Sunday, February 2, 2014

Drinking Dirt: Bentonite Clay Detox

Bentonite Clay #Detox
Since it's February, you might expect that I'm going to post about romance or how to knit a scarf or maybe even something football related, but I'm not doing that. We are going in a totally different direction! I'm going to talk about dirt and poop. Woohoo!!! Excited, right?! It's so much better than love and stuff. Ew.

So, I drink dirt. I just love saying that. People never know if I'm serious or if I'm using my "special" sense of humor on them. I'm definitely serious. But it's a special kind of dirt called Bentonite Clay.

Not only is it a great detox, but it's also helped with IBS symptoms.

Why I Drink Dirt
1) It's Natural
Bentonite Clay is one of the most powerful substances Mother Nature has given us.

Have you ever watched those wildlife documentaries and seen the animals shamelessly eating dirt? They are actually eating clay. They instinctually know that clay will help with digestion and elimination of toxins. It's programmed into their behavior and I bet that at one time in history it was our instinct to eat dirt, too. But I bet that some jerk-face decided that it was "uncivilized" to eat dirt and everyone else was like "Yay! Woo!! Civilized people! No dirt!!" so we stopped.

I bet it happened just like that.

2) Detox
This isn't just any dirt. Bentonite clay that can produce a negative electric charge once it's hydrated which helps to pull heavy metals, toxins and radioactive material out of your body and into your poop which then goes into the toilet thus exiting your holy vessel. It's pretty awesome.

However-- this is super important-- don't let your clay come in contact with metal. The negative ions will absorb the ions from the metal and then a) the clay loses some of it's pull b) you are drinking some metals which will bind to the clay and be excreted, but still-- you are ingesting metal. No thank you.

It's similar to eating Wheaties apparently. Watch this YouTube Video. It's about cereal and a magnet and what happens when they collide! It's slightly disturbing so watch at your own risk (especially if you like Wheaties). Also, it's a good reason to go buy some clay.

If that doesn't freak you out, then you can look at this article which shows you 32 surprising sources of toxic heavy metals.

3) Help certain ailments
Clay has been researched through evidence based studies and definitely seems promising, but it hasn't been researched for all it's potential yet. We are seeing more people with different ailments claiming that bentonite clay has helped their symptoms or even recovery from their illness.

Bentonite Clay could be beneficial with health concerns like the following:
  • Supports digestion
  • Supports healthy skin 
  • Help boost up the immune system
  • Cleanse the liver, colon and skin
  • Help provide some trace minerals that humans can sometimes lack in their diets
  • Improves symptoms of dehydration
  • Aids in the absorption of nutrients
  • Helps support healthy gut flora
  • Supports parasite removal from the gut
  • Help to to correct the imbalances in bacteria of the GI tract
People who should NOT take clay:
  • Iron absorption issues -- you may need blood monitoring.
  • High blood pressure
  • Check with your doctor if you are taking prescription medications to make sure it will not interfere with their absorption. ALWAYS take medication and vitamins either 30 minutes before or 2 hours after you ingest clay. 
  • If you have concerns, always check with your doctor. 
Click to read more

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