Showing posts with label Vitamin B6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamin B6. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Here Are The Dangers Of Vitamin B6 Deficiency

Lack of vitamin B6, is actually very rare. Because so many of vitamin B6 on natural food sources, or processed, making the case of vitamin B6 deficiency is rare. Vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine. The main function of pyridoxine itself is to help the body's metabolism and also keep the nervous system (read more on the benefits of vitamin B6). It is most often the cause of vitamin B6 deficiency is not a person's body to absorb vitamin B with optimal. So vitamin B6 that there has been entered into the body wasted away without obtain benefits and usefulness.

Causes of vitamin B6 deficiency
A common cause of vitamin B6 deficiency in a person is because the body is unable to absorb vitamin B optimally. Someone experiencing indigestion is usually experienced for those who are elderly. Making it less able to absorb vitamin B6 in the body. Then there are various kinds of drugs that can prevent vitamin B6 is absorbed into the body. In the form of antibiotics and corticosteroids. When the use of long-term, these drugs can interfere with the body organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, so vitamin B6 are eaten in the natural resources would not be absorbed. Additionally excessive alcohol users, acute diarrhea, malnutrition, congenital derivatives are other causes which one can experience a deficiency of vitamin B6.

Diseases caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B6
Diseases caused quite a lot, such as pyroluria disease, which can develop into serious when someone is having acute deficient in vitamin B6. As a result, someone would come down with schizophrenia. In addition it is possible the disease when a person is deficient in vitamin B6 insomnia, irritability, fatigue, paranoia, depression, anxiety, lack of sexual drive, water retention, weight gain or even a quick ride fast down, problems in the conversion of sugar, problems with gait.

In addition, someone who is experiencing a shortage of vitamin B6 will be anemic. Because the function of vitamin B6 itself is helping to form hemoglobin which can bind oxygen in the blood. So that when someone is experiencing a shortage of vitamin B6 will be anemic body. The initial symptoms certainly is fatigue. Although the cause of fatigue is very much, to detect that the body is deficient in vitamin B6 is also not known how uncertain. However, if you experience persistent fatigue for days, then consult a doctor to get proper treatment.

How to prevent and overcome the deficiency of vitamin B6
How to prevent and even treat it? The easiest way is, to consume natural food sources that contain lots of vitamin B6. Additionally still consult a doctor. Because the doctor will examine you if there are any symptoms your body is not able to absorb vitamin B6 optimally. So do not take the initiative to treat yourself by buying a vitamin B6 supplement. Is because you can have excess of vitamin B6, or even such supplements do not help your problem at all. Addressing the problem of acute deficiency of vitamin B6, required hospitalization. Where there is an infusion of vitamin B6 in high doses. So vitamin B6 directly into the bloodstream and perform its function properly.

Insufficiency in vitamin B6 can indeed cause many diseases. Moreover, the disease difficult to detect because many diseases caused by lack of vitamin B6 are associated with neurological diseases. So difficult to be detected by many people. Not to mention there is no clear sign of a person's vitamin B6 deficiency because it could have the same disease but have different causes.

Protect yourself from a deficiency of vitamin B6 by consuming foods that contain a lot of vitamin B6. However, sometimes you can also take supplements of vitamin B6 to fulfill your needs may be unmet even though you eat foods containing vitamin B6. Sometimes problems occur due to deficiency of vitamin B6 of the child is not educated to consume a variety of healthy foods. So that the digestive organs are not well developed. This is seen when the child prefers instant foods, practical, and processed factories, compared with natural foods. To that end, teach children to eat healthy foods can help keep your child is not deficient in vitamin B6.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Importance of Vitamin B6 Benefits You Should Know

Vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine, is one of the important vitamin B complex. Chemically, its water soluble (not fat soluble). There are three main forms of vitamin B6, namely pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. There are several benefits of vitamin B6, which is very important for overall health. Considering this, we must include pyridoxine-rich foods in the diet, so that it can meet their daily needs. The recommendations of vitamin B6 recommended for adults is 1.3 mg / day. Meanwhile, for pregnant women and lactating required in higher quantities. During pregnancy is 1.9 mg / day, while for nursing mothers is 2 mg.

Benefits of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays a major role in coordinating the body's metabolic processes. Overall, ensuring the normal functioning of the nervous system, hormone regulation, tissue repair, cell growth and the formation of red blood cells, nucleic acids, and amino acids. Here are some of the benefits and functions of vitamin B6.

Complex nutrition
One major use of pyridoxine is complex nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats into simpler forms, which can be easily assimilated by the body's cells and tissues.

Improving nutrition
Increased intake of vitamin B6 helps in better assimilation of supplements and other drugs. This is the reason, pyridoxine used in conjunction with other B vitamins in vitamin B-complex formulations.

Strengthens the immune system
Vitamin B6 helps in the synthesis of lymphocytes (a type of leukocytes) and antibodies, which berugas for resistance mechanisms of the body. In simple terms, a water-soluble vitamin that boosts the immune system. Therefore, those who suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B6 realize a weakened immune system.

Reducing edema
One of the health benefits of vitamin B6 reduces water retention or edema, resulting in swelling of the body. Generally, vitamin B complex that contains a certain content of pyridoxine and other vitamin B recommended for the treatment of edema.

Treatments for hair loss
Benefits of vitamin B6 to prevent hair loss, including hair and for hair growth. Besides this, it helps in treating seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff. Many people get quick results after the use of vitamin B6 for the treatment of skin disorders such as eczema and acne psoriasis.

Premenstrual syndrome
According to medical research, vitamin B6, and the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome are related to one another. It is found that increasing vitamin B6 in the diet is effective for controlling the hormonal fluctuations, so as to combat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Morning sickness
Various studies have been conducted in connection with vitamin B6 and pregnancy. In the case study, it was found that vitamin B6 can be used for the treatment of nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms, which are experienced by many women experience during the early months of pregnancy.

Prevent kidney stones
Pyridoxine, in combination with magnesium, beneficial to reduce the possibility of the formation of kidney stones. The combination of lower levels of oxalate in the urine, resulting in kidney stones.

Regulate blood pressure
Another benefit of vitamin B6 is to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in a healthy way. This suggests that vitamin B6 indirectly helps in preventing blood circulation problems.

Other benefits
In addition, vitamin B6 showed positive results regarding the problems associated with magnesium deficiency, autism, schizophrenia, depression. Sufficient intake of foods containing pyridoxine reduce the chances of developing Parkinson's disease and prevent heart disease.

Impact of Vitamin B6 deficiency

Pyridoxine is essential for the body's metabolic processes. Thus, low levels of vitamin B6 for the long term can cause a variety of health problems. Typically, vitamin B-complex deficiency occurs in people who have a poor diet and those who are in the specific treatment. Alcohol abuse are at higher risk of having symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency than others. This is because certain medications and alcohol interfere with the normal assimilation of vitamin B6 from food and beverages.

Some symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency is stricken with skin problems, sore tongue (glossitis), mouth sores, anemia, temperament, confusion, depression, and seizures. To combat the symptoms of insufficiency, one should increase the intake of vitamin B6 or supplements.

Sources of Vitamin B6

The human body can not synthesize vitamin B6, it is obtained from food and beverages. Food sources of vitamin B6 include a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish, poultry, and meat. Some foods that are rich in these vitamins include bananas, avocados, walnuts, tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, beans, spinach, wheat. In addition to food sources, vitamin B6 supplements are available to be given in the right dose. If not, the intake of high doses of vitamin B6 supplements for long periods can cause health problems.