Wednesday, December 30, 2015

5 Benefits of Vitamin C Shower Filters

Many of you have messaged me about your desire to use more natural methods for your hair. However, my first question is often unexpected: What kind of water are you using?

This is important because water is a fundamentally part of what is natural, but it's often taken for granted. If we are using water full of chemicals, then how much of an impact will it be to change your shampoo to a more natural variety? And will it even work properly with all the chemical build up? 

Always, always fix your water first! So I have to ask-- how safe and effective is your shower water? This is why I recommend getting a Vitamin C Shower Filter, but let me tell you why.

5 benefits of clean, fresh vitamin c water from shower filters for beautiful #skin and #hair without #toxic #chemicals

Click to read more

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