Showing posts with label Heartburn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heartburn. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2015

Beware! Chronic Heartburn Can Cause Throat Cancer

Burning sensation in the stomach or also known as heartburn can be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, or excess stomach acid disease. Beware these conditions if it lasts a long time, especially if you are not a smoker or drinker of alcohol.

A study conducted by a team from Brown University led by Scott M. Langevin found that people who suffer from chronic heartburn are at high risk of cancer of the throat and vocal cords. The study involved 631 patients with throat cancer and vocal cords in Boston. While the control group or the healthy person consists of 1,234 respondents. Results of research published in the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

All participants were previously tested HPV 16, to make sure the cancer suffered is not caused by that. Participants also filled out questionnaires about the health of the family, a history of heartburn, and the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. The survey also takes into account sociodemographic backgrounds of participants.

Langevin found that respondents who often experience heartburn 78 percent chance of heartburn due to risk of throat cancer and vocal cords. However, further research is also needed to determine the effects of antacids on the development of throat cancer and vocal cords. Antacids are medicines that are often prescribed to reduce nausea that arise. Langevin said, although antacids reduce nausea, but the cause of heartburn is not necessarily lost. Treatment process to some extent will affect the development of cancer cells.

Langevin added that additional research is needed to validate the antacid effect between the patients who have often heartburn. Surely the results of research into how much antacid recommendations can be given, and when the patient should undergo further treatment.

Cancer of the vocal cords and throat become one of the threats in the United States. National Cancer Institute reported 12.260 cases of cancer of the vocal cords and throat cancer 13.930. About 6 thousand people are estimated to die from the disease.

Heartburn may be symptoms of cancer

Heartburn due to acid rising (heartburn) that lasts longer than three weeks or more should not be ignored. The experts say, these symptoms can be symptoms of cancer. In the Be Clear On Cancer campaign mentioned, the heartburn symptoms that lasted long enough often symptoms of esophageal cancer or gastric cancer. 

Heartburn, also known as gastric acid reflux, is a digestive disorder that occurs when gastric acid and climbed back into the throat. Throat section has no protective layer so that will happen inflammation due to the acidic fluid and cause pain.

In a survey in the UK known to 59 percent of respondents did not know that the prolonged heartburn is a symptom of cancer. Be Clear On Cancer campaign also mentions other symptoms to look out for, namely difficulty swallowing food. Stomach cancer may suffered by men and women over the age of 50 years. This disease can be triggered by smoking,  alcohol drinking habits, lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, and also obesity.

Change lifestyle to "ease heartburn"

Drugs may be able to improve quickly this acid reflux. However, the effect is usually short-lived and do not help prevent henceforth. For most people, a slight adjustment of diet and lifestyle changes are the best solutions to overcome them.

1. Eat little but often instead of three large meals a day.
Eat small amounts but often, reducing the workload of the stomach and therefore acid secretion for digestion less. In other words, do not overeat.

2. Include complex carbohydrates in every meal
These foods such as rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, is able to bind excess stomach acid and are often easier to fill the stomach.

3. Avoid high-fat foods
High-fat foods stay longer in the stomach, thereby causing gastric acid secretion needs more to digest.

4. Avoid beverages that can be a trigger
Some drinks that trigger heartburn more often, including coffee, tea, caffeinated soda, carbonated sodas, and alcohol. The worst of all is beer, which can double the gastric acid within one hour.

5. Do not always decide to drink milk.
You may have tried to drink milk to facilitate ease of gastric acid before going to bed. But milk often causes stomach acid up during sleep. Be aware, excess stomach acid can come from eating too much at dinner. Milk was able to fix quickly, but eventually encourage secretion of gastric acid. Try eating a slice of whole wheat bread or a small bowl of oatmeal instead.

6. Eat more ginger
This herb has been used for centuries in Asian cultures as a natural remedy to overcome stomach problems.

7. Eat parsley
Parsley is not only used as a garnish dish. This herb also helps digestive problems.

8. When attacked at bedtime
When experience heartburn at night, try to stop eating at least two hours before bedtime. Elevate head with an extra pillow.

9. Lose weight if overweight
A 2006 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that obese people with a body mass index (BMI) between 25-30, two times more likely to have heartburn. People with obese with a BMI over 30, tripled the risk.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Heartburn Symptoms & Causes That You Should Know

Heartburn or pyrosis is usually described as a burning sensation that radiates from the epigastric or solar plexus towards the back of the chest and neck, which caused reflux of stomach acid. It can be felt in addition to the presence or burning sensation is also no discomfort in the chest. In fact, there is also a mouth watering experience and like no taste salty or salty taste, but this occurs at a high level and very rare. Heartburn is not a disease, but just a general complaint or symptom that often occurs in pregnant women. Based on several studies, it was said that 50 to 80 percent of heartburn in pregnant women when the third trimester. One thing to remember, heartburn has nothing to do with the fetus. So as not to cause something or gives effect on the fetus.

Causes of heartburnHeartburn occurs because the food in the stomach has been pushed into the esophagus as a result of growing uterus. As a result, there was irritation in the esophagus wall, because the food is mixed with acidic stomach acid. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid moves up into the esophagus channel. Normally when you swallow food, the valve at the end of the esophagus channel opens to allow food down into the stomach and then will close again. However, in this condition, the valve does not close normally, causing stomach acid moves up and cause a burning sensation in your chest.

While in pregnant women, the occurrence of heartburn due to a change in the shape of pregnancy, in which the uterus is bigger so that the diaphragm will be pressed stomach or the pressure on the stomach, to the rare occurrence of heartburn in the first trimester. In addition, changes in the location of the stomach and tone the limp of the esophagus or esophageal sphincter muscle causes intraesophageal low pressure and high pressure in Intragastric or stomach causing acid reflux and contribute to the occurrence of heartburn. For pregnant women who have stomach ulcers, then the risk of the occurrence of heartburn will trend higher. It could even be actually already raised the first or second trimester.

Heartburn can occur only a few days only and is not constant. Depending on diet and lifestyle pregnant women. The food, the level of stress and alcohol consumption can cause greater. For example, the consumption of foods containing fat, eating irregularly.

Foods that cause heartburn

1. Orange: All kinds of oranges products, such as lemons and grapefruits, can lead to heartburn in some people. Oranges contain a large amount of acid that can improve the symptoms of heartburn.

2. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are also high in acid content. People with heartburn usually will increase their symptoms after eating tomatoes. The amount of acid in fresh tomatoes terkadung far more than once cooked. Although tomatoes are high in antioxidants, but the food is not recommended consumed in large doses in people with symptoms of heartburn.

3. Garlic: Garlic contains antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties and can help boost the immune system. However, some compounds in garlic also can increase the production of acid in the stomach, which trigger heartburn or burning sensation in the chest.

4. Spicy foods: Just like garlic, spicy foods such as chili pepper and can lead to heartburn. Unlike some other foods, eating spicy foods in moderation will not reduce the symptoms of heartburn. Even if consumed in small amounts though.

5. Peppermint: During this time, peppermint is known to help soothe the stomach by relaxing the muscles of the stomach and bile to help digest fats, it turns peppermint can also cause heartburn.

6. Cheese, nuts and sticks: cheese, beans and meat are foods that contribute to trigger the sensation of heat in the chest, because of the high fat content. Keep in mind, high-fat foods can not be digested as quickly as low-fat foods. Stomach can not be emptied quickly when containing fatty foods, food consequently accumulate in the stomach and the esophageal sphincter (ring of muscle between the lower esophagus and stomach).

7. Alcohol: Alcohol, including beer, wine and liquor, all can contribute to the onset of heartburn. Red wine has the same effect as tomatoes and citrus fruits. Moderation is the key to avoid this problem. Some people with symptoms of heartburn may be able to drink two glasses with no side effects, but for others, it can cause a burning sensation in the chest, although only sipped a few glasses.

8. Caffeine: In addition to coffee and tea, soda and caffeinated beverages can quickly trigger a sensation of heat. Before enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, make sure you have filled in the stomach with a light meal or snack. The bread is a good choice because they will help absorb the acid in the stomach roam.

9. Chocolate: Chocolate can be a cause of heartburn attack. Chocolate has a relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles, thereby increasing the acid reflux into the esophagus. Consuming chocolate after eating can help reduce the incidence of heartburn. You do not need to avoid the consumption of chocolate at all. By limiting the portion, it has been able to help alleviate the onset of heat sensation in the chest.

Signs & symptoms of heartburn

Heartburn is a symptom that can be used to identify the presence of disease Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD commonly referred to by its acronym. Heartburn symptoms itself is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest caused by acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. Usually, this kind of symptoms triggered by prolonged stress and is supported by several factors causing heartburn triggers. In general, the causative factor is derived from foods or drinks that contain certain substances that have the potential to increase stomach acid.

The symptoms of heartburn from each other will be different. However, once you are aware of the characteristics of heartburn, you should see a doctor immediately. If not, heartburn may increase the risk of infection of the esophagus, ulcers, sores in the esophagus or pre-cancerous conditions. Moreover, if you can treat it early before the condition worsens.

Some heartburn sufferers do not experience any symptoms of this disease. Even the symptoms experienced by patients with one to be different from the others. However, most of the symptoms caused by acid reflux disease usually difficulty swallowing or coughing up blood. Acid reflux occurs when the sphincter muscle (the muscle connecting the esophagus and stomach) are in a relaxed state at the wrong time and remain open for a long time. It allows stomach acid to flow, and back into the esophagus.