Showing posts with label Vitamin B7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamin B7. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2015

Biotin Deficiency And Various Health Problems For It's Impacts

Biotin or vitamin B7, has a very large role in biochemical reactions in the body, such as the transfer of carbon dioxide and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Unlike most other vitamins, biotin is one type of vitamin that is quite stable in various environmental conditions, such as heat, exposure to sunlight, and oxygen. Biotin deficiency is one type of disease that is rare because this vitamin can be found in almost any kind of food the main source of biotin, among others derived from meat, egg yolks, and bananas.

In the body, biotin many roles in the body's metabolism and growth, especially in terms of the formation of fatty acids, antibodies, digestive enzymes, and niacin. When the body lacks biotin, will give rise to a variety of physiological disorders. For example, biotin deficiency often cause various health problems, such as dermatitis, depression, nusea, anemia, and hair loss. The system can be disrupted antibodies. This causes the body to become infected by bacteria and fungi. To overcome this, the patient can be given periodically yolk intake because it has a high content of biotin.

Biotin deficiency causes 
The causes is quite a lot, eat foods such as egg whites too often, can make vitamin B7 is not absorbed into the body. Egg whites are often eaten containing avidin which can bind biotin. Avidin is abundant in egg white protein. If cooking with ripe, it does not matter because avidin will be greatly reduced compared to cook half-baked.

Causes of biotin deficiency in infants because the baby does not yet have the bacteria to create biotin. So that babies tend to deficiency of vitamin B7 or biotin. It does not need antibiotics, just needs giving vitamins to infant. Meanwhile, the main cause of biotin deficiency in adults is, the lack of variety in their daily consumption of nutritious foods.

Biotin deficiency signs & symptoms

Insomnia is one of the symptoms when someone biotin deficiency. Then other symptoms characterized by purple or swollen tongue, as well as the eyes and the skin becomes dry. Other signs that can be identified, the more hair loss, lack of appetite, sores in the corners of the mouth, it can even affect your mental health (as a result of insomnia). Another symptoms that may arise are:

1. Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin is one of the common symptoms of biotin deficiency. A common form of dermatitis that is found in people who suffer from a deficiency of biotin is seborrheic dermatitis. This disease causes flaking and itching of the scalp can cause hair loss. Children who are affected by this condition can suffer from muscle pain and hair problems. Symptoms such as thinning hair, red scaly skin and brittle nails are common signs of biotin deficiency. Appropriate biotin supplements can reduce muscle cramps in children.

2. Hyperesthesia and Paresthesia: Infants who are deficient in biotin, may suffer from a condition called hyperesthesia, which increased abnormal sensory stimulation. Paresthesia is a condition where the skin feels stabbing or tingling sensation, followed by numbness.

3. Keratoconjunctivitis: Biotin deficiency can also cause keratoconjunctivitis, which resulted in the conjunctiva of the eye. Immunity of people affected will be lowered and defects in B and T cells will occur. Deficiency in cells reduces the number of cells, and consequently, the ability to resist the invasion of harmful bacteria or viruses are substantially reduced.

4. Anorexia: Anorexia is a condition that causes a person to suffer from low appetite. Biotin deficiency in infants inhibit their physical and mental growth. Meanwhile, adults who have a deficiency of biotin can suffer from lethargy, depression, lack of sensation or excessive sensation, and hallucinations.

5. Anemia: Biotin deficiency can cause mild anemia. This condition causes the cells that carry oxygen called hemoglobin loses its ability to bind oxygen. Some of the symptoms of anemia include fatigue, loss of concentration, difficulty in breathing, heart failure, and others.

6. Irregular heart electrocardiographic activities: electrocardiographic activity refers to the heart's electrical activity, as interpreted by skin electrodes. People who have a deficiency of biotin may cause irregular electrocardiographic activity of the heart, and it can cause serious heart condition.

Biotin Deficiency Treatment
To overcome the deficiency of biotin or vitamin B7 is by consuming large doses of biotin. Recommended dose for those who lack sufficient biotin acute approximately 200 mcg per day. Then too slowly replaced with natural food sources that contain biotin. Usually this increases the need for vitamin B7 with vitamin B complex supplements. As well as reducing the consumption of egg white as a treatment step.

Biotin Daily Needs
The dose for adults, especially men, can reach 30 mcg of biotin daily. And then for teenagers aged from 14 to 18 years need less vitamin B7 than in adults, which is about 25 mcg. Then under the age of 14 years can consume vitamin B7 between 5 mcg to 20 mcg daily.

Food sources of biotin
As mentioned previously, vitamin B7 can be found in  vegetables, fruits, meat, egg yolks and so on.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

7+ Magnificent Biotin Benefits For Health

Biotin is another name for Vitamin B7, but there is also a call as Vitamin H. Just like most other B vitamins, biotin has a primary function is as a helper in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. In addition, vitamin B7 is also beneficial in maintaining healthy hair or hair loss. While based on site, they also mentioned that one of magnificent biotin benefits can control blood sugar level, even need further research for it.

Biotin can be produced by the body. If the body is healthy, the bacteria in your gut makes all the biotin you need. Very rarely do people at risk of deficiency of this vitamin unless they have an eating disorder, but they are taking antibiotics or sulfa drugs, or who consume large amounts of saccharin may need supplements, because these substances interfere with the body's ability to produce it. People with type II diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) may also take biotin supplements. One study found that people who took 9,000 micrograms per day for one month can lower blood sugar levels to nearly half of its original level.

The main role of biotin in the body is to help metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that will form the simple sugar molecules (glucose), fatty acids, and amino acids. This reaction is known as catabolism, the breakdown of complex compounds into simpler molecules accompanied by the release of energy. Simple molecules will then be used by the body to synthesize new cells. Biotin is also a coenzyme for pyruvate carboxylase, one of the types of enzymes that play a role in energy metabolism.

Biotin is widely used to help restore the body against disease holokarboksilase synthetase deficiency and biotinidase deficiency. In addition, biotin mamapu also lowers blood sugar levels and strengthen the structure of the hair and nails. Associated with its role in energy metabolism, these vitamins can improve the efficiency and catalyze the breakdown of body fat.

Benefits of Vitamin B7 for health

1. Metabolism: Biotin is considered as a catalyst to control several metabolic reactions. Namely to provide energy from the metabolism of essential elements such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This process is very important for the human body to perform routine functions and remain in good health.

2. Skin care: Biotin is an essential element of a compound to maintain healthy skin and hair health. It is also beneficial to keep the nails in good condition. It helps to revitalize the skin color is lost due to pollution and poor health. So, if someone is having a dry scalp and hair loss, probably due to biotin or vitamin B7 deficiency in the diet.

3. Maintenance of muscle tissue: Vitamin B7 helps the growth and maintenance of muscle tissue, and muscle tissue repair of any kind of damage. This vitamin also ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system, along with the desired growth of the bone marrow.

4. Keeping body weight: Vitamin B7 or biotin also helps in reducing excess body fat, as well as maintain it to keep it in good condition. People who are overweight generally recommended doctors to-eat foods rich in vitamin B7.

5. Heart Health: Vitamin B7 is also very helpful to ensure the proper functioning of the heart with the release of a variety of crucial issues. Because vitamin B7 also help reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the human body.

6. Blending important compounds: Vitamin B7 is considered as a synthesizer of several important components, which plays a role in maintaining good health for the human body. For example, this vitamin also helps in the processing of glucose to extract a good amount of energy. Also, it helps to integrate fatty acids and amino acids in the body.

7. Keeping blood sugar levels: Facts prove that Vitamin B7 or biotin is helpful to maintain the level of sugar in the blood in the right level, especially good for people who suffer from diabetes. Biotin helps the body to adapt to insulin, thereby reducing the risk of blood sugar or diabetes.

Another benefit of Biotin

Biotin also helps in the treatment of several diseases such as alopecia, Parkinson's disease, candidiasis Rett syndrome and female sex organs. Also be part of the treatment of the symptoms of seborrhea dermatitis, Crohn's disease, and peripheral neuropathy.