Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

Bladder Cancer Treatment Options

Before we discuss about the disease of cancer of the bladder is a good idea in advance we understand about the bladder or vesika urinaria namely hollow organs contained within the pelvic cavity, which is shaped like a balloon and it serves to hold the urine through ureter renal transmitted before expelled through the urethra in the form of urine out of the body.

bladder cancer treatment
Bladder Cancer
Vesika Urinaria wall formed by the transitional cells, allowing the bladder to be stretchable time full of urine, and contracting when the urine out through the urethra.


Cancer Vesika Urinaria is a medical condition characterized by abnormal growth of cancer cells in the bladder. This disease generally strikes people of old age, mainly men but not a possibility also for all ages.

There are 3 types of bladder cancer is transitional cell carcinoma: or urothelial carcinomas (cancer that originated in the transitional cells and are the most common), squamous cell carcinoma/squashed cells (cancer originating from the upper layers of the bladder) and adenocarcinoma (cancer that arises in the inside lining of the bladder due to chronic irritation and inflammation).
Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

Early stage of bladder cancer often does not bergejala. New sufferer usually realize when there is blood in the urinnya. these cancers often occur at age 40 years >, especially men. signs of bladder cancer include:
  • Experience pain during urination without indication of UTI
  • The presence of blood in the urine or hematuria
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain in the lower back.
The Cause of Bladder Cancer

Of course the causes of bladder cancer is the same as other causes of cancer in General. Although there are several suspected risk factor but the exact cause of the appearance of normal cells become cancerous abnormalities is unknown, but there are several suspected carcinogens into the possibility of becoming the main causes, including genetic factors, age, the pattern of life and several other risk factors such as below.

Disease Risk Factors of Bladder Cancer

Here are some possibilities that can increase the risk of developing cancer of the urinary bladder:
  1. Old age
  2. Sex - Men three times more at risk of suffering from bladder cancer compared with women.
  3. the Descent and genetic
  4. A history of bladder cancer
  5. the existence of inflammation of the bladder or urinary tract disease and other irritating to the bladder
  6. Defects, people born with congenital defects are more at risk.
  7. Smoke, exposure to cigarette smoke.
  8. Exposure to chemicals, some chemicals are considered associated with bladder cancer. such as chemicals used in dye industry, chemicals used in the rubber industry, leather, fabric, hair coloring, and printing.
  9. Diet-people tend to eat a lot of meat and fat are believed to have a high risk of bladder cancer.
  10. Aristolochia fangchi-this herb has been used in some food supplements and Chinese herbal medicine. There was research done on mice affected by this cancer.
Prevention of Bladder Diseases

There is no sure way to prevent diseases of bladder cancer but some following methods believed could reduce the risk of developing cancer such as:
  1. Assume the white water. drinking plenty of water can neutralize various toxins present in the substance of the body and good for the system and prevent illness urinaria kidney stones.
  2. Stop smoking and avoid exposure to passive smoking. for a variety of chemical substances contained in cigarette smoke believed could lead to high risk occurrence of cancer and various other diseases..
  3. Keep diet, appropriate diet, reduce the range of foods that contain lots of fat. healthy living patterns and repair such as exercising on a regular basis.
  4. Avoid exposure to chemicals in the workplace. Protect yourself by using clothing and gear themselves more security in your work related to harmful chemicals.
Diagnosis and Physical Examination
  • Urinalysis
  • Urine Cytology
  • Cystoscopy
  • CT scan
  • Pyelography
  • Biopsy
  • Ultrasound
  • X Rays
  • A bone Scan
Method of Treatment of Bladder Cancer
  • Operation
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy or biological therapy.
Complications of Cancer of the Bladder

Bladder cancer can spread to nearby organs. cancer cells can also travel to the pelvic lymph nodes and spreads to the liver, lungs, and bones. Besides bladder cancer can also cause some complications here:
  • Anemia
  • Inflammation of the ureter (hydronephrosis)
  • Urethral Strictures
  • Urinary incontinence and various other diseases.
READ MORE : 14 Best foods for healthy lungs

Like other types of cancer, cancer of the bladder is likely to be more successfully treated if known more quickly and immediately got medical handling before spreading to other body tissues and organs. Hopefully the article bladder cancer disease symptoms, causes, complications, and treatment can help you.
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6 Cancer Symptoms in Women

6 Cancer Symptoms in Women - Cancer symptoms which are often unconscious woman: cancer is one of the deadly disease to look out for. The presence of these cancers has been a scourge for the medical world. Because most people with cancer often leads to death.

Though regularly prompts demise, not that can not be cured. Can at present be cured with the use of a variety of ways early on. Such a set pattern of living a healthier and routine exercise, and consumption of foods that are healthy and regular. Cancer can strike anyone, be it man or woman, big or small, are all potentially exposed to the disease cancer.

Cancer symptoms which are often unconscious woman
Cancer Symptoms Women
From the presence of cancer, many are not aware of his arrival on the body. Many are not aware of the perceived symptoms if it is a symptom of cancer. Well, here are the symptoms of cancer that is often not realized:

1. no menstrual period or facile coming months different. It is possible for most women consider this change is a normal thing because of hormonal factors and stress. But it really isn't. Especially if the change looks very segnifikan. Head of consulting a doctor for further examination.

2. If you are lately often feel like to urinate constantly, you don't underestimate it. Because who knows it could be just one of the symptoms of cancer. The symptoms of this kind could be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Make haste to consulting a doctor for examination.

3. For most women, abdominal bloating is one disorder that is common and will disappear by itself. But not if you frequently or constantly feel bloated stomach. If you experience this kind of thing, you waste time consulting a doctor and don't underestimate. The reason could be that the symptoms of ovarian cancer.

4. If you feel in your chest feels uneasy again and like never before. There is a colour change and there are lumps. It could be a symptom of breast cancer. If you feel these things, do not be trivial. Make haste to checked to the doctor.

5. Often feel pain and pain in the abdomen without obvious also could be a symptom of bowel cancer. This abdominal pain usually lasts a long time and in intensity that often. If you experience this kind of thing, don't you think is right and don't be a trivial thing.

6. Many women who consider when pain chest pain is the cause of menstruation. But if there is a sense of nyari constantly, you should not be silent and underestimate it. The reason might be that a sign or symptom of cancer. Do cancer testing to the nearest doctor.

Thus information about cancer symptoms which are often unconscious women. Cancer is one of the deadly disease, knows the symptoms of cancer is very important in order to get the handling of it early. Early handling will save you days of unwanted things. Hopefully the article cancer symptoms which are often unconscious Woman useful. Thank you.
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Sunday, June 5, 2016

3 Way How To Burn Fat Faster And Lose Weight

The visible fat is indeed sometimes make us uneasy, especially when you are a woman. And of course everyone wants to have a proportional body, isn't it?

But to get it you must do the activity of fat burning, one of which can by doing sports.

fastest way to lose weight
Burn Fat
Quoted from WomensHealth Monday (30/5/2016) the following three types of movement that effectively burn fat:

1. Plank
Plank is done by means of the push up position but holding a load body using elbows. You don't need to do any other movement, but only dwell hold weight which rests at the waist and stomach. This movement is useful to burn fat on the stomach very effectively.

2. Jogging
The simplest thing to burn fat you can do i.e. do a jogging or running small. Jogging can be done anywhere as long as there is a track to run. In order to more effectively do jogging in the morning or afternoon.

3. Jumping
Jumping is the movement jumped by lifting both legs up to the knees bent 90 degrees. Do jumping with routine can burn fat overall especially at the thigh.
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Saturday, June 4, 2016

How To Cure Constipation

How To Cure Constipation - Bowel habits sometimes become a problem for some individuals who are on vacation. If normally they can defecate regularly when at home, thus even the difficulty of being away from home. You ever experienced it?

how to treat constipation

Changes to the daily routine, restlessness due to traveling, jet lag, or dietary changes may cause you feel bloated and uncomfortable so that it leads to constipation. Here are a few tricks that you can try to address it, quoted from pages Popsugar, Sunday (29/5/2016):

1. Eat Properly
Vacationing is indeed synonymous with fun and self-fulfilling. But you should still keep your diet like usually from difficult bowel movements. Make sure you got the adequacy of fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grain. If worried the food difficulty finding vacation, take it as well as snacks can you eating while in transit.

2. Drinking Mineral Water After Drinking Alcoholic Veverages
While on vacation sometimes you want to taste alcohol drinks. The problem of alcoholic beverages can interfere with digestion. So be sure to drink plenty of plain water after you sip cocktails or aperitifs. Keep hydrated helps keep digestion smoothly.

3. Motion
Exercising can also help keep defecation smoothly. So even though the purpose of a vacation is to relax and tiredness, good paste also activities such as swimming, yoga, hiking, or biking.

4. Set Aside Time to Defecate
Spend some time trying to defecate. You can sip a cup of hot coffee or a warm lemon water to help ease bowel movements.

5. Exercise of Breath
The situation is full of stress can disrupt the digestive system. Whether you are worried the problem of flight schedules or other such things that certainly can be avoided by planning everything from afar today.

To overcome anxiety related flight schedule, doing simple yoga and adjust the breath in airport lounges. A warm bath, massages, meditation or when flights can also help you stay calm.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes - The SAC of the eye become most skin problems are making the most of the women concerned. In addition to reduced confidence, eye pouches also makes you look not excited. Of course this can affect your appearance.

According to the explanation of the dermatologist, doctor Rizal Alaydrus interviewed Thursday (19/5/2016), Gandaria, emergence of the SAC of the eye caused by three things, namely genetic, break less, and there are health disorders on the body.

How To Get Rid Of Bags Under Eyes
Dark Circles Under Eyes
The SAC of the eye associated with genetic because this problem occurs due to a large blood vessel. This is certainly influenced by genetic or innate from birth.

In addition to that not enough sleep also became a factor in the onset of the SAC of the eye. When your eyes are forced to stay up without a pause to rest, the vessels around the eyes will dilate and stretch it so that it causes the appearance of a sac of the eye.

Final health factors. When there is a problem in the body, can be seen from other parts of the body such as eyes. Like people who have health problems of the bile is often has a pouch on the part of the eye.

Based on this, the cause does not cover the possibility of the SAC of the eye can be removed. At least you can disguise it with do compress on the eye using cold water. You can also use ice cubes to make the bottom of your eyes brighter.

3 surefire way Removed the SAC of the eye in 5 minutes :

1. Cucumber face Mask
If you have a problem on the under eye area, but in the intensity of the light, you can still take some with regular treatment use mask cucumber. Done once a week on a regular basis. This mask can also help freshen your face after the density of Your activities during the week

2. Lemon Mask
In addition to cucumbers, you can also use lemon as a mask to remove the SAC of the eye. Apply lemon juice to the bottom of the eye. Do it carefully so as not to eye. You can see the results after a routine done daily for one to three weeks.

3. Using a Spoon
Other ways that you can do to remove the SAC of the eye that is using an iron spoon. You can put the spoon iron into the fridge and allow to cool. Next paste the sunken part of the spoon to your eyes and leave on time. You will get much more fresh eyes in the morning and a free pouch of the eye.

However, this way is certainly not instant, do on a regular basis and you can see the results. Good luck.
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Sunday, May 29, 2016

How To Treatment For Ringing In The Ears With Natural

How To Treat Ringing In The Ears With Natural - The ear is one of the five senses of man. Because the ears are the only objects of the body that function to hear. Without it, you will feel the deaf. Without ears, you also will experience an imbalance of the body because the ear is the point of balance of the body.

In addition to pain, there was one complaint about common ear namely ear all of a sudden like hissing or buzzing. This State is called Tinnitus. Some causes of Tinnitus are aging, often listening to loud in a long time, hypertension, weak ability of the thyroid gland, cuts in the ear, ear inflammation, Earwax, and the existence of a problem in the heart.

tinnitus treatment

You yourselves are often experienced this? Don't panic. Natural materials below the ear disorders can reduce like buzzing.

Taking the positive impact for Sesame treat tinnitus in the ear, especially when your ears ringing. You can mengonsumsinya in the form of whole or processed first into certain foods. In addition to treating the ear ringing, Sesame is also good for treating the eyes are blurry.

Iron deficiency can cause tinnitus. Therefore konsumsilah spinach because spinach contains iron, zinc, and other vitamins that are good for supporting the health of the ear.

Lavender oil shed only once in the ear is very efficacious for treating the ear that is being mendenging. In addition to lavender oil, other vegetable oils also have the same benefits.

Extra ginkgo plural is used in the treatment of symptoms associated with aging. In addition the ginkgo have natural substances called ginkgelides effective substances to cope with tinnitus. You can eat this with natural ingredients mix it into a cup of water and then drink it as much as 3 times in a day.

So, you feel that your ears are buzzing? Take natural ingredients above as a first aid on the ear.
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Friday, May 27, 2016

Natural Cold And Flu Remedies

Natural Cold And Flu Remedies - Colds and flu is a disease that can interfere with activities, especially in the current pancaroba season coupled with the large number of air pollution in the environment. Anyone who attacked the disease naturally want to quickly recover to be able to work as readily. But unfortunately, many who do not know how to cure a cold or the flu quickly.

Common cold or cold in medical language called rinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Colds are strongly influenced by seasonal changes, pollution by smoke, dust and fur, fatigue, and a cold drink (read more: causes Flu) Cold appear with symptoms similar to the flu, but flu is different from the common cold, where there is involvement of the flu virus that is different from the common cold, and is generally more severe flu symptoms of the common cold, so the flu a symptom of colds in the form of more weight.

How to quickly Cure colds and Flu

The symptoms of colds and flu began appearing immediately after you experience a decrease in the resistance of the body, the virus invades into power an there was disease process. Symptoms – symptoms that may occur include the nose runny, stuffy nose, excessive mucus, throat pain, coughing, body feels pain, increased body temperature.

How to quickly Cure colds and Flu

There are several ways to heal colds you can do, but if you want to cure the common cold as soon as possible, all you have to do is to act quickly, because after the first 12 hours, the flu will spread and can persist in the body for within days – day. Here are some how to cure the flu, namely:

1. Medication Decongestant
Is drug pelega breathing. This medicine can help narrow your blood vessels in your nose and keep the nasal cavities remains open, examples of these medications are being sold freely i.e. Phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine.

2. Taking The Drug is Expectorant
Mucus-thinning drugs is. This medicine can help cleanse the sinus cavity by means of thin the phlegm, and removing the phlegm that is stuck in the respiratory tract. Examples of these medications are being sold freely i.e. Mucinex guaifenesin and.

3. Cough Suppressant Medication
Is a drug that can reduce the symptoms of cough. This medicine is only used when the cough is dry cough. Examples of these medications are being sold free namely dextromethorphan

4. Additional Vitamin C Intake
Vitamin C has already long been known to prevent colds, but it turns out that vitamin C can also shorten colds attack. Additional vitamin C can be obtained by way of drinking orange juice, eat strawberries, kiwi and eat green leafy vegetables. In addition an extra vitamin C can also be obtained by way of drinking supplement of vitamin C are sold in pharmacies and drug stores.

5. Took Time Off to Rest
Take time off for a few days, the holiday time off from work to rest at home with the relaxed and casual to provide an opportunity for the body to recover from pain conditions.

6. Sufficient Rest
Try to rest by memperbnayak NAP and nighttime sleep for at least eight hours at night so that you have the staying power of the body well so bloody yan you have enough energy to be able to win against the virus da disease. At the time of sleep try sleeping with head support pillow because it uses higher head position can help dry out the nasal cavity.

7. Keep The Body Warm
During your rest at home, keep your body stay warm with envelop the body, because the condition of the body warm enough can help during recovery

8. Cleaning The Nose Properly
On the nose feels full aaat mucus, nasal membersitkan may assist in clearing the nasal cavity and remove excessive mucous, but bersitan is not appropriate, too hard or too often can cause mucus trapped within the sinus cavities can be risky inflammation of the sinus cavities to pose. How to membersitkan the correct nose is dwngan close one nostril using a finger, then bersitkan the other nostril with slow to clean it. Repeat the same for the nostrils. After finishing do not forget to wash your hands using SOAP to limit the spread of the disease.

9. Use a Solution of  Saline Irrigation
Clean the nasal cavity can also be dilakuka with irrigation solution with copy, which can be made with a half teaspoon of salt mixed in a glass of water. The salt solution is then put into a container, then tilt your head and pour the solution into one nostril, then the solution will come out through the nostrils. Repeat the same for the nostrils.

10. Drink Plenty of Fluids
Sweating under the covers and membersitkan nose can cause depletion of body fluids and dehydration which can aggravate symptoms of colds, by karen that body fluids need to be coupled with ways to drink more, and eat the fruit and syuran that contain a lot of water

11. Do The Steam Treatment
The heat comes from the steam can loosen mucus, while the humidity that comes from water can help relieve dry nasal cavity. This steam treatment can be done with boiling water poured into a bowl or container, then position the face on it in order to be exposed to steam

12. Using The Hot Water Bath
Shower with hot water is extremely beneficial for relief, and provide a warm and relaxing effects can be petrified recovery.

13. Drink Hot Liquids
Hot drinks will help clear the nasal cavity and relieve the symptoms of a sore throat. Hot drinks are good for curing colds among others hot tea, a blend of lemon, honey and warm water, as well as warm chicken soup

14. See a Doctor
When colds and flu you do not recover quickly or symptoms that appear gain weight quickly, see a doctor to get extra prescription medications – drugs to relieve cold and flu symptoms you are experiencing.

Colds and flu is a disease that is easily transmitted, without we realize we will be easily contaminated by colds and flu even though we already prevent and avoid it. It is therefore very important for us to know how to cure the flu or colds quickly so that our activities remain running smoothly with as appropriate.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Lung Cancer Risk Factors

Risk Factors Of Lung Cancer - The lungs have two primary capacities, to be specific the spread of oxygen into the blood when inhale exhale carbon dioxide and discard when sigh. Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer occurring. Lung cancer that comes from the spread of cancer to other so-called secondary lung cancer. On this page, the type of cancer that were discussed were the primary lung cancer, i.e. originating from the lung itself.

Lung cancer is one of the most types of cancer can be prevented. There are at least 80 to 90 percent of cases of lung cancer related to smoking habit. In the early stages, with no signs or symptoms of lung cancer are obvious. But then the symptoms such as coughing continued to experience coughing blood, always feel out of breath, fatigue without reason, and weight loss will appear.

cause of lung cancer
Lung cancer Illustration

Causes Of Lung Cancer :

The main cause of lung cancer is smoking, both active in smokers and passive smokers. But people who do not smoke alternately are presented to tobacco smoke presentation can likewise endure from lung cancer. Some of the causes of lung cancer are described further below.

Active smokers and passive smokers
About 80-90 percent of cases of lung cancer caused by smoking habit. The active smokers into groups that are most at risk. Smoke sucked up contains more than 50 carcinogenic substances that will make an impact directly against the lung tissue. For example, nicotine used in insecticides and tar that is used in the manufacture of asphalt streets.

At first, this damage can be repaired by the body. But repetition and sustainability of smoking causes damage to lung tissue continues to grow. This resulted in damage to the cells react abnormally to finally appeared the cancer cells.

Currently, more than 60 million inhabitants of Indonesia are active smokers. This number continues to grow from year to year. Indonesia was in third place in the countries with the highest active smokers, behind China and India.

In addition to tobacco, cannabis also contains substances that can trigger cancer. Tobacco is often laced with marijuana. Although the quantity of tobacco mixed with marijuana less compared to smoking, cannabis smokers suck deeper and longer. The impact of tobacco and cannabis smoke a lot worse than a regular cigarette.

Passive smokers are those who are exposed to cigarette smoke exposure but do not smoke directly. Though not smoke directly, passive smokers remain at risk of developing cancer of the lungs. Passive smokers are exposed to the risk of lung cancer increased by at least 20 percent compared to people who are not exposed to cigarette smoke exposure.

Air Pollution
According to the WHO data, Southeast Asia was in second place as contributors to poor air pollution in the world. The risk of developing lung cancer will increase if we are exposed to air pollution exposure for example smoke from vehicles or smoke factory. About one out of 100 deaths due to lung cancer due to high pollution levels. Smoke inhalation or from the vehicle manufacturer's disposal could have the same impact as passive smoking.

Exposure in the workplace
Some work has the possibility to be associated with increased risk of developing lung cancer. Employees affected by exposure to some chemical compounds are carcinogenic, such as asbestos, nickel, coal, silica, and arsenic have a higher risk for suffering from lung cancer.

Radiation Exposure
Radon is a part of the air we breathe. Radon is a radioactive gas that emerges naturally. This gas comes from rocks and soil in a very small amount.

This radon gas can move through the soil. This gas will go into the home through Foundation cracks, pipes, drains or other open pit. This gas can be tested with a simple testing tool, because the radon gas is both invisible and odorless. If inhaled, radon gas can damage the lungs, especially for a smoker.

Hopefully the article on Cause Of Lung Cancer can be rewarding for you and may we all kept away from diseases of lung cancer.
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7 Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Are Often Overlooked Women

7 Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Are Often Overlooked Women - Of the many types of diseases, including cancer of the most dreaded diseases. Because when cancer invades the body's cells, then the level of the disease were becoming dangerous.

Cancer is a disease that can strike anyone, no matter man or woman or old and young. Before menggawat, the cancer will usually show some symptoms. Unfortunately, not everyone is attuned with the onslaught of cancer. Including you, high-potential women stricken with breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer symptoms in women
Illustration of ovarian cancer
Offered from, here are some signs that the disease of ovarian cancer is being contracted by the female body.

Frequent Bloating
Most women thinking that bloated disease is harmless and can disappear by itself. However, when women experience bloating and constantly coupled with irregular menstrual cycle, it could be a sign of cancer of the ovary.

Abnormal Breast
Try to feel payudaramu. If you feel that payudaramu hard in unusual and suspicious lumps appear, beware because chances are it's a sign of breast cancer.

Abnormal Menstrual Cycle
Abnormal menstrual cycle that happens often is one of the signs of ovarian cancer.

Often Experiencing Upset Stomach
When you are experiencing stomach problems constant and not caused from the foods you consume? Then accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea that often enough? Chances are it is a sign of ovarian cancer.

Infertility can occur due to a variety of reasons. One of the most important is ovarian cancer.

An Increase in Waist Size
Not only because of the rise in weight only adds to the size of the waist. But ovarian cancer that is currently plaguing the body can also make increased waist size.

Frequent Urination
When you feel the urge to urinate more often than usual, don't underestimate it. Because it is also one of the signs of ovarian cancer invades your body.

So, do you often experience the above symptoms? If Yes, it is better to do a medical check thoroughly to find out whether it's Ovarian Cancer Symptoms or not.
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Monday, May 23, 2016

The Drinks Are Potent To Fight The Growth Of Cancer Cells

The Drinks Are Potent To Fight The Growth Of Cancer Cells - Maybe you already know that to date, there are various kinds of tea as drinks from various countries. The tea variety based on the type, origin up to the aroma and taste.

In addition to coffee, tea is also a type of drink that has many fans around the world. In fact, since many centuries ago, the tea has been widely used as a therapy for a specific health condition and believed to lower the risk of many diseases, including cancer.

nutrition to fight cancer

Unfortunately, not all types of tea to contribute to health, just as or as a refreshing drink any time. Well, here are some types of tea that is believed able to ward off the risk of an attack the cancer.

Green Tea
Green tea or generally known as green tea is a drink that is very popular in Japan and China. And did you know that green tea, white tea, Oolong tea and black tea are all made from the same plant, i.e. Camellia sinensis.

Green tea is considered capable of warding off the growth of seedlings of cancer because they contain many natural substances "bioaktif" who act a certain way in our body. Bioaktif compounds in green tea that includes caffeine, polyphenols and another known by the term compound is "volatile." These compounds have a contribution to the peculiar smell of tea including taste, while the polyphenols and Catechin is an antioxidant.

In addition, there are also other substances called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and catechin which serve to neutralize free radicals in the body.

Dandelion Flower Seeds Tea
Over the centuries, from the seeds of the dandelion flower tea is used as an alternative herbal remedy to treat an infection, inflammation, increases the flow of bile and liver problems. In addition, this type of tea is also frequently used as a mild laxative, and to improve the appetite and improve digestion.

The content of the seeds of the dandelion flowers contains compounds bioaktif with anti-cancer properties of potential that is able to kill pancreatic cancer cells resistant to human therapy without harming non-cancerous cells.

Chaga Mushroom Tea

Did you know that up to now there are more than 100 species of fungi that are being studied for the known benefits to health? From banykanya fungi, mold the chaga has been used for many years as the traditional medicine communities of Siberia, also can be used as material for making tea.

Chaga mushrooms serve as cleansers as well as to treat stomach diseases, worms, liver and heart conditions and cancer. In recent years, exotic mushroom that grows almost exclusively on birch trees and is said to look like bark has been scrutinized because of the level of nutrition and high in antioxidants.

Chaga mushroom tea is believed to be capable of killing cancer cells in the colon without damaging the non-cancerous cells that are normal. Despite having a great function, but it is advisable to drink it in excess.

That's what the article is about some Natural Cure Cancer, may be useful to you all.
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Saturday, May 21, 2016

14 Best foods for healthy lungs

14 Best foods for healthy lungs - As has been widely known that the lungs are one of the very important respiratory organs. The lungs hold oxygen that smoked from the outside and then channel it throughout the body. At the same time, the lungs will produce carbon dioxide from the body.

It is important to keep the lungs stay healthy, because if it comes to a lack of oxygen could be catastrophic and could have resulted in death. Similarly with kualitans air entering the lungs, should all be ensured healthy, avoid all kinds of causes of the disease. In addition to avoiding unhealthy air due to pollution, stop the smoking habit and always consume foods that nourish the lung – pulmonary.

foods that fight lung cancer

Some healthy food here is some of the best food for healthy lungs because it could help clear the lungs of various toxins such as nicotine cigarette smoke and air pollution, as quoted from boldsky 4/3/2015. Please note.

1. Foods Containing Carotenoids
Carotenoids are natural color pigments found in vegetables and fruits. like sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, dark green vegetables and others. One of the benefits of carotenoids are the best antioxidants that have been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and asthma sufferers consumed both to speed up the healing process. So, always provide vegetables and fruits containing carotenoids at home.

2. Foods Containing Omega 3 Fatty Acids

In addition to being one of the best foods for lung health, foods containing omega 3 fatty acids are also very good is consumed for heart health, relieve asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath and flu. The best sources of omega 3 fatty acids are salmon, tuna, nuts and flax seed.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables
Although the term cruciferous vegetables are less familiar, but from some types of sayurannya have been very well known in many parts of the world such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Some medical experts have even termed as ' super ' vegetables because of the high amount of vitamins and minerals that are owned as well as its ability to reduce the risk of various diseases.

Cruciferous vegetables include also the best food for healthy lungs because it is rich in antioxidants that are able to clean up all kinds of toxins from the lungs. Turn it into a salad or fresh vegetables is the easiest way to get the benefits of these vegetables.

4. Dietary Folate
In the body of the folate in foods are converted into folic acid can kill cells causes lung cancer lung so protected from the risk of cancer. Among the foods that contain folate is broccoli root beet, spinach, oranges, asparagus, avocados and nuts.

5. Foods With Vitamin C
Want to have healthy lungs? Don't forget the vitamin c. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps eliminate toxins from the lungs, also help to transmit oxygen to the rest of the body through the breath. Vitamin C a lot contained in fruit such as all types of oranges, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, grapes, mango, pineapple and kiwi fruit too.

6. Garlic
Although Indonesia's garlic is better known as one of the condiments of cuisine, but it is also beneficial for lung health.

There are active substances in garlic called allicin. These substances fight the infection and reduce inflammation in the lungs. Garlic also contain antioxidants that prevent free radicals cause of lung cancer.

7. Assorted Fruit Berry
One of the best foods for healthy lungs is assorted fruit berry. Among the 17 kinds of fruit berry, strawberry and blueberry are the most famous known to many people.

In medical circles, the fruit is known as super fruit berry to the lungs. A range of nutrient content in it is useful to prevent asthma and lung infections kill. You just choose which one is the most preferred, there's blackberry, blueberry, rapsberry and others.

8. The Apple
Apples contain lots of nutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids, and rich in vitamins that are all very good for the health of the lungs. By consuming apples regularly, you can get the benefits of naturally protects the lungs from a variety of ailments.

9. Ginger
In terms of flavor and spice, which this one does not need to doubt. Mixed in cooking, ginger could add to the deliciousness. Made drinks, Ginger is very refreshing and keeps the body so warm.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory functions, clearing the lungs of toxins due to too long sipping dirty air and pollution.

10. Turmeric
Kunyi contain curcumin nutritious removes the cause of lung cancer. In addition, turmeric is also good consumed to relieve asthma.

11. Pomegranate
As fruit and vegetable containing vitamin C, pomegranate is also rich in antioxidants that are able to clean up the toxins that settles in the lungs. This red-coloured fruit also increases the blood supply to the lungs so that the lungs stay healthy.

12. Wine
Grapes are also rich in antioxidants and flavonoids so good for lung health. The content of vitamin and vast gardens are also good to ward off Lung from a variety of ailments and do a lung Detox so keep it clean.

13. Foods Containing Magnesium
For patients with asthma, magnesium is a mineral that is good for speeding up the healing process. This is because magnesium is capable of increasing the volume of oxygen that are smoked by the lungs. Among healthy foods that contain lots of magnesium are nuts, bananas, dried fruits, avocado and also fish.

14. Water
One way of keeping the lungs stay healthy is prevent the body from dehydration and increase the circulation of blood into the lungs. Drinking water in sufficient quantities every day is one of the easiest ways to get all of it. No wonder that water then enters the category of best foods for healthy lungs in addition to the health of other organs of the body.

Hopefully the article Foods For Lung Health could be useful! If you have a different opinion or have more accurate information from the above article, please share it here with us.

How To Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural Treatment

How To Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural Treatment - Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a skin disease usually affects the scalp and oily body area, such as the back, face, and upper chest. On the scalp, the disease causes the skin is red, flaky and dandruff.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is not a contagious disease, but can affect the confidence of sufferers. In addition to dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis also known as seborrhoeic psoriasis and seborrhoeic eczema. As for seborrhoeic dermatitis which infect the baby is called cradle cap.

seborrhoeic dermatitis

Symptoms Of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Seborrhoeic dermatitis generally have symptoms such as:
  • Skin feels itch or burn.
  • Red scalp and dandruff.
  • Kelupasan skin or dandruff also occurs in a mustache, beard, or eyebrows.
  • Will crusty eyelids or reddish colored, or so-called blefaritis.
  • Scaly skin is white or yellowish areas occur in the oily skin in addition to the scalp, face, underarms, chest, and ears.
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis does not affect the health of the body as a whole, but if treatment is not done effectively or conditions interfere with your daily routine, soon encountered the doctor.
Seborrheic Dermatitis Causes
The exact cause of the occurrence of seborrhoeic dermatitis remains unknown, but it likely has to do with the fungus malassezia which contained on the release of the oil on the surface of the skin. In addition, the inflammation associated with psoriasis is also known as one of the possible causes for the occurrence of seborrhoeic dermatitis.

In addition to the two possible cause of seborrhoeic dermatitis as mentioned above, there are a number of risk factors that can increase the risk of developing this disease, namely:
  • Heart failure.
  • Certain treatments.
  • Diseases of the nervous disorders (Parkinson), and psychiatric (depression).
  • The habit of scratching the skin of the face.
  • Diseases that cause a weakening of the immune system, such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, organ transplant recipients, and alcoholic pancreatitis.
  • Endocrine disease that can lead to obesity, such as diabetes.
  • The weather is cool and dry.
  • Stress.
People who have oily skin, newborns and adults aged between 30-60 years, especially women, are more vulnerable exposed seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Diagnosis Of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
In addition to physical examinations, seborrhoeic dermatitis can also be diagnosed by means of biopsy or examination of kelupasan of skin cells. This aims to ascertain whether the disease suffered is seborrhoeic dermatitis or other similar diseases. Other diseases are referred to as eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis.

Treatment Of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis can be overcome by using a cream, lotion, or shampoo. In general this kind of products is sold freely. But if this step does not help and the symptoms of seborrhoeic dermatitis failed to subside or heal, consult the doctor to get further treatment such as below:
  • Metronidazole cream or gel that acts against bacteria.
  • Antifungal shampoo containing ketoconazole and products for the scalp that contain clobetasol.
  • Shampoo, creams, or ointments containing corticosteroids, such as fluocinolone or hydrocortisone, which is useful to relieve inflammation. However, side effects such as thinning of the skin can occur if using it for too long.
  • X-ray therapy combined with the use of psoralen photochemotherapy with or referred to. But people who have thick hair may not be suitable to do this therapy.
  • Lotions or creams containing calcineurin inhibitor, like pimecrolimus and tacrolimus for the treatment, which suppress the immune system. However these drugs have the potential to increase the risk of cancer.
  • Antifungal pills terbinafine. However, these drugs can cause serious side effects, such as liver organ disorders and allergic reactions.
The following are some of the things that can be done to help cope and take control of seborrhoeic dermatitis:
  • Do not scratch the body part affected by seborrhoeic dermatitis because it could increase the risk of developing infections and aggravating the irritation.
  • Use a comb to gently to release kelupasan of the scalp in infants exposed to seborrhoeic dermatitis, before cleaning it with baby shampoo. You can also use olive oil to soften the surface of the skin.
  • Showering and shampooing them regularly, as well as flush with clean SOAP or shampoo that is used. Use Moisturiser if needed.
  • Use baby shampoo to clean your eyelids if redness occurs and kelupasan coloured leather. In addition, you can mengompresnya with warm water to help take some.
  • Apply creams containing corticosteroids or antifungal like ketoconazole.
  • Cukurlah a mustache or a beard to help relieve the symptoms.
  • Avoid products that contain alcohol so that the disease did not increase severe.
  • Use clothes that are sleek and textured cotton in order to get better air circulation and skin can reduce the irritation.
Sometimes, seborrhoeic dermatitis can disappear by itself, but there's also that persist for many years. Good skin care and hygiene of the skin could help control seborrhoeic dermatitis.Hopefully the articles way seborrheic dermatitis scalp treatment could be useful.
How To Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural Treatment ,Seborrheic Dermatitis Remedies ,seborrheic dermatitis face ,5 People Who Cured Seborrheic Dermatitis with Diet Alone ,Proven Home Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis on the Scalp ,Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment (Seborrhea) ,How to treat seborrheic dermatitis naturally at home ,Seborrheic Dermatitis - Tips for Clearing Sebhorreic Dermatitis Naturally ,How To Get Rid Of Seborrheic Dermatitis Naturally? ,How I Cured the Seborrheic Dermatitis On My Scalp Naturally! ,Natural Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Know More Closely With Cataract Disease Causes, Symptoms, And How To Treat It

Know More Closely With Cataract Disease Causes, Symptoms, And How To Treat It - Cataract is one of the types of diseases that can make a person lose his power up. The symptoms of cataracts are not too easily recognized, and usually the new cataract sufferers began to realize after they've been pretty eye condition is chronic, so be keen on recognizing your eye condition, and waspadailah all the symptoms that make eyes feel less comfortable.
One of the five senses that its role is crucial for daily activities are the eyes, the eyes also has a wide variety of illnesses that may interfere with its function as the sense of vision. Among all the types of illnesses that may interfere with the function of the eye, cataracts is a kind of disease that is quite often attack human beings. Basically, the cataract is a disease that makes the lens of the eye becomes cloudy as mist. Normally, the human eye lens, transparent and contain a lot of water so that light can pass through easily, but unlike the cataract sufferers, because the lenses of their eyes tend to be more cloudy so make her vision will be blurry and smudgy.

How to treat cataracts

Usually, the disease is more frequently attacked human eyes in tropical areas including Indonesia, because one of the causes of cataracts is the ultraviolet rays from the Sun. However, despite this there are various other factors triggers that can lead to cataracts, including such as:

  • Hereditary factors derived from parents, so when one of the parents who menderika cataracts, then risk his son suffers from the same disease, belongs to quite high.
  • Age factor, because as we get then the fiber is made up of water and protein will be changed resulting in decreased protein and fibers will eventually clot and cause stains on the lens of the eye.
  • Have experienced injury or inflammation of the eye.
  • Never underwent eye surgery.
  • Congenital eye defects from birth.
  • The eyes are often exposed to ultraviolet rays from the Sun in quite a long time is excessive.
  • Smoke.
  • The use of drugs in particular steroid in quite a long time.
  • People with diabetes mellitus are also at high risk include people who suffer from cataracts.
After knowing the cause, now you need to understand the symptoms of cataracts, so that when you're starting to figure it out early on, then it is expected that cataracts can be more easily treated without the need for surgery.

Usually people suffering from cataracts are not easily recognize that their eyes are misbehaving because of this disease, cataract symptoms arise gradually so that typically only in 3-5 years later the new cataract sufferers will realize that their eyes have been stricken with cataracts, so at the moment as it's actually eye condition which afflicted by cataracts chronic enough already.

At first, cataracts will cause symptoms in the form of painful eyes to cause tears easy out, then around the eyes itch and at night vision impaired, and also start the eye cannot withstand sunlight or silaunya silaunya lamp.

A few years later, it was as though the sufferer usually see clouds his view in front of the membrane, the membrane gradually and will be more tightly so that the view increasingly looks less clear. In addition, the symptoms of cataracts can also be felt when at the time saw a visible object, the object is in fact divided into two.

Well, when it is like that, then how to treat cataracts usually will require handling medically. When done medically, then doctors will perform the operation or surgery to remove the cloudy eye lens and then will be replaced with an artificial eye lens. In addition, there are now the latest way, using the help of a laser beam. However, of course the medical treatment will cost quite a bit, however, is certain medical treatment will be more effective and fast to restore visibility to your eyes, because as we know when using traditional medicine then you need patience to feel the results.

If you still do not have sufficient funds for the cost of medical treatment, then there is no harm trying traditional treatment using a variety of natural materials, such as the following:

  1. Drinking carrot juice regularly
  2. Using eye mask made of pumpkin flower extract
  3. Consuming the herb mixture of anise and coriander
  4. Consuming a concoction consisting of fine cardamoms 2 pieces that blended with milk that has been boiled.
Hopefully the article How to prevent and treat cataracts the help! If you have a different opinion or have more accurate information from the above article, please share it here with us.
Know More Closely With Cataract Disease Causes, Symptoms, And How To Treat It ,How to prevent and treat cataracts ,Cataracts | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention ,Cataracts-Treatment Overview ,Cataracts Treatments and drugs ,Common Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments ,Symptoms and Treatments for Cataracts ,Facts About Cataract | National Eye Institute ,Cataracts Symptoms, Signs, Causes and Surgery ,Could these new eye drops cure cataracts ,Cataracts symptoms, treatments and causes

Thursday, May 12, 2016

8 simple food against the dangers of anorexia

8 simple food against the dangers of anorexia - Excess weight is still an issue that is always hot. The cause, always appears the presumption that they are travelling on a slender will always look pretty and charming. As a consequence will develop some sort of disorder eating patterns such as anorexia and bulimia.

Talk about anorexia, eating disorder, this pattern can not be disepelekan. The reason other than to make the body lose the necessary nutrition, anorexia will also threaten the health of psychological and sociological. So the necessary therapy slowly to heal the sufferers of anorexia.

In addition to therapy, some foods that you can find in the House also has the effect of telling this to fight eating disorders. Here is the list.

simple food against the dangers of anorexia

As one of the herbs, garlic has a remarkable efficacy for treating various diseases. Including anorexia, the interference pattern of eating. Garlic is able to act as a natural stimulant that is strong enough to increase appetite. So in other words, the scent of garlic is able to repair the sufferer appetite anorexia.

Ginger also has a similar effect to address the decline in appetite. Inhale the aroma can increase hunger significantly.

Apple is a fruit that is super healthy. It tastes delicious and crispy fruit flesh is also able to improve the appetite of those who suffered anorexia.

Lemon is an evocative food natural appetite. Consuming foods with scents of lemon in it beneficial to increase hunger.

Eat grapes, especially the still-fresh proven effective to treat appetite. Drinking grape juice is also good for combating the ill effects of anorexia.

Orange juice
Orange juice is the juice that is very effective for treating anorexia and improves appetite. The high antioxidant substances in grapefruit juice is also good to improve your digestive health.

Carrot juice
Like orange juice, carrot juice plays an important role in increasing appetite as well as well to support digestive health.

Black pepper and honey
The combination of black pepper and honey turned out effective lho to treat anorexia. Mengonsumsinya every morning empty stomach while being able to counter the ill effects of eating disorders.

So, the person closest to you or even you yourself are suffering from anorexia? Try the way and above natural ingredients to treat it.

Benefits Of Sliced Red Onion to Heal The Itch To Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Benefits of sliced red onion to heal the itch to relieve menstrual cramps - In addition to the garlic-rich healthy benefits, families from the onion-bawangan other high also will benefit healthy lho. One of them is the onion.

Indeed the peel and slice the onion is able to make the eyes become poignant. But behind the poignant flavor, onion has many healthy benefits lho as described below.

Benefits of sliced red onion for health

  • Red onions have anti-inflammatory properties in it. So when smeared upon who is being hurt, then it could help stop peradangannya.
  • You just got bitten by mosquitoes and leaving scars swollen bumps? Soon sliced red onion and DAB the resin in upon you. Because the resin can relieve pain or itching and prevent irritation due to being bitten by insects.
  • If you begin diligently for consuming raw red onion, don't be surprised if you don't suffer from menstrual pain. Because again this is due to the nature of anti-inflammatory of red onion.
  • When you feel that your skin is unpleasant to be seen, immediately rub it with red onions. Then your feet will look more beautiful.
  • Suddenly got a flu attack? Try to wrap the feet with socks and slip of onion in it and then sleep. The Onion will stimulate the meridians on the feet to help relieve the fever as well as lowering body temperature.
  • When you are experiencing nausea, try to eat the onion to take some.
  • Slow growing hair long once? Try to put the onion in the scalp. Causes of red onions will stimulate hair follicles and makes you grow up faster.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

6 Drink To Cure Asthma Sufferers

6 Drink To Cure Asthma Sufferers - Did you know that today there are millions of people in the world who suffer from asthma? The reason for the rampant dirty air which then trigger allergies. In addition the number of smokers is also growing.

Not only avoid the causes of asthma, asthmatics also have to pay attention to the food and drink they consume. Eating foods that cause mucus buildup clearly not good for health. Instead, consumption of the juice below to help the healing process of asthma.

Asthma Relief and Natural Remedies

Apple Juice
The apple is a fruit that can protect your body from sudden asthma attack because the content of quercetin in it. Therefore drink apple juice regularly to help cure asthma.
Ginger Water
Ginger Water has a strong anti-inflammatory properties. This means that the water ginger helps treat inflammation, clear the airways are blocked, as well as help relieve throat.
Spinach Juice
Spinach is super healthy vegetables to treat asthma. Because spinach is rich in magnesium, vitamin E, beta carotene, and vitamin C.
Avocado Juice
Avocados contain a natural substance called L-glutathione. Avocados are helpful to clear the airways and relieve a stuffy nose.

Turmeric Water
Turmeric water or herbal medicine made from turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help heal the lungs and break down your breathing problems.

Banana Juice
It's been a lot of research that says that drinking banana juice regularly can reduce the symptoms of respiratory problems.

That's a drink that can help to alleviate or even cure asthma slowly. Good luck!
6 Drink To Cure Asthma Sufferers ,Home Remedies for Asthma | Top 10 Home Remedies ,Is There a Natural Cure for Asthma? ,Asthma Relief and Natural Remedies ,Asthma Health Center ,Natural home remedies: Asthma ,Asthma Symptoms - Asthma Treatment ,Asthma - Articles About Symptoms and Remedies ,Natural Allergy and Asthma Remedies ,How I Cured My Asthma With One Simple Lifestyle Change ,Asthma Alternative Treatments

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

7 Ways to Prevent Migraines Offenders

7 Ways to Prevent Migraines Offenders - No doubt that migraine or headache is very annoying. Moreover, when it finished relapse.

If you've experienced this kind of thing, do not let the migraine take over your life. It's time to make changes in lifestyle. Actually migraine is triggered by small things such as noise, dust and even light.

Ways to Prevent Migraines Offenders

Well, here is Goedang Article will provide tips to avoid migraines are stubborn.

1. Turn off lights when sleeping
Most migraine sufferers are sensitive to light and sound. Highly recommended turning off lights when sleeping.

2. Consumption of caffeinated beverages
Caffeine is the main ingredient of most drugs headache. If by chance you headaches such as migraine, immediately drink coffee to ease it. But do not let more than 2-3 cups a week.

3. Having enough sleep
Many migraine is also caused by lack of sleep portion. Then you should set the sleep patterns in order to have a portion of quality sleep.

4. Adjust your diet
Do not let a day you do not eat. Irregular eating can cause pain. Ensure regular eating and the consumption of water is sufficient.

5. Avoid foods that trigger migraine
Foods that trigger migraine are chocolate and alcohol.

6. Consumption of supplements
Low levels of magnesium have been linked to migraine triggers. A daily supplement containing magnesium could be a solution. But do not forget to consult your doctor before consuming it regularly.

7. Keep your bedroom
Use your bedroom only for relax and rest. Do not get used to eating or watching television. It would inhibit sleep. Make noise, and other things that trigger migraines.

7 Ways to Prevent Migraines Offenders ,Surprising Ways to Prevent Migraines ,How to Stop Offending a Migraine Sufferer ,How to Prevent Migraines: Medications and Lifestyle Tips ,Ways To Stop A Migraine Before It Starts ,Preventing Migraine Pain with Butterbur ,Natural Strategies for Preventing Migraines ,How to prevent menstrual migraines ,Natural Relief for Migraine Headaches ,ways to treat migraine headaches naturally ,Ways to Lower Your BPA Exposure