Sunday, April 19, 2015

How To Optimize Olive Oil For Skin & Beauty

Olive oil is useful for softening the skin, maintaining the beauty of the skin, and are useful for the beauty of hair. Various company engaged in the field of cosmetic beauty, many who use olive oil as a raw material products. Chemical compounds stored in olive oil for example triacylglycerol which is a monounsaturated fatty acid with a type of omega 9 (oleic acid). Levels of omega 9 around 55-83 percent of the total fatty acids. Because fat is good for the body because of type of monounsaturated fats, the risk of oxidized body less than omega-6 and omega-3.

Softens skin

Because believe will usefulness for beauty, Sophia Loren Italian artist loves to soak in olive oil. He still looks pretty and young amet at the age of 70-something years. So, olive oil is safe if used directly on the skin. For the face, olive oil can be applied directly to moisturize dry skin and rough. But is not recommended for oily skin, because it can stimulate acne.
Olive oil mixed with other materials also can provide different uses, including:

Bright facial skin and prevent wrinkles: Mix 1 tablespoon olive oil with ½ tbsp of apple cider vinegar and ½ tbsp water. Stir well, then apply on the skin that has been washed with water every night before bed.

For scrubbing: Mix 1 tablespoon olive oil with ½ tsp sugar. Moisten the skin and then apply a mixture of these. Rub gently clockwise, do not pressed or rubbed too rough. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Perform this treatment regularly to maintain the youthfulness of the skin while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells. Also can be used to soften the skin of the fingers.

Softens dry lips and chapped: Apply extra virgin olive oil or unrefined kind every night before bed.

Maintaining the beauty of the skin

Olive oil is also often used as a massage oil blends, with the aim of keeping the smoothness and maintaining elasticity and firmness of the body.

In order for soft skin: Mix 2-3 drops of olive oil with a body lotion or body lotion that you normally use. Apply evenly on the whole body after every shower. Can also be used as a bath oil. The trick, mix 5 drops of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined into the bath and soak for 15 minutes. Should not use soap after soaking.

To cope with rough elbows: Cut a lemon into 2 parts, then drops 2 drops of olive oil on the slices of lemon. Paste and press the slices of lemon on the elbow approximately 10 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

Wrinkles on the breast: If arise fine lines or wrinkles on the breast, apply olive oil evenly. Then compress with a warm towel for 5-10 minutes. For further treatment, mix olive oil with egg yolks and lemon juice. Use this mixture to massage breast perlahan.Lakukan before bed and let stand until tomorrow morning.

To maintain healthy nails: Soak the fingers in warm water spilled olive oil (2-3 drops). This method can strengthen nails once soften cuticles. Do it once a week for 5-10 minutes.

For healthy hair

Shampoos and conditioners that contain olive oil are believed to help overcome dry hair due to sun exposure, often in an air-conditioned room, or frequent use of chemical-based hair products (hair dye, medicine curling, straightening drugs). Nutrition of olive oil will help improve the structure of the hair cuticle, making hair still damp, more powerful, elastic, and not easy branching. With regular use, the hair will be soft and healthy glow.

- Apply olive oil directly on the hair to resolve the tangled hair. How, Dab 2-3 drops of olive oil on your palm, rub a little while, then rubbed on the hair is dry and matted.

- To overcome dandruff or itchy scalp, evenly mixed olive oil, castor oil, lemon juice, and water from steeping the leaves of peppermint. Dab evenly on the scalp while a massage gently. Let stand for 15 minutes (can be wrapped in a warm towel and then rinsed.

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