite symptoms of certain diseases, but can be very broad. Then to ascertain what the cause of anemia, examination should be done properly. In addition to cancer, anemia may be an indicator of thalassemia disease, kidney disease, liver disease, connective tissue disease, chronic infections, and nutritional disorders.

Insomnia May Cause Hypertension & May Raise Risk of Stroke

Insomnia is a difficult disorder sleep at night. If you need to return the next day to get up early, you will not get enough sleep. Various studies have shown, the effect of insomnia is not just the body feel tired and hard to concentrate the next day. Research in China says, people with insomnia will be more at risk of having high blood pressure. If high blood pressure is not controlled will gradually increase heart attack and stroke.

Research conducted at the West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, studied 219 people with insomnia in the long term is difficult to sleep for about 6 months. The second group of 96 people who did not experience sleep disturbances with an average age of 40 years. As many as 60 percent of the study participants were women.

Researchers monitored their sleep using the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MLST). According to the study, those who experience long-term insomnia and takes 14 minutes to fall asleep at higher risk of high blood pressure or hypertension. If they take more than 17 minutes to fall asleep, the risk of high blood pressure was further increased. Multiple Latency showed a higher risk of hypertension in those with long-term insomnia.

Insomnia also have to be addressed to improve the quality of sleep. According to the researchers, this long-term insomnia can be hiperarousal state or sleep disorders for 24 hours.

Stroke risk may arise from Insomnia

People who experience insomnia will definitely feel tired and hard to concentrate the next day. But it turns out the impact of insomnia may be worse than that. As revealed in a new study, insomnia increases the risk of stroke, especially in young adults.

In the four year period of the study, the researchers found insomnia increases a person's tendency to be hospitalized because of stroke. They noted, the increase in the risk of reaching 54 percent. The risk of stroke in people aged 18-34 years insomnia eight times higher than their counterparts who get a good sleep.

Dementricus Lopes, director of the Interventional Cerebrovascular Center at Rush University in Chicago and a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association says, the attention of researchers initially on high blood pressure, obesity, and cholesterol which is a risk factor of stroke. The study, published in the journal Stroke randomly comparing the medical history of more than 21,000 people with insomnia and 64,000 people without insomnia in Taiwan. All participants no stroke or been diagnosed with sleep apnea before.

Having followed for four years, 583 people with insomnia and 962 people without insomnia recorded hospitalized because of stroke. The researchers' analysis shows, after the input of other risk factors, people with insomnia are at increased risk of stroke compared to those with good sleep quality.

Researcher on the study, Ya-Wen Hsu Chia Nan University, said the level of insomnia also affect a person's increased risk of stroke. That is, the more often a person experiencing insomnia, the higher it faces an increased risk of stroke. He said the two categories that have a greater risk of stroke than people who had been treated insomnia.

People with insomnia are also likely to have other stroke risk factors, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. However, the study did not show a causal relationship between insomnia and stroke. For further information, you can read insomnia symptoms.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dangers For Diabetics If Having Too Low Blood Sugar

Blood sugar is too low (hypoglycemia) in patients with diabetes type 2 are known to create limp, and if left unchecked will lead to fainting and death. A new study says, hypoglycemia is also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The researchers said the lack of proper glycemic targets in diabetes makes them susceptible to blood sugar levels are too low. Hyperglycemia is often categorized as a medical emergency.

Hypoglycemia can occur in diabetics who received sugar-lowering drugs, or insulin that could potentially cause your blood sugar is too low. Late meal or exercise and work that sudden weight without reducing the amount of medication or without additional meal also can trigger hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar symptoms include sweating, fatigue, blurred vision, confusion, seizures, and can make a person unconscious. Even in fairly severe levels can make someone into a coma.

Studies show that there is a relationship between hypoglycemia with the risk of cardiovascular disease. But this relationship is still considered controversial. In this study, researchers from the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands analyzed six studies involving more than 903 000 people with diabetes type 2. The study, published online in revealed, as much as 0.6 to 5.8 percent of patients experienced hypoglycemia after one to five years later. Overall, a total of 1.56 percent of these patients suffer from cardiovascular disease.

According to the researchers, hypoglycemia associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease as much as doubled. Therefore, prevention of hypoglycemia is crucial for diabetics to avoid cardiovascular disease.

They say, the relationship between severe hypoglycemia with increased risk of cardiovascular disease is explained by the number of diabetics is hypoglycemia were also experiencing cardiovascular disease. However, the mechanism between the two can not be explained.

Nevertheless, the Researchers said the risk of diabetes who experience hypoglycemia against fatal diseases is very high. And they believe the relationship between the two is very strong.

Low blood sugar can lead to irritability

Based on the study, low blood sugar or hypoglycemia make a person irritable and not energized. Professor David Benton (a psychologist from Swansea University) said, there are quite a lot of research showing that low levels of blood sugar affects people's anger. US research also showed that low blood sugar makes a person aggressive. Factors that make a person more aggressive menjai is still to be further investigated.

Professor of biological chemistry at Imperial College London Jeremy Nicholson said the chances of a person of being aggressive because of the low levels of glucose in the brain. According to him, the brain functions can not run properly if the needs of low glucose. Based on the study, low blood sugar often lead to divisions within the household. This happens if one partner is suffering from hypoglycemia so often angry.

According to Nicholson, anyone who has not eaten for more than eight hours at risk of hypoglycemia. Therefore, do not forget to eat or regularly eat and drink in the morning, noon, and night. Fruits and vegetables are a long-term solution is better to keep the blood sugar levels.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Beware! Chronic Heartburn Can Cause Throat Cancer

Burning sensation in the stomach or also known as heartburn can be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, or excess stomach acid disease. Beware these conditions if it lasts a long time, especially if you are not a smoker or drinker of alcohol.

A study conducted by a team from Brown University led by Scott M. Langevin found that people who suffer from chronic heartburn are at high risk of cancer of the throat and vocal cords. The study involved 631 patients with throat cancer and vocal cords in Boston. While the control group or the healthy person consists of 1,234 respondents. Results of research published in the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

All participants were previously tested HPV 16, to make sure the cancer suffered is not caused by that. Participants also filled out questionnaires about the health of the family, a history of heartburn, and the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. The survey also takes into account sociodemographic backgrounds of participants.

Langevin found that respondents who often experience heartburn 78 percent chance of heartburn due to risk of throat cancer and vocal cords. However, further research is also needed to determine the effects of antacids on the development of throat cancer and vocal cords. Antacids are medicines that are often prescribed to reduce nausea that arise. Langevin said, although antacids reduce nausea, but the cause of heartburn is not necessarily lost. Treatment process to some extent will affect the development of cancer cells.

Langevin added that additional research is needed to validate the antacid effect between the patients who have often heartburn. Surely the results of research into how much antacid recommendations can be given, and when the patient should undergo further treatment.

Cancer of the vocal cords and throat become one of the threats in the United States. National Cancer Institute reported 12.260 cases of cancer of the vocal cords and throat cancer 13.930. About 6 thousand people are estimated to die from the disease.

Heartburn may be symptoms of cancer

Heartburn due to acid rising (heartburn) that lasts longer than three weeks or more should not be ignored. The experts say, these symptoms can be symptoms of cancer. In the Be Clear On Cancer campaign mentioned, the heartburn symptoms that lasted long enough often symptoms of esophageal cancer or gastric cancer. 

Heartburn, also known as gastric acid reflux, is a digestive disorder that occurs when gastric acid and climbed back into the throat. Throat section has no protective layer so that will happen inflammation due to the acidic fluid and cause pain.

In a survey in the UK known to 59 percent of respondents did not know that the prolonged heartburn is a symptom of cancer. Be Clear On Cancer campaign also mentions other symptoms to look out for, namely difficulty swallowing food. Stomach cancer may suffered by men and women over the age of 50 years. This disease can be triggered by smoking,  alcohol drinking habits, lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, and also obesity.

Change lifestyle to "ease heartburn"

Drugs may be able to improve quickly this acid reflux. However, the effect is usually short-lived and do not help prevent henceforth. For most people, a slight adjustment of diet and lifestyle changes are the best solutions to overcome them.

1. Eat little but often instead of three large meals a day.
Eat small amounts but often, reducing the workload of the stomach and therefore acid secretion for digestion less. In other words, do not overeat.

2. Include complex carbohydrates in every meal
These foods such as rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, is able to bind excess stomach acid and are often easier to fill the stomach.

3. Avoid high-fat foods
High-fat foods stay longer in the stomach, thereby causing gastric acid secretion needs more to digest.

4. Avoid beverages that can be a trigger
Some drinks that trigger heartburn more often, including coffee, tea, caffeinated soda, carbonated sodas, and alcohol. The worst of all is beer, which can double the gastric acid within one hour.

5. Do not always decide to drink milk.
You may have tried to drink milk to facilitate ease of gastric acid before going to bed. But milk often causes stomach acid up during sleep. Be aware, excess stomach acid can come from eating too much at dinner. Milk was able to fix quickly, but eventually encourage secretion of gastric acid. Try eating a slice of whole wheat bread or a small bowl of oatmeal instead.

6. Eat more ginger
This herb has been used for centuries in Asian cultures as a natural remedy to overcome stomach problems.

7. Eat parsley
Parsley is not only used as a garnish dish. This herb also helps digestive problems.

8. When attacked at bedtime
When experience heartburn at night, try to stop eating at least two hours before bedtime. Elevate head with an extra pillow.

9. Lose weight if overweight
A 2006 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that obese people with a body mass index (BMI) between 25-30, two times more likely to have heartburn. People with obese with a BMI over 30, tripled the risk.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Premature Menopause Causes That Women Must Know

The majority of women experience menopause (ie stop the functioning of the ovaries) when they reach their 40s or 50s. But, for some people, menopause comes more slowly, while for others even happen too early. Premature menopause is defined as menopause before the age of 40, even occur in women age 23 or 24 years. Approximately 1% of the entire population of women experience it.

Premature menopause can occur for several reasons. The most obvious is due to removal of the ovaries due to cancer or cysts. In some cases, women who undergo hysterectomi, although without removing the ovaries, may experience menopause. Why is that there has been no thorough explanation, but it may have something to do with the interruption of blood supply to the ovaries.

Other causes include viruses (especially goiter), diseases of auto-immune diseases (which interfere with natural immunity) such as certain thyroid disease or condition of the adrenal gland; chromosome disorders or genetic linkage (if a woman is experiencing premature menopause, usually the mother or grandmother also had experienced the same thing); then the chemotherapy or radiotherapy used to treat cancer.

However, according to Dr. Rodney Baber, head of Sydney's Royal Norh Shore Hospital Menopause Clinic, in most cases, the cause is unknown. Women are born with about 2-3 million eggs, which is the amount that would have owned, although only about 500 of them were diovulasikan (released monthly, fertilized or shed into menstruation). While the rest vanished without a specific reason undiscovered experts.

Whatever the cause, menopause symptoms can be exactly the same regardless of whether the women experience it at age 25 or 55. The symptoms for example, skin and vagina dries, insomnia, poor memory, night sweats, loss of sexual desire, and irritability. However, doctors still difficult to detect.

Premature Menopause Affect Cognitive Function
Published in the journal International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (BJOG), the study said, premature menopause can affect cognitive function. Premature menopause can occur because there is a variety of ovariectomy, the operation could lead to menopause, or loss of ovarian function non-operating (naturally).

4,868 women were sampled, has given cognitive tests and diagnostic tests senility regularly and periodically. The effects of the type of menopause, surgery and non-surgery, were also examined. Of the 4,868 women tested, non-surgical menopause occurs at 79%, while 10% are caused by menopause operations. Results showed, the ratio of women who went through menopause after 50 years, and those who experience premature menopause have a 40% higher risk of developing dementia in the future.

This was associated with a reduction in the maturity of verbal and visual memory, psychomotor speed also decrease by 35%. Although two different types of premature menopause (operating and non-operating), both remain associated with decreasing the risk of verbal maturity is two-fold.

Dr. Joanne Ryan, post-doctoral researcher from La Colombiere Hospital, Montpellier, said that if the two types of premature menopause does affect cognitive function, which can not be offset by menopausal therapy. Dr Joanne said, in terms of operating menopause, because the effects can affect cognitive function, there must think carefully in doing ovariectomy. Pierre Martin Hirsch (BJOG editor) added, by understanding the effects of premature menopause, you can benefit by using menopausal hormone therapy correctly.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Be aware of hypercalcemia symptoms to prevent serious impacts!

Hypercalcemia is a condition in which the level of calcium in the blood above normal. Calcium is needed for bone formation, and plays an important role in muscle contraction, ensures that nerve and brain function remains good, and releasing hormones. However, this process can be affected by calcium levels that are too high. Signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia may not exist, or even with severe symptoms. Treatment is based on the cause of hypercalcemia.
Causes of hypercalcaemia 
Hypercalcemia may be caused by increased absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract as well as increasing calcium intake or release, for example on:
  • People who consume large amounts of calcium, such as drinking lots of milk or taking antacids containing calcium
  • Overdose of vitamin D, since it increases the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract
  • Excessive parathyroid hormone, such as a tumor or cancer of the parathyroid glands, as well as in those who received radiation therapy in the neck
  • Certain cancers that produce proteins that have effects such as parathyroid hormone, such as kidney cancer, lung cancer, or ovarian cancer.
  • Certain diseases that cause bone destruction, thereby releasing bone calcium into the blood, for example in Paget's disease, multiple myeloma, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer.
  • People who do not move much, for example, people who suffered paralysis or lying in bed for a long time. 
Signs and symptoms
The earliest symptoms of hypercalcemia are usually constipation, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Abnormal kidney can produce urine in large quantities. As a result, the body fluids will be reduced and dehydration can occur.

Severe hypercalcemia often causes symptoms of brain dysfunction, such as confusion, emotional disturbances, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, weakness and coma. It could also be followed by an abnormal heart rhythm and death.

In patients with chronic hypercalcemia may form calcium-containing kidney stones. In the event of severe and chronic hypercalcemia, calcium crystals will form in the kidneys and cause permanent damage.
While hypercalcemia symptoms in children are seizures. In addition, the child's body will show discomfort, such as pain, suffering from fever or influenza like. Moreover, usually the child will fussy when these symptoms strike. If the child is likely to show one of these symptoms, you should immediately be taken to the doctor for a blood test. Therefore, this calcium overload disease shows only a few symptoms.

Treatment depends on high levels of blood calcium and causes. If hypercalcemia occurs not heavy, the handling is often sufficient to correct the causes. People who have normal kidney function and experienced mild hypercalcemia, or have a tendency to develop hypercalcemia, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. Thus stimulating the kidneys to excrete calcium and helps prevent dehydration.

Dialysis is a highly effective, safe, and reliable way to cope with hypercalcemia, but dialysis is usually only used for people with severe hypercalcemia that can not be solved by other means.

Hypercalcemia caused by cancer are usually difficult to overcome. If the cancer can not be treated, then the hypercalcemia usually will reappear even though most have got a good handling.

Hyperparathyroidism is usually treated with surgery to remove one or more of the parathyroid glands. So that the results are good, all parathyroid tissue that produces hormones in a very large number to be removed. Surgery success rate is approaching 90%.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Measles: Symptoms, Cause & Treatment

Measles is highly contagious disease, characterized by fever, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of connective eye / conjunctiva) and skin rashes. Measles is caused by a paramyxovirus type measles virus infection. Measles virus transmission occurs by inhaling spray saliva measles. People with measles can spread the measles virus within 2-4 days before the onset of skin rashes and 4 days after the rash there. Before the measles vaccine is widely used, measles outbreaks occur every 2-3 years, especially in children aged pre-school and elementary school children. If someone has had measles, then the rest of their lives will be immune to measles.

Causes of measles

Measles (morbilli, rubeola, or red measles) is an infectious disease that is highly contagious (infectious) early prodrome period, ie the range of the first 4 days since the appearance of the rash. Measles is caused paramyxovirus (measles virus). Measles virus transmission occurs through saliva splashes from the nose, mouth and throat with measles (water borne). The incubation period is 10-14 days before the measles symptoms appear.

Immunity to measles, obtained after vaccination and active infection. Passive immunity obtained a baby born to mothers who have immune (lasts for 1 year). People who are susceptible to measles are: infants older than 1 year, babies who are not immunized against measles, adolescents and young adults who have not been immunized against measles second.

Symptoms of measles

The emergence of the first measles symptoms occurred approximately one to two weeks after contracting the virus. These symptoms will disappear approximately two weeks thereafter. The following is the initial symptoms that will be experienced by people with measles:
  • Red eyes and sensitivity to light.
  • Symptoms resemble a common cold such as sore throat, dry cough and runny nose.
  • Limp and exhausted.
  • High fever.
  • Aches and pains.
  • Listlessness and loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea or / and vomiting.
  • Small patches of grayish white in the mouth and throat.
Measles rash appears later than four days after the first symptoms and last about seven days. Initially will emerge from behind the ears, then spread to the head and neck, and eventually to the rest of the body. Initially, spotting small, but will grow quickly before patches were fused.

You should immediately contact a doctor, clinic, or the nearest hospital if you suspect your child has measles. Diagnosis of measles can be done by looking at a combination of symptoms that appear and through a saliva sample test.

Measles complication

Measles can lead to complications which can be fatal, although this is very rare. Infants and children with severe malnutrition to be the group most susceptible of contracting measles. Besides them, people who have poor immune conditions are also more vulnerable to contracting. For example AIDS patients, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and patients with chronic diseases. Children over the age of 12 months and unconditioned healthy, rarely have complications.

Below is a complication of measles that can occur:
  • Seizures caused by fever.
  • eye infections
  • Middle ear infections.
  • Infections of the respiratory tract and lungs, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Dehydration
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords.
As for the complications of measles are less common are:
  • Inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord or meningitis.
  • Brain infection or encephalitis.
  • Squint due to the impact of the virus on the nerves and muscles of the eye.
  • Hepatitis or liver infection.
  • Problems on the nervous system and heart.
  • Optic neuritis, or inflammation of the optic nerve that can cause permanent blindness

Measles treatment

The human immune system will naturally fight measles virus infection. There is no specific medication to deal with measles. The condition of patients usually get better without treatment within one to two weeks. Before the immune system fight viral infections, the condition of the body at first be uncomfortable due to symptoms experienced measles. There are several ways you can help the immune system in the fight against measles virus:

1. Increase fluid intake: Give plenty of water to avoid dehydration in children. Water consumption also can relieve itchy throat due to cough. Remember that when the body has a fever, the need for fluid increases.

2. Controlling fever and relieve pain: Ask your doctor to determine which medication is more appropriate dosage and expiry rules. Generally for adults who have a fever and pain, can be given paracetamol or ibuprofen. You can give paracetamol in liquid form for your child.

3. Overcoming eye pain occurring: Use a cotton cloth soaked in water to clean the dirt in the eyes during measles infection. Eyes with measles will become more sensitive to light. To overcome this, close the window with curtains or replacing dimmer lights at night.

4. Treating other symptoms: There will likely appear similar symptoms such as runny nose, or cough. You can consume a warm drink to relieve these symptoms. In addition, you can do therapy inhalation of vapors. For small children, you can bathe with warm water. Warm drinks containing lemon and honey can be given to young children. Keep in mind, for children under one year should not be given honey.

5. Be aware of the emergence of serious diseases: Be aware of the occurrence of complications that may arise when the body is fighting infection. The signs of the emergence of a more serious condition is:
  • Difficult awakened or decreased consciousness
  • Symptoms of dehydration such as dry mouth and lack of frequency of urination
  • coughing up blood
  • Seizures
  • confusion
  • hard to breathe
  • Pain in the chest, especially when breathing


The best way to prevent measles is to receive immunizations since childhood. There are two options for measles vaccination. A special measles vaccine given at the age of 9 months, 2 years and 6 years. This is the type of measles vaccine are included in the compulsory immunization by government advice. While measles vaccination incorporated in the MMR vaccine, given at age 15 months and again at the age of 5-6 years. MMR vaccination is, a combination vaccine for measles, mumps, and German measles.

A newborn baby will have antibodies to measles if the mother had suffered from measles or been vaccinated against measles before pregnancy. These antibodies provide protection for the first few months. So special measles vaccine or MMR given when the baby is older than half a year.

Both types of vaccinations against measles above, is not recommended for pregnant women in a state that has not been protected from measles. But for women who want to get pregnant and have never been exposed to measles, he could be vaccinated against measles. See your doctor to get more information about measles and its effects on pregnant women.

Measles is highly contagious. If you are suffering from measles, avoid crowded center at least four days after the appearance of the measles rash first time. This is important in order to avoid the spread of infection to others. Avoid direct contact with people who are susceptible to viral infections such as infants, small children, and pregnant women.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Are your eyes are always red? Maybe this is the cause!

Are your eyes are always red without knowing the cause? If so, perhaps you need to read this article in order to find out the cause and how to get rid of it. Red eye is known as conjunctivitis. Occurs when a transparent membrane lining the eyelids or conjunctiva, and the white part of the eyeball inflamed. There are three main causes, namely, allergic reactions, viral infections or bacterial infections. Transmission can occur if the red eye caused by bacteria and viruses, not by an allergic reaction.

Inflammation or swelling in the eyes makes the blood vessels more visible that makes our eyes look red when experiencing irritation or infection. Red eyes also causes more itching and watery eyes, and cause swelling of the eyelids. Treatment for red eye depends on the cause. For red eyes due to allergies, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to various bacteria. But antibiotics have no effect on the red-eye caused by a virus, so we had to wait for the virus goes away by itself for a week or two weeks.

Another way to relieve red eyes due to irritation is to compress the eyes with cold water. For allergic conjunctivitis and viruses, do so by using warm water compresses. Eye drops are also able to relieve red eyes. The use of contact lenses when the eye began to redden also be stopped. If the red-eye does not subside within 24 hours immediately consult an ophthalmologist to get further treatment.

Red eyes caused by virus
The primary cause of an inflamed red eyes is a viral infection. The symptoms of red eyes caused by a virus usually associated more with a discharge that is not green or yellow. Often, symptoms such as influenza virus, such as clogged nose and runny nose, was also present. Eyelids may also be swollen. Sometimes seeing the light rays are painless. When the red eye caused by the virus may not require an antibiotic, those affected should see a doctor, because sometimes the form of pink eye can be associated with infection of the cornea (the clear part of the front of the eyeball). This infection must be detected and properly treated. Red eyes caused by the virus is highly contagious. Red eye is caused by a virus usually goes away within seven to ten days after the appearance of symptoms.

Red eye caused by bacteria
The most common bacterial cause of infectious red eyes are pneumococci, streptococci, and staphylococci. Symptoms of red eyes caused by bacteria including, pain / eye pain, swelling, redness, and a number of medium to large dirt, usually yellow or greenish. Dirt in the eyes, commonly accumulates after sleeping. Children who are affected may awaken most unhappy that their eyes are stuck shut, needs a warm towel to remove the discharge. Red eye caused by bacteria treated with repeated use of the towels warm on spy (try to apply it on the eyes of your child at any time during a video that he enjoy) and require antibiotic eye drops or ointment prescribed by the doctor.

Chlamydia is the cause of red eyes that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Chlamydia is typically treated with tetracycline (except in children under 8 years, since the possibility of discoloration of teeth) or erythromycin.

Red eyes caused by allergies
The symptoms and signs of red eyes due to allergies, usually accompanied by severe itching, tears, and swelling of the eye membranes. The causes which often include seasonal pollens, animal dander, and dust. Often occur simultaneously and accompanied by specific allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itchy nose, or scratchy throat. To ease it could use a cold towel and moist compress on the eyes. Decongestant eye drops over-the-counter also can relieve. Your doctor can prescribe stronger medications if these medicines are inadequate.

Red eye due to chemicals
Red eye due to chemicals, may result when any irritating substance into the eye. The most common irritants that can strike is, household cleaners, sprays of all kinds, smoke, smog, and industrial pollutant materials.

Diseases characterized by red eyes
Persistent red eyes (conjunctivitis) may be a sign of an underlying disease in the body. Among them are rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Conjunctivitis is also seen in Kawasaki disease (a rare disease that is associated with a fever in infants and young children) and disease-specific inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Friday, May 8, 2015

How Much Is Actually Recommended Daily Sugar Intake?

Recent research from the WHO show that the rate of safe limit sugar intake should be reduced. So actually how much sugar is recommended per day?

Not only the WHO, the British government advisor has also recently been reducing the number of recommendations sugar consumption. Earlier said that we could eat sugar by 10% of the calories we eat. However, this figure has now lowered. WHO recommends we consume 5% sugar. BMC Public Health journal suggests even lower number, only 3%. Researchers from University College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said that, this number should decrease because sugar is the main cause of tooth decay.

By reducing the consumption of sugar, dental disease can be prevented. If we only consume 0-5% of sugar per day, the teeth become twice as powerful and protected from damage. People often wonder how much sugar should we consume per day. For men, 5% sugar, approximately is as much as seven to eight teaspoons. As for women, 5% sugar is five to six teaspoons.

This target is actually quite difficult to meet due to the current range of foods on the market contain so much sugar. A glass of carbonated beverages containing sugar can often be as much as 5%. In fact, we probably not only consume the sugar from that drinks. To overcome that problem, the researchers suggest a vending machine that provides high-sugar drinks in schools and hospitals immediately eliminated. Food or beverage with sugar content of more than 2.5% should also be labeled as 'high in sugar'.

Sweet intake needed by the body as an energy source. Both in children and adults, sweet intake is also necessary to stimulate the brain. However, when eating sugar exceeds recommended levels, the body will increase the release of calcium through urine water, which not only cause dental caries, but also some serious illnesses such as diabetes and its complications such as heart disease. The danger is, when humans consume too much added sugar. Because the daily menu intake, has to contain natural sugars such as rice and fruits are eaten.

According to the recommendations of the WHO, children aged 1-3 years old are advised not to consume more than 25 grams of added sugar per day, equivalent to five teaspoons. While children aged 4-6 years should not consume more than 38 grams of added sugar or equivalent 8 teaspoons per day. Meanwhile, the safe limit for men and women as mentioned above also depends on age, weight, and how active you are throughout the day. For adults, 5-8 teaspoons of sugar is the maximum limit.

If a person consumes more than 100 grams of sugar, it can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria or viruses that are detrimental to health in the body by 40 percent. The immune system will begin to decrease 30 minutes after food is consumed and will continue to decrease up to 5 hours.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Negative Effects Of Nicotine To Human's Health System

One of the substances in cigarettes are known to cause harmful side effects or health risks is nicotine. How long the nicotine is in smoker body's system? Most nicotine is consumed (or approximately 90 percent), rapidly metabolized by the liver and then excreted through the kidneys. The remaining amount of nicotine will remain in the bloodstream for 6-8 hours after smoking. Most adult smokers, surely admit that they feel the effects of cigarette addiction when under the age of 21 years. 

Tobacco is one of the nicotine source material which has a longer history.  Nicotine (Nicotiana tabacum) was found and began to be cultivated in the United States at the beginning of the year 6000 BC, and since that time people have been smoking or chewing the leaves of plants. Tobacco use has been invited controversial even at the beginning of its use.

Just 10 seconds after a smoker inhales cigarette smoke, nicotine is absorbed through the skin and mucous lining in the nose, mouth and lungs, and moves through the bloodstream to the brain. Stimulates the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline, hormones and neurotransmitters considered as adrenaline. This increases the heart rate and blood pressure while constricting the blood vessels, also stimulates the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that controls the brain happiness center. Inhaling nicotine provide the most rapid effect and not a coincidence because your lungs are filled with millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli. 

The alveoli have a very large surface area, more than 40 times the surface area of ​​your skin so that the lungs are the most efficient way to incorporate nicotine into the bloodstream. Nicotine just stay in the human body for several hours, about one or two hours, which means that six hours after smoking, only about 0031 milligrams of 1 milligram of nicotine left.

Nicotine can also be absorbed through the digestive tract and skin. Here's how smokeless tobacco products such as chewing tobacco, which stick to the skin and gums give driveways nicotine to the body. Once absorbed by the body, an enzyme in the liver breaks down most of the nicotine, about 80 percent. After it became metabolite cotinine. Nicotine is also metabolized to cotinine and nicotine oxide by the lungs. Cotinine and other metabolites excreted in the urine, and are also found in saliva and hair. Cotinine is the body about 16 hours, which means that if you have been smoking, metabolites can be used as a biomarker that will prove that you have consumed in a urine test.

The effects of nicotine on the human body

Why a smoker would want to smoke when they are in an unpleasant mood or in a stressful situation? That's because nicotine can make people feel calmer, causing a feeling of relaxation as well as reducing stress, anxiety and even pain.

Although it appears relaxation, nicotine actually increases the physical stress, the impact is considered slightly paradoxical. This is related to supporting the central nervous system, but depending on the dose because it has been found in some smokers nicotine also acts as a sedative. Some studies, suggest possible that smoking causes a calming effect, because nicotine is actually regarded as a stimulant, not a depressant.

When you first inhale cigarette, nicotine causes the body to release the hormone epinephrine, a hormone the nature of the fight or escape. Epinephrine activates the sympathetic nervous system, making your breathing becomes more rapid and shallow, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

Nicotine can also cause insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance, as well as an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular disease. It also affects the thyroid hormone, pituitary hormones, sex hormones and adrenal hormones. Insulin resistance in smokers, for example, may be partly because nicotine stimulates the body to produce high levels of adrenal androgens, in other words, nicotine affects the body's metabolism of glucose, causing hyperglycemia and hyperglycemia associated with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance not only increases the risk of developing diabetes type 2, but also heart disease.

The effects of nicotine on the brain

Exposure to nicotine can alter the workings and functions of your brain. Imagine your brain as a computer. As computers in general, the brain as a processor, storage and use of information. In a computer, the information goes in the form of electrical signals moving through the cable, send the information in a binary process, with switches on or off. In your brain, neurons are the cells that transfer and integrate information. Each neuron receives input from thousands of other neurons throughout the brain, process information and make any necessary adjustments before delivering the message to the rest of the body. While the signal is transmitted through individual neurons in the form of an electric current, a group of chemical process called neurotransmitters that convey such messages between neurons and other cells.

Nicotine also stimulates the release of other neurotransmitters, namely glutamate. Glutamate is involved in learning and memory as well as improving relations between sets of neurons. Strong connections can be a physical basis that we know as memory, and when you use nicotine, glutamate may create a memory loop pleasant feelings you get and further drive the desire to use nicotine.

Nicotine also increases the levels of other neurotransmitters and chemicals that modulate how your brain works. For example, your brain makes more endorphins in response to nicotine. Endorphins are small proteins that are often referred to as a natural painkiller body. It turns out the chemical structure very similar to endorphins function synthetic painkillers like morphine.

Wanna Know Causes Of Bad Breath?

Bad breath also known as halitosis, can be caused by certain health problems, eating unhealthy foods, sedentary lifestyle, and poor oral hygiene. Bad breath can be temporary and persistent. On a temporary bad breath, you can easily get rid of bad breath by means of gargling, brushing and flossing. Basically, bad breath can be addressed while keeping the basic oral hygiene, dental health, and lifestyle changes. On the other hand, persistent bad breath is a relatively serious condition. Persistent bad breath can be known after diagnosis the cause.

Bad breath is usually caused by a buildup of bad bacteria on the teeth, gums, and tongue. The aroma generally arise when decreased levels of saliva, which acts as a bacteria cleaners. This condition is called dry mouth or xerostomia. Bad breath due to decreasing levels of saliva is usually most felt at the following times:
  • When you feel hungry or are fasting. Saliva appears when you're chewing food. But saliva is reduced when you do not chew for a long time. As a result, the bacteria grow and cause bad breath.
  • In the morning. Saliva production stops while you sleep. Decreased saliva causes the growth of bacteria.
  • When you're thirsty or not to drink, the body does not produce a lot of saliva so that the process of cleansing the bacteria will be reduced.

In addition due to decreasing levels of saliva, bad breath can also be caused by the following points:

Food: Consumption of foods such as garlic, onion, or a banana can cause bad breath. The content of these foods are absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion. In the lung, pungent smell and then transferred to the air which is then exhaled through the nose. Bad breath caused by food may last up to 72 hours.

Oral hygiene: Poor oral hygiene, can lead to accumulation of food residue in the mouth. Various types of bacteria found in the mouth acting on particles of food, which releases hydrogen sulfide fumes, which cause bad breath. Oral hygiene is not maintained, such as not brushing and flossing, will make food particles stuck to the teeth. In the long term, the sticky food particles turn into a hard substance called plaque, which can ultimately lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Nose and throat problems: Causes of bad breath, can be attributed also with the nose. Every foreign substances trapped in the nose will be able to be the cause of bad breath. This condition can be caused by a sinus infection, which cause discharge from the sinuses to pass through the back of the throat, this eventually led to the stench. Moreover, throat infection also causes bad breath as well. Bacteria in the mouth tonsils can cause mild odor. The main cause for bad breath that arise in this area is calcification formed in the crevices of the tonsils. The white particles called tonsilloliths or tonsil stones.

Tobacco and alcohol: Both alcohol and tobacco can cause mouth so dry, causing a foul odor in the mouth. In addition, cigarette smoke contains tar, nicotine, and other substances, which accumulate in the mouth, causing periodontal disease and bad breath. Alcohol consumption, can also lead to digestive problems, which can also be associated with bad breath.

Dry mouth and fasting: It is common, have bad breath when you wake up in the morning. This condition is caused by a decrease in saliva production during sleep, because the mouth is kept closed for a long period. Therefore, saliva has a very important role in cleaning and moisten the mouth. This helps the fluid accumulation in the process of swallowing, which helps the mouth to get rid of the remnants of food, bacteria and dead cells. Saliva has the potential to kill bacteria in the mouth. With a decrease in saliva production, it can cause bad breath. In addition, fasting can also cause bad breath, because the breakdown of chemicals or ketoacidosis.

Other causes of bad breath: Some types of cancer can be the cause of bad breath. Lung infections and abscesses can produce bad breath. Even diabetes and chronic stomach acid disorders can cause bad breath. Some people with lactose intolerance can have bad breath, when they consume dairy products. Dentures can also cause bad breath problem, if not cleaned properly. Dehydration and constipation may also cause digestive problems that became one cause of bad breath.

Hyperkalemia Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Hyperkalemia is a condition that indicates the presence of excess levels of potassium in the bloodstream. Hyperkalemia sufferers often have no symptoms, but some people experience irregular heartbeats, pulse slow and weak, fatigue, weakness, difficulty breathing, and nausea. Hyperkalemia requiring intensive care in hospital, with close supervision and treatment of the same with kidney disease. Hyperkalemia treatments including dialysis; medicines diuretics; Intravenous calcium; glucose and insulin; as well as restrictions on the amount of intake of potassium in the diet.

According to MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, hyperkalemia occurs when certain disorders-such as acute or chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis or obstructive uropathy-lowering kidney's ability to remove potassium from the body. Hyperkalemia can occur when cells release excess potassium into liquid that is outside the cell, as a result of tissue injury-like burns, bleeding gastrointetinal, surgery, traumatic injury, tumor or rhabdomyolysis of drugs, alcohol or infection.

Those with poor kidney function had a higher risk for experiencing hyperkalemia. It should be noted, some treatments, such as potassium-sparing diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, can inhibit the body's ability to eliminate potassium. Patients with kidney failure, especially for those who perform the treatment by means of dialysis, should avoid foods high in potassium. These foods include meat and fish; vegetables such as broccoli, peas, tomatoes, and potatoes; and fruits, such as kiwi, plums, apricots, and cantaloupe.

The body needs potassium to make the synthesis of protein, metabolize carbohydrates, muscle development, and other important functions of electrical and cellular. However, you should be careful to consume potassium. If excessive, potassium will give serious health consequences.

Hyperkalemia causes

Potassium is an important component of all body cells. Almost 2% of the total potassium in our bodies found in the blood. Serious injuries, severe burns, surgery, alcoholism, drug abuse, and the destruction of tumor cells are some of the factors that can damage cells and tissues to release high amounts of potassium in the blood.
  1. One of the main hyperkalemia causes is renal dysfunction. This is because the potassium in the body is excreted through the kidneys. Every time there is a problem in the kidneys too often will result in an increase in the number of high potassium levels in the body.
  2. Potassium supplements or medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause hyperkalemia.
  3. The adrenal glands are located next to the kidneys produce hormones. One of these hormone called aldosterone. This hormone makes the kidneys to hold sodium and excrete potassium in the urine. Disorder or disease such as Addison's disease can also cause adrenal gland disorders.
  4. Diabetes is also known to be the cause of hyperkalemia. Diabetics often require insulin to maintain glucose levels. When there is a shortage of insulin in the body, fat cells in the body is damaged. This can cause the liquid and potassium in these cells to migrate into the bloodstream.

Hyperkalemia symptoms

Hiperkelamia symptoms generally tend to be asymptomatic so difficult to detect early, unless the increase of potassium occurs in a short time. The level of potassium in the blood, which is slightly higher than normal levels usually do not have any symptoms. Even when the potassium in the blood increases gradually, the symptoms experienced hyperkalemia is not so clear. In other cases, the most common symptoms are slow heartbeat and weak pulse. Both of these symptoms accompanied by extreme fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, weakness in the muscles that often make it difficult to move the limbs. If the growing conditions become more severe, the heart will stop beating entirely. In some rare cases, hyperkalemia is a genetic disorder, the level of potassium in the blood suddenly increases and causes muscle paralysis

Some Hiperkelamia symptoms that may be seen or felt, such as:
  • Nausea
  • Malaise
  • Weakness of Muscles
  • Palpitations
  • mild hyperventilation
  • irregular heartbeat
  • Breathing problems
  • tingling sensation
  • Paralysis

Hyperkalemia treatment

Treatment should be done if potassium rises above 5 mEq / L in someone with poor kidney function or above 6 mEq / L in someone with normal kidney function. Potassium can be removed from the body through the digestive tract or kidneys or by dialysis. Potassium can be removed by inducing diarrhea and by swallowing a preparation containing resin sucker potassium. These resins are not absorbed in the digestive tract, so the potassium out of the body through feces.

When kidney function well, given diuretic drugs to increase spending potassium. If needed immediate treatment, can be given intravenous solution containing calcium, glucose or insulin. Calcium helps protect the heart from the effects of high concentrations of potassium, although this effect only lasts a few minutes.

Glucose and insulin moves potassium from the blood into cells, thus lowering the blood potassium concentration. If this treatment fails or in case of kidney failure, dialysis may be necessary.

In the case of chronic hyperkalemia will require intravenous dose of insulin, glucose and calcium. As this can help in the absorption of potassium from the blood. It is also in turn will protect the heart and other muscles that could otherwise damaged by hiperkelamia. If this condition arises due to renal impairment, the affected person may need dialysis to treat simultaneously. Hyperkalemia Patients should augment drinking water, so the excess mineral potassium can be removed from the body through urine or sweat.