Monday, September 8, 2014

Homemade Eye Serum for Beautiful Skin

I have to give the credit to my friends Darlene and Lindsay for this idea! In our Facebook Group, they said that they use lavender essential oil around their eyes to help with puffy eyes. I thought that was just brilliant and further proved why I'm so obsessed with lavender essential oil. But you know me-- I'm always trying to take things to the next level! So, this great idea from these two ladies got me thinking: what if I could make a serum that not only helped their eyes, but also supported healthy skin around the eyes!

Yeah. Sometimes I have smart ideas. #truth

How to reduce dark circles and fine lines around the eyes using natural products #YLEO #diybeauty

To be honest, I'm pretty amazed at the results. One morning I looked at myself in the mirror and the darkness was so reduced that I could barely see it! I squeal. Seriously.
    Click to read more

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