Showing posts with label Beauty Products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Products. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2016

Homemade Blush for Any Skin Tone

Hey, gorgeous! Do you hate spending so much money on make up?! What would you say if I told you there was a way to save tons of money so you could have more moolah for the more important things in life-- like shoes!

Have you ever thought about making your own makeup before? If you haven't then you may think it's crazy, but seriously-- you should try it! You have nothing to lose, but quite a bit to gain. One of the coolest things about DIY makeup is that it's easy and it saves a lot of money. You may even have all the ingredients in your home RIGHT NOW and you don't even know it.

After all, you are what you eat... and smear on your body!

DIY blush is really easy to make #DIYbeauty
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

DIY Beauty Basics 101

Over the years I've gotten hundreds (if not thousands) of emails about DIY beauty and almost everyone has the same questions.
  • Where do I even start?
  • How long do I try a product before I switch?
  • Should I keep my store bought products?
  • How do I find my routine?
  • Why does my skin look like this?!
  • What's your beauty routine?
So I'm going to be smart and answer all of those questions now. In one place. YAY for being smart! It just took me three years.... and my friend Natasha telling me to write this.... DETAILS!

You should know that I'm not a doctor or a dermatologist. I'm just a really crunchy girl who happens to really like looking beauuuuutiful. I also may have done a lot of research (and experimentation) with DIY beauty. So let me tell you what I figured out...

Starting out with DIY beauty? Learn what you need to know here about getting started the right way!
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

DIY Bath and Shower Gel for YOUR Skin Type

Ugh. I admit failure. I cannot make a DIY bath and shower wash.

I bet you're confused. You're like "But Sherri-- I just clicked on this link because you lead me to believe that this was a recipe for a DIY bath and shower gel." Well, it is. But, you see, I didn't slave over a hot stove melting items. I totally cheated.

I've made a ton of different DIY recipes for bath and body wash, but NONE of them felt right and I don't want to tell you about something that's meh. That's dumb. You don't read this for meh. You read this for AWESOME. So I'm going to tell you about the most awesome DIY bath and shower gel EVER!

Easy DIY body wash for all skin types

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Soothing Calendula Body Lotion Bars

CONFESSION: I used to hate my skin. Okay, I think that feeling was mutual because I'm pretty sure it hated me too! All that hate and anger was manifesting as blemishes, redness, and unattractive bumps and dry spots all over my body. I was tried to make it happy by buying $100 creams and $150 spa treatments, but nothing worked! Soooooo frustrating!!!!!

But then something amazing happened: I went all natural (aka chemical free), my skin cleared up and became soooooo happy! Sure, it still acts up every now and then (um, winter skin anyone?) but I've learned that sometimes my sensitive skin just needs to be pampered a bit more than other people's skin especially when it's dry. And that's 100% okay because I like being pampered.

How to make DIY body lotion bars for dry, irritated skin. #DIYbeauty #calendula
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Homemade Orange Spice Solid Perfume

Solid perfume is my favorite way to carry my signature scent when I'm on the go. By carrying a little tin I don't have to worry about leaks or glass breaking in my purse which I loooooove! You can also get super fancy and put some of this perfume in a necklace locket to carry around with you. It's such a cute idea!!!

The best part is that this is super simple to make! Like ridiculously easy. You won't even believe it.

How to make an old fashioned solid perfume

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Homemade Lavender-Rose Hand Cream

I am a self proclaimed germaphobe!! It probably has something to do with my nursing school training. Once, they made us look at our hands under a black light to see what was there. Um, scary! Even after washing most of us still had lots of germs on our hands! So now I wash and wash and wash.... {shakes head} I blame the black light!!!

Now please understand that I am not endorsing that anyone try out compulsive hand washing, but I am saying that most hand soaps can dry out our skin even with regular usage. So for those of us who enjoy a frequent lathering, you can only imagine how dry our hands can get!

How to make luxurious lavender-rose hand cream

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Relaxing Rosemary Lavender Bath Salts with Magnesium

One of the easiest things to make in the DIY world is bath salts. Why? Because you really only need two ingredients: Salt and Essential Oil.

How to make relaxing rosemary and lavender bath salts

Of course, you can add extra amazing things to get awesome results like dried herbs, different kinds of salt, and even a little bit of carrier oil to make things moisturizing. However, I prefer RELAXING bath salts to unwind after a long day so I add something special... magnesium flakes.

If you've ever used magnesium oil you know how amazing it can be! It helps to reduce stressful feelings, promote relaxation, helps the skin and so much more! My mom swears by it's anti-aging properties and calls it her surgery free nip and tuck. It's amazing how it's helped with her sagging skin!
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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Homemade {EASY} Lavender Mini Soap

I love the idea of making my own soap, but I admit that I am a bit scared by the idea of lye and all that goes into it. Soooo... I cheated. :) I hope you appreciate my sneaky ways!

Easy relaxing homemade mini-soaps which only take minutes to make! #DIYbeauty #DIYgifts

I bought pre-made organic goat's milk soap that has a melt than pour base. This make it soooooo easy to make your own soaps because you just, well, melt and pour! It's brilliant, awesome and easy --- that combo makes me so happy!! I have to say that this is one of the absolute easiest DIYs I've ever made!
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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Homemade Chocolate Peppermint Lip Gloss

This year is a DIY Christmas! I'm really excited because I have a lot of great things planned, but I thought I'd start making gifts early so I don't get too overwhelmed as we get closer to the holiday season.

Easy homemade chocolate peppermint lip gloss for #christmas #diy #gifts.

My first project is a super easy homemade lip gloss. Of course, the flavors have a holiday feel, but it is very easy to substitute other flavors for different seasons. Lavender and Coconut are one of my favorites for when it starts to warm up while Peppermint/Grapefruit is perfect for summer. For fall, you have to try Cinnamon Orange! Yuuuum!!!!

My friend Joanne made a Peppermint Chocolate Lip Balm for her family and friends which was a huge hit! She inspired me to create a very simple recipe to share with you, but by request I made a lip gloss instead of a lip balm. I hope you enjoy it!
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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Easy Homemade DIY Face Wash for Any Skin Type

Over the last few years I've changed my skin care routine from prescription meds, expensive face creams, and spa treatments to simple DIYs and the results have been amazing! I wanted to scream from the rooftop when DIYs gave me better skin at a fraction of the price of what I was spending.

I absolutely love this DIY face wash and I'm going to share my recipe, but since we all have different skin types I wanted to talk to you briefly about different ingredients that can be used. It's so important to find what works for each of us as an individual so feel free to mix and match until you find your perfect combination.

Building A DIY Face Wash
When constructing a face wash, a base is important. There are lots to choose from such as raw honey, rose water, yogurt, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, castile soap and more. The base will make up the majority of the face wash so it's important to find the one that works best for your skin type.
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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why Make Homemade Beauty Products and a Giveaway

There is a saying, "What goes ON you, goes IN you". Many people don't realize that our lotions, moisturizers, serums, and other beauty products will interact with the skin and can enter into the blood stream. Don't believe me? Have you ever heard of a lidocaine cream, motion sickness patch or a nicotine patch? They work by passing a medicine through the skin and entering the blood stream to cause a given effect. It's science, people! The skin is a powerful organ which has the ability to begin absorbing anything applied to it in about 26 seconds.

This absorption of chemicals from beauty products is why I believe that it's so important to know exactly what I am putting on my body and on my family. I began using the Environment Working Group's product guide (The Skin Deep Database) a few years ago to look at the toxic load of my store bought beauty products. It blew my mind! I thought I was being safe when I purchased products that claimed to be green or all natural, but I found that some of them were only a little better than their chemical loaded counterparts!!

Natural Beauty Box #Giveaway #DIYBEAUTY #beauty

In the United States, the cosmetic industry is a 50 billion dollar industry that is sadly basically self-regulated. The Campaign of Safe Cosmetics states that, "Under the current law, the FDA can't require cosmetics companies to conduct safety assessments, and can’t even require product recalls". In fact, thousands of ingredients which are commonly used in the US Markets are banned within other countries! I don't know about you, but I have no desire to be part of an industry that is not required to prove it's safety.

If you want to read more about how our laws aren't protecting the consumer, then please read this great article The Ugly Truth about Chemicals Used in Cosmetics by Lindsay Dahl.
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Monday, September 8, 2014

Homemade Eye Serum for Beautiful Skin

I have to give the credit to my friends Darlene and Lindsay for this idea! In our Facebook Group, they said that they use lavender essential oil around their eyes to help with puffy eyes. I thought that was just brilliant and further proved why I'm so obsessed with lavender essential oil. But you know me-- I'm always trying to take things to the next level! So, this great idea from these two ladies got me thinking: what if I could make a serum that not only helped their eyes, but also supported healthy skin around the eyes!

Yeah. Sometimes I have smart ideas. #truth

How to reduce dark circles and fine lines around the eyes using natural products #YLEO #diybeauty

To be honest, I'm pretty amazed at the results. One morning I looked at myself in the mirror and the darkness was so reduced that I could barely see it! I squeal. Seriously.
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    Sunday, August 24, 2014

    DIY Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Shampoo

    I have tried so many things on my hair: no poo, castile soap, ACV rinse, shampoo bars, mud poo... you name it! Most of them made me want to rip out my hair at some point, but the result really is 100% worth it! My hair has never been healthier or more manageable.

    A couple of years ago, I decided that shampoo bars followed by an apple cider vinegar rinse was the best for my hair. I loved it and I still do, but many of my readers have told me that it just didn't work for their hair and the wanted an alternative. For months, I've been trying new and different hair products to try to find one that I can recommend to you all and after all this time --- I found it!!!

    DIY hair care using Ayurvedic hair powders and essential oils

    Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Shampoo
    What exactly are Ayurvedic Hair Shampoo Powders? Well, they are hair powders that originated thousands of years ago in India. They are made from the leaves, bark, seeds, or other plant parts of herbs used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. They are known to increase silkiness, boost color and improve the overall manageability of hair without stripping the hair or using any chemicals.
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    Tuesday, July 1, 2014

    E-Cloth Facial Cleaning Mitt: Improve Skin without Chemicals

    Did you know that it takes approximately 26 seconds for something that you apply to your skin to enter your blood stream?

    If you've been following my blog, then you know that my goal in life is to reduce chemical exposures for myself and my family. I've been making my own DIY products for cleaning and beauty for a few years and it's made a HUGE impact on my health and my skin. I had sensitive skin, but I've seen tremendous improvements from making my own products. However, one of the most common questions I receive is that people want to know what my exact skin care routine.

    Well, this is difficult because I don't really have a set routine. I listen to my skin and I do a variety of skin care treatments. To wash my face I use the oil cleansing method when my skin is dry, African black soap to control acne, and rosewater for normal skin but I add essential oils for acne, redness, or just to lightly wash my face. On some mornings, I will just wash my face with water.

    On those light cleaning days, I have to say that I think that the E-Cloth Facial Cleaning Mitt has been a big help! It is so gentle on the skin (it feels almost like satin) and it picks up dirt, makeup and any residue which make be clinging to my skin. When I first got it, I really couldn't believe how dirty it can be even when I've spent most of my day inside my office! But the best part is that it's chemical free!!

    How to clean your face naturally without chemicals. Removes makeup too! #makeup #skin #chemicalfree

    How To Use It:
    I use a small amount of my DIY facial cleansing solution or just water, then wipe it across my face. Simple!! I follow it up with Thayers Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera and some DIY Lavender and Rosehips moisturizer or a Rose Water Spray with just a little added vegetable glycerin as a moisturizer.

    After I wash, it's easy to wash it out with some warm water and let it air dry. After a few washes, just toss it in the washing machine and it'll be good to go again!
    E-cloth #giveaway

    Win it! 
    Now are you ready for the fun part?! There is a GIVEAWAY!!! E-Cloth already knows I love their products. I've written a review about their cleaning products (seriously-- amazing!) and I've been using several of their other products for months so when they contacted me with an opportunity for a giveaway I jump on it! How cool is this! You get a bunch of great e-cloth products!

    The prize has three parts and it includes three bloggers to review each prize! Included in the giveaway is the E-Cloth facial cleaning mitt, an E-Auto Car Care kit (reviewed by Kristi from Veggie Converter) and a Large Cleaning and Drying Towel (Kirsten at Cheerfully Imperfect). Please visit each of these links to learn more about the prizes! You can see more information at

    How to clean your face naturally without chemicals. Naturally remove makeup and clear pores #chemicalfree #makeup #clearskin

    This giveaway is for US residents only. The giveaway is sponsored by E-Cloth, but I was not paid for this review I just looooooove E-Cloth!

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014

    Easy DIY Mouthwash

    I may or may not have an obsession with jars. Months ago, I happened to run across some absolutely beautiful sea glass containers on clearance at TJ Maxx by "accident". I might have freaked out right there in the middle of the store and acted like a fool because the bottles were $0.99 each and absolutely gorgeous! The best joy can be found in the small things in life, right? For me, it's bottles!

    I wasn't quite sure what to do with them, until I stumbled across some information while I was researching Thieves essential oil for respiratory support. I saw that Thieves may also be good for oral health! That sounds pretty NOT bad, right?

    Easy homemade mouthwash #YLEO #Thieves #oralcare

    Why Use DIY Mouthwash
    I use homemade mouthwash because of the same reason that I make all of my own DIY products: less chemical exposures and more money in my wallet. Not only is this CHEAP (less than $0.50 to make an entire batch), but you know exactly what is in this product!

    Did you know that there are little regulations for  chemical ingredients like thymol, hexetidine, methyl salicylate, cetylpyridinium chloride, methylparaben and finally alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (how do you even SAY THAT!?) Apparently nobody knew how to say it so they shortened it to Benzalkonium chloride which I guess is better, right? Eehhh...

    Anyways, these chemicals can do a number of things just check out the EWG's safety rating ;)

    And then there is that whole alcohol debate-- is that bad for you? Let's go ahead and say, "Maybe, probably, yes". It can cause dry mouth, halitosis, and there are some studies which raise concern. So, until their are more studies that show that it's safe-- I think I'll pass!

    Have I convinced you? Well, let me try again! It can save you money and health, but also time, too! It literally takes less than 30 seconds to make. 30 seconds!!! That's as much time as it would take to walk down the dental care aisle and pick out a bottle of mouthwash (if you didn't read labels).

    Easy all natural mouthwash #chemicalfree #essentialoils #Thieves
    How To Make Homemade Mouthwash
    • 1 cup of Purified or Distilled Water 
    • ¼ tsp salt
    • 5-10 drops of Thieves Essential Oil (depends on how strong you want it)
    • 4 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
    • 2 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil 
    • Optional: 1 tsp baking soda
    • Glass bottle (essential oils can degrade plastic)

    Put the salt in the bottle, add the essential oils to the salt, add the water and shake. BAM! Done! Easy right! 30 seconds tops!

    I add the essential oils to the salt before I add the water because the salt helps to keep the oils and water from separating (it'll still happen a little bit). You can also use some baking soda if you want a little extra cleaning power, but I use baking soda in my toothpaste so I usually skip that step.

    You may want to adjust the ratios of essential oils. Thieves has some cinnamon flavor (which I love) but some people may enjoy peppermint more. You can definitely switch the Peppermint and Thieves in this recipe. In fact, that's exactly what I do for my man-- he is a peppermint fiend! You may also like it the flavor to be stronger or weaker so feel free to use a drop more or a drop less per your tastebuds.

    Remember it's very important to use quality essential oils especially when you want to use them for therapeutic value. The regulations are poor for labeling of essential oils so to be labeled as "pure" the companies actually only need 10% "pure" product and the rest can be synthetic additives. {rolls eyes} So "pure" on a bottle means diddly squat. If you want to know more about essential oils, then please read this fancy little summary that I wrote. Psst… it's not fancy. 

    I hope you enjoy this mouthwash recipe! I'd love to know what you think about it.

    If you'd like to join my Natural Living Support Group on Facebook please fill out this form!

    Important consideration: Tap water has chlorine, mercury, fluoride, nitrates, and may even contain some carcinogens. I want to avoid all of that so I use distilled or purified instead.

    Want more natural ideas for oral health?
    Mary Vance talks more about the benefit of Thieves for oral health
    Do you want to know more about Essential Oils that are good for oral care and learn about oil pulling at the same time? Check out this post.
    Now that you have DIY mouthwash, do you want some DIY toothpaste too?
    If you'd like to join my Natural Living Support Group on Facebook please fill out this form!

    Tuesday, June 3, 2014

    DIY Wrinkle Blasting Lavender and Rose Hips Moisturizer

    DIY beauty is my obsession! Ever since my I made my first DIY beauty product, I've been tinkering around finding more and more easy homemade beauty recipes to help support my skin. I am so happy to tell you that since switching to natural products my skin looks so much better and my redness has significantly decreased. After 30+ years on this planet my skin actually looks happy! And from talking to you guys-- I'm not the only one!

    I love getting emails and comments from you all and I am beyond thrilled to hear how so many natural beauty products are helping you guys!  I love how so many of you have turn my recipes into your own recipes or even making completely new recipes! I absolutely love it! You guys inspire me so much! It seems like once we actually see the difference natural beauty products can make, then we are always making more!

    This time I've come up with something so easy that you won't even believe me when I say it can take 30 seconds to make. But it's true. 30 seconds. Time yourself. {wink}

    What You Need:
    You simply just mix everything in a glass bottle and then you're ready to go. Seriously, it's that easy! 

    How I Like To Use It
    I like to clean my face, use Thayers Witch Hazel and then use a couple of drops of this moisturizer on my skin. It absorbs really well and makes my skin feel sooooo soft! But the lavender and frankincense work together to help reduce unwanted bumps too! WIN! 

    Here is a video I made to explain a little bit more about the ingredients and how to make this super simple beauty product. 

    Did you know that there are supermodels who swear by rose hips oil and it's awesome skin benefits. I figure they must know what they are taking about, right?! 

    Just be sure that when you use essential oils on your skin (especially you face) that you use high quality essential oils (read this to see who I recommend and why). I have had readers tell me that some store bought brands have caused them to break out, develop rashes and other skin symptoms. This is often due to synthetic chemicals which can even be in brands labeled as "pure". So just make sure you do your research when choosing an essential oil, carrier oils and other products to make your recipes.

    Make this last longer and go further with my DIY Toner

    Questions? Make sure you read this article about DIY Beauty Basics 101 before you email me with questions! Thanks! 

    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    Summer Time Body Butter and Spray

    If you know anything about living in the South Eastern United States, then you know two things: Summers are full of sun and bugs. Just look at the front of my car and you'll see all the love bugs plastered to the front of it!

    So today I'm going to show you two recipes for the summer to help keep your skin healthy and happy! These recipes are completely customizable and I'll show you how!

    Let's Talk About Ingredients!
    For me, the essential ingredients for SPF are zinc oxide and carrot seed oil. Zinc oxide is a great base for sunscreen and you can vary the amount of coverage by weight.

    For instance 1 oz of lotion + 0.1 oz of zinc oxide will equal an SPF of 10. If you use 1 oz lotion + 0.2 oz of zinc oxide you will have an SPF of 20. However, if you go much higher than 25-30 SPF you may notice that you may have streaking of the powder. That's why carrot seed oil is so fantastic-- it'll give you a natural boost in SPF!

    Carrot seed oil has one of the highest SPFs of all natural sunscreens, plus it's an antioxidant so it helps to inhibit free radicals and keeps you look amazing! Depending on the carrot seed oil, the natural SPF value is between 30-40.

    Natural oils like coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax are all natural sunscreens, but they are quite low-- usually under 10 SPF. But when you use multiple types of natural SPFs they layer on each other and work together to give you natural protection.

    Normally, it is recommended to re-apply every 2 hours and this is not waterproof.

    I love to use therapeutic essential oils for scents! My favorite is purification which smells like an awesome perfume and helps remove odors too! I even use it on my dog to deter bugs!

    Other awesome summer time choices are Peppermint, Lavender (watch out though-- it may attract bees!), Lemongrass, and Cedarwood.

    And just because I like you-- I'm giving you TWO options on how to make it! A body butter OR a spray! Options, options, options!!

    Click to read more

    Tuesday, May 6, 2014

    Homemade Lavender Salt Scrubs

    It's almost Mother's Day and I needed an easy gift for my Momma! I decided to set aside a little collection of DIY beauty gifts for her because she loves that stuff and I'm broke. {wink}

    Making salt scrubs is so simple and people go crazy over them so they are fantastic gifts. With the encouragements of a couple of my blogging friends, I made my very FIRST video ever to show you how simple it is!! OMG! I was so nervous-- can you tell?!

    So now you can watch me make a fool of myself!! It's all for my readers!!! If you keep watching there are two videos after mine. You can meet my friends Kristi from Veggie Converter who uses a stand mixer for her salt scrubs and Kirsten from Cheerfully Imperfect who explains how she uses some of her favorite essential oils.

    Yes, I know. I sound like a five year old.

    What do you think? Have any tips for me to improve with my video skills?! 

    Salt scrubs are such an easy DIY gift for holidays
    What You Need
    If you have coconut oil in a solid form, melt it over a double boiler.

    When it's melted-- then add it to the salt. Stir it up and then add your essential oils. I really like lavender for this, but lemongrass, peppermint, or stress away would work really well! 

    And that's it! Easy breezy DIY beauty idea for a gift!

    You can also join my facebook group by filling out this form

    Here are some other things to put in your Mother's Day goodie bag

    Tuesday, April 22, 2014

    Easy DIY Lavender Coconut Lip Balm

    Easy DIY Lavender and Coconut lip Balm. Tasty! And it makes my lips so smooth! #DIYBeauty
    I love a good lip balm. In fact, I would actually say that I'm kind of addicted to lip balm. I have a tin in my purse, my desk, my bedside table and my coffee table and maybe a few other places, too! Okay, okay! So it's probably more like an obsession.

    But buying a good lip balm can be expensive for a girl with a habit like mine, so I decided to make my own to try to save some money. And guess what?! It's not only cheap, but it's easy.  It literally takes 10 minutes to create an entire stash of lip balm for just a few dollars!


    But what's really fantastic is that this Lavender Coconut Lip Balm is the perfect gift for holidays, birthdays or favors for a party. Why? Because it's inexpensive and super easy, but at the same time it's thoughtful and everybody loves them! I call that a win at life, my friend.

    In this recipe, the lavender and coconut are subtle flavors, but the combination between the floral and tropical is sooo nice. It really makes me want to lay around on a caribbean beach with a giant pina colada and maybe a hot shirtless man. With a fan. And he can feed me fruit. Who doesn't like that?! 

    Lavender Coconut Lip Balm
    Makes ~5 oz of lip balm (enough for ~10 containers)
    Click to read more

    Sunday, March 23, 2014

    Shampoo Bars: Are They a Better Alternative For Your Hair

    Shampoo bars have been a hot topic on my blog since I posted my review of JR Liggett's Shampoo Bar a year ago. Since then, you guys have challenged me and pushed me with your emails, questions and comments (I LOVE IT!). I've learned a lot and I think it's time to revisit the subject!

    Are Shampoo Bars Really 
    the Best Shampoo for your Hair?
    Many people have expressed to me that they are scared of switching to a shampoo bar and have a fear that it will mess up their hair. I don't blame them for their concern because switching your beauty routine is frightening! It took me months to build up the courage! If you're on the fence or just want to know a little more about how they work-- then let me explain!
    Shampoo Bars: Are They a Better Alternative? #Beauty #Hair
    Beauty and the Bees Shampoo Bars: Beer (light colored and cut into slivers) and Moroccan Mud (med brown)
    What Are Shampoo Bars, Anyways?
    Glad you asked. Shampoo bars are actually solid bars of soap that are made specifically for hair. In fact, they were commonly used before our traditional shampoo and conditions were invented (around the time of WWII).

    Most people find benefits to switching to a shampoo bar such as increased volume, faster growing hair, reduced dandruff, shinier hair and less frizz.  If you have curly hair, most people say they that they have more defined curls with better control. Shampoo bars are good for all hair types and hair lengths. There are brands which are formulated for color treated hair.

    Bad Hair DayThe majority of shampoo bars are all natural and DO NOT contain SLS/SLES (sodium laurel sulfate / sodium laureth sulfate) or other harmful chemicals, but always check the label to make sure! SLS/SLES can cause dry, itchy and irritated scalp. It can also dry out your hair, and contribute to hair loss, especially if you shampoo every day!

    So what is SLS/SLES? It cleans the oils from your hair and it allows you to get that really great lather with traditional shampoos. Unfortunately most shampoo bars do not lather very well, but they also do not strip your hair of your natural oils like SLS does.

    Because it's gentler, using a shampoo bar allows your hair to retain color and moisture while reducing the instances of dry scalp and especially oily scalp. Removing SLS/SLES from your hair care routine really allows your hair to rebalance and produce adequate amounts of oils.

    They are FABULOUS if you travel, but not so great for company (eck!). They are also very cost effective because they last for months and only cost a fraction of what you'd spend in shampoo during that time!
    Click to read more