Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Know More Closely With Cataract Disease Causes, Symptoms, And How To Treat It

Know More Closely With Cataract Disease Causes, Symptoms, And How To Treat It - Cataract is one of the types of diseases that can make a person lose his power up. The symptoms of cataracts are not too easily recognized, and usually the new cataract sufferers began to realize after they've been pretty eye condition is chronic, so be keen on recognizing your eye condition, and waspadailah all the symptoms that make eyes feel less comfortable.
One of the five senses that its role is crucial for daily activities are the eyes, the eyes also has a wide variety of illnesses that may interfere with its function as the sense of vision. Among all the types of illnesses that may interfere with the function of the eye, cataracts is a kind of disease that is quite often attack human beings. Basically, the cataract is a disease that makes the lens of the eye becomes cloudy as mist. Normally, the human eye lens, transparent and contain a lot of water so that light can pass through easily, but unlike the cataract sufferers, because the lenses of their eyes tend to be more cloudy so make her vision will be blurry and smudgy.

How to treat cataracts

Usually, the disease is more frequently attacked human eyes in tropical areas including Indonesia, because one of the causes of cataracts is the ultraviolet rays from the Sun. However, despite this there are various other factors triggers that can lead to cataracts, including such as:

  • Hereditary factors derived from parents, so when one of the parents who menderika cataracts, then risk his son suffers from the same disease, belongs to quite high.
  • Age factor, because as we get then the fiber is made up of water and protein will be changed resulting in decreased protein and fibers will eventually clot and cause stains on the lens of the eye.
  • Have experienced injury or inflammation of the eye.
  • Never underwent eye surgery.
  • Congenital eye defects from birth.
  • The eyes are often exposed to ultraviolet rays from the Sun in quite a long time is excessive.
  • Smoke.
  • The use of drugs in particular steroid in quite a long time.
  • People with diabetes mellitus are also at high risk include people who suffer from cataracts.
After knowing the cause, now you need to understand the symptoms of cataracts, so that when you're starting to figure it out early on, then it is expected that cataracts can be more easily treated without the need for surgery.

Usually people suffering from cataracts are not easily recognize that their eyes are misbehaving because of this disease, cataract symptoms arise gradually so that typically only in 3-5 years later the new cataract sufferers will realize that their eyes have been stricken with cataracts, so at the moment as it's actually eye condition which afflicted by cataracts chronic enough already.

At first, cataracts will cause symptoms in the form of painful eyes to cause tears easy out, then around the eyes itch and at night vision impaired, and also start the eye cannot withstand sunlight or silaunya silaunya lamp.

A few years later, it was as though the sufferer usually see clouds his view in front of the membrane, the membrane gradually and will be more tightly so that the view increasingly looks less clear. In addition, the symptoms of cataracts can also be felt when at the time saw a visible object, the object is in fact divided into two.

Well, when it is like that, then how to treat cataracts usually will require handling medically. When done medically, then doctors will perform the operation or surgery to remove the cloudy eye lens and then will be replaced with an artificial eye lens. In addition, there are now the latest way, using the help of a laser beam. However, of course the medical treatment will cost quite a bit, however, is certain medical treatment will be more effective and fast to restore visibility to your eyes, because as we know when using traditional medicine then you need patience to feel the results.

If you still do not have sufficient funds for the cost of medical treatment, then there is no harm trying traditional treatment using a variety of natural materials, such as the following:

  1. Drinking carrot juice regularly
  2. Using eye mask made of pumpkin flower extract
  3. Consuming the herb mixture of anise and coriander
  4. Consuming a concoction consisting of fine cardamoms 2 pieces that blended with milk that has been boiled.
Hopefully the article How to prevent and treat cataracts the help! If you have a different opinion or have more accurate information from the above article, please share it here with us.
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