Showing posts with label Periodontal Disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Periodontal Disease. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Here Is Simple And Accurate Ways To Check Our Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a mood killer. Ranging from co-workers to fellow passengers on public transport, can be a spreader of bad breath. If most of us believe that blew breath into the palm of our hands, then kissed it is an effective way to detect bad breath, according to experts, its not a very effective way. Here's how to detect bad breath. Dr. Uchenna Okoye (Director of the London Smiling Dental Group and Oral B) said, breathing in the palm of the hand does not always work to detect bad breath. It only causes our hands smell, and it was very bad.

Lick the back of the wrist and wait saliva dries then kiss it, is a better way to find out if we have bad breath or not. That is the way to isolate saliva, so that the breath can smell wafted from the saliva. Dr. Uchenna says, bacteria in the mouth break down food and produce sulfur compounds that cause bad breath. Bad breath can vary throughout the day. So, you should check it three to four times within a period of 24 hours.

Another way is to lick the back of a spoon and wait saliva dries up, and smell it.

Often the condition of the tongue is also a measure of oral hygiene. Dr. Uchenna explained, if tongue covered with a white layer means that the conditions are not good even though there are some people who naturally have more white tongue. Pink tongue is a sign of a healthy mouth. Smelling flossing after being used to clean the tongue (though dirty), is also one way to detect if we have bad breath or not.

If you have a bad breath problem, you need not worry. Washtenaw District Dental Society estimates that there are 65% of Americans experience the problem of bad breath or halitosis. Many of us were then wonder, what is actually the causes of bad breath?

In the video TED-Ed, professor and researcher on bad breath, Mel Rosenberg, said the bad breath comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Rosenberg explained that the bacteria in the mouth can be derived from the slime food we were eating, leftovers and dead tissue cells.

To absorb nutrients through the cell membrane, bacteria in the mouth must solve the organic material into smaller molukel. An example is, if they would break down proteins into amino acid components, then break it further into a variety of compounds. The reaction is then created the odor from the mouth, such as hydrogen sulfide and cadaverin.

If you are one who has bad breath, it is advisable to maintain oral hygiene. The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth for two times a day, then do the flossing, and regular dental check to the dentist. Jennifer Jablow, a dentist in New York said, chewing gum can help us in certain cases. One ingredient that can prevent dry mouth can cause bad breath is xylitol. This material is a sugar substitute found in chewing gum and dental products.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wanna Know Causes Of Bad Breath?

Bad breath also known as halitosis, can be caused by certain health problems, eating unhealthy foods, sedentary lifestyle, and poor oral hygiene. Bad breath can be temporary and persistent. On a temporary bad breath, you can easily get rid of bad breath by means of gargling, brushing and flossing. Basically, bad breath can be addressed while keeping the basic oral hygiene, dental health, and lifestyle changes. On the other hand, persistent bad breath is a relatively serious condition. Persistent bad breath can be known after diagnosis the cause.

Bad breath is usually caused by a buildup of bad bacteria on the teeth, gums, and tongue. The aroma generally arise when decreased levels of saliva, which acts as a bacteria cleaners. This condition is called dry mouth or xerostomia. Bad breath due to decreasing levels of saliva is usually most felt at the following times:
  • When you feel hungry or are fasting. Saliva appears when you're chewing food. But saliva is reduced when you do not chew for a long time. As a result, the bacteria grow and cause bad breath.
  • In the morning. Saliva production stops while you sleep. Decreased saliva causes the growth of bacteria.
  • When you're thirsty or not to drink, the body does not produce a lot of saliva so that the process of cleansing the bacteria will be reduced.

In addition due to decreasing levels of saliva, bad breath can also be caused by the following points:

Food: Consumption of foods such as garlic, onion, or a banana can cause bad breath. The content of these foods are absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion. In the lung, pungent smell and then transferred to the air which is then exhaled through the nose. Bad breath caused by food may last up to 72 hours.

Oral hygiene: Poor oral hygiene, can lead to accumulation of food residue in the mouth. Various types of bacteria found in the mouth acting on particles of food, which releases hydrogen sulfide fumes, which cause bad breath. Oral hygiene is not maintained, such as not brushing and flossing, will make food particles stuck to the teeth. In the long term, the sticky food particles turn into a hard substance called plaque, which can ultimately lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Nose and throat problems: Causes of bad breath, can be attributed also with the nose. Every foreign substances trapped in the nose will be able to be the cause of bad breath. This condition can be caused by a sinus infection, which cause discharge from the sinuses to pass through the back of the throat, this eventually led to the stench. Moreover, throat infection also causes bad breath as well. Bacteria in the mouth tonsils can cause mild odor. The main cause for bad breath that arise in this area is calcification formed in the crevices of the tonsils. The white particles called tonsilloliths or tonsil stones.

Tobacco and alcohol: Both alcohol and tobacco can cause mouth so dry, causing a foul odor in the mouth. In addition, cigarette smoke contains tar, nicotine, and other substances, which accumulate in the mouth, causing periodontal disease and bad breath. Alcohol consumption, can also lead to digestive problems, which can also be associated with bad breath.

Dry mouth and fasting: It is common, have bad breath when you wake up in the morning. This condition is caused by a decrease in saliva production during sleep, because the mouth is kept closed for a long period. Therefore, saliva has a very important role in cleaning and moisten the mouth. This helps the fluid accumulation in the process of swallowing, which helps the mouth to get rid of the remnants of food, bacteria and dead cells. Saliva has the potential to kill bacteria in the mouth. With a decrease in saliva production, it can cause bad breath. In addition, fasting can also cause bad breath, because the breakdown of chemicals or ketoacidosis.

Other causes of bad breath: Some types of cancer can be the cause of bad breath. Lung infections and abscesses can produce bad breath. Even diabetes and chronic stomach acid disorders can cause bad breath. Some people with lactose intolerance can have bad breath, when they consume dairy products. Dentures can also cause bad breath problem, if not cleaned properly. Dehydration and constipation may also cause digestive problems that became one cause of bad breath.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

About Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a disease of the supporting tissues of the teeth, the gingival / gums and periodontal tissue, which is a network that connects between the teeth and the bone supporting the teeth that alveolar bone. Periodontal disease is a disease that is widespread in human life, so most people have accepted this as something that is unavoidable. But the etiology study, prevention and treatment of periodontal disease indicates that this disease can be prevented. The disease most commonly affects the periodontal tissues are gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by bacteria with clinical signs of discoloration redder than normal, swollen and bleeding gums on light pressure. Patients usually do not feel pain in the gums. Gingivitis is reversible ie gum tissue can return to normal when done cleaning plaque with a toothbrush regularly.

Periodontitis showed inflammation of the tissues supporting the teeth already deeper. This disease is progressive, usually found between the age of 30-40 years and is irreversible / can not get back to normal as before, that if not treated can lead to tooth loss, and if the tooth is lost / date means there is a failure in maintaining the presence of teeth in the cavity mouth lifetime.

Porphyromonas gingivalis is a gram-negative bacterium coccobacillus obligate anaerobes in the oral cavity associated with periodontal tissue damage in humans. Porphyromonas gingivalis is almost always found in the area subgigiva and persistent in the reservoir at mucosal surfaces such as the tongue and tonsil, but Porphyromonas gingivalis is rarely found in healthy human plaque.

As was mentioned above, direct tissue damage can be caused by a bacterial infection P.gingivalis through products bakterimaupun indirectly.

Maintain oral hygiene, is the most effective preventive medicine, namely through cleansing and elimination of local factors such as plaque by brushing and with scaling for abolishing calculus / tartar. Calculus is hard deposits from calcified plaque is usually found in the cervical / neck of the teeth and can become a chronic irritant to the gums, resulting in inflammation. Besides the prevention of periodontal disease can be done by eliminating bad habits such as bruxism / kerot, breathing through the mouth as well as correcting dental conditions occlusal trauma because malposition, which position the wrong tooth and tooth buried.

The proper way to brush your teeth and absolutely necessary because the toothbrush is wrong with the horizontal direction will cause abrasion / eroded tooth and gingival recession / gum diseases sag so much easier periondontal will occur. Use a soft bristle brush so as not to injure the gums. Toothbrush should be replaced at least once every three months, so the bristles are still effective in cleaning the teeth. Using dental floss or dental floss to clean between the teeth with the right techniques and the right should be taken not to injure the gums and create inflammation.

Dental health check to the dentist regularly is important to know the changes in the teeth and gums. If periodontal disorders have occurred, treatment and care is required. Using an antiseptic mouthwash containing chlorhexidine 0:20% for at least 1 minute of 10 cc proven effective in relieving inflammation in the periodontal tissues.

Treatment of periodontal disease include scaling is releasing a calculus of attachment to the tooth. This action is necessary because the calculus is calcified deposits attached, hard and not lost to brush your teeth. In addition it should be curettage ie periodontal pocket cleaning action which contains a lot of food debris and bacteria to prevent further inflammation.

If proved, there is a germ of involvement, both clinically and microbiologically, then your dentist will prescribe antibiotics in accordance with the cause of periodontal disease earlier. Periodontal disease is a disorder that originated from dental plaque so that the key to success in prevention is doing dick plaque and would be better if the scaling to the dentist at least 6 months.