Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dangers For Diabetics If Having Too Low Blood Sugar

Blood sugar is too low (hypoglycemia) in patients with diabetes type 2 are known to create limp, and if left unchecked will lead to fainting and death. A new study says, hypoglycemia is also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The researchers said the lack of proper glycemic targets in diabetes makes them susceptible to blood sugar levels are too low. Hyperglycemia is often categorized as a medical emergency.

Hypoglycemia can occur in diabetics who received sugar-lowering drugs, or insulin that could potentially cause your blood sugar is too low. Late meal or exercise and work that sudden weight without reducing the amount of medication or without additional meal also can trigger hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar symptoms include sweating, fatigue, blurred vision, confusion, seizures, and can make a person unconscious. Even in fairly severe levels can make someone into a coma.

Studies show that there is a relationship between hypoglycemia with the risk of cardiovascular disease. But this relationship is still considered controversial. In this study, researchers from the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands analyzed six studies involving more than 903 000 people with diabetes type 2. The study, published online in revealed, as much as 0.6 to 5.8 percent of patients experienced hypoglycemia after one to five years later. Overall, a total of 1.56 percent of these patients suffer from cardiovascular disease.

According to the researchers, hypoglycemia associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease as much as doubled. Therefore, prevention of hypoglycemia is crucial for diabetics to avoid cardiovascular disease.

They say, the relationship between severe hypoglycemia with increased risk of cardiovascular disease is explained by the number of diabetics is hypoglycemia were also experiencing cardiovascular disease. However, the mechanism between the two can not be explained.

Nevertheless, the Researchers said the risk of diabetes who experience hypoglycemia against fatal diseases is very high. And they believe the relationship between the two is very strong.

Low blood sugar can lead to irritability

Based on the study, low blood sugar or hypoglycemia make a person irritable and not energized. Professor David Benton (a psychologist from Swansea University) said, there are quite a lot of research showing that low levels of blood sugar affects people's anger. US research also showed that low blood sugar makes a person aggressive. Factors that make a person more aggressive menjai is still to be further investigated.

Professor of biological chemistry at Imperial College London Jeremy Nicholson said the chances of a person of being aggressive because of the low levels of glucose in the brain. According to him, the brain functions can not run properly if the needs of low glucose. Based on the study, low blood sugar often lead to divisions within the household. This happens if one partner is suffering from hypoglycemia so often angry.

According to Nicholson, anyone who has not eaten for more than eight hours at risk of hypoglycemia. Therefore, do not forget to eat or regularly eat and drink in the morning, noon, and night. Fruits and vegetables are a long-term solution is better to keep the blood sugar levels.

Monday, April 20, 2015

6 Healthy Foods List Recommended For Diabetics

Diabetics are required to be able to adjust their diet as good as possible, both in terms of quantity, schedule, as well as the type of food. The lack of insulin or insulin resistance makes sufferers should be careful to keep the sugar or glucose in their blood are not soaring. Because the high glucose levels after eating can lead to macrovascular complications such as heart disease and vascular disorders. However, these risks can be reduced if people with diabetes consistently live a healthy lifestyle.

They need to choose foods that have a low glycemic index list and provide essential nutrients such as calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. These foods also should not raise blood sugar levels significantly, able to burn fat, reduce inflammation, and have other health benefits.

6 foods recommended for diabetics

1. Brown Rice: Other foods also contain fiber are brown rice. Besides containing sufficient amounts of fiber, brown rice also has a high carbohydrate content so you do not have to worry about a shortage source of energy by not consuming rice. Precisely rice consumption for cases of patients with diabetes need to be reduced because it can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

2. Wheat: Wheat is rich in fiber. This is what makes it into the category of healthy foods for diabetics. Besides being rich in fiber, wheat also contains protein and carbohydrates needed by the body. Carbohydrates in this context is an energy producer. Carbohydrates in general are able to cause spikes in blood sugar levels. But that only happens if the food consumed is a simple carbohydrate content. Consumption of foods containing complex carbohydrates such as whole grain it will not cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Regular consumption can even inhibit the release of sugar into the bloodstream so that blood sugar levels can be maintained its stability.

3. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is also rich in fiber, protein and carbohydrates. But like carbohydrate present in wheat, oatmeal owned carbohydrates also will not cause spikes in blood sugar levels. In addition, please note also that the consumption of oatmeal is also highly recommended given the food is very good for maintaining heart health. Especially with the fact that people with diabetes have a higher risk for heart disease. So the consumption of oatmeal will be very useful to reduce the risk in addition to maintaining their blood sugar levels to remain stable.

4. Blueberries: Blueberries contain a lot of insoluble fiber that removes fat from the body, as well as soluble fiber is processed longer in the body and control blood sugar levels. Research by the USDA showed that those who consumed 2 ½ cups of wild blueberry juice every day for 12 weeks can reduce levels of glucose in the blood, depression, and improve his memory. This is because blueberries contain anthocyanins, a natural chemical compounds that shrink fat cells and stimulates the production of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Increasing levels of adiponectin can keep blood sugar levels remain low and increase the body's sensitivity to insulin. American Diabetes Association (ADA) even call blueberries as "Diabetes superfood" because of health benefits.

5. Spinach: Green vegetables such as spinach are rich in chlorophyll which function as antioxidants to the body. In addition, also known as green vegetables rich in lutein. Lutein is a carotenoid that functions similar to can help reduce the risk of eye damage. This is because most people with diabetes in impaired vision, particularly for those who suffer from chronic diabetes. Hence the consumption of green vegetables should be added to maintain the function of the eye in order to stay well.

6. Sweet potato: One analysis found that the sweet potato is able to reduce HbA1c of 0.3 to 0.57% and accelerate the processing of blood glucose by 10 to 15 points. Sweet potatoes also contain anthocyanins which are the natural pigment that gives him a dark orange color. These compounds, including antioxidants useful as an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-microbial. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin A and fiber. Use as a substitute sweet potato fries because it has a lower index of glucose.

There are also so many others healthy foods for diabetics, you can ask a doctor suggestion to get all the lists.

Monday, January 12, 2015

7 Diabetes Symptoms In Men

In addition to women, men also have the same risk of developing diabetes. Men are also much affected by this dangerous disease. In general, men who smoke and drink alcohol more likely to suffer symptoms of diabetes. If we look at the symptoms of diabetes in women appeared to have similarities with the symptoms of diabetes in men. The symptoms of diabetes in these men to look out for, among others, thirst and excessive urination, weight loss unusual, blurred vision, increased appetite, erectile dysfunction, slow healing of wounds, and nerve damage.

Some of the symptoms of diabetes in men is often not realized due to the limitations of their knowledge, and often they let the symptoms are so getting worse. And if they examined symptoms of diabetes in men as early as possible, it is likely curable. Therefore you see the following article about the symptoms of diabetes in men who have to watch out.
Actually there was no significant difference between the symptoms of diabetes in women or men. But at least, it is known there are 7 symptoms of diabetes in men that you should be aware. Here is an explanation of each of these symptoms.

1. Excessive thirst and urination
  • In general, people with diabetes have excessive urination due to the amount of blood sugar levels in excess. Because excessive, then the body is stimulated to secrete excess sugar levels through the kidney with urine.
  • Usually, people with diabetes are excessive urination occurs at night, especially during night sleep, thereby reducing the quality of sleep. This is because blood sugar levels are relatively high at night than during the day.
  • While the symptoms of excessive thirst is the impact of the body too much in passing urine. But actually it is the body's attempt to avoid lack of fluids (dehydration).
  • During blood sugar levels have not been controlled well, then there will be constant desire to drink. In contrast with much drinking will lead to the desire to urinate.
 2. Unusual weight loss
  • Without realizing it, people with diabetes will experience weight loss with no known cause obvious.
  • In diabetics, weight loss due to the removal of most of the sugar in the blood to the kidneys via the urine system. Whereas the sugar in the blood is the result of the digestion of food in the stomach. As a result, regardless of the amount of food eaten will be the remnants during the insulin is not able to distribute the sugar as an energy source for the body.
3. Blurred vision
  • Blurred vision disorders are often called cataract and usually experienced by people with diabetes who have acute.
  • Cataracts can occur because of the sugar to form a layer that covers the eye lens. This is what causes the eye lens becomes opaque, thus inhibiting the entry of light into the eye and consequently impair vision.
  • This disorder can be overcome by doing eye surgery by replacing the damaged eye lens with a plastic lens.
4. Increased appetite
  • In general, people with diabetes have a big appetite, but the weight does not go up.
  •  There is an increasing appetite triggered by depletion of sugar in the body despite the high blood sugar levels, thus making the body feel weak as less power and ultimately the desire to eat. In fact, if checked, the sugar content in the blood is high enough.
5. Erectile Dysfunction
  • In the long term, diabetic men can also suffer the risk of erectile dysfunction, which is the reduced number of sperm produced by testosterone.
  • In acute conditions, can cause impotence.
  • Erectile dysfunction is caused by nerve cell damage due to diabetes. Diabetes can lead to disruption of blood flow around the system of nerve cells such as the kidneys and genitals.
  • If not promptly treated, it can interfere with the relationship of domestic harmony.
6. Healing of wounds are slow
  • In the event of injury, the wound healing is often very long. This is due to reduced blood supply due to narrowing of blood vessels.
  • For prevention, it is recommended that diabetics always keep and care for their skin even though no injury occurs.
7. Nerve damage
  • Diabetics also suffered nerve damage, because diabetes can damage the nervous system.
  • Damage to the nervous system resulting in the disruption of blood flow around the system of nerve cells as well as in the eyes and kidneys.
  • Nerve cell damage due to diabetes is also called neuropathy.
There are three types of nerves damaged by diabetes, which is damage to the motor nerve, sensory and autonomic.

In addition to the symptoms of diabetes in men above, there are also some symptoms that can be observed individually as fatigue, dry mouth and headache. This is because the body lacks oxygen to burn sugar into energy. Decreasing the amount of oxygen in the blood caused by a buildup of sugar in the blood vessels so that the flow is slowed. In the end, the heart works harder (palpitations), headache, dry mouth and easy to feel tired.

Basically, the symptoms of diabetes in men above can be prevented with a healthy diet, reduce sugary foods, avoid smoking and alcohol and diligent exercise. Then if you are overweight, get a diet with reduced calorie foods, fatty and sweet. That way you will avoid the risk of developing diabetes.

If you feel you or your friend has any of these symptoms then the best way is to immediately see a doctor. By check to the doctor, can be immediately handled and will not get worse.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

10 Bad Habits That Causes Diabetes

From the results of a recent study conducted by medical experts, found a new theory which states that diabetes mellitus is not only caused by heredity (genetics), but is also influenced by several other factors that multi-complex, such as living habits and environment. People whose bodies carry diabetes genes, will not necessarily suffer from diabetes, because there are several other factors that may cause the disease in a person, which include binge eating / obesity, lack of exercise or less exercise and pregnancy. Here are, 10 bad habits that can causes diabetes.

1. Snacking: We assume, by limiting the lunch or dinner can avoid obesity and diabetes. Because not full, stomach filled with a piece or two pieces of biscuits and snacks like potato chips. In fact, biscuits, potato chips, and other sweet pastries containing high carbohydrate content and without adequate food. All the food was classified in foods with a high glycemic index. Meanwhile, sugar and flour contained in it have a role in raising blood sugar levels.

2. Lazy to do physical activity: The World Health Organization (WHO) said that, cases of diabetes in Asian countries will rise by 90 percent in the next 20 years. "In 10 years, the number of diabetics in Hanoi, Vietnam, doubled. The reason? In this city, people prefer riding than cycling, "said Dr. Gauden Galea, WHO Advisor for Non-Communicable Diseases in the Western Pacific Region. In conclusion, those who are less physically active have a higher risk of obesity than those who diligently biking, walking, or other activities.

3. Often experience stress: Stress is the same as flooding, must be channeled to the major flood. When stress comes, the body will increase the production of the hormones epinephrine and cortisol that blood sugar rises, and there is a reserve of energy to move. Our bodies are designed so that, for a good purpose. However, if high blood sugar continues triggered by prolonged stress with no way out, like suicide slowly.

4. Too much drinking soda: From research conducted by The Nurses' Health Study II on 51 603 women aged 22-44 years, found that increased consumption of soft drinks make weight and risk of diabetes soared. The researchers said the increased risk was due to the content of sweetener in soft drinks. In addition, liquid calories do not make us full, so motivated to drink more.

5. Less of morning sun exposure: According to the journal Diabetes Care, women with a high intake of vitamin D and calcium at low risk of developing diabetes type 2. Apart from food, the best source of vitamin D is sunlight. Twenty minutes of exposure to sunlight in the morning is sufficient for vitamin D for three days. Several recent studies, which were published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, suggests that vitamin D also helps the metabolism of the body, including blood sugar.

6. Cigarette addiction: An American study involving 4,572 volunteers men and women found that active smokers the risk of diabetes increased by 22 percent. It added that the increase in risk is not just caused by smoking, but the combination of unhealthy lifestyles, such as diet and exercise.

7. Using the contraceptive pill: Most contraceptive pill is made from a combination of estrogen and progestin, or just progestin alone. Combination pills often lead to changes in blood sugar levels. According to a doctor, working hormonal contraceptive pill as opposed to insulin. Because insulin work unopposed, the pancreas is forced to work harder to produce insulin. If left too long, the pancreas becomes exhausted and not functioning properly.

8. Sweet Tea: The explanation is simple. The high intake of sugar causes blood sugar levels soaring. Yet the risk of excess calories. A glass of sweet tea contains approximately 250-300 calories (depending on density). Caloric needs of an average adult woman is 1,900 calories per day (depending on activity). From our sweet tea was able to 1000-1200 calories. Not to plus three meals of rice and side dishes. Should be assumed that every day we are excess calories. End: obesity and diabetes.

9. Too much eating fried foods: Because of the small, one fried not enough for us. And fried is one of the high risk factors trigger degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, and stroke. The main cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the blockage of the coronary arteries, with one of the main risk factor was dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is a disorder of lipid metabolism characterized by elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and decreased levels of HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood. Increasing the proportion of dyslipidemia in the community due to the habit of eating a variety of foods low in fiber and high in fat, including fried.

10. Lack of sleep: If the quality of sleep is not obtained, then the metabolism will be disturbed. Research experts from the University of Chicago revealed that lack of sleep for 3 days resulted in the body's ability to process glucose declined drastically. That is, the risk of diabetes increases. Lack of sleep also can stimulate a hormone in the blood that trigger appetite. Driven hunger, people with sleep disorders triggered by eating high-calorie foods that make blood sugar levels rise.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Some Things That Could Be Diabetes Causes

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is caused by many factors, with symptoms such as chronic hyperglycemia and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as a result of a deficiency of insulin secretion and insulin activity (or both). It could also be a result of glucose transporter deficiency, or both. The main causes of diabetes is pattern of life, foods you eat, less exercises and so on. If you have read foods that can prevent diabetes, in this post you will found some foods or beverages that can cause diabetes.

  1. Soda: From research conducted by the Nurses' Health Study II on 51 603 women aged 22-44 years, found that increased consumption of soft drinks make weight and risk of diabetes soared. The researchers said the increased risk was due to the content of the sweetener in soft drinks. In addition, liquid calories do not make us full, so motivated to drink more.

  2. Rarely physical activity or exercise: The World Health Organization (WHO) said the cases of diabetes in Asian countries will rise by 90 percent within the next 20 years. Dr. Gauden Galea, WHO Advisor for Communicable Diseases in the Western Pacific Region said, in the past 10 years, the number of diabetics in Hanoi, Vietnam, doubled. Why? In this city, people prefer riding motorcycles than cycling. In conclusion, those who are less physically active have a higher risk of obesity than those who diligently biking, hiking, or other activity.

  3. Lack of sleep: Lifestyle like the pattern and quality of sleep is not good can also trigger the onset of diabetes. Research has shown that sleep deprivation affects the body's ability to metabolize sugar properly, due to lower insulin levels in our body.

  4. Smoking Habits: Usually people only know the smoke can only harm the heart, lungs, pregnancy etc.. However, before you realize, smoking can damage your pancreas and liver organ. Though insulin is directly related to diabetes is produced directly in the pancreas gland.

  5. Snacking: We thought that by limiting your lunch or dinner, may avoid obesity and diabetes. Because not full, the stomach is filled with a piece or two pieces of biscuits and snacks like potato chips. In fact, biscuits, potato chips, and other sweet pastries containing high carbohydrate content and without adequate food. All the food was classified in foods with a high glycemic index. Meanwhile, sugar and flour contained in it have a role in raising blood sugar levels.

  6. Foods high in sugar and fat: Frequently consuming foods high in sugar and fat, is one of the causes of diabetes. Consuming foods like this, may increase cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Blood pressure and high cholesterol levels often associated with diabetes and heart disease.

  7. Stress or depression: cause of diabetes mellitus is not only caused by sugar foods. Psychological factors such as stress becomes a factor. Research from the Harvard School of Public Health also said that women who are depressed, the percentage for developing diabetes is 17%.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Foods That Can Prevent And Control Diabetes

Diabetes is one disease that is experienced by many people. Most cases can be prevented by healthy lifestyle changes. Take measures to prevent and control diabetes does not mean life is very limited. While doing regular exercise, eating the right foods is the key to preventing and controlling diabetes.

There are some healthy foods that are beneficial in preventing and controlling diabetes. Generally, these foods have a low glycemic index and provide essential nutrients for the body. Some of these foods are:

  1. Nuts: Several studies have shown that people who consume nuts regularly are known to have a reduced risk of diabetes by 21 percent. Other types of nuts such as walnuts, almonds, or cashews are also equally beneficial. People who eat nuts regularly also have a lower risk for heart disease compared to those who did not consume it. An ounce of nuts can provide a source of healthy fat that can improve overall body health as well as beneficial in managing hunger.
  2. Legumes: Legumes are also well taken by diabetics. Several studies have shown that consuming a cup of legumes can help people with type 2 diabetes to control blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease. The reason why legumes such as peas, lentils, soybeans, red beans, and green beans, it is recommended for diabetics is due to a low glycemic index. In addition, these foods are rich in high-quality carbohydrates, lean proteins, and soluble fiber which can help control blood sugar levels.
  3. Oatmeal: Diabetics can have a better chance in controlling blood sugar levels with regular breakfast of oatmeal or porridge oats. A type of fiber found in oats, beta-glucan which has shown positive effects on diabetics. Oatmeal offer soluble fiber can slow the absorption of glucose from food in the stomach and blood sugar control. 
  4. Green vegetables: Green vegetables, especially dark leafy known to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Spinach, mustard greens, kale, broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce are generating foods but low in calories and carbohydrates. A research shows that eating at least a serving of green vegetables every day can reduce the risk of diabetes by 14 percent.
  5. Oranges: Several studies have shown that people who have diabetes tend to have low levels of vitamin C in their bodies, so that oranges are rich in vitamin C is one of the good food choices for diabetics. Grapefruit, oranges, lemons, and limes have insulin-like properties that can prevent type 2 diabetes. 
  6. Egg whites: Eggs are a good food to build muscle because it contains high-quality protein. Consuming eggs, especially the egg white is an excellent food to prevent type 2 diabetes because of high-quality protein-rich and low in carbohydrates.
  7. Low-fat yogurt: Low fat and low sugar  yogurt is also one of the effective diet in slowing or preventing the rise in blood sugar is not healthy. People with diabetes can enjoy low-fat yogurt as a healthy snack that can be eaten when hungry. 
  8. Fish: The study says that eating fish may help improve insulin sensitivity, because they contain omega-3 fatty acids are high. The fish help lower glucose concentrations, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. In addition, fish is a source of low-fat protein. People with diabetes can choose various types of fish ranging from catfish, cod, tilapia, or salmon. The presence of omega-3 in fish can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  9. Green tea: Several studies have shown that chronic inflammation caused by fatty foods, lack of exercise, and eating less fruit, vegetables, and good fats, known to increase the risk of heart attack. Related to this issue, drinking green tea is a simple solution to prevent it. Green tea is packed with flavonoids which are fighting inflammation and may increase insulin activity.