Showing posts with label Vitamin E. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamin E. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Benefits of Vitamin E For Skin

In addition to providing benefits for the body's health, it turns out the benefits of vitamin E for skin has been proven by numerous studies. Some facts say the benefits of vitamin E can be for youthfulness and freshness of the skin. In fact, vitamin E has been applied in cosmetics as a moisturizer to the face, a moisturizer on hand, and so on. Good nutrition, not enough for fight pollution, stress, until the sunlight, which could potentially damage the skin. Skin still requires care from the outside. One of content that is essential for skins is vitamin.
One of the main factors that cause great damage for the cells of our skins is the sun's ultraviolet radiation. When absorbed into the skins, attacking the oxygen molecules in skin cells. This will accelerate the aging process of the skin and cause problems such as skin discoloration, wrinkles, age spots, etc. This can increase the risk of skin cancer as well. Vitamin E oil has some inherent qualities that enable it for provide protection for our skin from all harmful effects.

Vitamin E Oil for healthy skin

Vitamin E oil is one of the natural oils such as fat-soluble and non-enzymatic. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Because of the important qualities like that then good for the skin. Some common skin problem that can be solved with the help of vitamin E oil is as follows:

Skin aging: Vitamin E oil has anti-aging effect on the skin remarkable. Lack of skin care due to excessive alcohol intake and smoking often trigger the onset of the signs of aging prematurely. Topical application to promote the production of two proteins critical components, namely collagen and elastin which improve skin elasticity. This in turn reduces age spots, fine lines or wrinkles and give skins look younger. For these reasons, vitamin E is used as a key ingredient in some anti-aging creams and lotions available in the market.
Dry skins: Vitamin E prevents water loss from the skin, and helps for retain its natural moisture. Either used for the purpose of cleaning the pores of dry skin on a regular basis, restore normal oil balance of skins. 

Sun burn: Vitamin E oil is used to treat small sun burn. When applied, will be easily absorbed by the epidermis layer of skins and heal the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. It can also provide protection to skins from sun damage.

Scars: Vitamin E is useful to remove scars from the skin. When applied on acne scars or other form of scars caused due to several bruises, burns, etc., will soften the skin on the affected area and then brighten the skin within a few weeks. Finally, the scar will be gone within a few months. Vitamin E accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, skin cells are removed and replaced with a new one. However, it may not be so effective for surgical scars. 

Skin diseases: Some skin conditions can be treated with oil vitamin E. Psoriasis is one such condition where patches of raised dry skins, scaly and red appear on it. Vitamin E oil repair skin damage in these conditions. It can also be used for the treatment of eczema, relieve itching and moisturize dry skin very well.

Although it has many benefits, vitamin E can also be an enemy of the skin. Especially against oily skin. For the owner of oily skin, its moisture tend to be excessive. When given an injection of vitamin E again, automatic humidity will open the pores. Thus, acne on the face can not be avoided. In addition to acne, oily added also. In contrast, vitamin E is actually good for those who have skins tends to dry. To produce the maximum benefit, you should use it on skins twice a day. Once in the morning after bathing and once at night before bed. If you have some skin conditions, it is advisable for use this oil only after consultation with a dermatologist. This way you make sure that you use them the right way and for the right reasons.

Friday, April 25, 2014

List Of Vitamin E Foods To Meet Your Daily Requirement

Vitamin E is one of the substances that are needed by the body, therefore, it is advisable to include foods that contain vitamin E in daily menu . Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, and has antioxidant properties. This vitamin is naturally divided into eight forms, which are categorized into types of Tocopherols and Tocotrienols. These forms are further divided into sub-categories, namely alpha, beta, gamma, delta tocopherol and Tocotrienols.

In the human body, the form of vitamin E is alpha tocopherol is the most active. Vitamin E is essential for our health, and generally help prevent and overcome some of the conditions that can occur in the skin. Antioxidant properties of Vitamin E to help ward off free radicals and keep skin fresh glowing. This vitamin also provide skin protection benefits from sun damage. Other vitamin E benefits is to keep the heart, liver and kidneys to stay healthy.

Adults need vitamin E for each day is almost 15mg. The human body can not produce its own vitamin E, so it must obtain them from outside sources or food. We can also obtain this vitamin from supplements natural, synthetic or directly from foods containing vitamin E. Below are Recommended Dietary Allowances of vitamin E, based on

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol) 
Age Males Females Pregnancy Lactation
0–6 months*4 mg
(6 IU)
4 mg
(6 IU)
7–12 months*5 mg
(7.5 IU)
5 mg
(7.5 IU)
1–3 years6 mg
(9 IU)
6 mg
(9 IU)
4–8 years7 mg
(10.4 IU)
7 mg
(10.4 IU)
9–13 years11 mg
(16.4 IU)
11 mg
(16.4 IU)
14+ years15 mg
(22.4 IU)
15 mg
(22.4 IU)
15 mg
(22.4 IU)
19 mg
(28.4 IU)
*Adequate Intake (AI)

Best list of vitamin E foods

  • Vitamin E in the avocado: In every 100 gr of avocado, you can meet the daily needs of vitamin E up to 10%. Avocado fruit has many benefits for the body. In addition to free radicals, can also prevent stroke and reduce cholesterol in the blood. And also can make the formation of red blood cells and prevent ulcer disease. For fulfillment you can combine it with other fruits such as oranges or other fruit to be used as a salad.
  • Vitamin E in mango fruit: Mango fruit also contains vitamin E, vitamin E contained in mango fruit as much as 2 to 3 mg of every of the mango fruit. Because by eating mangoes can get many benefits. The benefits include, nourish the eyes, keep the digestive processes in the body, keeping constipation, and prevent acidity. Improve memory and memory in the brain. And also can prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as to fight against diabetes.
  • Vitamin E in the Kiwi Fruit: Having a low fat content, it does not mean kiwi fruit does not contain much vitamin E. In 100 grams of kiwi fruit contained 1.5 mg of vitamin E. Kiwifruit can be eaten directly or used to mix the salad. Benefits include kiwi fruit, capable of treating the symptoms of impotence by preventing diabetes early. Kiwi fruit has also been used as a source of energy drinks to increase stamina because it contains electrolytes to the body.
  • Vitamin E in Paprika: Paprika containing vitamin E is a type of red and green paprika, while yellow paprika not containing vitamin E in it. For red peppers contain vitamin E 1.58 mg in every 100 gr. As for the green paprika contain 7.4 mg of  vitamin E in the same weight. One of paprika benefits such as, lowers the risk of cancer, maintaining healthy heart, lower blood cholesterol levels.
Other source of vitamin E
Vitamin E content  mg/100g
Sunflower seeds oil
Grape seeds oil
Wheat, hazelnuts, and almonds
Peanut oil, canola oil, and soybean oil
Olive oil and walnut oil
Nuts, eels, and fish oil
Walnuts, butter, egg yolks, dandelion, and sweet potatoes
Spinach, asparagus, green beans, lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, salmon, omelets and bread wheat

Vitamin E Deficiency Can Cause Nerve Damage, Beware Of The Symptoms!

In the book 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals', deficiency of vitamin E in the long run can bring nerve damage, especially in the spinal nerves. Sometimes there is damage in the retina of the eye. Lack of vitamin E should be rare. This is because of the daily diet of most people, getting intake of 7-11 mg of vitamin E. However, it appears that in the U.S. there were mild deficiency of vitamin E.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) is an antioxidant that protects body cells against damage by reactive chemical compounds known as free radicals. Vitamin E, like vitamins A, D, and K, a fat-soluble vitamin and is best absorbed when taken together with the amount of fat.

A very low-fat diets deficient in vitamin E, because vitamin E is best absorbed when eaten with some fat. Abnormalities that interfere with fat absorption, such as impaired liver or gallbladder disorders, pancreatitis, or cystic fibrosis, may also decrease the absorption of vitamin E and increases the risk for a deficiency of vitamin E. Newborns have a reserve of vitamin E is relatively low because only a small amount of vitamin E, which can cross the placenta. Thus, wind born babies, especially premature babies, high risk for deficiency of vitamin E. However, with the passage of age, the risk decreases because the baby usually get enough vitamin E from breast milk or infant formula.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency can occur include declining reflexes, difficulty in walking, loss of coordination, loss of position sense (knowing the position of the body without looking at him), and muscle weakness. In children, the eyelids can be down and they may have difficulty moving the eyes. 

Vitamin E deficiency can cause anemia due to the rupture of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia). Premature babies who are at risk for vitamin E deficiency affected by this disorder. In premature babies, can also occur in the brain hemorrhage, and impaired blood vessel growth in the eye (Retinopathy of Prematurity-ROP). Problems of the eyes (retinopathy) and brain hemorrhage in premature infants can also be caused by exposure to high levels of oxygen in the incubator. Newborn babies who are deficient in vitamin E also has a weakness in the muscles.

The diagnosis is made based on the symptoms that occur, the presence of risk conditions for the occurrence of vitamin E deficiency, and physical examination. Diagnosis can be confirmed by blood tests that showed low levels of vitamin E in the blood. Treatment includes supplementation of vitamin E. Premature babies can be given extra vitamin E to prevent interference. Most newborns at term does not need additional vitamin E, because they get enough vitamin E from breast milk or formula.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

5 Main Vitamin E Benefits & Functions To Human Health

Vitamin E provides benefits to prevent people from free radical attack and prevent various diseases such as liver, slows premature aging due to oxidation processes, and much more. Therefore, it is advisable to always meet the daily requirement of vitamin E. Vitamin E is the generic name for "Tocopherol" and is available in four different forms. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant, which is why benefits of Vitamin E for health no need to doubt.

Tocopherol is insoluble in water but soluble in fat solvents such as oils, fats, alcohol, acetone, ether and so on. Because it is not water soluble, vitamin E can only be digested in the body with the help of the liver bile, as an emulsifier in oil through the duodenum. Vitamin E is stable on heating but will be damaged if the heating is too high. Vitamin E is alkaline, if there is no oxygen and is not affected by the acid at a temperature of 1000 C. When exposed to oxygen in the air, it will oxidize slowly. Meanwhile, when exposed to the light color will be darker gradually.

Vitamin E is easily obtained from the oily foods or vegetables. Vitamin E is found in many fruits, milk, butter, eggs, vegetables, especially sprouts. Examples of the many vegetables that contain vitamin E are wheat germ oil, soybean oil, corn oil, alfalfa, lettuce, beans, asparagus, bananas, strawberries, sunflower seeds, beans, sweet potatoes and green vegetables. Vitamin E is more abundant in fresh unprocessed foods.

One unit is equivalent to 1 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate or can be considered equivalent to 1 mg. Besides breast milk also contains vitamin E to meet the needs of the baby.

During its development, Vitamin E is produced in the form of pills, capsules, and other vitamins as that already exist beforehand. Vitamins are already packaged in various forms is sold freely in the market and are considered useful.

Vitamin E Benefits For Health

  1. Preventing Heart Disease: The role of vitamin E can prevent atherosclerosis caused by plaque on the walls of the arteries leading to the heart. The presence of plaque can be formed by the oxidation of blood cholesterol and eventually the material will accumulate and eventually clog the arteries. Vitamin E can prevent cholesterol from oxidation, so it will not form materials that can clog the arteries so the less cholesterol is oxidized, the less cause arterial blockage will cause the risk of heart disease.

  2. Preventing Cancer: The content of antioxidants in vitamin E also very instrumental in preventing the onset of cancer. Perhaps the ability of vitamins to prevent cancer is not as strong as its ability to prevent heart disease, but the research shows that, in patients with cancer have low vitamin E levels.

  3. Counteract Free Radicals: Free radicals are the cause of many diseases in our body, including cancer. Vitamin E contains antioxidants which can counteract free radicals into the body. Vitamin E also has the special ability to protect cell membranes intruded by free radicals. Vitamin E has the ability to capture and bind free radicals in the cell membrane. To carry out these duties, vitamin E helped with vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other antioxidants. In addition, the elderly also need a lot of intake of vitamin E to boost the immune system and also slow down the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. 

  4. Maintain Male Fertility: Free radicals could potentially cause infertility in men. This happens because the fat content in sperm cell membrane, which causes the vulnerability of sperm cells against free radical attack. Intake of vitamin E may help ward off free radicals and prevent damage to sperm cells.

  5. Keeping Eyes Healthy: The blood vessels in the eye are very soft, very easily damaged by free radicals. Intake of vitamin E helps prevent damage to blood vessels. In addition, vitamin E also helps protect the lens of the eye from damage by free radicals. People with a low intake of vitamin E had a higher risk of cataracts later in life. Vitamin E intake of 400 IU per day of one's youth will reduce the risk of cataracts in old age to about 50%. With such facts, there is no longer any reason for you to not be concerned with the consumption of vitamin E, which is very much beneficial.