Showing posts with label Healthy Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Hair. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Benefits of Coconut Oil For Hair

In addition to health benefits, it turns out coconut oil is also beneficial for hair health. Even in some areas of the world, the use of coconut oil for hair is a things that have been done since ancient times, and is a cultural heritage. Coconut oil for hair can help increase hair growth well. Hair is nothing but a dead protein filaments, each follicle is placed deep in the dermis or the inner layer of the skin. The main component of hair is called keratin.

Long hair and sparkling, always regarded as a sign of healthy hair. The secret behind it, lies in a healthy diet and proper hair care. Proper hair care basically includes moisturizers and cleansers, which helps overcome the common problems such as damaged hair, dry hair, thinning hair, and dandruff.

Coconut oil for healthy and hair treatment

1. Nutrition and moisturizing: Coconut oil can nourish every strand of hair by penetrating deep into the hair shaft. Coconut oil gives softness to the hair follicle, preventing hair breakage and dry. Coconut oil adds to the strength and vitality of hair with moisture from the inside, and also protects from bad environment condition.

Coconut oil is particularly suitable for dry hair, which is more susceptible to damage. It contains vitamin E, which is believed to be useful to treat the hair and prevent hair loss with excess. Using coconut oil for hair before shampooing can help prevent the loss of natural oils from the hair follicle during the shampooing process.

2. Maintaining the health of the scalp: Coconut oil is known to have anti-fungal properties and anti-bacterial. Therefore, it can be used to overcome the problem of the scalp and to heal insect bites and treat acne on the scalp. It can also eradicate lice and dandruff on the scalp. Excessive dandruff can slow hair growth by blocking hair follicles. Capric acids found in coconut oil has antimicrobial properties. Thus, it can help keep the scalp healthy and thus create the right environment for hair growth.

3. Preventing loss of protein: Coconut oil is an excellent emollient and become a rich source of fatty acids, such as oleic acid, linoleic acid and lauric acid. Lauric acid is proven to be effective in hair growth, as it has a high affinity for hair proteins. It can bind to the hair protein and thereby prevent hair damage.

4. Make hair strong and elastic: Linoleic acid, found in coconut oil, can help keep the hair so well hydrated and maintain its elasticity. Coconut oil also contains oleic acid, which can make hair thicker and stronger.

5. Improve blood circulation: Massaging the scalp with coconut oil helps in improving the blood circulation, which will increase the flow of oxygen to the hair follicles. Proper blood circulation can ensure an adequate supply of nutrients to the hair follicles and thus, stimulate hair growth.

How to use coconut oil for hair growth

To get maximal benefit from coconut oil, the oil must be used in warm and then massage gently to the scalp. You can let this oil overnight or can be 1-2 hours, then rinse with mild shampoo. If it does not rinse properly, this oil can clog the hair follicle, the effect can inhibit hair growth. For straight or wavy hair, may only use coconut oil before shampooing. For curly hair and thick, can apply coconut oil before and after shampooing.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

How To Optimize Olive Oil For Skin & Beauty

Olive oil is useful for softening the skin, maintaining the beauty of the skin, and are useful for the beauty of hair. Various company engaged in the field of cosmetic beauty, many who use olive oil as a raw material products. Chemical compounds stored in olive oil for example triacylglycerol which is a monounsaturated fatty acid with a type of omega 9 (oleic acid). Levels of omega 9 around 55-83 percent of the total fatty acids. Because fat is good for the body because of type of monounsaturated fats, the risk of oxidized body less than omega-6 and omega-3.

Softens skin

Because believe will usefulness for beauty, Sophia Loren Italian artist loves to soak in olive oil. He still looks pretty and young amet at the age of 70-something years. So, olive oil is safe if used directly on the skin. For the face, olive oil can be applied directly to moisturize dry skin and rough. But is not recommended for oily skin, because it can stimulate acne.
Olive oil mixed with other materials also can provide different uses, including:

Bright facial skin and prevent wrinkles: Mix 1 tablespoon olive oil with ½ tbsp of apple cider vinegar and ½ tbsp water. Stir well, then apply on the skin that has been washed with water every night before bed.

For scrubbing: Mix 1 tablespoon olive oil with ½ tsp sugar. Moisten the skin and then apply a mixture of these. Rub gently clockwise, do not pressed or rubbed too rough. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Perform this treatment regularly to maintain the youthfulness of the skin while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells. Also can be used to soften the skin of the fingers.

Softens dry lips and chapped: Apply extra virgin olive oil or unrefined kind every night before bed.

Maintaining the beauty of the skin

Olive oil is also often used as a massage oil blends, with the aim of keeping the smoothness and maintaining elasticity and firmness of the body.

In order for soft skin: Mix 2-3 drops of olive oil with a body lotion or body lotion that you normally use. Apply evenly on the whole body after every shower. Can also be used as a bath oil. The trick, mix 5 drops of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined into the bath and soak for 15 minutes. Should not use soap after soaking.

To cope with rough elbows: Cut a lemon into 2 parts, then drops 2 drops of olive oil on the slices of lemon. Paste and press the slices of lemon on the elbow approximately 10 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

Wrinkles on the breast: If arise fine lines or wrinkles on the breast, apply olive oil evenly. Then compress with a warm towel for 5-10 minutes. For further treatment, mix olive oil with egg yolks and lemon juice. Use this mixture to massage breast perlahan.Lakukan before bed and let stand until tomorrow morning.

To maintain healthy nails: Soak the fingers in warm water spilled olive oil (2-3 drops). This method can strengthen nails once soften cuticles. Do it once a week for 5-10 minutes.

For healthy hair

Shampoos and conditioners that contain olive oil are believed to help overcome dry hair due to sun exposure, often in an air-conditioned room, or frequent use of chemical-based hair products (hair dye, medicine curling, straightening drugs). Nutrition of olive oil will help improve the structure of the hair cuticle, making hair still damp, more powerful, elastic, and not easy branching. With regular use, the hair will be soft and healthy glow.

- Apply olive oil directly on the hair to resolve the tangled hair. How, Dab 2-3 drops of olive oil on your palm, rub a little while, then rubbed on the hair is dry and matted.

- To overcome dandruff or itchy scalp, evenly mixed olive oil, castor oil, lemon juice, and water from steeping the leaves of peppermint. Dab evenly on the scalp while a massage gently. Let stand for 15 minutes (can be wrapped in a warm towel and then rinsed.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Types Of Foods And Vitamins For Hair Growth

Vitamin E is one of the vitamins that was mentioned at most contribute to beauty. So many beauty products that include vitamin E as its main component. Not only that, vitamin E is the most preferred form of supplement consumers to support the appearance of their beauty. If so far we only know that vitamin E is good for skin care, it turns out, vitamin E is also beneficial for hair growth. A study suggests that vitamin E is able to accelerate the growth and development of the hair by increasing the oxygen supply to the hair, stimulates hair growth faster, blood circulation, keeping the immune system and maintain a healthy scalp. Even so, there are many other vitamins for hair growth.

List of vitamins for hair growth

1. Vitamin A (Retinol): This vitamin is an antioxidant that helps in the formation of sebum in the scalp. Sebum responsible for keeping the hair root lubricated. Foods rich in vitamin A are fish liver oil, meat, cheese, milk, liver, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, apricots, peaches, and vegetables red, yellow, and orange.

2. Vitamin B: Vitamin B is considered as the best vitamins that support healthy hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin B include beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, soy beans, nutritional yeast, bran, and eggs.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): These vitamins nourish hair follicles and increase blood circulation to the scalp. Found in fish, chicken, and wheat.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): Prevent graying and hair loss and promote hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin B5 are egg yolks, whole grain cereals, yeast, and organ meats.
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Prevent hair loss and help transform amino acids into niacin. This vitamin also promotes the production of melanin in the body. Melanin gives color to the hair. Sources of this vitamin are chicken, pork, oatmeal, avocado, yeast, liver, and sunflower seeds.
  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Vitamin keys needed for hair growth. Supports the body produces naturally hair. Not only encourage new hair growth, but also necessary for the overall health of the skin and nails. Also supports the development of a cell by using other vitamins in the body to prevent hair loss and premature graying of hair. Foods rich in this vitamin as yeast, whole grains, egg yolks, liver, rice, and milk. Biotin deficiency can cause itchy and scaly scalp.
  • Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid): This vitamin facilitates the development of cells and blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin): This vitamin prevents hair loss. Found in chicken, fish, eggs, and milk.
3. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): This vitamin is an antioxidant that contributes to the health of the hair. Food sources include, oranges, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, and dark green vegetables.

4. Vitamin E (Tocopherol): It is important for healthy hair growth depends on the immune system. Vitamin E is believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing immune function. Also improves blood circulation in the scalp. The richest sources of this vitamin are vegetable oils such as soybean oil, corn and olive oil, soybeans, grains, nuts, dried beans, and dark green leafy vegetables. 

6 foods for healthy hair

1. Eggs: these foods contain vitamin special called biotin. Useful to encourage hair growth and thicken. Deficiency can cause the hair dry and brittle hair. Eggs also maintain the overall health of your scalp.

2. Green vegetables: such as spinach, broccoli and other green vegetables that contain vitamins A and C will produce oil in the scalp naturally. It is useful as well as a hair conditioner.

3. Strawberries: is a fruit rich in vitamin C. The fruit contains vitamin C will absorb iron and enhance growth of healthy hair. Eat some strawberries per day can help hair growth.

4. Nuts: This food is a source of natural fats that the body needs to survive. Peanuts, almonds and other nuts contain biotin and natural oils that make hair bright. Nuts are also a good source of iron and protein. They have nutrients that nourish the hair and hair loss repel.

5. Salmon: salmon are very rich in protein. Salmon help maintain the strength of the hair so that it remains healthy. Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the health of the scalp.

6. Fresh meat: a lack of iron in the body can lead to baldness. Fresh meat is not only important for the body, but also to the hair. Red meat helps the growth of hair, making hair shiny and strong. If you suffer from hair loss or thinning hair, check iron levels in the body.