Showing posts with label Potassium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Potassium. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hyperkalemia Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Hyperkalemia is a condition that indicates the presence of excess levels of potassium in the bloodstream. Hyperkalemia sufferers often have no symptoms, but some people experience irregular heartbeats, pulse slow and weak, fatigue, weakness, difficulty breathing, and nausea. Hyperkalemia requiring intensive care in hospital, with close supervision and treatment of the same with kidney disease. Hyperkalemia treatments including dialysis; medicines diuretics; Intravenous calcium; glucose and insulin; as well as restrictions on the amount of intake of potassium in the diet.

According to MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, hyperkalemia occurs when certain disorders-such as acute or chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis or obstructive uropathy-lowering kidney's ability to remove potassium from the body. Hyperkalemia can occur when cells release excess potassium into liquid that is outside the cell, as a result of tissue injury-like burns, bleeding gastrointetinal, surgery, traumatic injury, tumor or rhabdomyolysis of drugs, alcohol or infection.

Those with poor kidney function had a higher risk for experiencing hyperkalemia. It should be noted, some treatments, such as potassium-sparing diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, can inhibit the body's ability to eliminate potassium. Patients with kidney failure, especially for those who perform the treatment by means of dialysis, should avoid foods high in potassium. These foods include meat and fish; vegetables such as broccoli, peas, tomatoes, and potatoes; and fruits, such as kiwi, plums, apricots, and cantaloupe.

The body needs potassium to make the synthesis of protein, metabolize carbohydrates, muscle development, and other important functions of electrical and cellular. However, you should be careful to consume potassium. If excessive, potassium will give serious health consequences.

Hyperkalemia causes

Potassium is an important component of all body cells. Almost 2% of the total potassium in our bodies found in the blood. Serious injuries, severe burns, surgery, alcoholism, drug abuse, and the destruction of tumor cells are some of the factors that can damage cells and tissues to release high amounts of potassium in the blood.
  1. One of the main hyperkalemia causes is renal dysfunction. This is because the potassium in the body is excreted through the kidneys. Every time there is a problem in the kidneys too often will result in an increase in the number of high potassium levels in the body.
  2. Potassium supplements or medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause hyperkalemia.
  3. The adrenal glands are located next to the kidneys produce hormones. One of these hormone called aldosterone. This hormone makes the kidneys to hold sodium and excrete potassium in the urine. Disorder or disease such as Addison's disease can also cause adrenal gland disorders.
  4. Diabetes is also known to be the cause of hyperkalemia. Diabetics often require insulin to maintain glucose levels. When there is a shortage of insulin in the body, fat cells in the body is damaged. This can cause the liquid and potassium in these cells to migrate into the bloodstream.

Hyperkalemia symptoms

Hiperkelamia symptoms generally tend to be asymptomatic so difficult to detect early, unless the increase of potassium occurs in a short time. The level of potassium in the blood, which is slightly higher than normal levels usually do not have any symptoms. Even when the potassium in the blood increases gradually, the symptoms experienced hyperkalemia is not so clear. In other cases, the most common symptoms are slow heartbeat and weak pulse. Both of these symptoms accompanied by extreme fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, weakness in the muscles that often make it difficult to move the limbs. If the growing conditions become more severe, the heart will stop beating entirely. In some rare cases, hyperkalemia is a genetic disorder, the level of potassium in the blood suddenly increases and causes muscle paralysis

Some Hiperkelamia symptoms that may be seen or felt, such as:
  • Nausea
  • Malaise
  • Weakness of Muscles
  • Palpitations
  • mild hyperventilation
  • irregular heartbeat
  • Breathing problems
  • tingling sensation
  • Paralysis

Hyperkalemia treatment

Treatment should be done if potassium rises above 5 mEq / L in someone with poor kidney function or above 6 mEq / L in someone with normal kidney function. Potassium can be removed from the body through the digestive tract or kidneys or by dialysis. Potassium can be removed by inducing diarrhea and by swallowing a preparation containing resin sucker potassium. These resins are not absorbed in the digestive tract, so the potassium out of the body through feces.

When kidney function well, given diuretic drugs to increase spending potassium. If needed immediate treatment, can be given intravenous solution containing calcium, glucose or insulin. Calcium helps protect the heart from the effects of high concentrations of potassium, although this effect only lasts a few minutes.

Glucose and insulin moves potassium from the blood into cells, thus lowering the blood potassium concentration. If this treatment fails or in case of kidney failure, dialysis may be necessary.

In the case of chronic hyperkalemia will require intravenous dose of insulin, glucose and calcium. As this can help in the absorption of potassium from the blood. It is also in turn will protect the heart and other muscles that could otherwise damaged by hiperkelamia. If this condition arises due to renal impairment, the affected person may need dialysis to treat simultaneously. Hyperkalemia Patients should augment drinking water, so the excess mineral potassium can be removed from the body through urine or sweat.

Monday, January 19, 2015

How Much Normal Potassium Levels Needed To Maintain Health?

Normal potassium levels in the blood, is very important to maintain a healthy body. Potassium is one of the important mineral for the nervous system and muscle contraction, as well as other important functions. Disproportionate levels of potassium in the blood can be a factor of health problems, both potassium deficiency and excess potassium. The kidneys will be affected by both conditions.

One of the excess potassium levels effects is hyperkalemia, which is a condition in which the content of potassium in the blood too much. University of Maryland Medical Center even mention, if the body absorbs too much potassium can cause some life-threatening diseases. Some symptoms of hyperkalemia include: numbness, weakness, shortness of breath, vomiting and heart rate becomes faster than usual and even can also result in paralysis.

Potassium deficiency or hypokalemia can also be fatal. Potassium is needed by our body to smooth muscle and cell function, heart function, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, to convert glucose into glycogen and muscle building, etc. It is a natural diuretic as it helps in getting rid of excess sodium from the body through urine. Potassium plays a very important role in maintaining the level of fluid, electrolyte balance and acidity of the body. The most important function of the potassium in the human body is to maintain blood pressure and helps in transferring nutrients. It also helps to deal with acne, allergies, fatigue, kidney stones, etc.

How much is normal potassium levels?
Ideally, the levels of potassium in the blood should be between 3.7 to 5.2. This figure, may be slightly different from one person to another. In other cases, 3.5-5.0 mEq / l are also considered normal in adults. While based on site said, normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. You should talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results. Some laboratories use different measurements or may test different specimens.

Normal potassium levels also effect on our heart to function properly. If potassium levels are insufficient, the contraction of the heart can be disturbed. This can cause irregular heartbeat, pulse can also be slow and in chronic cases, this can lead to heart failure. Therefore, to prevent any kind of heart problem, it is necessary to consume these minerals through foods high in potassium.

How do we determine the levels of potassium?
A blood test is the best and easiest way to find out if we are in a normal level or not. If the blood test shows that the potassium levels are within the normal range, then it is no problem. It is basically called the electrolyte level test. In the case of children, the normal level is between 3.4 and 4.7 mEq / L, however, there are several conditions below, which may not provide the proper level in the blood:
  • Taking supplements of potassium
  • Excessive use of laxatives
  • Antibiotics, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and other drugs for the treatment of hypertension and heart disease

In addition, the important thing to keep in mind that, in most people often shows the test results with low blood potassium levels than high. Low potassium levels in the blood can damage the heart muscle contraction. If you do blod test to check your potassium levels, it is very advised to consult to the doctor to examine the results.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Potassium Deficiency May Lead To Dangerous Health Problems, Know The Symptoms Early!

There are so many bad effects of potassium deficiency in our body, can even be fatal. Early symptoms of calcium deficiency or called hypokalemia is weak and limp. A doctor said that, the body is weak and limp (eg, can not lift leg like a paralyzed) could be symptoms of a person exposed to hypokalemia. This disorder should not be ignored, because potassium determines cardiac muscle work. Potassium is the major component that determines the electrolyte balance in the body work. These substances are needed as much as 3.5-5.5 mEq per liter of blood. Potassium can be found in various types of daily food, such as bananas.

We can determine the levels of potassium in the body through blood tests. If the result is less than 3.5 then the condition is hypokalemia. Furthermore, we can test if the kidneys do not experience vomiting or diarrhea. Additional potassium normally required for patients taking diuretic medications (diuretics). When potassium deficiency occurs in large numbers, usually the patient will be given a potassium salt, which is taken orally. But salt is given in small doses several times a day, to avoid gastrointestinal irritation. Potassium can also be given through an IV, which can only be done in the hospital. This is to avoid the increase potassium too high which is harmful to the patient.

Actually, the signs of potassium deficiency can be seen, there are some signs if someone is deficient in potassium, including: 
  • Limp and muscle cramps: Potassium is essential for muscle health condition. Potassium deficiency causes us to become limp, listlessness and cramping sometimes occur in some parts of the body. 
  • Paralyzed: If the signs of potassium deficiency such as fatigue and muscle cramps allowed to drag can be fatal (paralysis).
  • Muscle damage: Paralysis due to potassium deficiency can cause some muscle becomes damaged. Even worse can lead to all the contents in the muscles out and this condition known as rhabdomyolysis. 
  • Flatulence: The muscles of the stomach will not function if the maximum intake of potassium is too low and the effect is pain, bloating, cramping and pain in the stomach. 
  • Impaired heart: As we know that potassium is very influential on the performance of muscle including the heart muscle. With a low level of potassium can lead to performance that makes the heart muscles become impaired.
  • Kidney Disorders: Kidney will lose the ability to process urine. As a result, the body will be the excess amount of water and discharge excess water in the body causes dizziness, nausea, fainting. 
  • Tingling: With the disruption of the circulation of the blood due to deficiency of potassium, often times we will feel tingling and numbness.

Adverse effects of potassium deficiency

  1. Difficulty sleeping and irritability      
  2. Muscle pain, muscle weakness and cramps.      
  3. Hyponatremia is accompanied by anxiety.      
  4. Disorders that result in nerve transmission to confusion and delirium.      
  5. Tingling and numbness in the arms and legs.      
  6. Cardiac arrhythmia is an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart.      
  7. Related skin problems such as dry skin and acne.      
  8. Temporary memory loss or other problems such as a weak memory, difficulty in concentration, and so on.      
  9. Paralysis of the intestine and lungs      
  10. Heart-related problems such as heart damage.      
  11. Increased blood pressure.      
  12. Experiencing ear noise.      
  13. The digestive system can be affected and cause constipation.