Showing posts with label Health Benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Benefits. Show all posts

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Apple Nutrition & Magnificent Benefits For Health Also Diet

The benefits of apples, already well known as a fruit that can help maintain the health and even prevents diseases, including also a powerful way to diet. Who does not like apples? The fruit is widely consumed to help the diet. What benefits we can get from an apple, let's discuss them one by one. Not excessive if there is a saying "An apple a day will keep the doctor away", remembering the apple has great health benefits. Delicious fruit that can be consumed in any form, has an important nutrient that is not inferior to other super fruits such as pomegranate. Scientists from Washington State University found that one apple a day is able to counteract obesity. In a study published in the scientific journal Food Chemistry, they revealed that the substances contained in apples can prevent a number of diseases associated with obesity.

Apple nutrition include, rich in vitamins, minerals and other elements such as phytochemicals, fiber, tannins, baron, tartar acid, and others. This substance is very necessary for our bodies to prevent and combat various diseases. Some of the vitamins contained in apples such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C. Meanwhile, the minerals contained in the apples, among others, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron , and zinc.

Apples also contain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are antioxidants to fight free radicals that come from pollution or the environment. This substance also serves to reduce the number kolesteroljahat (LDL), which can cause blockage of blood vessels. Apples are rich in fiber, so it is good for people who are on a diet program. This is because the high fiber thus preventing hunger comes more quickly. Tannins contained in apples, works to clean and freshen the mouth, so as to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. For more detailed apple nutritional value, you can read below:

Apple nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy218 kJ (52 kcal)
13.81 g
Dietary fiber2.4 g
0.17 g
0.26 g
Vitamin A equiv.
lutein zeaxanthin
3 μg
27 μg
29 μg
Thiamine (B1)
0.017 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.026 mg
Niacin (B3)
0.091 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
0.061 mg
Vitamin B6
0.041 mg
Folate (B9)
3 μg
Vitamin C
4.6 mg
Vitamin E
0.18 mg
Vitamin K
2.2 μg
6 mg
0.12 mg
5 mg
0.035 mg
11 mg
107 mg
1 mg
0.04 mg
Other constituents
Water85.56 g
Fluoride3.3 µg

*Taken from wikipedia based on USDA database.

Various magnificent apple benefits for health and diet programs

Apples benefit to the diet is one of the most famous in the world. How apples can help a diet to be successful? The workings of apples to the diet is almost the same as the benefits of brown rice, with a very high fiber content, this fruit makes satiety longer in our stomach. So what to do? This will greatly help the intake of food / appetite high-calorie foods can be minimized. When the stomach has been contained glucose, gastric feel hungry and ordered the brain to look for food. After eating, hunger automatically disappear, and where the role of apple fiber to make sense of the stomach full longer so you will not feel hungry. Apples have no fat and rich in fiber so it is safe to diet and bowel.

Apple health benefits

Nourish the heart: The results of the Iowa Women's Health Study mention, apples associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. This was based on a study involving over 34,000 women for 20 years. Other studies also provide similar results, the habit of eating apples reduce the risk of stroke. It happened because the content of antioxidants in apples help prevent bad cholesterol oxidized and cause inflammation.

Provide protection to the bone: flavonoids (phloridzin) on apples, is one of the benefits of apples that reduce the problem of osteoporosis in women after monopouse. Boron content of the apples also serves to strengthen the bones in the body that are not easily porous. It's also very good for the prevention of the onset of symptoms of rheumatic diseases.

Blood sugar control: galacturonic acid supplied by Apple to lower the performance of the body in releasing the hormone insulin. Therefore, a good apple consumed by people who have a genetic history of developing diabetes, so as not to grow and become more serious.

Lowering cholesterol: For those of you who are obese or have had high LDL, suggested to start consume apples. The soluble fiber found in apples can bind fat in the intestines, which translates in function to lower cholesterol levels.

Good for digestion: The apple is a fruit that is rich in fiber and various vitamins and minerals that are easily digested by the body, therefore, the apple is one type of fruit that is very healthy for digestion.

Prevent gallstones: Gallstones form when there is too much cholesterol in the bile so that it tends to harden. The short term effect is very possible you will be obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fiber to help you control cholesterol levels in the body. Apple as one of the super fruit which has a high fiber content.

Liver detoxification: Detoxification is one of the functions for removing toxins from the liver. Every day in the more advanced age, we will never be separated from consumption of containing 'toxic' if it was from a drink or food. Liver function is responsible for cleaning these toxins from the body. The content of antioxidants can help detoxify the liver of various substances or toxins in the body.

Improve the human immune system: red apples contain antioxidants called quercetin. Recent research has found that quercetin can help improve and strengthen the immune system, especially when the mind is stressed.

Helps the small intestine: Digestion is never separated from the small intestine as food processors and gets its nutrients. Consumption of apples regularly can prevent constipation and digestive disorders that occur in the intestines.

Maintaining the health of the mouth and teeth: Apparently Apple also has the function of tablets for oral and dental health, eating apples to chew directly stimulates the production of saliva to clean the oral cavity. Addition of tannin substances contained in apples, clean the plaque that damage the teeth and gums.

Brain Health: Apples have been shown to be used to protect neuron cells that can prevent oxidative stress induced neurotoxicity and plays an important role in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

Prevent Parkinson: Research shows that people who eat fruits and other high fiber foods benefit in protecting against Parkinson's disease. The disease is characterized by disruption of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the brain. Scientists have to connect it with the power of antioxidants that protect against various types of free radicals.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Folic Acid Benefits & Functions For Our Health

Functions and benefits of folic acid is quite a lot, among other functions on the red blood cells, the function of the DNA, the benefits for pregnant women, menstrual symptoms, body tissue growth, prevention of birth defects, brain function, heart, hair growth and so on. Folic acid or vitamin B9 is known as one of the eight vitamins are included in the group of vitamin B. Folic acid is a water soluble vitamin and is needed to form healthy new cells. Based on the scientific results we can say that, folic acid is a vitamin which is the most studied of the group of vitamin B. The studies prove the importance of folic acid and a variety of health benefits.

Folic acid is associated with a healthy pregnancy. This acid is a great energy and also increases the production of red blood cells. Folic acid foods such as asparagus, beans, oranges, whole grain products, broccoli, cabbage, spinach etc really provide a sufficient amount of acid to fill the shortage of vitamins and problems associated with it. Folic acid actually has no side effects, it is said to be a substance that is safe for consumption for health benefits. Folic acid is also important in protein metabolism and prevention of anemia. Therefore, folic acid is said to be very important for pregnant women and prevention of various medical conditions including severe Spina bifida, which is a disease of severe spinal cord-is found in infants.

Folic acid functions

Red blood cells: In addition to iron and vitamin B12, folic acid is also needed in the formation of red blood cells. Red blood cells play an important role for the body because the duty pick up oxygen in the lungs and circulate throughout the body and also picks up carbon dioxide in the body to drain back through the lungs. By eating plenty of folic acidic foods, it will create red blood cells for the body. Such as the use of specially fortified cereals volat acid or vitamin B9, then in red blood cells was folat acid levels will increase.

DNA: Since the function of folic acid that plays a role in the body's cells, therefore folic acid plays an important role in the repair of DNA in your body. Thus folic acid deficiency can cause growth of some cancers. When someone taking folic acid on a special diet (supplements), it will prevent them from the impact of vitamin B9 deficiency is a problem in the large intestine. Where is the problem in the large intestine can also cause cancer. So it is necessary for you to consume foods that contain lots of folic acid.

Folic acid benefits

Brain function: When a brain disorder, then someone could be depression or other cognitive disorders. For that folic acid is useful to optimize brain function. In the elderly, folic acid acts to prevent the occurrence of dementia and memory loss of memory in the brain. Research has shown that those who consume folic acid at least in their 50s for 3 years is able to compensate for those aged 40 years in a memory problem on a test in the Netherlands.

Heart: Defects in the heart as a result of congenital or genetic birth is rare. In the research has proven, heart defects can be reduced if at the time of pregnancy, many pregnant women take multivitamins that contained folic acid in it. Although the correlation can not be measured clearly, but by taking supplements of folic acid in pregnant women are able suppressed than those who did not consume folic acid in sufficient quantities.

Growth of body tissues: For functions that have been described as the formation of DNA, folic acid also plays an important role in the growth of body tissues. There is a link between folic acid with the formation of body tissues that have been damaged. In fact, animal studies show that the use of folic acid helps for healing spinal cord tissue but is also expected to have the same benefits in humans.

Hair Growth: Folic acid was able also as a therapy for hair growth. Because the function that can make the network formation can grow hair. At a special study said that folic acid can treat hair loss. With regular consumption of folic acid means preventing hair loss. For example, in men who have lived experience hair loss on the head, hair loss on the body, can be treated with the use of folic acid in their daily consumption. Folic acid recommended amount of 400 mcg per day. Can be obtained on cereals, vegetables, and fruits. If you've been eating these foods still experiencing hair loss, you can consume folic acid supplements are directly listed more than 400 mcg pertablet / capsule.

Menstrual symptoms: The Benefits of folic acid has previously been discussed, namely as a shaper of red blood cells. Thus it can help the symptoms of menstruation and consequently the symptoms of anemia in women. In some women, very heavy menstrual passed. Quite a lot of blood loss from the usually bad for the body. Usually your doctor will recommend or prescribe folic acid which is therein.

Benefits for pregnant women: Compared with previous benefits, folic acid is more known to be useful for pregnant women. Folic acid prevents birth defects of the brain and spinal cord. For pregnant women in the study are encouraged to consume folic acid 400 mcg to 600 mcg. Sometimes compliance is not as stable as nausea pregnant women tend to consume natural foods that contain this vitamin B9. So that compliance can be achieved by drinking milk that is specific to pregnant women.

Prevention of birth defects: One of the folic acid benefits is to prevent birth defects. Since it has been proven in studies that the use of folic acid during pregnancy is beneficial to prevent neural tube defects that affect the spine and brain. Research was continued decrease in infants with birth defects as much as 2% are still experiencing birth defects than those who did not consume folic acid can be up to 6%. Even in the United States, birth defects reached only 60 infants 1000 new births. This figure is quite small communities already conscious to consume folic acid.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Side Effects of Green Tea On These Conditions

Some people prefer to consume green tea to get the health benefits that have been tested. Although it has many benefits, you should limit the amount of green tea consumption. Moreover, if under certain conditions, the side effects of green tea turned out to give a negative effect on health. Green tea is claimed to have many benefits for the body. Some of them are destroying evil fats in the body and reduce free radicals in the body due to high content of antioxidants. The most well-known benefit is to lose weight.

A nutritionist said, the antioxidants in green tea (catechins), is the highest among other teas. Catechin is what helps the body increase metabolism. Although usefulness is very much for the body, but experts do not advise to rely on green tea when I want to lose weight. Because green tea is only served as one of the factors supporting or booster to help destroy bad fats. If not supported by the improvement of a healthier diet, the diet program would not be successful.

In the green tea compounds also contained tannin. These tannins will cause a diuretic effect (flavor to urinate constantly). The more you drink green tea, the more fluid removed and you will be limp. Ideally, drinking green tea is about 2-3 cups a day. And you also should not replace water intake with green tea. Tea has long been known as a healthy beverage for the body. Behind the various types of tea are popping up, green tea is one type of tea that has many fans. Unfortunately, drinking green tea could actually bring some side effects to the health of the body on several conditions below.
  • If you are taking any medications or under the supervision of medical, avoid consuming green tea. Because green tea will have a different way of working on the body if you are taking antibiotics or hormones tonic. As a result, the health of your kidneys may be interrupted.

  • Although many contain antioxidants in it, but the excessive consumption of green tea could lead to disruption of hormone secretion by glands in the body. You should drink green tea is not more than 2-3 cups a day.

  • The high caffeine content in green tea should you watch out for. Too much caffeine can disrupt the normal function of your mental that leads to anxiety or mood swings are not uncommon.

  • Tannins substance contained in green tea stimulates the stomach to secrete more acid. Although this effect is not too serious, but drinking green tea can be dangerous for those who have problems with stomach acid.

  • In addition, the tannins are also sometimes able to affect the blood's ability to absorb essential nutrients. This particularly happens in the absorption of iron in the blood. A study showed that green tea consumption is excessive, resulting in a decrease in iron absorption by 20% -25%.

  • Pregnant women should not consume green tea. Because again, a high caffeine content in green tea can harm fetal brain's ability to develop.

  • As well as coffee, green tea has caffeine content is quite high. So it is fitting to avoid excessive consumption of green tea. The result will experience anxiety and difficulty to sleep or insomnia.
So it is green tea gives a lot of benefits for health, but you should also still in recommended consumption, to avoid those side effects.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Importance of Vitamin B6 Benefits You Should Know

Vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine, is one of the important vitamin B complex. Chemically, its water soluble (not fat soluble). There are three main forms of vitamin B6, namely pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. There are several benefits of vitamin B6, which is very important for overall health. Considering this, we must include pyridoxine-rich foods in the diet, so that it can meet their daily needs. The recommendations of vitamin B6 recommended for adults is 1.3 mg / day. Meanwhile, for pregnant women and lactating required in higher quantities. During pregnancy is 1.9 mg / day, while for nursing mothers is 2 mg.

Benefits of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays a major role in coordinating the body's metabolic processes. Overall, ensuring the normal functioning of the nervous system, hormone regulation, tissue repair, cell growth and the formation of red blood cells, nucleic acids, and amino acids. Here are some of the benefits and functions of vitamin B6.

Complex nutrition
One major use of pyridoxine is complex nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats into simpler forms, which can be easily assimilated by the body's cells and tissues.

Improving nutrition
Increased intake of vitamin B6 helps in better assimilation of supplements and other drugs. This is the reason, pyridoxine used in conjunction with other B vitamins in vitamin B-complex formulations.

Strengthens the immune system
Vitamin B6 helps in the synthesis of lymphocytes (a type of leukocytes) and antibodies, which berugas for resistance mechanisms of the body. In simple terms, a water-soluble vitamin that boosts the immune system. Therefore, those who suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B6 realize a weakened immune system.

Reducing edema
One of the health benefits of vitamin B6 reduces water retention or edema, resulting in swelling of the body. Generally, vitamin B complex that contains a certain content of pyridoxine and other vitamin B recommended for the treatment of edema.

Treatments for hair loss
Benefits of vitamin B6 to prevent hair loss, including hair and for hair growth. Besides this, it helps in treating seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff. Many people get quick results after the use of vitamin B6 for the treatment of skin disorders such as eczema and acne psoriasis.

Premenstrual syndrome
According to medical research, vitamin B6, and the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome are related to one another. It is found that increasing vitamin B6 in the diet is effective for controlling the hormonal fluctuations, so as to combat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Morning sickness
Various studies have been conducted in connection with vitamin B6 and pregnancy. In the case study, it was found that vitamin B6 can be used for the treatment of nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms, which are experienced by many women experience during the early months of pregnancy.

Prevent kidney stones
Pyridoxine, in combination with magnesium, beneficial to reduce the possibility of the formation of kidney stones. The combination of lower levels of oxalate in the urine, resulting in kidney stones.

Regulate blood pressure
Another benefit of vitamin B6 is to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in a healthy way. This suggests that vitamin B6 indirectly helps in preventing blood circulation problems.

Other benefits
In addition, vitamin B6 showed positive results regarding the problems associated with magnesium deficiency, autism, schizophrenia, depression. Sufficient intake of foods containing pyridoxine reduce the chances of developing Parkinson's disease and prevent heart disease.

Impact of Vitamin B6 deficiency

Pyridoxine is essential for the body's metabolic processes. Thus, low levels of vitamin B6 for the long term can cause a variety of health problems. Typically, vitamin B-complex deficiency occurs in people who have a poor diet and those who are in the specific treatment. Alcohol abuse are at higher risk of having symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency than others. This is because certain medications and alcohol interfere with the normal assimilation of vitamin B6 from food and beverages.

Some symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency is stricken with skin problems, sore tongue (glossitis), mouth sores, anemia, temperament, confusion, depression, and seizures. To combat the symptoms of insufficiency, one should increase the intake of vitamin B6 or supplements.

Sources of Vitamin B6

The human body can not synthesize vitamin B6, it is obtained from food and beverages. Food sources of vitamin B6 include a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish, poultry, and meat. Some foods that are rich in these vitamins include bananas, avocados, walnuts, tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, beans, spinach, wheat. In addition to food sources, vitamin B6 supplements are available to be given in the right dose. If not, the intake of high doses of vitamin B6 supplements for long periods can cause health problems.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Protein Value In Every Each Egg Types

Do you know that in each egg contain different protein value? For example, an egg of duck has lower protein content compared with goose egg. Even there are so many protein source beside eggs (especially for vegetarian), you can found at high protein snacks post. But for you that choose eggs as protein source, here are the list of protein in an every egg types. The data taken from USDA Nutrient database, so it should be valid.

Protein value in every egg

Description Weight(g) Measure Protein (g)
Per Measure

Egg, duck, whole, fresh, raw 70.0 1.0 egg 8.97

Egg, goose, whole, fresh, raw 144.0 1.0 egg 19.97

Egg, quail, whole, fresh, raw 9.0 1.0 egg 1.17

Egg, turkey, whole, fresh, raw 79.0 1.0 egg 10.81

Egg, white, dried 28.0 1.0 oz 22.71

Egg, white, dried, flakes, stabilized, glucose reduced 28.35 1.0 oz 21.81

Egg, white, dried, powder, stabilized, glucose reduced 107.0 1.0 cup, sifted 88.17

Egg, white, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced 107.0 1.0 cup, sifted 90.55

Egg, white, raw, fresh 33.0 1.0 large 3.60

Egg, white, raw, frozen, pasteurized 28.0 1.0 oz 2.60

Egg, whole, cooked, fried 46.0 1.0 large 6.26

Egg, whole, cooked, hard-boiled 136.0 1.0 cup, chopped 17.11

Egg, whole, cooked, omelet 15.0 1.0 tbsp 1.59

Egg, whole, cooked, poached 50.0 1.0 large 6.26

Egg, whole, cooked, scrambled 61.0 1.0 large 6.09

Egg, whole, dried 85.0 1.0 cup, sifted 41.11

Egg, whole, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced 85.0 1.0 cup, sifted 40.94

Egg, whole, raw, fresh 50.0 1.0 large 6.28

Egg, whole, raw, frozen, pasteurized 28.0 1.0 oz 3.37

Egg, whole, raw, frozen, salted, pasteurized 28.0 1.0 oz 3.07

Egg, yolk, dried 67.0 1.0 cup, sifted 22.60

Egg, yolk, raw, fresh 17.0 1.0 large 2.70

Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, pasteurized 28.35 1.0 oz 4.35

Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, salted, pasteurized 28.35 1.0 oz 3.99

Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, sugared, pasteurized 28.35 1.0 oz 3.93

What does protein do?
Protein plays an important role for the human body, there are at least seven major function of the protein to sustain human life. Keep in mind Proteins are very important molecules in cells that are in our bodies. Protein is needed in almost every cell of the human body. Each protein has a specific function in the body. Proteins have different roles between the one with the other. There is a role for the movement of the body and for antibodies against germs. Proteins vary in structure and function. They are built from a set of 20 amino acids and has a different three-dimensional shapes. Here is a list of several types of proteins and their functions.

Although there are various functions of the proteins of the body, it can be concluded on a large number of different types of proteins, half of the protein body contains only four of the structure of collagen protein, actin, and myosin, and also the oxygen transport protein, hemoglobin. Protein is distributed to the various organs of the body, with the highest number (approximately 40%) in muscle tissue. In addition to driving and working power, muscle protein also contain amino acids that can be mobilized when there is stress. Muscle proteins have different forms, such as glycogen, or fat, and muscle protein deficiency will affect protein function.

The function of the muscle tissue is giving a lower priority than the function of the stomach tissues, such as liver and intestine, the protein content of approximately 10%. and Approximately 30% of the body's protein found in skin, blood, and both skin lesions and the impact effect on protein deficiency anemia. Some proteins such as collagen would be destroyed in the event of future nutritional deficiencies in the body, this happens not because protein is less important but the type of protein is very easily damaged.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Benefits of Calcium Not Only For Teeth & Bones

When compared with other minerals, the amount of calcium in our body have a greater number. However, during this time a lot of people know calcium is only to help maintain strong bones and healthy teeth, are also useful for preventing osteoporosis. All of these things are not wrong, because 99% of the calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth. However, the usefulness of calcium more than that. Calcium is one of the major nutrients needed by the body to cope with health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack, premenstrual syndrome and colon cancer. Calcium also supports the activities of enzymes, hormones, nerves, muscles, and blood clots. Calcium in the blood even be a measure of balance calcium levels throughout the body, which is determined by parathyroid hormone.

To meet the needs of the calcium in our body, the body will take it from the food we eat everyday. If the food does not contain enough calcium to meet the needs of the body, then the body will take the calcium contained in our bones, so that bones can be regarded as the body's calcium reserves. and if this happens in the long term then maybe we will suffer from osteoporosis in old days later.
We are always advised to take calcium supplements to reduce the risk of osteoporosis if we do not consume enough calcium-rich foods. However, according to a new meta-analysis, this recommendation has been questioned by some researchers.

Meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal sparked debate among scientists. A group of researchers from University of Auckland in New Zealand, analyzed the data that already exists, which examined the effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation of heart problems in 29,000 postmenopausal women. They concluded that calcium supplements (with or without vitamin D) increases the risk of heart attack by 25 percent and stroke by 15 percent. These findings indicate that the risk of heart problems outweigh the potential benefits of taking calcium supplements.

So, if you already read those news, and want to met recommended calcium intake from natural source, you can read at calcium rich foods post. Here are some benefits of calcium for humans:
  • Activate nerve
  • Improve blood circulation
  • flex its muscles
  • Normalize blood pressure
  • Balance blood acidity levels
  • Maintaining the balance of body fluids
  • Preventing osteoporosis (brittle bones)
  • Preventing heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of colon cancer
  • Overcoming cramps, back pain, hemorrhoids, and rheumatism
  • Address complaints during menstruation and menopause
  • Minimize bone shrinkage during pregnancy and lactation
  • Help mineralization of teeth and prevent tooth root bleeding
  • Overcoming dry and cracked skin feet and hands
  • Restoring libido decreased / lower
  • Overcoming diabetes (activates the pancreas)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Benefits of Coconut Oil For Hair

In addition to health benefits, it turns out coconut oil is also beneficial for hair health. Even in some areas of the world, the use of coconut oil for hair is a things that have been done since ancient times, and is a cultural heritage. Coconut oil for hair can help increase hair growth well. Hair is nothing but a dead protein filaments, each follicle is placed deep in the dermis or the inner layer of the skin. The main component of hair is called keratin.

Long hair and sparkling, always regarded as a sign of healthy hair. The secret behind it, lies in a healthy diet and proper hair care. Proper hair care basically includes moisturizers and cleansers, which helps overcome the common problems such as damaged hair, dry hair, thinning hair, and dandruff.

Coconut oil for healthy and hair treatment

1. Nutrition and moisturizing: Coconut oil can nourish every strand of hair by penetrating deep into the hair shaft. Coconut oil gives softness to the hair follicle, preventing hair breakage and dry. Coconut oil adds to the strength and vitality of hair with moisture from the inside, and also protects from bad environment condition.

Coconut oil is particularly suitable for dry hair, which is more susceptible to damage. It contains vitamin E, which is believed to be useful to treat the hair and prevent hair loss with excess. Using coconut oil for hair before shampooing can help prevent the loss of natural oils from the hair follicle during the shampooing process.

2. Maintaining the health of the scalp: Coconut oil is known to have anti-fungal properties and anti-bacterial. Therefore, it can be used to overcome the problem of the scalp and to heal insect bites and treat acne on the scalp. It can also eradicate lice and dandruff on the scalp. Excessive dandruff can slow hair growth by blocking hair follicles. Capric acids found in coconut oil has antimicrobial properties. Thus, it can help keep the scalp healthy and thus create the right environment for hair growth.

3. Preventing loss of protein: Coconut oil is an excellent emollient and become a rich source of fatty acids, such as oleic acid, linoleic acid and lauric acid. Lauric acid is proven to be effective in hair growth, as it has a high affinity for hair proteins. It can bind to the hair protein and thereby prevent hair damage.

4. Make hair strong and elastic: Linoleic acid, found in coconut oil, can help keep the hair so well hydrated and maintain its elasticity. Coconut oil also contains oleic acid, which can make hair thicker and stronger.

5. Improve blood circulation: Massaging the scalp with coconut oil helps in improving the blood circulation, which will increase the flow of oxygen to the hair follicles. Proper blood circulation can ensure an adequate supply of nutrients to the hair follicles and thus, stimulate hair growth.

How to use coconut oil for hair growth

To get maximal benefit from coconut oil, the oil must be used in warm and then massage gently to the scalp. You can let this oil overnight or can be 1-2 hours, then rinse with mild shampoo. If it does not rinse properly, this oil can clog the hair follicle, the effect can inhibit hair growth. For straight or wavy hair, may only use coconut oil before shampooing. For curly hair and thick, can apply coconut oil before and after shampooing.

Amino Acids Benefits & Function For Health

When we talk about protein, it will be highly correlated with the amino acid. Then what is the amino acid? Amio acid is the main component constituent proteins that are divided into two groups, essential amino acids and non-essential. Essential amino acids can not be produced by the body so often have to be added in the form of food, while the non-essential can be produced in the body. As the basic unit of protein, amino acids are very important in the formation of proteins. Amino acids have a function to build and repair muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, hair, and nails.

Non-Essential Amino Acids
Here are the types of non-essential amino acids
  • Alanine
  • Asparagine
  • Aspartatic acid
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamaic acid
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Serine
  • Tyrosine
A healthy body is able to produce non-essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. But people with poor health or suffering from certain diseases may be having problems in producing amino acids.

Essential Amino Acids
Here are the essential amino acids
  • Arginine
  • Isoleucine
  • Histidine
  • Leucine
  • Methionine
  • Lysine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Tryptophan
  • Threonine
  • Valin


Amino Acid benefits for health

  1. Amino acids help improve the detoxification of ammonia by the liver, thus improving overall health.
  2. Amino acids ensure a balance of nitrogen required for the smooth running of the reproductive system. 
  3.  Amino acids help increase muscle mass and promote weight loss. Amino acids also accelerate healing and helps repair the skin and connective tissue.
  4. Amino acids are very important if you want to have the skin, hair and nails healthy.
  5. Amino acid deficiency can cause an imbalance of enzymes and hormones. Amino acid triggers the release of insulin and thus help balance blood sugar levels.
  6. Amino acids play a role to stimulate the production of growth hormone and strengthens bones and collagen.
  7. Amino acids help avoid fatigue and improve stamina.
  8. Foods rich in amino acids help maintain heart health, helps avoid depression, and improve memory. 
  9.  Food containing amino acids, helps prevent hair loss while inhibiting the growth of tumors and cancer.

Amino acid deficiency impact

Insufficiency of protein in daily food intake, will cause a very serious impact on our bodies. In general, protein deficiency will result in inhibition of growth of cells and tissues of the body so that the body system will not run optimally.

As for the specific amino acid deficiency will also cause different effects to the body. For example, the amino acid Arginine deficiency causes infertility or infertility in men, histidine deficiencies will damage the health of red blood cells and white, isoleucine deficiency will affect the formation of hemoglobin, blood sugar levels and energy, and so on.

Most of the amino acid deficiency due to lack of adequate protein intake in the diet, lack the ability to digest and absorb protein in the body, and decreased liver function to convert the non-essential amino acids. If the protein intake in the daily diet not meet the body's need for various types of essential amino acids, the protein supplement is the right choice to meet your daily requirement of amino acids.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

7+ Magnificent Biotin Benefits For Health

Biotin is another name for Vitamin B7, but there is also a call as Vitamin H. Just like most other B vitamins, biotin has a primary function is as a helper in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. In addition, vitamin B7 is also beneficial in maintaining healthy hair or hair loss. While based on site, they also mentioned that one of magnificent biotin benefits can control blood sugar level, even need further research for it.

Biotin can be produced by the body. If the body is healthy, the bacteria in your gut makes all the biotin you need. Very rarely do people at risk of deficiency of this vitamin unless they have an eating disorder, but they are taking antibiotics or sulfa drugs, or who consume large amounts of saccharin may need supplements, because these substances interfere with the body's ability to produce it. People with type II diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) may also take biotin supplements. One study found that people who took 9,000 micrograms per day for one month can lower blood sugar levels to nearly half of its original level.

The main role of biotin in the body is to help metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that will form the simple sugar molecules (glucose), fatty acids, and amino acids. This reaction is known as catabolism, the breakdown of complex compounds into simpler molecules accompanied by the release of energy. Simple molecules will then be used by the body to synthesize new cells. Biotin is also a coenzyme for pyruvate carboxylase, one of the types of enzymes that play a role in energy metabolism.

Biotin is widely used to help restore the body against disease holokarboksilase synthetase deficiency and biotinidase deficiency. In addition, biotin mamapu also lowers blood sugar levels and strengthen the structure of the hair and nails. Associated with its role in energy metabolism, these vitamins can improve the efficiency and catalyze the breakdown of body fat.

Benefits of Vitamin B7 for health

1. Metabolism: Biotin is considered as a catalyst to control several metabolic reactions. Namely to provide energy from the metabolism of essential elements such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This process is very important for the human body to perform routine functions and remain in good health.

2. Skin care: Biotin is an essential element of a compound to maintain healthy skin and hair health. It is also beneficial to keep the nails in good condition. It helps to revitalize the skin color is lost due to pollution and poor health. So, if someone is having a dry scalp and hair loss, probably due to biotin or vitamin B7 deficiency in the diet.

3. Maintenance of muscle tissue: Vitamin B7 helps the growth and maintenance of muscle tissue, and muscle tissue repair of any kind of damage. This vitamin also ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system, along with the desired growth of the bone marrow.

4. Keeping body weight: Vitamin B7 or biotin also helps in reducing excess body fat, as well as maintain it to keep it in good condition. People who are overweight generally recommended doctors to-eat foods rich in vitamin B7.

5. Heart Health: Vitamin B7 is also very helpful to ensure the proper functioning of the heart with the release of a variety of crucial issues. Because vitamin B7 also help reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the human body.

6. Blending important compounds: Vitamin B7 is considered as a synthesizer of several important components, which plays a role in maintaining good health for the human body. For example, this vitamin also helps in the processing of glucose to extract a good amount of energy. Also, it helps to integrate fatty acids and amino acids in the body.

7. Keeping blood sugar levels: Facts prove that Vitamin B7 or biotin is helpful to maintain the level of sugar in the blood in the right level, especially good for people who suffer from diabetes. Biotin helps the body to adapt to insulin, thereby reducing the risk of blood sugar or diabetes.

Another benefit of Biotin

Biotin also helps in the treatment of several diseases such as alopecia, Parkinson's disease, candidiasis Rett syndrome and female sex organs. Also be part of the treatment of the symptoms of seborrhea dermatitis, Crohn's disease, and peripheral neuropathy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

5 Important Zinc Benefits For Human Health

Zinc benefits is very important for the survival of the cells of the human body. One of them is, as an intermediary for over 70 kinds of enzymes and proteins in the human body. The enzyme itself plays a role in the metabolism of the whole cells of the human body, then if enzymes are not fully formed, the function of the body's cells will be disrupted. With a large enough concentration in the body which occupies the second position after iron, zinc can be easily found in various types of foods rich in protein such as meat, beans and legumes. The intake of zinc is needed is actually very little, but in fact the absorption of zinc by the body was very small.

Of about 4-14 mg / day the amount of zinc that is recommended to be consumed, only about 10-40% that can be absorbed. The presence of other high mineral substances in the body, such as iron and copper as well as the content phytat in spinach, kale and other vegetables, it inhibits the absorption of zinc in the intestinal mucosa. However, if these substances fermented, can actually increase the absorption of zinc. If you are deficient in zinc, it will usually appear the signs or symptoms of zinc deficiency, such as hair loss, excessive fatigue, decreased appetite, and so forth.

Zinc is essential as a first line of defense in our body. The first line is represented by a physical disease prevention, such as the skin and the mucous membrane lining the inside of the body. Zinc is found in the secretion of mucus in our respiratory system, and also on the surface of the lungs and throat. It has antimicrobial effects, so it helps to kill bacteria and viruses before they could infect. Zinc is also secreted in saliva and mucous membranes of the digestive system to kill bacteria that come ingested with food.

Not only beneficial support of the immune defense, zinc also supports the production of white blood cells and activate the B and T cells needed by the body's immune system to fight viruses and bacteria. Below are five zinc benefits for our health.

1. Immune system: Zinc is one of the nutrients to boost the immune system, and thus help prevent the disease.

2. Mood and brain health: Zinc is also found in the brain, and has been proven to reduce oxidative damage caused. This damage is associated with the development of some diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  Zinc also has a calming effect on the brain, so that if the deficiency can cause agitation and mood decline. Low levels of zinc are also found in people who are severely depressed, and there are allegations of the relationship between zinc and the uptake of serotonin in the brain. There are also studies that show the benefits of zinc for children with autism and ADHD. There is also a relationship between low zinc and depression after childbirth.

3. Men's health and fertility: Oysters are known as healthy aphrodisiac, it is probably due to the high content of zinc. Because zinc proved to be stored in the prostate, testes and sperm, then it should also beneficial for men's health and fertility. Research has shown that zinc supplements can increase sperm count, motility and morphology. Zinc also helps reduce the possibility of an enlarged prostate. This is especially important for men over the age of 50, because they are more risky with BHP (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

4. Eye health: Zinc is also needed by the liver to synthesize vitamin A, which is essential for good vision. It is also part of the mechanism for the transport of vitamin A in the blood to the eye area.

5. Healthy skin: Zinc has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from UV. Important in producing collagen for wound healing and preventing dry skin conditions and allergies. It is very beneficial in the treatment of acne, because the role of importance in regulating and anti-inflammatory oil glands in the skin. Teenage boys need plenty of zinc for growth and sexual development. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Vitamin B12 Benefits & Function To Human Body

Vitamin B12 is commonly known as "anti-stress" vitamin, and is still a vitamin B-complex group. Vitamin B12 is also known as water-soluble vitamins and contains a substance which is called by cobalt so often called cobalamin. Because cobalamin is one of the compilers of the vitamin B complex, therefore it is very important to know the benefits and functions to maximize the consumption of vitamin B12. As with other vitamins, vitamin B12 are both in natural foods or in vitamin supplements. Together with other B vitamins, vitamin B12 can help the body to stay healthy.

Vitamin B12 is one of the essential nutrients that can be found naturally in meat, seafood, milk, and various other products that have been fortified with B12. The elderly and people with certain health problems, may not be able to absorb vitamin B12 properly. To overcome this, the doctor will probably give you an injection of vitamin B12 to prevent deficiency. In addition, vitamin B12 injections are often given to increase energy.

Strict vegetarians, heavy drinkers, smokers, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly usually require more vitamin B12. For that, it is usually advised to take supplements of this vitamin. But sometimes our bodies, especially our digestive system, is not able to absorb this vitamin well. This can happen if someone has disorders such as pernicious anemia, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, the growth of bacteria in the small intestine, or parasites. People suffering from this condition may also require vitamin B12 in supplement form.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause symptoms such as anemia, fatigue, body weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, significant weight loss, depression, difficulty remembering, mouth pain, asthma, vision problems etc. However, vitamin B12 deficiency is usually rare, because the liver stores of vitamin B12 reserves sufficient to last several years.

Vitamin B12 benefits

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for brain function, heart function, and overall body health. Vitamin B12 helps the formation of red blood cells and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 also can help reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid which can cause heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and dementia when there are excessive amounts in the body.

If you are experiencing a shortage (deficiency) of vitamin B12 in a short time, then you may experience some of the symptoms below as feeling very tired, low blood pressure, muscle weakness, and decreased mental function.

If the deficiency of vitamin B12 occurs in the long term, it can cause mood disorders, hallucinations, increased levels of homocysteine, a variety of symptoms that mimic Alzheimer's disease, such as memory loss and difficulty concentrating.

Below you can read important vitamin B12 benefits for our body

Apparently, vitamin B12 also plays a role in the metabolism of the human body. Vitamin B12 plays a role in normalizing the function of the nerves and the brain, in addition to the formation of red blood cells in the body. Vitamin B12 plays a role in metabolism is the metabolism of the body's cells. As well as the synthesis and regulation of energy metabolism into fatty acids contained in the body. Precisely on the human body, vitamin B12 helps metabolism depends on coenzyme A (CoA) which helps in the metabolism of propionate and certain substances in the amino acid turns it into succinyl CoA. Then passes through the citric acid cycle. If the deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to mental retardation or other metabolic disorders.

In the manufacture of DNA and RNA, vitamin B12 plays an important role here. Vitamin B12 coordinate with vitamin B9 or folate create red blood cells while also iron in order to function properly in the body. Folate and B12 is coordinated to produce S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) one compound that plays a role in regulating the body's immunity. When DNA synthesis poor body is not made up of folate with the help of vitamin B12 and megaloblastosis pernicious anemia. Known to lead to abnormalities in vitamin B12 deficiency syndrome. Where vitamin B12 depends on the enzyme methylmalonyl coenzyme A and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase (MTR).

This type of anemia is pernicious anemia, especially when the body of the stomach cells are not able to make intrinsic factor. Without intrinsic factor, vitamin B12 which has entered into the body can not be absorbed properly and wasted. Anemia is characterized by symptoms of pale skin, fatigue, weight loss, fever, diarrhea, tingling in hands and feet, confusion, loss of balance of the body, loss of memory, and moodiness themselves. Vitamin B12 should continue to be given to patients with pernicious anemia and also takes care of the doctor more.

Heart Disease
Vitamin B12 deficiency, it can lead to heart disease. The high amino acid homocysteine resulted in the development of coronary heart disease 1.7 times higher. It is also 2.5 times higher stroke than people who consume vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps lower homocysteine levels. But still ask the doctor for your heart health.

Protecting the Nervous System
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to the myelin sheath that protects the nerves in the body. When myelin is damaged, the nerves, too distracted. Therefore, vitamin B12 deficiency can damage the nervous system of the spine. Another result is pain in the nerves, nerve disorders and dementia until permanent. Even Alzheimer's disease also occurs in those who have this nervous breakdown. To that end, the consumption of vitamin B12 may protect and care for the myelin sheath of nerve better and avoid nerve disorders.

Breast Cancer
There is no specific evidence indicating vitamin B12 can prevent breast cancer. However, women who take vitamins B12, was able to reduce a person affected by breast cancer. Because Vitamin B12 is coordinated with folate lowers the risk of breast cancer. Not to mention the fact carrying when women experience menopause in which the deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate lead to more susceptible to breast cancer.

Eye Health
The latest facts stated by take vitamins B12, folate, and vitamin B6 at doses high enough to prevent a person develops AMD. What is the AMD? AMD is one of the eye diseases that can lead a person to lose his eyesight.

Hair Health
Hair loss affects men and women today, that caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12. With lots of vitamin B12 consumption, can prevent from premature aging characterized by hair loss. Although hair loss is not entirely due to a lack of vitamin B12. It could be due to excessive drug use, use of the wrong shampoo can also lead to hair damage.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Revealing Amazing Vitamin C Benefits For Health

Vitamin C Benefits. As the water-soluble vitamins, vitamin C has many important roles in warding off many diseases. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is commonly known to have a significant role in the formation of collagen which helps boost the immune system and helps the absorption of iron. In fact, several studies have shown the benefits of vitamin C in lowering cholesterol levels and produce certain chemicals in the brain. In addition, the high content of antioxidants in vitamin C also can wipe free radicals that damage cells in the body.

To maintain and improve the health of the immune system, it is advisable to take vitamin C with doses ranging from 500 to 1,000 mg / day. To maintain the beauty of the skin needed vitamin C at a dose of 500-2000 mg / day. To reduce black spots on the skin of vitamin C is recommended to consume between 2,000 to 4,000 mg / day in the form of a buffer (not acid) that can be consumed 1-1.5 hours after eating. However, although safe in high doses and is soluble in water, there are some people who can not consume it because it has a stomach illness. This is because, most of the high doses of vitamin C can cause stomach acid reaction and lead to ulcer recurrence.

Here are the amazing benefits of vitamin C that you should know.

  1. Reduce the risk of heart attacks: Vitamin C is able to eliminate atherosclerosis in the heart. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the arteries thicken your heart and cause a heart attack can increase your blood becomes smooth. 
  2. Controlling blood pressure: High blood pressure is a dangerous disease and can cause sudden death in people who are suffering. Taking vitamin C at the recommended doses on a regular basis can reduce blood pressure and heart and kidney damage.
  3. Avoid the risk of asthma: A study shows that people who suffer from asthma usually have a less amount of vitamin C in their bodies. Therefore taking vitamin C every day can reduce shortness of breath. 
  4. Fight cancer and reduce the effects of chemotherapy: Many studies have shown that vitamin C can fight cancer in several stages. Not only that, the vitamin C can also minimize the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea.
  5. Reduce the risk of diabetes: Vitamin C is beneficial for lowering sugar levels in the body and help prevent the adverse effects of diabetes on the sufferer. Replace sugary snacks with fruit juice or other fruits that contain vitamin C. 
  6. Reduce cramping after exercise: Vitamin C can reduce pain or cramping that usually happens after you exercise. Vitamin C is also able to reduce the production of free radicals.
Vitamin C as an antioxidant in addition to the body's cells and tissue repair skin damaged by free radicals. In beauty care, vitamin C has an important role in blood circulation so that the skin looks fresher. This vitamin also stimulates the formation of collagen skin and protect it from damage. Vitamin C has properties as a water holder (save water) so as to keep the skin moist and prevent it from drying out. 

Consuming the right amounts of vitamin C on a regular basis, can inhibit the aging process, smooth the skin, while inhibiting the tyrosinase enzyme performance; an enzyme which assists the formation of pigment in the skin. If the pigmentation process is hampered, the skin look cleaner and brighter.

Sources of vitamin C can be found in fruits such as sour orange, strawberry, or pineapple, and vegetables such as broccoli, celery, and tomatoes. Besides being easily obtained from natural food ingredients, a variety of supplement products on the market can also be our preferred alternative to meet the needs of vitamin C in the body. However, keep in mind that high doses of vitamin C taken orally can cause problems in the stomach.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

5 Main Vitamin E Benefits & Functions To Human Health

Vitamin E provides benefits to prevent people from free radical attack and prevent various diseases such as liver, slows premature aging due to oxidation processes, and much more. Therefore, it is advisable to always meet the daily requirement of vitamin E. Vitamin E is the generic name for "Tocopherol" and is available in four different forms. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant, which is why benefits of Vitamin E for health no need to doubt.

Tocopherol is insoluble in water but soluble in fat solvents such as oils, fats, alcohol, acetone, ether and so on. Because it is not water soluble, vitamin E can only be digested in the body with the help of the liver bile, as an emulsifier in oil through the duodenum. Vitamin E is stable on heating but will be damaged if the heating is too high. Vitamin E is alkaline, if there is no oxygen and is not affected by the acid at a temperature of 1000 C. When exposed to oxygen in the air, it will oxidize slowly. Meanwhile, when exposed to the light color will be darker gradually.

Vitamin E is easily obtained from the oily foods or vegetables. Vitamin E is found in many fruits, milk, butter, eggs, vegetables, especially sprouts. Examples of the many vegetables that contain vitamin E are wheat germ oil, soybean oil, corn oil, alfalfa, lettuce, beans, asparagus, bananas, strawberries, sunflower seeds, beans, sweet potatoes and green vegetables. Vitamin E is more abundant in fresh unprocessed foods.

One unit is equivalent to 1 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate or can be considered equivalent to 1 mg. Besides breast milk also contains vitamin E to meet the needs of the baby.

During its development, Vitamin E is produced in the form of pills, capsules, and other vitamins as that already exist beforehand. Vitamins are already packaged in various forms is sold freely in the market and are considered useful.

Vitamin E Benefits For Health

  1. Preventing Heart Disease: The role of vitamin E can prevent atherosclerosis caused by plaque on the walls of the arteries leading to the heart. The presence of plaque can be formed by the oxidation of blood cholesterol and eventually the material will accumulate and eventually clog the arteries. Vitamin E can prevent cholesterol from oxidation, so it will not form materials that can clog the arteries so the less cholesterol is oxidized, the less cause arterial blockage will cause the risk of heart disease.

  2. Preventing Cancer: The content of antioxidants in vitamin E also very instrumental in preventing the onset of cancer. Perhaps the ability of vitamins to prevent cancer is not as strong as its ability to prevent heart disease, but the research shows that, in patients with cancer have low vitamin E levels.

  3. Counteract Free Radicals: Free radicals are the cause of many diseases in our body, including cancer. Vitamin E contains antioxidants which can counteract free radicals into the body. Vitamin E also has the special ability to protect cell membranes intruded by free radicals. Vitamin E has the ability to capture and bind free radicals in the cell membrane. To carry out these duties, vitamin E helped with vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other antioxidants. In addition, the elderly also need a lot of intake of vitamin E to boost the immune system and also slow down the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. 

  4. Maintain Male Fertility: Free radicals could potentially cause infertility in men. This happens because the fat content in sperm cell membrane, which causes the vulnerability of sperm cells against free radical attack. Intake of vitamin E may help ward off free radicals and prevent damage to sperm cells.

  5. Keeping Eyes Healthy: The blood vessels in the eye are very soft, very easily damaged by free radicals. Intake of vitamin E helps prevent damage to blood vessels. In addition, vitamin E also helps protect the lens of the eye from damage by free radicals. People with a low intake of vitamin E had a higher risk of cataracts later in life. Vitamin E intake of 400 IU per day of one's youth will reduce the risk of cataracts in old age to about 50%. With such facts, there is no longer any reason for you to not be concerned with the consumption of vitamin E, which is very much beneficial.