Showing posts with label Deficiencies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deficiencies. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Iron deficiency Could Be Indicator of Cancer

Always feeling tired, pale and often feel palpitations are a sign that you are iron deficient. Be careful, iron deficiency can interfere with the body's oxygen intake. Iron is essential for the body, because iron helps meet the needs of oxygen in your body. The body uses iron to form hemoglobin, the part of red blood cells. If your body does not have enough iron, the body will form red blood cells are smaller and fewer in number. Furthermore, your body will lack hemoglobin and you will be deprived of oxygen.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder that occurs in the world. About 2 billion people, which means more than 30 percent of the world's population, thought to suffer from iron deficiency. Mostly occurs in women, especially those who are of childbearing age. So, if you feel you have severe iron deficiency symptoms, it is advisable to immediately go to the doctor.

iron rich foods

Meet the needs of iron by eating healthy foods that are rich in iron, such as red meat, fish, chicken, spinach, kale, beans, eggs, and milk. In addition, the consumption of vitamin C will be easier for the body to absorb iron. In fact, a study reported that consumption of small amounts of vitamin C will increase the body's ability to absorb iron up to three times. Source of vitamin C that can be consumed, such as cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, and lemon juice.

However, for the consumption of iron supplements, you should consult your iron needs a doctor. Because, in some people, consumption of iron supplements cause constipation. Consumption of natural foods to improve iron levels seem to be more healthy for your body.

Iron deficiency is not only associated with symptoms easily tired and exhausted, but also can be an indicator of cancer. Although rare, but no cancer cells that can take iron in the blood, causing anemia person. According to specialists in internal medicine, anemia is not a disease, but a symptom to look for an underlying cause or the underlying disease anemia.

Anemia is a condition that describes the levels of hemoglobin or the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood is less than normal value. Anemia is generally caused by the loss of red blood cells as a result of bleeding during an accident or surgery. Decreased production of red blood cells, and increased red blood cell destruction, or hemolysis also causes anemia. Cancer disease characterized by anemia not only blood-related cancers such as leukemia, but also other cancers such as breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer and others.

However, it does not mean that anemia is always an indicator of cancer. Anemia can be defined as a fever, which is not yet definite symptoms of certain diseases, but can be very broad. Then to ascertain what the cause of anemia, examination should be done properly. In addition to cancer, anemia may be an indicator of thalassemia disease, kidney disease, liver disease, connective tissue disease, chronic infections, and nutritional disorders.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Riboflavin Deficiency: Symptoms & Side Efects

Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is a micronutrient that is easy to digest, is soluble in water, and has a key role in maintaining health in humans. Vitamin B2 is required for a wide variety of cellular processes. Riboflavin deficiency can lead to a person developing the disease, but if excessive, will also experience symptoms of unstable body metabolism. Therefore, to compensate for nutrient intake into the body, including the intake of vitamin B2.

Like the other B vitamins, riboflavin plays an important role in energy metabolism, and is necessary in the metabolism of fats, ketone substances, carbohydrates and proteins. This vitamin is also a role in the formation of red blood cells, antibodies in the body, and in the release of energy from carbohydrate metabolism.

Deficiency of vitamin B2 is usually caused by not consuming enough protein and calories. Chronic disorders, such as recurrent diarrhea, liver disorders, and chronic alcohol drinkers, as well as increase the risk of impaired absorption of vitamin B2 deficiency, as well as hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis (blood screening procedures).

Riboflavin deficiency symptoms can vary. The most common symptom is a cut in the corner of the mouth and lips chapped, which can leave scarring. Fungal infections can occur in the mouth (thrush). Colors can be changed into a magenta tongue and the area around the nose and between the nose and lips appear oily spots (seborrheic). Sometimes grow blood vessels into the cornea, causing eye glare. In males there is inflammation in the scrotal skin.

Diseases caused by riboflavin deficiency

Diseases caused is cheilosis (inflamed lips), angular stomatitis (mouth corner broke), glossitis (slippery tongue purple), and can result in babies born cleft and growth disorders. Diseases of the lip is indeed painful and disturbing because when you open your mouth to eat or drink, inflammation and wound chapped will be felt sore. The reason is not only deficient in vitamin B2. Could be due to bacteria, viruses, fungi, wear dentures, the use of cosmetics for women, until the person with HIV. While the angular stomatitis similar to previous disease. Where the presence of inflammation in the corners of the mouth. Other causes by accumulation of saliva and sometimes the presence of yeast as a result of fungal infection in the oral cavity. Even small ulcers can also trigger the onset of this disease.

Prevention and treatment
Prevention and treatment of ariboflavinosis can be done by eating foods such as milk, eggs, vegetables and meat (fish and poultry). If the body is very deficient in vitamin B2 marked a disease on the body, it's better to go to hospital. Because usually expedited treatment is surgery (for eye diseases such as cataracts) is then given vitamin B2 as self-recovery.

For daily consumption required amount of vitamin B2 0.6 mg for infants. While 1-2 mg for children and 2-3 mg for adults. If the above disease, vitamin B2 can be given 10 mg / day for the next few weeks. To meet daily needs, we can consume from vitamin B2 (riboflavin) foods or supplement under doctor's instruction.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Biotin Deficiency And Various Health Problems For It's Impacts

Biotin or vitamin B7, has a very large role in biochemical reactions in the body, such as the transfer of carbon dioxide and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Unlike most other vitamins, biotin is one type of vitamin that is quite stable in various environmental conditions, such as heat, exposure to sunlight, and oxygen. Biotin deficiency is one type of disease that is rare because this vitamin can be found in almost any kind of food the main source of biotin, among others derived from meat, egg yolks, and bananas.

In the body, biotin many roles in the body's metabolism and growth, especially in terms of the formation of fatty acids, antibodies, digestive enzymes, and niacin. When the body lacks biotin, will give rise to a variety of physiological disorders. For example, biotin deficiency often cause various health problems, such as dermatitis, depression, nusea, anemia, and hair loss. The system can be disrupted antibodies. This causes the body to become infected by bacteria and fungi. To overcome this, the patient can be given periodically yolk intake because it has a high content of biotin.

Biotin deficiency causes 
The causes is quite a lot, eat foods such as egg whites too often, can make vitamin B7 is not absorbed into the body. Egg whites are often eaten containing avidin which can bind biotin. Avidin is abundant in egg white protein. If cooking with ripe, it does not matter because avidin will be greatly reduced compared to cook half-baked.

Causes of biotin deficiency in infants because the baby does not yet have the bacteria to create biotin. So that babies tend to deficiency of vitamin B7 or biotin. It does not need antibiotics, just needs giving vitamins to infant. Meanwhile, the main cause of biotin deficiency in adults is, the lack of variety in their daily consumption of nutritious foods.

Biotin deficiency signs & symptoms

Insomnia is one of the symptoms when someone biotin deficiency. Then other symptoms characterized by purple or swollen tongue, as well as the eyes and the skin becomes dry. Other signs that can be identified, the more hair loss, lack of appetite, sores in the corners of the mouth, it can even affect your mental health (as a result of insomnia). Another symptoms that may arise are:

1. Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin is one of the common symptoms of biotin deficiency. A common form of dermatitis that is found in people who suffer from a deficiency of biotin is seborrheic dermatitis. This disease causes flaking and itching of the scalp can cause hair loss. Children who are affected by this condition can suffer from muscle pain and hair problems. Symptoms such as thinning hair, red scaly skin and brittle nails are common signs of biotin deficiency. Appropriate biotin supplements can reduce muscle cramps in children.

2. Hyperesthesia and Paresthesia: Infants who are deficient in biotin, may suffer from a condition called hyperesthesia, which increased abnormal sensory stimulation. Paresthesia is a condition where the skin feels stabbing or tingling sensation, followed by numbness.

3. Keratoconjunctivitis: Biotin deficiency can also cause keratoconjunctivitis, which resulted in the conjunctiva of the eye. Immunity of people affected will be lowered and defects in B and T cells will occur. Deficiency in cells reduces the number of cells, and consequently, the ability to resist the invasion of harmful bacteria or viruses are substantially reduced.

4. Anorexia: Anorexia is a condition that causes a person to suffer from low appetite. Biotin deficiency in infants inhibit their physical and mental growth. Meanwhile, adults who have a deficiency of biotin can suffer from lethargy, depression, lack of sensation or excessive sensation, and hallucinations.

5. Anemia: Biotin deficiency can cause mild anemia. This condition causes the cells that carry oxygen called hemoglobin loses its ability to bind oxygen. Some of the symptoms of anemia include fatigue, loss of concentration, difficulty in breathing, heart failure, and others.

6. Irregular heart electrocardiographic activities: electrocardiographic activity refers to the heart's electrical activity, as interpreted by skin electrodes. People who have a deficiency of biotin may cause irregular electrocardiographic activity of the heart, and it can cause serious heart condition.

Biotin Deficiency Treatment
To overcome the deficiency of biotin or vitamin B7 is by consuming large doses of biotin. Recommended dose for those who lack sufficient biotin acute approximately 200 mcg per day. Then too slowly replaced with natural food sources that contain biotin. Usually this increases the need for vitamin B7 with vitamin B complex supplements. As well as reducing the consumption of egg white as a treatment step.

Biotin Daily Needs
The dose for adults, especially men, can reach 30 mcg of biotin daily. And then for teenagers aged from 14 to 18 years need less vitamin B7 than in adults, which is about 25 mcg. Then under the age of 14 years can consume vitamin B7 between 5 mcg to 20 mcg daily.

Food sources of biotin
As mentioned previously, vitamin B7 can be found in  vegetables, fruits, meat, egg yolks and so on.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Niacin Deficiency & Dangerous Side Effects

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is one of the 8 types of vitamin B complex that functions in metabolism and provide energy for the body. Niacin deficiency is rare, as is found in many foods, including dairy products, eggs, meat, legumes, nuts and enriched breads and cereals. Even so, the people who live areas where maize is the main food source, are at risk to suffer from pellagra because maize contain little niacin and tryptophan. Likewise with chronic alcohol drinkers have a higher risk of suffering from pellagra.Niacin, or vitamin B3, is one of the 8 types of vitamin B complex that functions in metabolism and provide energy for the body. Niacin deficiency is rare, as is found in many foods, including dairy products, eggs, meat, legumes, nuts and enriched breads and cereals.

Even so, the people who live areas where maize is the main food source, are at risk to suffer from pellagra because maize contain little niacin and tryptophan. Likewise with chronic alcohol drinkers have a higher risk of suffering from pellagra. Pellagra also occur in patients with Hartnup disease, a rare disease, which tryptophan absorption in the intestine and kidney disorder. To prevent the onset of symptoms, these patients require high doses of niacin.

Pellagra marked abnormalities in the skin, gastrointestinal tract and brain. The first symptoms such as redness on the skin area that is symmetrical, similar to burns from the sun and will get worse if exposed to sunlight (photosensitivity). The skin changes do not disappear and will brown and scaly.

Skin symptoms are usually followed by digestive disorders, such as nausea, loss of appetite and diarrhea were stinking and sometimes bloody. The entire digestive tract can be affected by:
- Is not able to produce enough stomach acid (aklorhidria)
- The tongue and mouth become inflamed, which then turned into a dark red color light.

The vagina may also be affected. In the end, mental changes, such as fatigue, insomnia (difficulty sleeping) and apathy. The symptoms are usually preceded by abnormalities in brain function (encephalopathy, such as confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, amnesia and even manic-depressive psychosis.

Diagnosis is based on the history of food, symptoms and low levels of niacin in the urine. Blood tests can also help diagnosis. Given high doses of niacin-amide (approximately 25 times the recommended daily dose) plus other B vitamins in high doses (10 times the recommended daily dose). Vitamin B1, B2, B6 and pantothenic acid should be given due to lack of these vitamins can cause symptoms similar to pellagra.

Vitamin B3 daily needs

What is the need of vitamin B3 per day?
  • Infants 0-6 months of age need 2 mcg
  • Infants aged 7-12 months require 4 mcg
  • Toddlers ages 1-3 years need 6 mcg
  • Children ages 4-8 years need 8 mcg
  • Children aged 9-13 years require 12 mcg
  • Adolescents aged 14 years and older men need 16 mcg,
  • and for women require 14 mcg

Maximum daily dose tolerated by their bodies:
  • Children ages 1-3 years old up to 10 mcg
  • Children 4-8 years old up to 15 mcg
  • Children ages 9-13 years old up to 20 mcg
  • Maximum age of 14 years and above 30-35 mcg


Vitamin B3 or Niacin Foods

Niacin is found in variety of foods, including liver, chicken, beef, fish, cereal, peanuts, and legumes, and is also synthesized from tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in most forms of protein.
Animal products:
  • liver, heart and kidney (9 – 15 mg niacin per 100 grams)
  • chicken, chicken breast (6.5 mg)
  • beef (5 – 6 mg)
  • fish: tuna, salmon, halibut (2.5 – 13 mg)
  • eggs (0.1 mg)
  • venison (8.43 mg)
Fruits and vegetables:
  • avocados (1 mg niacin per 100 grams)
  • dates (2 mg)
  • tomatoes (0.7 mg)
  • leaf vegetables (0.3 – 0.4 mg)
  • broccoli (0.6 mg)
  • carrots (0.3 – 0.6 mg)
  • sweet potatoes (0.5 – 0.6 mg)
  • asparagus (0.4 mg)
  • nuts (2 mg niacin per 100 grams)
  • whole grain products (4 – 29.5 mg)
  • legumes (0.4 – 16 mg)
  • saltbush seeds
  • mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms (3.5 – 4 mg niacin per 100 grams)
  • brewer's yeast (36 mg)
  • beer (6 mg per pint, less if filtered)
  • Ovaltine (18 mg)
  • Peanut butter (15 mg)
  • Tofu
  • Soy sauce (0.4 mg)
  • Vegemite (from spent brewer's yeast) (50 mg niacin per 100 grams)
  • Marmite (from spent brewer's yeast) (50 mg niacin per 100 grams)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Here Are The Dangers of Folate Deficiency For Pregnant Women

Folate (folic acid or vitamin B9) is a water soluble vitamin, and has a very important role in many bodily functions. This vitamin is particularly important in cell division and growth period. Children and adults require folic acid to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia. Folic acid is essential for pregnant women, because it will prevent neural tube defects (NTDs in babies), namely spina bifida (abnormalities of the spine) and anencephaly (a brain disorder which is not formed). With sufficient intake of folic acid in the period before and during pregnancy is about 0.4 - 0.8 mg per day, the risk of NTDs in babies can be reduced up to 80%. Women who plan to become pregnant should consume folic acid is enough, at least 4 months prior to pregnancy because of the risk of folic acid deficiency babies born with defects in the nervous system (brain) or neural tube defects.

Folic acid deficiency can cause the baby to be born with a cleft lip, low weight, down's syndrome, and vascular abnormalities. The destruction of the protective layer of blood vessels can cause the cord off prematurely. Other disorders that may occur is impaired infants and small bowel, the child can not walk upright and high emotion. In girls as adults do not menstruate. In pregnant women, folate deficiency can also lead to an increased risk of anemia, so the mother is tired, listless and pale.

In women who experience morning sickness in excess, are at risk of folate deficiency. Consumption of special milk for pregnant women or women planning a pregnancy, usually have there is the addition of folic acid in it. Consuming milk on the advice of the presentation, can meet the needs of folic acid a day. Folic acid is safe to eat up to 1000mcg limit, and if excessive can give side effects like nausea, decreased appetite, flatulence, and mild allergies.

Leafy vegetables such as spinach, turnips, dried beans and peas, cereals, sunflower seeds, and fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, are a rich source of folate. Eggs, liver, and whole grain products also include foods that contain folic acid.

Folic acid is very sensitive to light, oxygen and high temperatures. Because also rapidly dissolves in water, if the foods that contain folic acid washed, it often happens folic acid will be swept away by the water. Then it is also often the lack of Vitamin B9. Because it is advisable to consume vegetables that contain folic acid to be consumed in their raw form as in salads.

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Folate
Age Male Female Pregnant Lactating
Birth to 6 months*65 mcg DFE*65 mcg DFE*
7–12 months*80 mcg DFE*80 mcg DFE*
1–3 years150 mcg DFE150 mcg DFE
4–8 years200 mcg DFE200 mcg DFE
9–13 years300 mcg DFE300 mcg DFE
14–18 years400 mcg DFE400 mcg DFE600 mcg DFE 500 mcg DFE
19+ years400 mcg DFE400 mcg DFE600 mcg DFE500 mcg DFE
* Adequate Intake (AI)

Friday, January 9, 2015

Vitamin B2 Deficiency Impact To Human Health

Vitamin B2 deficiency can also lead to a person developing the disease. However, if excessive will experience symptoms of unstable body metabolism. Therefore, it is advisable to compensate for nutrient intake into the body, including the intake of vitamin B2, with nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables. Do not forget to compensate for eating meat. Not excessive or deficient. Deficient in vitamin B2, specifically does not cause a particular disease.Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is very important in the metabolism of carbohydrates (to produce energy) and amino acid metabolism. Sources of food containing vitamin B2 are dairy products, meat, fish and poultry.

Deficiency of vitamin B2, usually due to not consume enough protein and calories. Chronic disorders, such as recurrent diarrhea, liver disorders, and chronic alcohol drinkers, as well as increase the risk of impaired absorption of vitamin B2 deficiency, as well as hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis (blood screening procedures). Symptoms may vary. The most common symptoms are, sores in the corner of the mouth and chapped lips, which can leave scarring. Fungal infections can occur in the mouth (thrush). Colors can be changed into a magenta tongue and the area around the nose and between the nose and lips appear oily spots (seborrheic). Sometimes grow blood vessels into the cornea, causing eye glare. In males there is inflammation in the scrotal skin.

Vitamin B2 deficiency impact to health

Decreased immune system
Vitamin B2 helps convert carbohydrates into glucose. So that there is energy that the body needs for daily activities. Lack of energy in the body, the body will become weak and will decrease the body's immunity. So that the body's metabolism, as well as the normal system of the body becomes disrupted. Vitamin B2 also helps produce red blood cells and protects nerves in the body. So when your body's immunity decreases, there is likely you are having vitamin B2 deficiency, even can also be caused by other vitamin deficiencies.

Dry scaly skin
Dry scaly skin can also be caused due to deficiency of vitamin B2. Dry and scaly skin caused by red blood cells that formed with no adequate amounts of vitamin B2. To avoid dry scaly skin is of course by taking vitamin supplements (vitamin supplements usually contain several kinds of vitamins). However, if not worse, you do not need to take supplements, but enough fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits with regular consumption and reproduced been able to make your skin back to normal and not dry and scaly.

Dry mouth, cracked lips, Sprue
Dry mouth, cracked lips and mouth sores are more strongly associated with deficiency of vitamin C compared with vitamin B2. Keep in mind, when the immunity is reduced, or deficiency of vitamin B2, then the network will also start damaged skin which causes the skin to become dry. So other epithelial tissues of the skin such as the mouth and lips were decreased quality of health. So that the mouth is dry, chapped lips, and mouth sores may occur. Vitamin B2 deficiency also causes disturbances in the digestive lining the walls. So that foods containing vitamin C to help prevent dry mouth, cracked lips, mouth sores can not be absorbed by the body to the maximum.

Interfere with the growth of the body
Body growth could be impaired by deficiency of vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 deficiency is more common in children when attacking the body growth. This condition occurs because pregnant women not to eat nutritious foods since her pregnancy. Thus affecting the health of the baby and infant growth. Usually when pregnant women are anemic, swollen tongue, mouth sores, dry skin indicates the body is deficient in vitamin. In order to meet the vitamin B2 was able to make the development of the fetus will be better again.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Effects of Zinc Deficiency To Human Health

Zinc deficiency is common in vulnerable groups, namely, children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers also the elderly. Signs of zinc deficiency is a disorder of growth and sexual maturity. Digestive function impaired due to impaired pancreatic function, impaired formation of chylomicrons disturbed, and immune dysfunction. Chronic zinc deficiency can cause nerve and brain function center. Zinc plays a role in the metabolism of vitamin A, so that the visible symptoms of deficiency of vitamin A. Thyroid gland function and abnormal metabolic rate, appetite disturbance, decreased function of the sense of taste and slow healing of wounds.

Zinc is one of the minerals needed by the body, and trace minerals are grouped in classes. But for humans, the actual significance of the mineral zinc was revealed in 1956. The function of zinc is fairly vital to the survival of the cells of the human body. One is as an intermediary for over 70 kinds of enzymes and proteins in the human body. The enzyme itself plays a role in the metabolism of the whole cells of the human body, then if enzymes are not fully formed, the function of the body's cells will be disrupted. In addition, zinc plays a role also in the process of genetic formation, ie the DNA (deoxyribose nucleid Acid).

With a large enough concentration in the body which occupies the second position after iron, zinc can be easily found in various types of foods rich in protein such as meat, beans and legumes.

Zinc intake of the human body needs, in fact very little, but in fact the absorption of zinc by the body was very small. From about 4-14 mg / day the amount of zinc that is recommended to be consumed, only about 10-40% that can be absorbed.

The presence of other mineral substances high in the body, such as iron and copper as well as the content phytat in spinach, kale and other vegetables, it inhibits the absorption of zinc in the intestinal mucosa. However, if these substances fermented, can actually increase the absorption of zinc.

Zinc deficiency signs and symptoms

If your body does not get enough zinc supply will usually develop signs or symptoms. Here are the signs if you are experiencing a shortage of zinc according to the US National Library of Medicine:
  • Average growth slow
  • Losing appetite
  • Slow healing wounds, lesions appear on the skin and infection that will not go away
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Abnormalities in the ability to taste and smell
  • Difficulty in seeing in the dark
  • Decreased production of male hormones (infertility)
Especially for the last point, zinc deficiency will interfere with the process of sperm formation and development of primary and secondary sex organs in men. Zinc deficiency in men caused a decline in testicular function (testicular hypofunction) that has disrupted the process of spermatogenesis and testosterone production by Leydig cells. Testosterone is a hormone that affects libido and secondary sex characteristics of males.

In a normal or healthy state, the amount recommended for adult men as much as 15 mg per day, while women 12 mg per day. How to safely get zinc, is by eating foods rich in zinc.

Foods high zinc content, among others, oysters, beef, liver, and spices / seasoning food (spices). Good food source is cheddar cheese, crab, young goat meat, peanuts, and livestock. In addition, there are also some elements of food that will inhibit the absorption of zinc in the body, which is high in calcium, phytic acid, and copper. To that end, this inhibitor of food intake should be reduced amount and frequency.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Vitamin K Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin K deficiency is rare because most people get it from bacteria in the gut and from food. However, deficiencies can occur in infants because their digestive systems are sterile and contain no bacteria will synthesize vitamin K, while the breast milk contains only small amounts of vitamin K. For the infants were given a vitamin K at birth. In adults, deficiency can occur due to lack of vegetable consumption or antobiotik taking too long. Antibiotics can kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines that produce vitamin K. Sometimes vitamin K deficiency caused by liver disease or digestive problems and a lack of bile salts.

Diagnosis of vitamin K deficiency is the onset of symptoms, including hypoprothrombinemia, which is a state of deficiency of prothrombin in the blood. In addition, also seen bleeding subcutaneous and intramuscular.

To meet the needs of vitamin K is quite easy, because in addition to the amount is small, the human digestive system already contains bacteria that are able to synthesize vitamin K, which is partially absorbed and stored in the liver. However, the body still needs to get extra vitamin K from food (read at vitamin K foods article).

Although most sources of vitamin K in the body is synthesized by bacteria in the digestive system, but vitamin K is also contained in foods such as liver, vegetables, green leafy cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables (cabbage) and milk. High concentrations vitamin K is also found in soy milk, green tea, milk cows, as well as beef and liver. The types of probiotic foods, such as yogurt containing active healthy bacteria, can help stimulate the production of this vitamin.


The main symptoms of vitamin K deficiency include bleeding, such as bruises on the skin, bleeding from the nose, stomach or intestinal bleeding, or bleeding from the wound. Blood can be found in the urine or stool (feces). In newborns, can be life-threatening hemorrhage due to brain hemorrhage. Liver disorders can increase the risk of bleeding due to clotting factors made ​​in the liver. Vitamin K deficiency can also cause bones to become brittle. 
7 vitamin K deficiency symptoms
  1. Heavy menstrual bleeding: Vitamin K deficiency is also a factor women experience heavy menstrual person. For that, of the many causes of this it is better to consult a doctor first. Usually performed laboratory tests to check for bleeding time, checking thyroid function, and complete blood count. 
  2. Bleeding gums: Apparently, bleeding gums can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. Usually only a trigger factor. Because plaque on the teeth are not cleaned cause tartar. Thus causing gums hurt and bleeding of the gums. It could also be because when the doctor cleans tartar, an untruth in cleaning it.
  3. Easy bruising: The need vitamin K for adult men is 120 mcg per day and women 90 mcg per day. This deficiency is usually rare. Easy bruising can also be caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. In principle, when a person deficient in vitamin K, then protombin as enzymes to help blood clot would be reduced. When someone is having an impact, or scratches on the skin, the blood out of the body would be difficult to freeze. So bleeding difficult to stop.
  4. Fever in newborns: Fever is a symptom common in infants, especially if the baby is sick. Ask your doctor to give you at least a range of vitamins in infants, after one hour of birth. Usually babies will cry one hour after birth, or if the baby cries to squeaky baby signifies a lack of vitamin K. Symptoms of fever that does not go down the heat. It's a lot to consider when childbirth because through breastmilk babies vitamin K requirement is not fulfilled.
  5. Blood in urine: Blood in the urine is a strong indication that someone is experiencing a deficiency of vitamin K. In infants can also be demonstrated especially well the stool contains blood. Although in this case means the deficiency is severe. Because intestinal injuries due to food is not digested form of vitamin K2 which makes the process protombin happen. For that if the symptoms of a sore at the moment better passing urine immediately consult a doctor for further examination.
  6. Blood clot dificulties: If this happen, then you have to take vitamin K. Vitamin K Injections can help you in the process of blood clotting. Injections you requested can include vitamin K3 or synthesis of vitamin K or vitamin K1. Enzymes protombin is what will make or dilute the blood to coagulate blood clotting function. Also the presence of fibrinogen which fine fibers wound closure can be formed. Blood difficult to freeze can be resolved soon, but not the way short because vitamin K is not a medicine. Because Vitamin K may be out of the body at any time, so that therapeutic administration of vitamin K needed routines.
  7. Ovarium bleeding: Bleeding can occur due to excessive menstruation as described at the beginning. Where the menstrual phase usually 4 to 6 days. But there is also up to 8 days still experience but countless still normal. Usually blood can dilute or concentrated. A blood clot in the ovary depends on the local fibrinolytic in the ovary itself. If it can be seen that the administration of vitamin K are required for women. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle can result in vitamin K deficiency bleeding and the presence of ovarian happen if only the menstrual period was too long. So that needs to be noted that the monthly cycle when there is an abnormal cycle can consult a doctor.


Allegations of vitamin K deficiency occurs when there is abnormal bleeding in people with risk conditions. Blood tests to measure how quickly the blood clot can be done to help diagnose. Besides knowing how large amounts of vitamin K consumption can help to interpret the results of blood tests.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Vitamin E Deficiency Can Cause Nerve Damage, Beware Of The Symptoms!

In the book 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals', deficiency of vitamin E in the long run can bring nerve damage, especially in the spinal nerves. Sometimes there is damage in the retina of the eye. Lack of vitamin E should be rare. This is because of the daily diet of most people, getting intake of 7-11 mg of vitamin E. However, it appears that in the U.S. there were mild deficiency of vitamin E.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) is an antioxidant that protects body cells against damage by reactive chemical compounds known as free radicals. Vitamin E, like vitamins A, D, and K, a fat-soluble vitamin and is best absorbed when taken together with the amount of fat.

A very low-fat diets deficient in vitamin E, because vitamin E is best absorbed when eaten with some fat. Abnormalities that interfere with fat absorption, such as impaired liver or gallbladder disorders, pancreatitis, or cystic fibrosis, may also decrease the absorption of vitamin E and increases the risk for a deficiency of vitamin E. Newborns have a reserve of vitamin E is relatively low because only a small amount of vitamin E, which can cross the placenta. Thus, wind born babies, especially premature babies, high risk for deficiency of vitamin E. However, with the passage of age, the risk decreases because the baby usually get enough vitamin E from breast milk or infant formula.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency can occur include declining reflexes, difficulty in walking, loss of coordination, loss of position sense (knowing the position of the body without looking at him), and muscle weakness. In children, the eyelids can be down and they may have difficulty moving the eyes. 

Vitamin E deficiency can cause anemia due to the rupture of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia). Premature babies who are at risk for vitamin E deficiency affected by this disorder. In premature babies, can also occur in the brain hemorrhage, and impaired blood vessel growth in the eye (Retinopathy of Prematurity-ROP). Problems of the eyes (retinopathy) and brain hemorrhage in premature infants can also be caused by exposure to high levels of oxygen in the incubator. Newborn babies who are deficient in vitamin E also has a weakness in the muscles.

The diagnosis is made based on the symptoms that occur, the presence of risk conditions for the occurrence of vitamin E deficiency, and physical examination. Diagnosis can be confirmed by blood tests that showed low levels of vitamin E in the blood. Treatment includes supplementation of vitamin E. Premature babies can be given extra vitamin E to prevent interference. Most newborns at term does not need additional vitamin E, because they get enough vitamin E from breast milk or formula.