Showing posts with label Healthy Snack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Snack. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2015

Simple Steps How To Make Delicious Almond Milk At Home

Almonds are the type of nuts which are rich in vitamins and nutrients. The content in almonds is very beneficial for health and beauty. Almond milk is a milk beverages which is extracted from almonds and can generally be used as a substitute for milk. Almond milk can be used as a substitute for milk when you have an allergy to cow's milk. Not least with the benefits of almonds, almond milk itself also provides many health benefits. Among them are, have a high antioxidant, low in fat and calories, helps lower cholesterol, rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, and E), and many more.

If you wanna try to make Almond milk by yourself at home, maybe you wanna try almond milk recipe below.

Almond milk recipe
For those of you who want to experiment to make almond milk, here are some easy steps to make at home.
Ingredients needed:
  • 200 to 250 grams of whole almonds
  • 6 cups water
  • Enough water to soak almonds
  • Salt to taste
  • The vanilla essence or other
  • Honey or dates as a flavor enhancer

How to make:
  1. First, soak almonds for approximately 12 hours. Every 6 hours replace the water with other clean water. If you do not want the skin, peeled until clean.

  2. After almonds deemed clean, put in a blender. Add boiled water that has been provided previously. Puree the almonds in a blender until smooth and no longer coarse textured. Combine the vanilla essence also have been provided previously. If you want to add honey or dates, can be done while almonds blended.

  3. Then do the filtering between the dregs with almond milk that has been processed earlier. It's good filtering is done 2 times to the dregs not be carried on. For the first, you can filter the almond milk using ordinary filter. After that, strain again by using a filter cloth.

  4. Almond milk is ready to be consumed. If you want to store it in the fridge, almond milk can last for 3 to 5 days.

Get the benefits of almond milk nutrition
Value per cup:
Calories: 60 calories
Fiber: 1 gram
Fat: 2.5 grams
Potassium: 180 milligrams
Protein: 2 g
Calcium: 200 milligrams
Carbohydrates: 10 grams
Sugars: 7 g

Almond milk is very appropriate to be used as an alternative to cow's milk. Almond milk has a lower fat content and contains no lactose making it suitable for consumption by people who have cholesterol problems and lactose intolerance. 

Another advantage of almond milk when compared with soy milk is a more savory taste and low calories. Very fitting for people who are undergoing calorie diet. Unfortunately, almond milk can not be a source of protein because of the low protein content. Can not replace the protein content of cow's milk or soy milk. Milk is also not suitable for people who are allergic to nuts. Here are some of the benefits of almond milk.

Here are some of almond milk benefits:

  1. Containing unsaturated fats that correspond consumed by people who have heart problems, as well as those who intend to prevent heart disease.
  2. Flavonoids contained in almond skin, it also serves to combat heart disease.
  3. Almond milk supplies the body with important antioxidants agent that helps protect cell membranes.
  4. Almond milk does not contain cholesterol so well taken by people who have high cholesterol levels.
  5. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  6. Proteins in almond milk helps improve the body's organs and tissues.
  7. Helping someone to avoid problems damage to cells and tissues.
  8. It is a source of healthy carbohydrates.
  9. Encourage good bone health.
  10. Keeping the teeth remain strong.
  11. Rich in magnesium which helps the metabolism and absorption of food nutrients by the body.
  12. Maintain a normal blood pressure levels.

Friday, January 30, 2015

List Of High Protein Snack

Most snacks have high levels of fat, salt or sugar. This kind of snacks do not contain any calories at all. This snack can make you hungry again in an hour or more, because these snacks have no real nutritional value. Even snacks that contain no calories will only make your belly circumference enlarged. The ideal snack will fill up and also makes you have more energy. The way to do that is to choose a snack high in protein, and low-carb. Protein in your snacks to help you fight the craving for a snack.
Protein is an essential nutrient that the body needs to form a network otot.Protein help regulate hormones that function in the digestive process. Protein also plays a role in maintaining the pH balance of acid and alkaline body. Another benefit of protein is, as a reserve of food and energy in the body. Because of the importance of the function of the protein to our body, then we need to meet protein needs every day.

Protein is also useful for those who are dieting or losing weight (along with enough practice) due to the increase in muscle mass also increase your metabolism. In the opinion of experts, each 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of body weight you need 1 gram of protein. That means people with a weight of 180 pounds (81.8 kg) require 82 grams of protein in food intake every day.

1. Almonds: Almonds low in carbohydrates, high in calcium and protein. Beyond that, almonds also contain a lot of natural fiber, that if it can be consumed raw or flavor enhancer ingredients in other foods.

2. Peas: Type legumes such as peas, beans or string beans are high in protein. One cup of beans contains about 12-15 grams of protein.

3. Eggs: 5 boiled egg whites, plus a little salt and pepper, In addition to delicious, also will supply your body with 17 grams of complete protein and only 85 calories.

4. Protein bars: The best choice of protein bars are made from whey (a derivative of cheese or dairy). Every 75 grams of protein bars consisting of 30 grams of protein and only contains 6 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fat.

5. Edamame: One half cup of edamame peeled, offers 12 grams of protein and 150 grams of calories.

6. Low-fat yogurt: Yogurt contains protein and calcium. A cup of nonfat yogurt offers 18 grams of protein and 100 grams of calories.

7. Peanuts and peanut butter: With consume 1 serving (about 28 grams) of peanuts or peanut butter pure, each will supply your body with 7-8 grams of protein and healthy fats. However, you should not consume to excess, because fat and high calories.

8. Soy products: If you are a vegetarian and look for foods rich in protein, the soy product is suitable for consumption. You can choose from a variety of soy products, are available. There are soy milk, tofu, soy yogurt, etc., which can easily be included in the diet.

9. Shrimp: about 85 grams of boiled shrimp gives you nearly 18 grams of protein and only 84 calories.

10. Tuna or salmon: By consuming 70 grams of tuna, you'll get 16 grams of protein and 70 calories. While in approximately 142 grams of salmon gives you almost 35 grams of protein.

11. Cracker: This snack contains 14 grams of protein and 160 grams of calories.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

These Foods Can Be Your Natural Fat Burners

If you are on a mission to lose weight, in addition to doing regular exercise, it is also advisable to use natural fat burner such as foods that works to burn fat. Only few people know the type of food that is able to burn fat if consumed regularly. In the book "fat burning foods", dr. Caroline M. Sherve asserted, some foods can be enjoyed as normal, but can accelerate the burning of fat in the body such as meat, fish, fresh vegetables, and fruit. Foods that can help burn fat which has a protein, can increase the metabolic rate, which burns calories, and create heat in the body so that food with this kind can be the solution for you to lose fat naturally.

Basically all fat is good, because fat is needed to sustain human life. Fat began to be considered hazardous to health, after a study that shows the relationship between mortality from coronary heart disease with the increase of fat and fat levels in the blood. Fat indeed can harm the body if consumed in excess. However, in equal amounts, fat can provide important benefits for the body. This fat burning foods may contain vitamins and minerals that are useful to increase the body's metabolism, thereby increasing fat burning.

Here are foods that can help you to burn fat naturally:

1. Red pepper: If at any time you want something sweet, try to avoid eating cookies and try eating slices of red pepper, because this fruit contains 333% daily requirement of vitamin C for the human body, and nutrition fat burner that can increase levels of the metabolism and reduce inflammation .

2. Spinach: If you are bored with the diet containing the same as broccoli, you can start trying to eat this one ingredient, namely spinach. Spinach is a vegetable is unique because it contains 5 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and vitamin B and C, and the high iron that can help your weight loss efforts.

3. Nuts: Walnuts and almonds are a food that is suitable to eliminate belly fat. Research shows that a healthy diet to about 75 grams of almonds every day, able to cut nearly 17 cm of waist after 24 weeks, while those of non-eating almonds, only reaching 12 cm.

4. Oatmeal: Food that can burn belly fat can be consumed as lunch and dinner, in addition of course to breakfast. Oatmeal will help the thyroid gland to produce hormones that can shed fat in the abdomen.

5. Eggs: Experts reveal that breakfast with eggs can lose weight quickly. This is because vitamin B12 and protein, can improve the work in the body's metabolic system.

6. Non-Fat Greek yogurt: Yogurt is processed foods that are believed to lose weight, but the type of Greek yogurt claimed to be better than others. Greek yogurt is yogurt and cheese mixture through a screening process so thick textured. This yogurt, rich in protein, B vitamins, probiotics, potassium, and magnesium. That is why food is suitable for burning body fat. This Yogurt so delicious because it has a savory flavor and sweet.

7. Spicy foods: Almost all spicy foods can help burn calories faster than other foods. Sambal and various other spicy foods when consumed can help accelerate the burning of fat on your body. Just do not eat too much, because it can cause diarrhea.

8. Cocoa: Cocoa Fruit is also a natural fat burning foods, because they contain fiber, protein, magnesium, and healthy fats that can help the body burn fat. In addition, cocoa can also increase energy and can reduce your desire to consume sweet foods.

9. Fruits: Eating fruits that are rich in fiber, can help the stomach feel full, thus helping you lose weight. Fruits like pomegranates, oranges, apples, pears and so on can be supplied with high fiber foods. These fruits release of certain enzymes that help break down proteins and slows the digestive process. Pears are also good for heart health and lower cholesterol because it contains potassium.