Monday, June 6, 2016

Bladder Cancer Treatment Options

Before we discuss about the disease of cancer of the bladder is a good idea in advance we understand about the bladder or vesika urinaria namely hollow organs contained within the pelvic cavity, which is shaped like a balloon and it serves to hold the urine through ureter renal transmitted before expelled through the urethra in the form of urine out of the body.

bladder cancer treatment
Bladder Cancer
Vesika Urinaria wall formed by the transitional cells, allowing the bladder to be stretchable time full of urine, and contracting when the urine out through the urethra.


Cancer Vesika Urinaria is a medical condition characterized by abnormal growth of cancer cells in the bladder. This disease generally strikes people of old age, mainly men but not a possibility also for all ages.

There are 3 types of bladder cancer is transitional cell carcinoma: or urothelial carcinomas (cancer that originated in the transitional cells and are the most common), squamous cell carcinoma/squashed cells (cancer originating from the upper layers of the bladder) and adenocarcinoma (cancer that arises in the inside lining of the bladder due to chronic irritation and inflammation).
Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

Early stage of bladder cancer often does not bergejala. New sufferer usually realize when there is blood in the urinnya. these cancers often occur at age 40 years >, especially men. signs of bladder cancer include:
  • Experience pain during urination without indication of UTI
  • The presence of blood in the urine or hematuria
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain in the lower back.
The Cause of Bladder Cancer

Of course the causes of bladder cancer is the same as other causes of cancer in General. Although there are several suspected risk factor but the exact cause of the appearance of normal cells become cancerous abnormalities is unknown, but there are several suspected carcinogens into the possibility of becoming the main causes, including genetic factors, age, the pattern of life and several other risk factors such as below.

Disease Risk Factors of Bladder Cancer

Here are some possibilities that can increase the risk of developing cancer of the urinary bladder:
  1. Old age
  2. Sex - Men three times more at risk of suffering from bladder cancer compared with women.
  3. the Descent and genetic
  4. A history of bladder cancer
  5. the existence of inflammation of the bladder or urinary tract disease and other irritating to the bladder
  6. Defects, people born with congenital defects are more at risk.
  7. Smoke, exposure to cigarette smoke.
  8. Exposure to chemicals, some chemicals are considered associated with bladder cancer. such as chemicals used in dye industry, chemicals used in the rubber industry, leather, fabric, hair coloring, and printing.
  9. Diet-people tend to eat a lot of meat and fat are believed to have a high risk of bladder cancer.
  10. Aristolochia fangchi-this herb has been used in some food supplements and Chinese herbal medicine. There was research done on mice affected by this cancer.
Prevention of Bladder Diseases

There is no sure way to prevent diseases of bladder cancer but some following methods believed could reduce the risk of developing cancer such as:
  1. Assume the white water. drinking plenty of water can neutralize various toxins present in the substance of the body and good for the system and prevent illness urinaria kidney stones.
  2. Stop smoking and avoid exposure to passive smoking. for a variety of chemical substances contained in cigarette smoke believed could lead to high risk occurrence of cancer and various other diseases..
  3. Keep diet, appropriate diet, reduce the range of foods that contain lots of fat. healthy living patterns and repair such as exercising on a regular basis.
  4. Avoid exposure to chemicals in the workplace. Protect yourself by using clothing and gear themselves more security in your work related to harmful chemicals.
Diagnosis and Physical Examination
  • Urinalysis
  • Urine Cytology
  • Cystoscopy
  • CT scan
  • Pyelography
  • Biopsy
  • Ultrasound
  • X Rays
  • A bone Scan
Method of Treatment of Bladder Cancer
  • Operation
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy or biological therapy.
Complications of Cancer of the Bladder

Bladder cancer can spread to nearby organs. cancer cells can also travel to the pelvic lymph nodes and spreads to the liver, lungs, and bones. Besides bladder cancer can also cause some complications here:
  • Anemia
  • Inflammation of the ureter (hydronephrosis)
  • Urethral Strictures
  • Urinary incontinence and various other diseases.
READ MORE : 14 Best foods for healthy lungs

Like other types of cancer, cancer of the bladder is likely to be more successfully treated if known more quickly and immediately got medical handling before spreading to other body tissues and organs. Hopefully the article bladder cancer disease symptoms, causes, complications, and treatment can help you.
Bladder Cancer Treatment Options .Bladder Cancer Symptoms in Women ,Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer ,The Cause Of Cancer Of The Bladder ,Complications Of Bladder Cancer ,How To Treat Bladder Cancer ,symptoms of bladder cancer in women ,treatment for bladder cancer ,bladder cancer symptoms in men ,symptoms of bladder cancer in men ,signs of bladder cancer in women ,bladder cancer in men ,bladder cancer in women ,bladder cancer risk factors ,bladder cancer symptoms female ,

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