Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Main Causes High Cholesterol You Probably Not Know Before

High cholesterol levels, now become a problem many people regardless of age. Indeed, the body still requires cholesterol for the formation of cells and hormones. But excessive bad cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. When someone knows to have high cholesterol levels, most people blame the diet has been high in fat. But in some cases, high cholesterol levels also occurs in people with a healthy diet. Apparently, in addition to a diet that is high in fat, liver metabolism to digest cholesterol (lipid), is also one of the causes of high cholesterol.

So if high total cholesterol levels above 250 mg / dL, whereas diet has been addressed, it may be the problem is the liver lipid metabolism. Total cholesterol levels rated high when the numbers above 200 mg / dL. Meanwhile, there are also cholesterol numbers of other people to be concerned, namely low density lipoprotein (LDL) that the limit is 130 mg / dL, "good" cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) above 60 mg / dL, and triglycerides less than 150 mg / dL.

So if high total cholesterol levels above 250 mg / dL, whereas diet has been addressed, it may be problematic of the liver lipid metabolism. Total cholesterol levels rated high when the numbers above 200 mg / dL. Meanwhile, there are also cholesterol numbers of other people to be concerned, namely low density lipoprotein (LDL) that the limit is 130 mg / dL, "good" cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) above 60 mg / dL, and triglycerides less than 150 mg / dL. In other words, the total cholesterol can not be used as a parameter of good or bad cholesterol in the body. If the total cholesterol level is good, then the "bad" cholesterol is also low. But if the "good cholesterol" it is still less than the minimum limit, the lipid profile of a person can not be said to be good.

Main causes high cholesterol

Obesity: This problem is often cited as the source of various diseases, including high cholesterol in the body. In order not to increase, are highly recommended for those who are obese to lose weight. Because if left unchecked, obesity can increase the risk of other diseases in the body. However, having a skinny body does not automatically make a person has low levels of cholesterol and a smaller risk of developing heart and blood vessel diseases (cardiovascular). Skinny people, if you have a history of high cholesterol in the family, still have a greater risk of heart disease.

Unhealthy eating habits: excessive consumption of saturated fat is a major cause why the levels of cholesterol in the body increases drastically. Saturated fats are usually rich in fat and cholesterol found in foods such as meat, butter, and cheese. Limit intake of foods containing saturated fats to balance cholesterol levels in the body.

Genetic: Cholesterol levels also seem to be influenced by heredity. So, if we have a family history of high cholesterol, should be vigilant and diligent to see a doctor. Typically, high cholesterol gene heir higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Less activity: This is evident from research conducted by Costan G Magnussen from the University of Tasmania, Australia. He and his team analyzed the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides of 539 people, begins when adolescence and continued in adulthood. The first examination begins when participants aged 9 years, 12 or 15 years in 1985 and then resumed again in 2004 and 2006 when they were in their 20s and 30s. In children, one of the causes of high cholesterol is a lack of activity, obesity, and the habit of eating fatty foods.

Age and gender: Cholesterol levels also seem to increase with age since the age of 20 years. Continue to rise until the age of 60-65 years. Women tend to lower cholesterol before menopause. However, their cholesterol goes up dramatically after menopause. After menopause, a woman becomes more susceptible to high cholesterol. Along they get older, a woman will experience a decrease in the levels of certain hormones that make the body's ability to balance cholesterol levels become disturbed.

Smoking: Smoking can lead to a lack of good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol. Finally, various diseases will threaten our bodies. So stop smoking. Although it is difficult, try to diminish little by little until it can be stopped completely.

Stress: When a person is stressed, they are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, and eating unhealthy foods. This habit will obviously raise cholesterol levels. Therefore, avoid or quickly overcome stress before we make mistakes that affect the increase in cholesterol levels.

Disease: Certain diseases, such as diabetes, also affect cholesterol levels in the body. For a problem like this, we must be careful and consult a physician. Make sure our cholesterol levels stay balanced and not at risk of causing other diseases.

Drugs: Could it be that the drug causes increased cholesterol levels? May be! If we want to intake of certain medications, consult your physician first. Who knows, the drug can raise your body's cholesterol.

Alcohol: Consuming excessive alcohol on a regular basis will damage the liver, heart muscle, and ultimately led to an increase in blood pressure. Alcohol can raise triglyceride levels, harmful fats found in the blood, and can also lead to high blood pressure. Some people are also prone to a condition that causes irregular heartbeats when they drink alcohol, although some are not experiencing the same conditions.

Certain drugs are effective for lowering cholesterol, but it can be the cause of other diseases due to continuous use. Maybe it's good you can lower cholesterol naturally such as consuming cholesterol lowering foods, healthy lifestyle change and so on. As for preventing the rise of cholesterol, try to avoid the causes cholesterol above. Do not forget to do a routine check cholesterol levels to the doctor.

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