Showing posts with label Protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protein. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2015

3 Common Mistakes On Protein Consumption

To maintain weight and health of the body, most people always prioritize complex carbohydrates such as whole grains or similar foods. Most people also regularly eat a variety of vegetables and fruit every day. Then, what about the protein, whether it as needed? The average adult women need 40-50 grams of protein each day. Protein is useful to build up the body's cells and muscle tissue. The good news is, according to nutrition expert and author of The Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure, Tammy Lakatos Shames and Lyssie Lakatos, rare women who have difficulties in meeting these recommendations.

But the problem is, the need for proper protein for each person is different. Women with active lifestyles require more protein than the less active. Age also affect the amount of your protein needs. This is where many people often make mistakes, even including an intelligent person when it comes to choosing food. Here are three of the most common mistakes in an effort to meet the recommended amount of protein intake.

1. Do not understand the calculation: Women who are overweight 58 kg require about 46 grams of protein each day. A total of 85 grams of chicken breast contains about 26 grams of protein. You simply add half portion again and you protein daily needs are met. But, if you weigh more than that or you are super active, your protein needs are also increasing.

Your weight (in kilograms) multiplied by 0.8 if you are less active lifestyle, multiplied by 1.3 if you are an active or are pregnant and multiplied by 1.8 if you include people who are very active. Very active on this example is your exercise routine every day for at least one hour. Lakatos says, you often exercise, constantly 'destroy' muscle tissue. You need protein to build back better.

2. Just relying on a single source of protein: Each type of protein has a different function. Protein from milk serves to assist the contraction of muscles and your bones. According to Lakatos, animal protein more efficient used by the body, because it contains a complete amino acid. While the nuts protein has antioxidants that are not owned by any other source of protein. Therefore, you are encouraged to meet protein needs not just of one or two types of food alone. Eat a variety of types of protein sources, changing every day so that the nutrients that your body needs fulfilled.

3. No protein intake after exercise: Most people know that they need a replacement energy from carbohydrates after exercise. But, did you know that protein is also important for the intake after the training session is over? Nutrition experts say, during exercise, muscle fibers are torn and broken apart. To repair damaged tissue, you need protein and carbohydrates. Of course, that's easier said than done, especially if your appetite has been lost due to too tired. If so the situation is, you are allowed to consume a protein drink with fruit.

Or better yet, try more natural protein-carbohydrate duo, like Greek yogurt sprinkled with pistachios, or a boiled egg with a piece of fruit. Eat protein at the latest 30 minutes after exercise. However, the sooner the better. Because, in the first 30 minutes after exercise, your body is still very receptive. After that, it would be difficult to repair muscle tissue. After two hours? Your chance to get a good muscle, will completely disappear.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Best Protein Source According to Nutritionist

Protein is one of the important keys to repair cells, build muscle, burn several kilograms of fat, and other important functions. But, in fact it is not only how much protein we eat, but also a source of protein. There are several reasons why a very important source of protein. First, any source, whether it's chicken or beans, contain different amino acids. From 20 amino acid variations, nine of which are essential, which means that only we can get from food.

According to Rajavel Elango (nutritionists and metabolism), animal protein has a complete essential amino acids. But the vegetable protein contains only a small portion of the 9 essential ammino acid. He said, if you only get vegetable protein intake, it is important to consume a wide variety at meal times to meet the body's need for amino acids. Consume a variety of high protein foods are also very important, because each of these sources also contain different vitamins and minerals. There are foods rich in vitamin B, there are iron, and so on.

Here are some of the best sources of protein according to nutritional experts.

1. Eggs: How much protein in an egg? One egg contains 6 grams of protein. Bonnie Taub-Dix (author of Read It Before You Eat It) said, in terms of biological value, eggs have the highest value. Biological value is the proportion of protein that when diasup will help form protein and tissue in the body. Other advantages are it contains choline, vitamin B-12 and D, which is essential to increase energy levels and cell. We also still allowed to eat one egg every day without worrying about increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

2. Cottage cheese: Cottage cheese is a soft cheese made from curds. In one cup of the cheese contained 25 grams of protein and 18 percent of our daily calcium needs.

3. Chicken: Excess of poultry meat is much less saturated fat than other meats. In a chicken breast contains 30 grams of protein.

4. Whole Cereal: Cereal intact or whole grains not only contain fiber but also protein. Quinoa is a part of the whole Cereal proteins that contain complete or contain all the essential amino acids.

5. Fish: Fish is the best source of omega-3 are needed for a healthy heart and stabilize mood. In pieces measuring 3 ounces of salmon contains 17 grams of protein with 6.5 grams of unsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile tuna contains higher, 25 grams.

6. Greek Yogurt: Greek Yogurt has a fresh taste that is suitable to be consumed at breakfast, snack, or in other mixtures. Fat content in Greek yogurt is a little, while the protein is high enough.

7. Nuts: In addition to having unsaturated fat content, nuts are also rich in protein.

8. Green vegetables: Green leafy vegetables also contains protein. For example, the spinach dish which has 70 calories, contains 10 grams of protein. Although green vegetables do not contain complete amino acid, but when combined with nuts or legumes, then the amino acid is quite "complete".

Limit your daily protein intake
It is said, to curb hunger and promote weight loss quickly, you can consume a lot of protein. However, in essence, the best protein intake in your diet is that in moderate doses. If you consume too much protein, the muscles in your body will grow bigger. In other words, you will easily lose body fat.

Proteins, like fats and carbohydrates, calories. And no matter what kind of food you eat, consume too many calories will lead to weight gain because the body stores the excess as fat. So, if you consume too much protein, the body can experience advanced effects such as obesity and heart which is the number one killer in the world. Obesity also increases the risk of diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other chronic health problems.

Protein you should consume at least between 10 percent to 35 percent of total daily caloric intake. For most men, this means about 56 grams of protein per day and about 46 grams per day in women. But you must remember, every person have their own protein needs. Depend on their activities, age and so on. 

Taken from Wikipedia, according to US & Canadian Dietary Reference Intake guidelines, women aged 19–70 need to consume 46 grams of protein per day, while men aged 19–70 need to consume 56 grams of protein per day to avoid a deficiency. The generally accepted daily protein dietary allowance, measured as intake per kilogram of body weight, is 0.8 g/kg. However, this recommendation is based on structural requirements, but disregards use of protein for energy metabolism. This requirement is for a normal sedentary person.
Several studies have concluded that active people and athletes may require elevated protein intake (compared to 0.8 g/kg) due to increase in muscle mass and sweat losses, as well as need for body repair and energy source. Suggested amounts vary between 1.6 g/kg and 1.8 g/kg, while a proposed maximum daily protein intake would be approximately 25% of energy requirements i.e. approximately 2 to 2.5 g/kg. However, many questions still remain to be resolved.

Monday, July 27, 2015

List Of High Protein Vegetables (Good For Vegetarian)

Although animal protein is the best source of protein, but they are a source of saturated fat, high in calories, and high cholesterol. So, a healthier alternative is vegetable protein, is a package of all the vitamins and minerals needed for good health, and is also low in fat. For the vegetarian, high protein vegetable list below can be used as an extra in the daily menu. It is inevitable that the vegetable protein equivalent to animal protein. However, by following a balanced diet, which consists of a variety of foods, meet the daily protein requirement should not be an obstacle.

When we talk about high-protein foods, we most often refer to the meat and fish, besides dairy products. Although they are rich in protein, most people do not eat meat and fish because of economic limitations. For those people, the most important source of protein, including fruits and vegetables. Although the list of fruits and vegetables rich in protein pretty much, but only a few are aware of it. Because of the lack of knowledge about fruits and vegetables rich in protein and more people are no option but to take dairy products to high-protein diet. Here is a list of vegetables that are good sources of protein.

1. Broccoli: Broccoli is a type of low-fat vegetable high in protein. Eating broccoli is recommended for those who are into muscle building program. In addition to protein, broccoli is also high in vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

2. Soy: Besides consumed in its original form, soy can also be processed into various processed. One of which is tofu, therefore, tofu is widely consumed by vegetarian. Because soy contains 35 grams of protein per 100 gram serving size.

3. Asparagus: Every one cup of asparagus contains 2 grams of protein. These vegetables are consumed both for you who are in the weight loss program intensively.

4. Nuts: Nuts are rich in vegetable protein rupaya behind it. In every 100 gram serving, contains 20-25 grams of protein in it is good for your health.

5. Potatoes: Potatoes contain carbohydrates that are high in order to meet your needs for carbohydrates each day. In addition, the potato also contains a protein with a range of 1-2 grams of protein in each cup.

6. Spinach: Spinach is also one kind of vegetable that seems most favored. Not only healthful, spinach also contains 1 gram of protein in each cup serving.

Another detail list:
1 cup Asparagus 5.31 gr
1 cup peanut 12.17 gr
1 cup Broccoli 2.62 gr
1 cup Cabbage 1.01 gr
1 cup Carrots 1.13 gr
1 cup Cauliflower 1.98 gr
1 cup Celery 1.25 gr
1 cup Corn 4.51 gr
1 cup Dandelion greens 2.1 gr
1 cup Red beans 15.35 gr
1 cup green beans 3.16 gr
1 cup Mushrooms 3.39 gr
1 cup Mustard 3.16 gr
1 cup Navy beans 15.83 gr
1 cup Okra 3.83 gr
1 whole onion 1.28 gr
1 cup Horseradish 2.06 gr
1 cup pinto beans 14.04 gr
1 seed potatoes 5.05 gr
1 cup soy 22.23 gr
1 cup Spinach 0.86 gr
1 cup Sweet potatoes 2.51 gr
1 tomato 1.05 gr
1 slice Watermelon 1.77 gr
1 cup white beans 19.02 gr

Monday, June 15, 2015

Protein Value In Every Each Egg Types

Do you know that in each egg contain different protein value? For example, an egg of duck has lower protein content compared with goose egg. Even there are so many protein source beside eggs (especially for vegetarian), you can found at high protein snacks post. But for you that choose eggs as protein source, here are the list of protein in an every egg types. The data taken from USDA Nutrient database, so it should be valid.

Protein value in every egg

Description Weight(g) Measure Protein (g)
Per Measure

Egg, duck, whole, fresh, raw 70.0 1.0 egg 8.97

Egg, goose, whole, fresh, raw 144.0 1.0 egg 19.97

Egg, quail, whole, fresh, raw 9.0 1.0 egg 1.17

Egg, turkey, whole, fresh, raw 79.0 1.0 egg 10.81

Egg, white, dried 28.0 1.0 oz 22.71

Egg, white, dried, flakes, stabilized, glucose reduced 28.35 1.0 oz 21.81

Egg, white, dried, powder, stabilized, glucose reduced 107.0 1.0 cup, sifted 88.17

Egg, white, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced 107.0 1.0 cup, sifted 90.55

Egg, white, raw, fresh 33.0 1.0 large 3.60

Egg, white, raw, frozen, pasteurized 28.0 1.0 oz 2.60

Egg, whole, cooked, fried 46.0 1.0 large 6.26

Egg, whole, cooked, hard-boiled 136.0 1.0 cup, chopped 17.11

Egg, whole, cooked, omelet 15.0 1.0 tbsp 1.59

Egg, whole, cooked, poached 50.0 1.0 large 6.26

Egg, whole, cooked, scrambled 61.0 1.0 large 6.09

Egg, whole, dried 85.0 1.0 cup, sifted 41.11

Egg, whole, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced 85.0 1.0 cup, sifted 40.94

Egg, whole, raw, fresh 50.0 1.0 large 6.28

Egg, whole, raw, frozen, pasteurized 28.0 1.0 oz 3.37

Egg, whole, raw, frozen, salted, pasteurized 28.0 1.0 oz 3.07

Egg, yolk, dried 67.0 1.0 cup, sifted 22.60

Egg, yolk, raw, fresh 17.0 1.0 large 2.70

Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, pasteurized 28.35 1.0 oz 4.35

Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, salted, pasteurized 28.35 1.0 oz 3.99

Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, sugared, pasteurized 28.35 1.0 oz 3.93

What does protein do?
Protein plays an important role for the human body, there are at least seven major function of the protein to sustain human life. Keep in mind Proteins are very important molecules in cells that are in our bodies. Protein is needed in almost every cell of the human body. Each protein has a specific function in the body. Proteins have different roles between the one with the other. There is a role for the movement of the body and for antibodies against germs. Proteins vary in structure and function. They are built from a set of 20 amino acids and has a different three-dimensional shapes. Here is a list of several types of proteins and their functions.

Although there are various functions of the proteins of the body, it can be concluded on a large number of different types of proteins, half of the protein body contains only four of the structure of collagen protein, actin, and myosin, and also the oxygen transport protein, hemoglobin. Protein is distributed to the various organs of the body, with the highest number (approximately 40%) in muscle tissue. In addition to driving and working power, muscle protein also contain amino acids that can be mobilized when there is stress. Muscle proteins have different forms, such as glycogen, or fat, and muscle protein deficiency will affect protein function.

The function of the muscle tissue is giving a lower priority than the function of the stomach tissues, such as liver and intestine, the protein content of approximately 10%. and Approximately 30% of the body's protein found in skin, blood, and both skin lesions and the impact effect on protein deficiency anemia. Some proteins such as collagen would be destroyed in the event of future nutritional deficiencies in the body, this happens not because protein is less important but the type of protein is very easily damaged.

High Protein Breakfast Benefits For Diet Program

If you want to stay satisfied and keep weight, choose a high protein breakfast menu. Breakfast is very important as part of a healthy diet, so if you miss the diet program destined to fail. But there are some rules a good breakfast so that your diet program optimal. Eating in the morning or breakfast, can increase the body's metabolism and help burn more calories throughout the day. Breakfast with dense fiber such as cereals will help make you feel full longer so that it can reduce appetite at lunch.

4 breakfast rules for the diet program

  1. Breakfast 1 hour after waking: We know that regular breakfast will help control your weight, especially if you're on a diet. But the most appropriate time for breakfast is also very important. Breakfast an hour after waking known is the best time because it will help keep the body's circadian rhythms and increase metabolism early.

  2. Contains a lot of protein: breakfast menu selections high in protein such as egg whites, yogurt, grains, and legumes are low in calories will give you more energy than eating breakfast menu in the form of sweets. You can try to make black bean omelet (omelet mixed with black beans) are higher in protein.

  3. Contains at least 8 grams of fiber: The key to losing weight is to eat fibrous foods that can make you feel full longer until the time at your next meal. For breakfast at least about 8 grams of fiber needed to help reduce hunger until lunch schedule. You can prepare a fruit smoothie containing 11.7 grams of fiber or a bowl of cereal that contains 8 grams of fiber or more.

  4. Not too many calories: It is important to keep the number of calories your breakfast between 300 and 500 calories. Pililah breakfast menu is low in calories, such as omelette with vegetables, fresh fruit, wheat toast. Cereals could also be the right choice, but you need to look at the number of calories on the nutrition labels commonly found on every packaging of food products.
Although the breakfast is a simple activity that is beneficial, but often overlooked. Although most people already know about the benefits and advantages of the breakfast habit, but they always miss it for various reasons. If you are currently in a diet program, then try to familiarize activities breakfast, of course, with menu selection of high protein so that the benefits obtained more optimal.

High protein breakfast benefits

1. Protein is a source of energy: In our everyday lives, there are many activities that should be undertaken. All of that, if lived with passion and optimal power, it will help the process of burning calories in the body. Unlike the case if we do not have the power, then we tend to prefer to laze lazy and lacking the spirit in carrying out activities that had become a liability.
2. Foods high in protein has a high fiber content: Foods high in protein generally have a high fiber content. And the fiber content is what makes our stomach feel full longer. So, besides you get a power supply that supports the benefits of high-protein breakfast to keep slenderness.
3. Protein does not make fat: If we've got a high intake of protein breakfast, then we can resist the urge to eat up a relatively long time. To prove it, you can try for a regular breakfast every morning, and note, appetite that you have during the day, the levels are certainly smaller than it would be if it did not get used to the breakfast.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Amino Acids Benefits & Function For Health

When we talk about protein, it will be highly correlated with the amino acid. Then what is the amino acid? Amio acid is the main component constituent proteins that are divided into two groups, essential amino acids and non-essential. Essential amino acids can not be produced by the body so often have to be added in the form of food, while the non-essential can be produced in the body. As the basic unit of protein, amino acids are very important in the formation of proteins. Amino acids have a function to build and repair muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, hair, and nails.

Non-Essential Amino Acids
Here are the types of non-essential amino acids
  • Alanine
  • Asparagine
  • Aspartatic acid
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamaic acid
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Serine
  • Tyrosine
A healthy body is able to produce non-essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. But people with poor health or suffering from certain diseases may be having problems in producing amino acids.

Essential Amino Acids
Here are the essential amino acids
  • Arginine
  • Isoleucine
  • Histidine
  • Leucine
  • Methionine
  • Lysine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Tryptophan
  • Threonine
  • Valin


Amino Acid benefits for health

  1. Amino acids help improve the detoxification of ammonia by the liver, thus improving overall health.
  2. Amino acids ensure a balance of nitrogen required for the smooth running of the reproductive system. 
  3.  Amino acids help increase muscle mass and promote weight loss. Amino acids also accelerate healing and helps repair the skin and connective tissue.
  4. Amino acids are very important if you want to have the skin, hair and nails healthy.
  5. Amino acid deficiency can cause an imbalance of enzymes and hormones. Amino acid triggers the release of insulin and thus help balance blood sugar levels.
  6. Amino acids play a role to stimulate the production of growth hormone and strengthens bones and collagen.
  7. Amino acids help avoid fatigue and improve stamina.
  8. Foods rich in amino acids help maintain heart health, helps avoid depression, and improve memory. 
  9.  Food containing amino acids, helps prevent hair loss while inhibiting the growth of tumors and cancer.

Amino acid deficiency impact

Insufficiency of protein in daily food intake, will cause a very serious impact on our bodies. In general, protein deficiency will result in inhibition of growth of cells and tissues of the body so that the body system will not run optimally.

As for the specific amino acid deficiency will also cause different effects to the body. For example, the amino acid Arginine deficiency causes infertility or infertility in men, histidine deficiencies will damage the health of red blood cells and white, isoleucine deficiency will affect the formation of hemoglobin, blood sugar levels and energy, and so on.

Most of the amino acid deficiency due to lack of adequate protein intake in the diet, lack the ability to digest and absorb protein in the body, and decreased liver function to convert the non-essential amino acids. If the protein intake in the daily diet not meet the body's need for various types of essential amino acids, the protein supplement is the right choice to meet your daily requirement of amino acids.

Friday, January 30, 2015

List Of High Protein Snack

Most snacks have high levels of fat, salt or sugar. This kind of snacks do not contain any calories at all. This snack can make you hungry again in an hour or more, because these snacks have no real nutritional value. Even snacks that contain no calories will only make your belly circumference enlarged. The ideal snack will fill up and also makes you have more energy. The way to do that is to choose a snack high in protein, and low-carb. Protein in your snacks to help you fight the craving for a snack.
Protein is an essential nutrient that the body needs to form a network otot.Protein help regulate hormones that function in the digestive process. Protein also plays a role in maintaining the pH balance of acid and alkaline body. Another benefit of protein is, as a reserve of food and energy in the body. Because of the importance of the function of the protein to our body, then we need to meet protein needs every day.

Protein is also useful for those who are dieting or losing weight (along with enough practice) due to the increase in muscle mass also increase your metabolism. In the opinion of experts, each 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of body weight you need 1 gram of protein. That means people with a weight of 180 pounds (81.8 kg) require 82 grams of protein in food intake every day.

1. Almonds: Almonds low in carbohydrates, high in calcium and protein. Beyond that, almonds also contain a lot of natural fiber, that if it can be consumed raw or flavor enhancer ingredients in other foods.

2. Peas: Type legumes such as peas, beans or string beans are high in protein. One cup of beans contains about 12-15 grams of protein.

3. Eggs: 5 boiled egg whites, plus a little salt and pepper, In addition to delicious, also will supply your body with 17 grams of complete protein and only 85 calories.

4. Protein bars: The best choice of protein bars are made from whey (a derivative of cheese or dairy). Every 75 grams of protein bars consisting of 30 grams of protein and only contains 6 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fat.

5. Edamame: One half cup of edamame peeled, offers 12 grams of protein and 150 grams of calories.

6. Low-fat yogurt: Yogurt contains protein and calcium. A cup of nonfat yogurt offers 18 grams of protein and 100 grams of calories.

7. Peanuts and peanut butter: With consume 1 serving (about 28 grams) of peanuts or peanut butter pure, each will supply your body with 7-8 grams of protein and healthy fats. However, you should not consume to excess, because fat and high calories.

8. Soy products: If you are a vegetarian and look for foods rich in protein, the soy product is suitable for consumption. You can choose from a variety of soy products, are available. There are soy milk, tofu, soy yogurt, etc., which can easily be included in the diet.

9. Shrimp: about 85 grams of boiled shrimp gives you nearly 18 grams of protein and only 84 calories.

10. Tuna or salmon: By consuming 70 grams of tuna, you'll get 16 grams of protein and 70 calories. While in approximately 142 grams of salmon gives you almost 35 grams of protein.

11. Cracker: This snack contains 14 grams of protein and 160 grams of calories.