Monday, June 20, 2016

Chamomile gift from nature with amazing health benefits.

Chamomile ( Matricaria chamomilla , Chamomilla recutita ) one of the oldest remedies in folk medicine .

Blooms from May to September. The main active ingredient of chamomile essential oil is azulene, blue oil, which is very sensitive and easily evaporates. Hence products with chamomile and azulene have blue in them.
It is grown on plantations for commercial use and as raw material for cosmetics , food and pharmaceutical industries. Chamomile has a strong calming effect. It is known to soothe the discomfort in digestion, eases cramps and relaxes the nerves.
Chamomile has amazing healing effect on the skin and lining of the mouth and eyes, soothes rashes, sores and inflammation. On a mild form of burns you can use bandage submerged in tea made from this plant. 
Cooled chamomile tea can be used as a mouthwash and to calm eye redness or irritation resulting from conjunctivitis and other forms of eye inflammation. For this purpose, always use freshly prepared tea.
If you use tea daily for mouthwash and throat it can help in healing wounds in the mouth and prevent gum disease.
Beneficial effect against colds if you inhale the vapors obtained by using extracts of chamomile.
Sunburn and skin rashes (such as Eczema) can be calmed with chamomile cream.
Chamomile is one of the most important herbs for skin and hair. Everyone who uses chamomile tea to wash their face or body on the second day they will notice the beneficial effect on the skin, so the skin is brighter, softer, gentler. Chamomile hair rinse leads to soft and shiny hair.
Chamomile causes relaxation and stress reduction. Relaxing effect on smooth muscles of the digestive tract, making it easier to interference with digestion, helps with bowel disease, diverticulosis disorders and other ailments. The effect of chamomile on muscle relaxation can ease menstrual cramps.
Regardless of the fact that this is a mild tea, moderation is important. You should also know that some people are allergic to chamomile. If you’re having rash, heartburn, flushing or tingling stop using it.
Chamomile oil can be made in a very simple way. In a jar or bottle pour fresh chamomile flowers almost to the top, pour the virgin olive oil and close it and keep it on the sun 2 to 3 weeks, then strain into a clean container.
In bath, add 4-5 drops of chamomile oil, or several cups of chamomile tea. Stay in it for at least half an hour. This bath besides relaxing, can provide relief from sunburn and itching and dry skin. The bath can be me just from a few handful of flowers of chamomile that are inserted directly into the hot water.
Tea for everything
Prepared by two teaspoons of dried flowers putted in a cup of hot (not boiling) water. Allow to stand for five minutes, then strain. Drink up to three cups a day, or a cup before bed to relax and sleep. If you want tea applied to the skin or eyes, keep it well chilled, pour it into a sterile container and keep it covered until use.
Tea can be used to rinse the oral cavity and pharynx in case of inflammation. In the treatment of skin diseases, improves the healing of wounds, inflammation and irritation.
It is often used for gynecological rinsing. It is useful for inhalation respiratory colds, allergic rhinitis.

Relieves pain.Chamomile and milk are recommended as a remedy for painful menstruation, in the form of liners they are prepared by one tablespoon of chamomile flowers spilling over with 2 dl of hot milk. After a few minutes strain, while still warm, wet the gauze or other suitable cloth and keep the cloth across the stomach.
Tincture against hemorrhoids
Chamomile tincture is a solution of flower heads in alcohol, and is made in the following manner: 10 grams of dried chamomile flowers placed in a dark bottle and cover them with 100 grams of 70-percentage alcohol and leave them to stay for 4 weeks with occasional shaking.
Then strained through a cloth into another dark bottle. This tincture is used in minor injuries of the skin and is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, healthy hands, and a healthy mouth.
Hot water with chamomile tincture is a remedy for hand’s which reduces cracks in hands and around nails. It is very effective for preventing inflammation in the mouth, throat and lips. It is used in such a way as to put the tincture in a little warm water solution and rinse the oral cavity.

Why Magnesium is The Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Known to Man

Magnesium is one of the secret weapons against illness. Moreover, according to a study published in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, a deficiency in this efficient nutrient makes you twice as likely to die as other people.
The magnesium deficiency also leads to a long list of symptoms and diseases, which can be prevented and often cured by adding this nutrient.

However, although we are aware of most of its benefits and our need to have it in abundance in our bodies, still even half of us are deficient in this nutrient and unaware of it. This article will tell you why or how important it is to our general health or why it helps our bodies function better.
Namely, magnesium can be used in numerous cases of health disorders. It is mostly ignored because it is not a drug, even though it is more powerful than drugs in many cases.
 That’s why it is often used for life-threatening and emergency situations like seizures and heart failure. In addition, it is used Iin cases of pregnant women who come in with pre-term labor, or high blood pressure of pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) or seizures, so they are given continuous high doses of intravenous magnesium.
Moreover, if someone is dying of a life-threatening arrhythmia (or irregular heart beat), he is given intravenous magnesium. In cases of constipation or when the patient is getting prepared for colonoscopy, they are prescribed milk of magnesia or a green bottle of liquid magnesium citrate, which empties their bowels.
However, the numerous benefits of magnesium should be felt by regular consumption of this favorable mineral. You can start taking regular magnesium supplementation today and see the results.
The Relaxation Mineral
Magnesium is an antidote to stress, it is the most powerful relaxation mineral available. It is actually responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions and is found in tissues, but mainly in your bones, muscles, and brain. You must have it for your cells to make energy, for many different chemical pumps to work, to stabilize membranes, and to help muscles relax.
If we regard it as the relaxation mineral, we can easily understand that the deficency of magnesium is indicated in any case of tight, irritable, crampy, and stiff body part or even a mood. In fact, the list of conditions that are found related to magnesium deficiency is so long. To speak in numbers, there are over 3,500 medical references on magnesium deficiency!
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
You may not even be aware of the seriousness of this issue, but magnesium deficiency is a huge problem in modern living. By conservative standards of measurement (blood, or serum, magnesium levels), 65 percent of people admitted to the intensive care unit, and about 15 percent of the general population, have magnesium deficiency.
However, note that a serum magnesium level is the least sensitive way to detect a drop in your total body magnesium level. So rates of magnesium deficiency could be even higher!
If you have any or more of the following symtoms, your body probably lacks magnesium:
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Reflux
  • High blood pressure
  • PMS
  • Autism
  • ADD
  • Palpitations
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Osteoporosis
  • Angina
  • Constipation
  • Anal spasms
  • Irritability
  • Sensitivity to loud noises
  • Obesity
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Irritable bladder
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Muscle cramps or twitches
  • Insomnia
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Kidney stones
  • inflammation in the body
  • higher CRP levels
The biggest reason for the high numbers of people lacking magnesium is simple:  their diet, which contains practically no magnesium. Most often, our diet consists of highly-processed, refined foods, and most ofet, white flour, meat, and dairy (all of which have no magnesium).
Moreover, we even decrease the levels of magnesium by our harmful everyday habits. Namely, magnesium levels are decreased by excess alcohol, salt, coffee, phosphoric acid in colas, profuse sweating, prolonged or intense stress, chronic diarrhea, excessive menstruation, diuretics (water pills), antibiotics and other drugs, and some intestinal parasites.
We must consider the fact that magnesium is often poorly absorbed and easily lost from our bodies. To properly absorb magnesium we need a lot of it in our diet, plus enough vitamin B6, vitamin D, and selenium.
Eat Foods High in Magnesium
As often as possible, you should consume the following: walnuts, rye, tofu, soy beans, brown rice, figs, dates, collard greens, shrimp, parsley, beans, barley, dandelion greens, garlic, wheat germ, almonds, cashews, buckwheat, brazil nuts,kelp, wheat bran, dulse, filberts, millet, pecans, avocado.

Read the Full Article Here: Why Magnesium is the Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Known to Man

Sources: -- Original Article Source
Featured image source: Wiki How
This is a vegan kung pao tofu recipe developed based on kung pao chicken. - See more at:
This is a vegan kung pao tofu recipe developed based on kung pao chicken. - See more at:

Dry Apricot Makes Miracles For Your Health – It Is Good For Bones, Heart, Nerves, Blood

Dried apricots are very tasty, useful and beneficial food. They are produced by a special drying process through which water from the fruit evaporates without damaging or reducing the nutritional value of the dried fruit.

Dried apricots are consisted of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, iron and vitamin C, and magnesium which dominates the apricot, reduces stress and regulates digestion. Vitamin B, on the other hand, strengthens the nerves. Amount of a cup of dried apricots contains 158 micrograms of vitamin A and also contain many nutrients that are very beneficial for overall health.
This fruit is great for people who have high cholesterol. When eating dried apricots make sure to chew them well because thus encourage the digestion process.
They protect the heart and improve blood. Dried apricots contain large amounts of potassium, a mineral that is important for normal functioning of all the bones. Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron, which is important for anemic people.
Dried apricots against cancer -- recipe
Ingredients needed:
-- 200 grams of dried apricots
-- 100 grams of prunes
-- 100 grams of walnuts
-- 2 teaspoons of honey
Method of preparation:
Dried apricots, prunes and nuts should be ground, and then you should add the honey and stir everything well. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl and store the bowl in the refrigerator.
Way of consuming:
You should consume one teaspoon of the remedy before breakfast and another one before bedtime.
Caution: Do not overdo their consumption because it can cause diarrhea. Also, it should not be given to children less than one year. Also, the remedy might cause allergy in adults.

Other included sources: 

Get Rid Of Your Nose Blackheads In 3 Steps (Recipe And Video)

If you have problems with blackheads on the nose and you want to get rid of them faster we present you one true fast solution.
 Many people have problems with blackheads and try many ways to get rid of them. This is the easiest and cheapest way. With only three steps you will get rid of them. Here is how:
Boil water and put your washed face over the steam that comes from the water for 10 minutes. Do not forget that for this method it is necessary the cover with towel so that the steam can easily be directed towards your face. What follows is cleaning the region of your nose with piling made by 1 teaspoon of soda and water. Massage your nose with this mixture for 3-5 minutes and wash it with water after. In the end you will need stirred albumen of egg that should be applied in the region of your nose and the applied part should be covered with strips of toilet paper and be left like that until it dries well. After dispensing the track your skin will be soft and without blackheads.

Look at the following video:

Video by:
Youtube Channel: iamvanessae

Other included source:

This Exercise Is More Powerful Than 1,000 Sit-Ups: Spare 60 Seconds A Day And In Only A Month You Will Have A Flat Stomach!

You want to have a flat and hard stomach, but you can’t do those sit-ups. But you no longer have to do your sit-ups. Fitness experts have successfully discovered a way that is equivalent to a thousand sit-ups. Yes, it’s true! Equal to a 1,000 sit-ups.
It doesn’t involve lots of movement. In fact, it is a static exercise and your body weight rests on your hands and toes. You will be keeping your body straight like the board.

You will not be moving your body even an inch, and still it will help you achieve flat and strong stomach without the need for stress your back. It involves putting the abdominal muscles to use for supporting your spine.
Just do this exercise several times per week for just 10 minutes per day. It will give you the same results (or even better) compared to doing a thousand sit-ups.
There are 5 things that you should keep in mind when doing this exercise. Also make sure that you start in the right position:
  1. Put your palms on the floor, keeping them pressed. Stretch the shoulders to ensure they are as far away from each other. Make sure your neck is kept elongated. The palms should be kept firmly against the floor but the hands must feel comfortable and shouldn’t be like they are going to loosen up.
  2. Majority of the workout will be focused on your abdominal muscles. You will also be feeling your legs to be on ‘fire’. If you don’t feel them, the heels should be set further so that you are on the toes. This will tense the quadriceps. Squeeze the buttocks and this will help in activating your lower body muscles.
  3. Make sure your buttocks are held lower and not kept higher. Keep your body in a straight line. Don’t form a triangle.
  4. You can make it easier to maintain this posture by controlling your breath. The key is to breathe in/out in a rhythmic fashion.
  5. You can keep your body in a straight line by imagining that you are balancing a glass of water on your lower back. You could also imagine that you want to allow a ball to roll from nape to heel so that it doesn’t face any obstruction on your lower back.
How to Do this Weight-Loss Exercise?
  • Keep your hands and knees pressed on the floor, ensuring that your wrists and shoulders are in line. Keep the back straight. Then left your stare in a way that you are looking at 30 inches in front. The nose should face the floor and your head’s back must be parallel to the ceiling.
  • Now extend the right leg down while keeping your fingers bent. Then extend the left leg. So now you will have your full body weight on the hands and toes.
  • Then tighten up the midsection area muscles and remain in the position for 20-60 seconds.
  • Then move your knees down to the floor. You can then sit on the heels while your thumbs keep touching and the knees are separate.
  • Now move your torso to the thighs. At the same time, try to touch the floor with forehead. Now extend your arms to the full in front and then relax.
Do this 3 times. As you repeat this exercise, you will find it becoming increasingly easier. Gradually, you can increase the duration of the exercise to 60 seconds and more.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

This Simple Plant Helps to Clear Damaged Lungs

 While breading in and breading out we don’t really think about this process. We are simply doing it without thinking, but there are people who have damaged lungs, and for them, the breathing can be a serious challenge. Every breath they take means more pain in their lungs.
The lungs are considered as vital organ that is important for keeping us alive. Not only it provides us with air, but it also filtrates the oxygen into the bloodstream. Everybody know that the lungs are very important and the question is, how can we keep them healthy? In case you are a smoker or living in an industrial zone where the air is polluted, it is very possible that your lungs are damaged. There are some cases where the damage cannot be repaired, but in most cases you can cleanse your lungs from toxins or repair the damage that have been done.


Eat your Veggies
You are probably aware of the benefits that are coming if you consume more vegetables. Veggies are including many important and vital nutrients that are needed for better health of our body. There is one vegetable that is showing off some powerful skills in cleansing and repairing damaged lungs. You surely know it and its name is broccoli.
It is very beneficial for the immune system, which makes it very good in cleansing the bad bacteria from the lungs.Many ingredients included in broccoli are able to deal with various ailments of the lungs.
When your lungs are working without a problem, macrophages, which are white blood cells, eliminate the bacteria and waste that has been accumulated in the lungs causing infections.
The NRF2 is the chemical pathway of the lungs that triggers the macrophage. In case this pathway is damaged, sulphoraphane, which is a chemical in the plants like cauliflower and broccoli, is able to restore the path.
Growing Broccoli
If you eat broccoli regularly your lungs will be in good condition. There are many other health benefits that this vegetable provides us with. You can find broccoli in every market. But it is very easy and simple to grow your own broccoli at home. This plant doesn’t require any particular climate zone, it can grow everywhere. Good thing is that, once it starts producing, it will produce over and over for the whole season. You can just trim off a little bit and it will grow again. Beginning with a plant opposed to seed is usually the best way because it will give you the fastest results.

Herbs with Lung Cleansing BenefitsThe broccoli is not the only vegetable that is capable to cleanse and repair your lungs. There are few herbs that you should consume often if you like to have clean and healthy lungs. Here is a list of these plants:
  • Licorice Root
  • Coltsfoot
  • Cannabis
  • Thyme
  • Osha root
  • Eucalyptus
  • Oregano
  • Lobelia inflate
  • Sage
  • Lungwort
  • Mullein
Combine these plants with broccoli in your diet and you will have cleansed and healthy lungs.


Eat This 2-Ingredient Pancake Every Morning And Watch Your Body Fat Disappear

Everyone loves pancakes, in America they are somewhat of a staple food in most households.
While pancakes are great for breakfast the commercial pancake mixes however are loaded with processed sugar, gluten, hydrogenated fats and bleached white flour.
You can avoid commercial pancake mixes by making your own pancakes at home today involving the use of two ingredients.
The ingredients include eggs and bananas.
What Are The Health Benefits Of Eggs?
Eggs are packed full of vitamins and minerals and are highly nutritious.
These nutrients include the following;

  • Folate
  • Selenium
  • Phosphorus
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • Protein
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
The omega-3fatty acids in eggs help with weight loss as well as the reduction of inflammation.
It will also increase the HDL cholesterol which is good cholesterol in the body and can help curb cardiovascular problems.
The common practice for a lot of people is to eat just the egg white of eggs only as they believe that egg yolk can make you gain weight.
However, studies have shown that this is far from the truth as eating eggs has little or no consequence on the body’s cholesterol level.
What Of The Health Benefits Of Bananas?
This fruit is highly nutritious as well as being delicious. It can be included in a number of meals and recipes and this makes it very versatile, it is especially great for giving pancakes a decent shape and form.
Bananas are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. The nutrients in bananas include the following;
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Protein
  • Potassium
  • Net carbs
  • Vitamin C
  • Managanese
  • Vitamin B6
Bananas are rich in dietary fiber and it essentially has two fibers namely; resistant starch and pectin. These fibers make bananas effective in regulating blood sugar levels and also giving the feeling of satiety and curbing those cravings you may have. The potassium in bananas also helps to lower blood pressure as well.
The Egg-Banana Pancake Recipe
  • Ripe banana (mashed) -- 1/2 cup
  • Eggs -- 2
  • Get a bowl and place the eggs and bananas in it and mix very well.
  • Put about 1/4 of the mixture on a pan and then on a stove and heat using medium heat.
  • Flip the pancake once it starts bubbling and cook the other side if it.
  • You should continue to cook this way until you have emptied the bowl of the egg-banana mixture.
  • This recipe should give you between 4 and 5 pancakes.
This pancake recipe will help you lose weight and it is great for your cardiovascular condition.