Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

DIY Butt Stuff

Butts are one of those taboo topics nobody wants to talk about, but everyone want to know about! So guess what? I'm writing about it. Let the haters hate but your butt is about to feel awesome. You are welcome.

Before we begin--- there is something you should know about me. I have no shame. Seriously. None. I was a nurse for nearly a decade so I will talk about ANYTHING! The words "vomit", "explosive diarrhea", and "puss oozing sores" fall out of my mouth frequently.... over dinner. And I LIKE it. So you can see, butt talk is nothing to me. You may want to sit down.

Click to read more

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Breathe Deeply Chest Rub for Exercise

Did you know that you could be breathing incorrectly? Most of my life I've blamed my shoes, but lately I couldn't quite find the logic in that. I mean-- does this make sense to you?

"I hate these running shoes! They are so old. I need to upgrade. In fact, I almost died because I couldn't breathe... due to my, um, shoes." 

#breathe deeply chest rub #DIY

Click to read more

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

5 Benefits of Vitamin C Shower Filters

Many of you have messaged me about your desire to use more natural methods for your hair. However, my first question is often unexpected: What kind of water are you using?

This is important because water is a fundamentally part of what is natural, but it's often taken for granted. If we are using water full of chemicals, then how much of an impact will it be to change your shampoo to a more natural variety? And will it even work properly with all the chemical build up? 

Always, always fix your water first! So I have to ask-- how safe and effective is your shower water? This is why I recommend getting a Vitamin C Shower Filter, but let me tell you why.

5 benefits of clean, fresh vitamin c water from shower filters for beautiful #skin and #hair without #toxic #chemicals

Click to read more

Friday, December 5, 2014

Homemade Magnesium Oil for Relaxation

During my studies to get my masters degree in holistic health I learned that almost all people are at least mildly deficient in magnesium! In research studies 70-80% of participants were deficient! Eck!

Sadly, due to modern day farming practices our soils are becoming more and more depleted so even if we eat a healthy diet we often are eating food that are not as nutrient dense as they could be which results in us being deficient as well. “Magnesium is farmed out of the soil much more than calcium,” Dr. Carolyn Dean explains.  ”A hundred years ago, we would get maybe 500 milligrams of magnesium in an ordinary diet. Now we’re lucky to get 200 milligrams. People do need to supplement with magnesium.”

Did you read that?! The modern day diets have LESS THAN HALF the amount of magnesium than it did for our ancestor!!! {mind blown} Isn't that so sad and scary!? 

Learn how to make #DIY magnesium oil to help promote better #sleep and #health
Click to read more

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Clean and Detoxify with Herbal Detox by Herb Pharm

I recently had a fantastic opportunity to write a guest post for my friend Lleaon over at The Holistic Saffron. She's an herbalist and aromatherapists who has a great blog that's really focuses on the healthy aspects of being natural. I was super honored when she asked me to write a piece for her blog! Eeeck!!!

All Natural Herbal Detox

Over the last few weeks, I have been taking Herbal Detox by Herb Pharm to help do a gentle detox to prepare me for a larger detox which I'm going to be taking part of soon (stay tuned for that!). Herbal Detox is an amazing 100% natural product which uses wildcrafted or organically grown herbs which I loooove! I'm super impressed with not only the ingredients themselves, but how dedicated the company is to making sure that they provide healthy, chemical-free options.

You should see some of the testimonials of people who use this product-- it ranges from helping with acne, sinus problems, joint pain, and even helping with some medical conditions. It's truly an amazing little product that's so gentle on the body.

I'd love it if you'd want to read more about my experience with this awesome little product! To see more about The Herbal Detox please go to my friend's website: Holistic Saffron. Thanks!!

If you'd like to join my Natural Living Support Group on Facebook please fill out this form!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Superwoman Slim Down Detox and a GIVEAWAY

If you have read my blog for a while, then you know that I'm a big believer in detox programs. I've detoxed with bentonite clay, herbs, more herbs, essential oils, lemon water… you name it. Why? Because I really, really believe that a good detox is important for optimal health, maintaining proper weight, promoting healthy skin and reducing my risk for chronic illness.

I used to believe that just because I ate organic foods and reduced my sugar intake, I was healthy, but I forgot to think about all the things which I don't have control over. As much as I try to be 100% chemical free, my family still come in contact with so many chemicals, toxins, and heavy metals through the air we breath, medicines we take, foods/drinks we consume and the different substances that we put on our skin. Overtime, these pollutants build up in our tissues and can be detrimental to our physical and emotional health. Soooo…. it's kind of a good idea to cleanse the body every now and then. {wink}

So how do you know if you need a detox?

Are you:
  • Feeling like you need to drop a few pounds
  • Tired
  • Bloated or irregular
  • Suffering from skin problems (acne, rashes, eczema)
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • In a constant brain fog or have trouble concentrating
  • Sick of looking at a closet full of clothes and still not finding anything to wear
  • Dealing with allergies
  • Popping pills for headaches, joint pain, or muscle aches
  • Covering up those dark circles and puffy eyes with makeup and expensive skin creams
  • Battling cravings
  • Moody
If any of those describe you, then you may want to try to detox. But good neeeeews! This giveaway is all about detoxing, losing weight and finding a healthier YOU!

I’m really excited to be teaming up with Kristen from MIX | wellness solutions for a balanced life and some of my favorite bloggers to give YOU the chance to reclaim your inner Superwoman (or man) and WIN a coveted spot in The Superwoman Slim Down: A Real Food Detox and Cleanse for Real Women (a $347 value!)! You can read all about it here: Slim Down Program Information

This is NOT an average detox! This is a program that actually teaches you about your body and sets you up for success! You also won't be starving yourself or feeling deprived like some detoxes.

The Superwoman Slim Down is a fully-supported “done-for you” 21 day 100% REAL FOOD, hunger-free program led by experienced registered nurse, certified health and wellness coach, and certified specialist in fitness nutrition, Kristen Boucher. (Whew! I'm tired after writing all her credentials) She will teach you step-by-step how to feel better than you ever imagined while eating delicious, nutrient-dense, metabolism-boosting foods and making your health a priority.

Granted, you shouldn't just believe me. Check out what these former Superwomen have to say about it here: Superwoman Slim Down Reviews

Giveaway Details
One winner will receive FREE ACCESS to The Superwoman Slim Down: A Real Food Detox and Cleanse for Real Women (a $347 value).

How to enter the giveaway:
  1. Sign up for the MIX | wellness solutions for a balanced life email newsletter.  
  2. Like MIX | wellness solutions for balanced life on Facebook
  3. Use Rafflecopter to log your entries and unlock bonus entries. 

***Be sure to visit all the blogs responsible for this giveaway to share the love!***

MIX | wellness solutions for a balanced life
The Darling Bakers
Happy Mothering
Conscientious Confusion

This is a great program, ya'll! The Superwoman Slim Down is a great opportunity to really kick start your health and learn how to reach your goals. I am super excited to have the opportunity to hopefully give it to YOU for FREE! Good luck!  

The Fine Print
The giveaway ends at midnight ET, June 30, 2014. Kirsten will announce the lucky winner on July 1, 2014. Once contacted, the lucky winner will have 48 hours to respond with his/her full name and email address.  There is no purchase necessary to win. This giveaway is open to everyone except where prohibited by law.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Nitty Gritty About Menstrual Cups

Alright, this one is for THE LADIES! If you have a penis, then you probably just want to go ahead and close this window. Today we are going to be talking about "Lady Stuff". And remember that I am a nurse. This means that I have absolutely no shame when it comes to bodily functions.

Have you heard about menstrual cups?! They are kind of life changing. #nontoxic #womenshealth

After I wrote a blog post about Pesticides in Feminine Hygiene Products, I recommended using organic cotton products. I had several readers tell me about how glorious menstrual cups were. For nearly a year, I researched them and made every excuses as to why I shouldn't try them… until I couldn't anymore. After all, how can I say "Hey guys-- give me recommendations for awesome stuff you LOVE" but then never try it? That's lame.

So I did some research and ordered my first menstrual cup. When it came in the mail, I prepped it by boiling it and prayed to God for courage as I waited for my monthly visitor.

Using The Menstrual Cup
When you want to use the cup, the instructions say that you should hold it in your hand and then squeeze it so it forms a C-shape. then you simply slip it into your vagina.

Let's be honest for a second. The instructions are supposed to tell you exactly what to do. I have no idea how far it should "simply slip" anything. The picture in the brochure was of a lady's hand up in her va-jay-jay and the instructions say "You will know the correct position in the vagina by practicing and getting to know your own anatomy". #fail instructions.

How to have a healthy period with menstrual cups #nontoxic #chemicalfree #womenshealthSo after I had prepped myself and gotten the courage to shove this little silicone thing up my lady parts, I had to go back to my computer and search for "Menstrual Cup Placement in Vagina".  Google, of course, has answers. The computer told me that it does NOT go all the way up-- just far enough to be inside the body and as you move it will settle and find the proper location to sit.

So I went back into the bathroom, stood in my tub (you don't know how messy the situation will get) and hiked my leg up on the counter and shoved that bad boy in. I was pleasantly surprised that I couldn't feel it at all! It is super comfy! But the little tail hung out a little bit which was KILLING ME. So I snipped the tip of the tail and then life became fabulous (Just don't snip off too much! The tail is handy for helping to remove it)

As I am completely paranoid, I checked myself every hour, but I'm happy to report that I was 100% leak free.

Trust me when I say that taking the menstrual cup out of your body is an activity that you want to make sure the bathroom door is shut for. I like to do a squat/leg lift/ ninja move. Once I'm in position, I just wiggle the cup and it loses it's suction. I am sure this looks absolutely ridiculous and it is something I never want anyone to witness, but it wasn't bad at all. Besides the appearance of the situation, it was actually pretty easy. I never spilled the cup, I never made a mess (which his kind of a mirale-- I'm klutzy), and it was actually simple and so comfortable.

Once it's out, dump the period goo into your toilet, wash it off and re-insert. Simple.

Best part: Decreased cramps, less smell, and I'm saving money by using a reusable product. So yes, it's totally worth it.

Ordering Menstrual Cups
Most companies have two sizes and have similar recommendations. Size one is for teens and young adults who have never had children. Size 2 is for women over 30 and women who have given birth, and it does hold more fluid in the cup.

I am a 31 year old, smaller framed woman (5'2" 125 lbs) who has never had children. I do my kegel exercises, ladies, so I ordered a size 1 (but that was mainly because I was scared). Luckily, it works just fine for me! Yay! My periods are a light to moderate flow and I NEVER got close to filling the cup even after 12 hours.

I ordered clear (they have color options) and I've never noticed any staining. It comes with  fancy little bag to store it in when it's not being used. Spare no expense, Lunette!

I ordered the Lunette Cup but I've also heard good things about The Diva Cup and the Moon Cup, too. Make sure you read the reviews and make the decision that's best for you! :)

So that's it, ladies! You now know more about my periods than… well… uhhh, nevermind. The entire world knows about my periods now. Woohoo!!

Have you ever used a menstrual cup? Which do you recommend and why?

If you'd like to join my Natural Living Support Group on Facebook please fill out this form!

I have not been paid or compensated for this review.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Homemade Stress Roll-on using Essential Oils

So you're stressed out, eh? Yeah. Me too. Especially lately. {sigh} My firefighter boyfriend fell from a two story window in full gear and broke three bones last week. Thankfully, he will heal and be fine, but he does need surgery tomorrow. I won't lie. I'm freaking out a little bit (or a lot).

I just made a fresh batch of my Daily Normal Stress Perfume to take with me to the hospital tomorrow and I thought this would be a great time to share my recipe! This works for me to help support my emotional health and Lord knows I need it!

Years ago when I started looking for ways to manage my feelings of stress naturally, my friend suggested lavender and I knew I had to try it! It was AMAZING, but I noticed that I was loving other oils too and that blending the oils were really helping to support my mood and emotions.

Daily Stress roll on for work or play #DIYrecipes #essentialoils

I ended up making my own roll-on perfume which has a blend of essential oils that help support me and bring a sense of serenity to my day.
    "I Have Moments" Roll-on for daily, normal stress
    Essential oil #DIY for #stress from work or other every day activities
    This formula is adapted from Homemade Mommy's stress roll-on to be a little different for my needs, but be sure to check her's out, too! It's pretty wonderful.
    • 30 drops Lavender
    • 20 drops of Valor
    • 10 drops of Orange
    • 10 drops of Release
    • 8 drops of Idaho Blue Spruce
    • 5 drops of Copaiba 
    • 5 drops of Frankincense
    • 3 drops of Vitamin E 
    • 7 ml of a carrier oil such as jojoba or sweet almond oil (just over 1 tsp)
    I put all the drops into a roll on bottle, add the carrier oil and give it a gentle roll between my palms to mix it. Then it's ready to go!

    It really is a very simple recipe to make and it smells amazing too! What more can you want than to have a perfume that makes you feel better?

    Storing and Using the Calming Blend
    It's always best to store essential oils in a tinted bottle to protect it from light. Always try to keep essential oils out of direct sunlight and away from heat. I always recommend glass when using essential oils because they can degrade plastic over time (especially citrus).

    For this recipe, my favorite application is with a roll-on style perfume bottle because with this blend the carrier oil is not diluted and it could clog a traditional perfume bottle's spray nozzle.

    If you interested in spray perfumes, please see my DIY perfume recipe.

    I apply this to my wrists, behind my ears, and on my chest. It's perfect for carrying in your purse.

    I also have a diffuser necklace that I wear daily which helps support my mood. It's simples-- it's a locket which opens and there is a terra cotta center. You simple add 2-3 drops of whatever essential oil you want onto the terra cotta, close it and you're ready to go. You have your own personal diffuser hanging from your neck! It works great for using essential oils for mood.

    Get a diffuser necklace here: Etsy Store

    This diffuser necklace is amazing! I wear it every day #essentialoils #diffuser #necklace Find one here:

    Sometimes I know that I look like a crazy person because I'm just sniffing the container or huffing my diffuser necklace (in public), but that's okay! You should have seen me in the ER waiting room after I got the phone call about my boyfriend's accident!! OMG! It was bad!! The necklaces was practically inside of my nose! But it really did help soooo much. This blend is my go-to for all emotional moments! It's somehow calming, yet energizing at the same time.

    What Kind of Essential Oils Do I Use?
    You can get more information about which essential oils I use and why by reading this article.

    So that's my essential oil calming blend! I hope you like it and if you try it I would LOVE to know how it works for you. Do you have any natural tricks that you use? If so, please leave a comment! I'm always looking for new ideas!

    And remember… Are You Choosing To Be Happy?

    Saturday, May 10, 2014

    Nature Box Fights Hunger: A Subscription Box Review

    Hello, my name is Sherri and I am an Subscription Food Box Addict. It's been three days since I received my last subscription box…

    Nature Box Fights Hunger
    Ah, Nature Box--  my BFF of subscription boxes! Once a month Nature Box will send you full size healthy snack items of your choosing. You can pick options from vegan, soy free, gluten free, non-GMO, nut free, dairy free or any combination of choices-- almost every diet is represented which is AWESOME!

    You all know I won't lie to you and it's a big deal when I say that this is my favorite of all the subscription boxes because I have A LOT of subscription boxes. Nature box gives you amazing tasting, full sized treats for every diet which is really hard to find!
    What really sets them apart from other subscription boxes is that you get to pick exactly what is being shipped to you! Most other boxes will package random selections.

    This month my selections all are from the non-GMO and gluten free category. I picked Dried Figs, Antioxidant Boost (it has chocolate), Sour Cream and Onion Almonds, Chili Lime Pistachios, and Dried Apples. They sent me a FREE sixth bag of granola because they are kickass like that and do random customer appreciation gifts every now and then. Love it!

    I admit that when I originally signed up, that I was just going to try it once because I had a coupon. But after that first box.. well, yeah, now I'm seriously addicted to a few of these flavors! My top three choices are the figs, the antioxidant boost and the chili lime pistachios, but the dried fruits are amazing, too, especially the pineapple!! Mmmm... I've been getting Nature Box since December and those picks are ALWAYS on my list! So delicious!! 

    Nature Box is fantastic because they offer full size products. If you really love something, you can buy more on their website. They make awesome snacks especially when you're on the go or if you're feeling so lazy that you really just want to grab something out of the pantry and put it in your mouth. 

    Help Stop Hunger For You and For Me 
    and the Entire Human Race..

    When you get a Nature Box you will help to stop your own hunger,  but they also help feed someone else in need! Nature Box actively participates with WhyHunger to make sure needy Americans get nutritious foods.

    If you sign up, you will be helping to decrease hunger through Nature Box's donations to community-based organizations, emergency food providers and summer meal programs for low-income children.

    And to that I say-- give me more pistachios! 

    If you sign up here: NatureBox, the first 25 people who use the code Special25 will get $5 off your first box! However, I'd keep trying it because I think it might be a promo that's used often {wink wink}

    If you'd like to join my Natural Living Support Group on Facebook please fill out this form!

    Happy Snacking! 

    Wednesday, February 12, 2014

    Flor-Essence 7 Day Herbal Cleanse Review

    As you may know, I've really enjoyed getting personally with you lately. Just last month I posted about sex and Ryan Gosling and today we get to talk about bodily functions! Yay!

    I know that you're super excited to read about poop, but I will try to keep the details less like "New York Ripper" and more like "Justin Bieber's Live Tour". I know both are pretty nauseating, but one is definitely more gory than the other. (That quip was for for my niece. She better be reading this.) {snickers} 

    Flor-Essense 7 Day Herbal Cleanse
    I decided to use the Flor-Essence 7 Day Cleanse because it's completely based on natural herbs. What I think is really cool is that it's actually from a formula used by a North American Indian Tribe.

    Review of Flor-Essense Herbal Cleanse #cleanse #detox

    It's made with mostly organic herbs and the tea is rated by the non-GMO project so I know that I'm getting a safe, plant based product. I also really liked this cleanse because it's gentle and less likely to cause any issues. A lot of people who take the regular colon blowouts as a detox end up with chronic constipation and, frankly, that's pretty hard to deal with. Literally.
    Click to read more

    Sunday, February 2, 2014

    Drinking Dirt: Bentonite Clay Detox

    Bentonite Clay #Detox
    Since it's February, you might expect that I'm going to post about romance or how to knit a scarf or maybe even something football related, but I'm not doing that. We are going in a totally different direction! I'm going to talk about dirt and poop. Woohoo!!! Excited, right?! It's so much better than love and stuff. Ew.

    So, I drink dirt. I just love saying that. People never know if I'm serious or if I'm using my "special" sense of humor on them. I'm definitely serious. But it's a special kind of dirt called Bentonite Clay.

    Not only is it a great detox, but it's also helped with IBS symptoms.

    Why I Drink Dirt
    1) It's Natural
    Bentonite Clay is one of the most powerful substances Mother Nature has given us.

    Have you ever watched those wildlife documentaries and seen the animals shamelessly eating dirt? They are actually eating clay. They instinctually know that clay will help with digestion and elimination of toxins. It's programmed into their behavior and I bet that at one time in history it was our instinct to eat dirt, too. But I bet that some jerk-face decided that it was "uncivilized" to eat dirt and everyone else was like "Yay! Woo!! Civilized people! No dirt!!" so we stopped.

    I bet it happened just like that.

    2) Detox
    This isn't just any dirt. Bentonite clay that can produce a negative electric charge once it's hydrated which helps to pull heavy metals, toxins and radioactive material out of your body and into your poop which then goes into the toilet thus exiting your holy vessel. It's pretty awesome.

    However-- this is super important-- don't let your clay come in contact with metal. The negative ions will absorb the ions from the metal and then a) the clay loses some of it's pull b) you are drinking some metals which will bind to the clay and be excreted, but still-- you are ingesting metal. No thank you.

    It's similar to eating Wheaties apparently. Watch this YouTube Video. It's about cereal and a magnet and what happens when they collide! It's slightly disturbing so watch at your own risk (especially if you like Wheaties). Also, it's a good reason to go buy some clay.

    If that doesn't freak you out, then you can look at this article which shows you 32 surprising sources of toxic heavy metals.

    3) Help certain ailments
    Clay has been researched through evidence based studies and definitely seems promising, but it hasn't been researched for all it's potential yet. We are seeing more people with different ailments claiming that bentonite clay has helped their symptoms or even recovery from their illness.

    Bentonite Clay could be beneficial with health concerns like the following:
    • Supports digestion
    • Supports healthy skin 
    • Help boost up the immune system
    • Cleanse the liver, colon and skin
    • Help provide some trace minerals that humans can sometimes lack in their diets
    • Improves symptoms of dehydration
    • Aids in the absorption of nutrients
    • Helps support healthy gut flora
    • Supports parasite removal from the gut
    • Help to to correct the imbalances in bacteria of the GI tract
    People who should NOT take clay:
    • Iron absorption issues -- you may need blood monitoring.
    • High blood pressure
    • Check with your doctor if you are taking prescription medications to make sure it will not interfere with their absorption. ALWAYS take medication and vitamins either 30 minutes before or 2 hours after you ingest clay. 
    • If you have concerns, always check with your doctor. 
    Click to read more

    Tuesday, January 21, 2014

    Natural Birth Control: Why I Use A Diaphragm

    Alright, readers! Are you ready to get personal? Gone are the posts about dryer balls (that's a real thing) and hair rinses. Welcome to the world of Vajayjays and baby boxes and the things you do to prevent children from growing inside of them!

    It all started when I realized that I'm on the quest to be all natural, but I'm taking hormonal therapy to prevent pregnancy. As a nurse and more importantly -- as a hippie health nut, I know it's probably not the best idea to artificially dictate my hormonal patterns. However, I don't need any small people running around either.

    You see my dilemma. But first I should tell you about…
    Click to read more

    Tuesday, January 14, 2014

    5 Ways to Drink More Water

    I have never exactly liked the idea of a New Year's Resolution. I have the opinion that if you need to make a change, then you should do it when you figure out that it should be done instead of waiting around.
    Keep Calm and Drink On
    But I always wait around. It's the perpetual problem of my life: procrastination. And since I wait around, I make New Years Resolutions. It's a cycle and I'm okay with it.

    So this year I decided to make my New Year's resolution that is so simple, but also something that I really needed to do for a lot of different reasons.

    I should really drink more water.

    I've known this for years, but as I said-- I procrastinate. I always have made the excuse that as a nurse I never had TIME to drink more water. In fact, I would like to blame my nursing career for making me become accustomed to being chronically dehydrated. Now my body doesn't even think of asking for any kind of refreshment because it's become so efficient on running on hardly anything. So now I have to remind myself that I need to drink. That's the hard part because, well, I already admitted it-- I like to procrastinate.

    But now I'm not working as a nurse and I'm a student again. I have plenty of time to do lots of things especially drink more water. Now there is NO excuse!

    Click to read more

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Non-GMO Multivitamins (SunWarrior vs NewChapter)

    Seriously, I don't get it.

    I watch what we eat, choose healthy food, try to buy organic fruits and veggies and then take a vitamin full of stuff we can't pronounce.


    It took me a while to figure it out: There are ZERO options at local stores. I honestly didn't even know I could get a non-GMO plant based vitamin until I started looking for it.

    If you wonder what the difference, then here's a great chart by SunWarrior that shows you how synthetic vitamins are made vs sources for natural vitamins. Even if you don't opt to go with sunwarrior, please look at this list! It's really amazing.

    Personally, I wanted options because that's how I roll so I opted to try to vitamins to see how they compare.

    According to my strict standards, I had three choices: SunWarrior, NewChapter and Pure Synergy, but I'm a baby-- I don't do big pills, so I scratched Pure Synergy off the list. They are rather large, but if you don't mind-- definitely check them out.

    It is kind of important to note that if your VEGAN then SunWarrior is the only one that will actually fit your diet. However, I love meat so I didn't care.

    So. let's look at the pills...
    (or if you're lazy just read the summary) ::wink::

    SunWarrior vs NewChapter

    Okay, so they are both great companies. They pick quality ingredients and take great efforts to make sure their products are safe, healthy and even suitable for gluten free diets. They source most ingredients from organic or non-GMO sources which is huge!

    But if we're going to talk important stuff, then you need to know what you're dealing with. How big is this pill?! 

    First, I want to talk about the capsule itself:

    SunWarrior multivitamins are made from kosher vegetable gelatin, which is great in terms of capsules. They can be broken apart and the contents can be placed into something like applesauce if you like. They are pretty easy to swallow and that's coming from a person who hates taking pills.

    NewChapter's pills are solid pills-- no capsules so no mixing in applesauce. They are still a reasonable size, but just a little more difficult to swallow, but barely. 

    Proprietary Blends:
    SunWarrior added a longevity proprietary blend which is supposed to help with anti-aging. Sounds pretty nice! While NewChapter also added two immunity blends and a digestive support blend using all natural ingredients. So, I guess it's just really what you're looking for!

    Also, SunWarrior and NewChapter don't add fillers or synthetics to their supplements which is so important. It's kind of impressive. Most of the "propriety blends" are just a bunch of junk, but both of these companies make their ingredients transparent so you know what you're getting.

    Sunwarrior added 5 sources of probiotics from both the Lactobacillus and the Bifidobacterium types, which makes your gut happy on so many different levels. It's important to have both types because they act on different parts of the GI system. NewChapter only has two strands of probotics and they are both from the Lactobacillus family.

    However, at such low numbers, I don't believe that either brand should be your sole provider for probiotics so make sure that you're taking an additional source for optimal health.

    Let's take a look at the labels...



    They both recommend taking 3 capsules a day. SunWarrior gives you 90 pills and NewChapter gives you either 72 or 96 tablets depending on which bottle you buy.

    However, remember that these are supplements to supplement your diet. Take what you feel you need for optimal health.

    • NewChapter is slightly cheaper.
    • SunWarrior is a capsule
    • NewChapter is a solid pill
    • Size is comparable, but NewChapter is SLIGHTLY larger
    Special Diets:
    • Both are gluten free
    • Both are non-GMO
    • SunWarrior is Vegan.
    • Sunwarrior comes in a plastic bottle
    • NewChapter comes in a glass, dark bottle. 
    • Sunwarrior added 5 sources and they are from both the Lactobacillus and the Bifidobacterium types
    • NewChapter only has two strands of probotics and they are both from the Lactobacillus family.
    Proprietary blends:
    • SunWarrior added a longevity proprietary blend which is supposed to help with anti-aging.
    • NewChapter also added immunity blends and a digestive support blend 
    I would definitely recommend either of these multivitamin! In fact, I take both.

    You can find both on or at their brand stores:
    (These are Amazon Affiliate links-- your price stays the same and I make a small fee from Amazon to help buy supplies for the blog!)

    Plus, they really are the best prices. You can also buy the SunWarrior vitamins from the SunWarrior store, but they end up being more with shipping. :)

    Tuesday, August 13, 2013

    Homemade Elderberry Syrup

    Make Elderberry Syrup. It's Nature's Flu Shot!
    Nature's Flu Shot. Hahaha! I crack myself up.
    My nursing background has shown me that we can protect ourselves from many kinds of respiratory infections by doing a few simple things:
    • Wash your hands
    • Avoid touching your face 
    • Eat a well balanced diet
    • Take a high quality multi-vitamin
    But what nursing school never mentioned was:
    • Drink Elderberry Syrup
    Not only is this shown in research, but even The Walking Dead talked about it as a way to boost the immune systems of the characters while they were all sick! See- it was on TV. It's totally legit. {wink}

    Seriously! It works! Elderberries have been used in other countries with a lot of success,

    But it also has a lot more uses than just helping to boost the immune system. It can also help discomfort, support healthy vision, and promote a healthy cardiovascular system (plus a lot more). 

    Elderberry prevents flu
    You can buy Elderberry Syrup at stores for about $15-30/bottle. A small bottle that will last nearly one month for one person. And since I'm cheap, I decided to make my own!

    Cost Comparison
    For 3 cups you will pay less than $10 compared to 5 oz for $15. That is what I call SAVINGS, thank you very much! 

    If you have an immune system problem like MS or RA, then you will probably want to avoid elderberry because it can make the nervous system go into high gear and make the symptoms you experience worse. Do not take if you are taking IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS (like steroids) or DIURETICS without talking to your primary health care provider! 

    Talk to your doctor before starting Elderberry if you are diabetic as it does have some effect on lowering blood sugar. 

    What You Need:
      Ingredients for Elderberry Syrup
    • 1 c DRIED elderberries (never eat raw elderberries!) I used Elder Berries (Organic)
    • 4 c Water
    • 1 Lemon, juiced
    • 2 Cinnamon sticks
    • 1/4 tsp grated ginger
    • 1/2-1 c of Raw Honey (depending on how sweet you want it)
    1. Over medium-high heat, add the elderberries to a pot of lightly boiling water. Cover and simmer for 1 hour. Be careful not to boil the berries-- only simmer-- as boiling can degrade some of the medicinal properties of the elderberry. 
    2. Strain the berries from the juice. Make sure to smash the berries a bit as you strain the product to make sure you get all the health benefits possible from them! 
    3. Add the juice back to the pot and put over medium heat. Add the lemon juice, cinnamon, and ginger to the pot. You can also add cloves, rose hips, elder flower, dried echinacea or other immune boosting natural supplements as well. Go wild! 
    4. Let the mixture reduce by about 1/3 which should take about 15-20 minutes. Remove from the heat and let seep for at least 20 minutes. 
    5. Strain the contents from the pan and into a glass jar. Add the honey and stir (or shake carefully). 

    Elderberry Syrup DIYYou're all done! Now take 1-2 TBSP/day to boost your immune health through the flu season or you can take 2 TBSP on the onset of a respiratory infection or flu.

    So how does it taste?

    That's always the question on everybody's minds! Honestly, it doesn't taste bad, but I wouldn't want to drink a gallon of this stuff either. It tastes like berry flavored cough syrup or like tolerable juice. Either way, for the benefits, I'll drink 1-2 TBSP of the stuff without complaint. You can always add more honey if you need to make it sweeter.

    Does It Work?
    I know that this has helped me tremendously with my sinus health and I am healthy as a horse!

    Have you tried Elderberry syrup before?

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