Showing posts with label Zinc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zinc. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

5 Important Zinc Benefits For Human Health

Zinc benefits is very important for the survival of the cells of the human body. One of them is, as an intermediary for over 70 kinds of enzymes and proteins in the human body. The enzyme itself plays a role in the metabolism of the whole cells of the human body, then if enzymes are not fully formed, the function of the body's cells will be disrupted. With a large enough concentration in the body which occupies the second position after iron, zinc can be easily found in various types of foods rich in protein such as meat, beans and legumes. The intake of zinc is needed is actually very little, but in fact the absorption of zinc by the body was very small.

Of about 4-14 mg / day the amount of zinc that is recommended to be consumed, only about 10-40% that can be absorbed. The presence of other high mineral substances in the body, such as iron and copper as well as the content phytat in spinach, kale and other vegetables, it inhibits the absorption of zinc in the intestinal mucosa. However, if these substances fermented, can actually increase the absorption of zinc. If you are deficient in zinc, it will usually appear the signs or symptoms of zinc deficiency, such as hair loss, excessive fatigue, decreased appetite, and so forth.

Zinc is essential as a first line of defense in our body. The first line is represented by a physical disease prevention, such as the skin and the mucous membrane lining the inside of the body. Zinc is found in the secretion of mucus in our respiratory system, and also on the surface of the lungs and throat. It has antimicrobial effects, so it helps to kill bacteria and viruses before they could infect. Zinc is also secreted in saliva and mucous membranes of the digestive system to kill bacteria that come ingested with food.

Not only beneficial support of the immune defense, zinc also supports the production of white blood cells and activate the B and T cells needed by the body's immune system to fight viruses and bacteria. Below are five zinc benefits for our health.

1. Immune system: Zinc is one of the nutrients to boost the immune system, and thus help prevent the disease.

2. Mood and brain health: Zinc is also found in the brain, and has been proven to reduce oxidative damage caused. This damage is associated with the development of some diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  Zinc also has a calming effect on the brain, so that if the deficiency can cause agitation and mood decline. Low levels of zinc are also found in people who are severely depressed, and there are allegations of the relationship between zinc and the uptake of serotonin in the brain. There are also studies that show the benefits of zinc for children with autism and ADHD. There is also a relationship between low zinc and depression after childbirth.

3. Men's health and fertility: Oysters are known as healthy aphrodisiac, it is probably due to the high content of zinc. Because zinc proved to be stored in the prostate, testes and sperm, then it should also beneficial for men's health and fertility. Research has shown that zinc supplements can increase sperm count, motility and morphology. Zinc also helps reduce the possibility of an enlarged prostate. This is especially important for men over the age of 50, because they are more risky with BHP (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

4. Eye health: Zinc is also needed by the liver to synthesize vitamin A, which is essential for good vision. It is also part of the mechanism for the transport of vitamin A in the blood to the eye area.

5. Healthy skin: Zinc has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from UV. Important in producing collagen for wound healing and preventing dry skin conditions and allergies. It is very beneficial in the treatment of acne, because the role of importance in regulating and anti-inflammatory oil glands in the skin. Teenage boys need plenty of zinc for growth and sexual development. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Effects of Zinc Deficiency To Human Health

Zinc deficiency is common in vulnerable groups, namely, children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers also the elderly. Signs of zinc deficiency is a disorder of growth and sexual maturity. Digestive function impaired due to impaired pancreatic function, impaired formation of chylomicrons disturbed, and immune dysfunction. Chronic zinc deficiency can cause nerve and brain function center. Zinc plays a role in the metabolism of vitamin A, so that the visible symptoms of deficiency of vitamin A. Thyroid gland function and abnormal metabolic rate, appetite disturbance, decreased function of the sense of taste and slow healing of wounds.

Zinc is one of the minerals needed by the body, and trace minerals are grouped in classes. But for humans, the actual significance of the mineral zinc was revealed in 1956. The function of zinc is fairly vital to the survival of the cells of the human body. One is as an intermediary for over 70 kinds of enzymes and proteins in the human body. The enzyme itself plays a role in the metabolism of the whole cells of the human body, then if enzymes are not fully formed, the function of the body's cells will be disrupted. In addition, zinc plays a role also in the process of genetic formation, ie the DNA (deoxyribose nucleid Acid).

With a large enough concentration in the body which occupies the second position after iron, zinc can be easily found in various types of foods rich in protein such as meat, beans and legumes.

Zinc intake of the human body needs, in fact very little, but in fact the absorption of zinc by the body was very small. From about 4-14 mg / day the amount of zinc that is recommended to be consumed, only about 10-40% that can be absorbed.

The presence of other mineral substances high in the body, such as iron and copper as well as the content phytat in spinach, kale and other vegetables, it inhibits the absorption of zinc in the intestinal mucosa. However, if these substances fermented, can actually increase the absorption of zinc.

Zinc deficiency signs and symptoms

If your body does not get enough zinc supply will usually develop signs or symptoms. Here are the signs if you are experiencing a shortage of zinc according to the US National Library of Medicine:
  • Average growth slow
  • Losing appetite
  • Slow healing wounds, lesions appear on the skin and infection that will not go away
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Abnormalities in the ability to taste and smell
  • Difficulty in seeing in the dark
  • Decreased production of male hormones (infertility)
Especially for the last point, zinc deficiency will interfere with the process of sperm formation and development of primary and secondary sex organs in men. Zinc deficiency in men caused a decline in testicular function (testicular hypofunction) that has disrupted the process of spermatogenesis and testosterone production by Leydig cells. Testosterone is a hormone that affects libido and secondary sex characteristics of males.

In a normal or healthy state, the amount recommended for adult men as much as 15 mg per day, while women 12 mg per day. How to safely get zinc, is by eating foods rich in zinc.

Foods high zinc content, among others, oysters, beef, liver, and spices / seasoning food (spices). Good food source is cheddar cheese, crab, young goat meat, peanuts, and livestock. In addition, there are also some elements of food that will inhibit the absorption of zinc in the body, which is high in calcium, phytic acid, and copper. To that end, this inhibitor of food intake should be reduced amount and frequency.