Showing posts with label Natural Remedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Remedy. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2014

Homemade Magnesium Oil for Relaxation

During my studies to get my masters degree in holistic health I learned that almost all people are at least mildly deficient in magnesium! In research studies 70-80% of participants were deficient! Eck!

Sadly, due to modern day farming practices our soils are becoming more and more depleted so even if we eat a healthy diet we often are eating food that are not as nutrient dense as they could be which results in us being deficient as well. “Magnesium is farmed out of the soil much more than calcium,” Dr. Carolyn Dean explains.  ”A hundred years ago, we would get maybe 500 milligrams of magnesium in an ordinary diet. Now we’re lucky to get 200 milligrams. People do need to supplement with magnesium.”

Did you read that?! The modern day diets have LESS THAN HALF the amount of magnesium than it did for our ancestor!!! {mind blown} Isn't that so sad and scary!? 

Learn how to make #DIY magnesium oil to help promote better #sleep and #health
Click to read more