Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

5 DIYs for Back To School

Okay, okay... I know it's July and you're probably thinking "Sherri, why are you talking about back to school in the middle of summer. This is so lame!" Um, yes, it's kinda lame, but I am channeling my inner diva which told me that I should do what I want. {sassy head bob/hand wave}

Seriously, I have been thinking about about this because I'm TRYING to get my degree in aromatherapy, but life is busy! Between works, school, family and responsibilities-- where does the time go!? POOF!!

The theme is back to school, but this blog post is really for everyone because we are all students of life, right? {smirks} Okay! That was kind of lame, but you know what I mean!

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Monday, July 13, 2015

Why You Should Diffuse Essential Oils

I am a self proclaimed Oily Addict. I LOVE to use essential oils in a lot of different ways for a lot of different reasons, but I can admit that it maybe a bit overwhelming. After all, with all of those options-- which oils do you use how and when? I want to help you answer that question!

We are going to start a 3 part series about how to use essential oils to discuss just that!

I wanted to start with diffusion because, well, I am get to decide! I hear a lot of people asking, "Why should I even diffuse essential oils when I could just put them on my body?" and I want to scream THERE ARE SO MANY REASONS!!!!!! AHHH!!!  I love to diffuse my essential oils and I think it's one of the most under appreciated methods so it seems a great place to start!

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Monday, June 29, 2015

How to Make a Sugar or Salt Scrub

One of the easiest DIYs to make are sugar or salt scrubs because they actually take about 60 seconds to create (if you mess up) and they are fabulous for the skin. You can use someone else's recipe or you can very easily make your own custom creation because this recipe is SO EASY. It's almost impossible to screw up so it's a great place to start if you're thinking about making your own custom DIYs.

HOWEVER there are a few things you need to know when creating your custom sugar or salt scrub...

How to make a sugar or salt scrub. It's so easy! #DIYbeauty #YLEO

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Monday, June 22, 2015

Traveling with Essential Oils

Prepare to be jealous! I went on a cruise. But that's not the best part-- it was a Mediterranean cruise! Wait. Wait. That still isn't the best part. Are you ready for it?! I didn't pay for it! I know right?! AMAZE-BALLS!

This cruise was a gift from Young Living Essential Oils for being awesome and rocking the oily lifestyle. I have been fortunate enough to have one of the fastest growing teams in the entire Young Living family and as a reward of taking such good care of them, I was sent to Europe. For FREE.

I love my job.

But we aren't going to talk about ME. We are going to talk about how YOU can travel like an oily rockstar!

Travel with essential oils

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Introducing the NEW Premium Starter Kit from Young Living!!

I have been waiting for this moment since forever! Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic, but I have actually been dreaming about a Premium Starter Kit with these changes for about a year! I am so so so so happy to introduce it to you today!!!

Young Living's new Premium Start Kit with Copaiba, RC and DiGize

Isn't is so pretty?! Not only did the make the swaps I wanted, but they beautified it too!! {sigh} It feels EXPENSIVE, yo! So plush! Yet it's 50% off!!! Yessssss!!!

Let's talk about what they changed!
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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

DIY Face Wash and Makeup Remover

Face wash is important. In fact, it's something that I think a lot about. You may think that it's weird to think about face wash, but it's really actually pretty hip/cool and I'm starting a new trend so you should start thinking about face wash too!  To get you started... here are some fun facts.

DIY face wash and make up remover #yleo

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Monday, March 23, 2015

5 Essential Oil Storage Solutions

I have gotten a lot of emails lately asking about how to store essential oils for travel or just for every day use.  Lucky for you, I'm completely obsessed with essential oil and I have about 10 different storage solutions at my house. Some of them I love, some of them I'm okay with and some of them I would never recommend (don't get the tacky plastic tower one-- I don't know what I was thinking).

Let me show you some of my favorite essential oil storage solutions for every day use, long weekends, travel/storage, and for the home diffuser, too!

Essential oil storage solutions #yleo #essentialoils

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Ultra Moisturizing Spearmint-Citrus Lip Balm

This winter I've had seriously dry lips! I went on vacation and FORGOT my lip balm {gasp} and I was seriously in pain from the winter dry lip curse. Horrible!!!

As soon as I got home I made this DIY lip balm recipe which is ultra moisturizing to help relieve dry lips and create a really soothing, nourishing feeling.

Ultra Moisturizing Spearmint-Citrus Lip Balm
This recipe made 15 tubes of lip balm (with lots of spillage) 
Over a double boiler, melt the coconut oil, shea butter and beewax. Once melted, add the avocado oil, vegetable glycerin, and vitamin E. Remove from heat and add the essential oils. Immediately pour into tins or tubes and let set for up to 12 hours.
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Monday, March 9, 2015

4 Uplifting DIY Ideas to Support a Healthy Mood

Who wants to be sad when they can be happy! No one. Well, except maybe my Aunt (not to be named), but she's a special case. {sigh} You have one of those in your family too, right?

So if you're anyone other than THAT person, you may decide that you would rather try to be happy, but it's not always easy. Sometimes we have events in our lives that are just plain sad or maybe we are just normally sad people, but we can all use a little uplifting to help our mood when we experience those kind of emotions.

DIY uplifting recipes for sprays, diffusing, and roll on perfumes

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

DIY Beauty Basics 101

Over the years I've gotten hundreds (if not thousands) of emails about DIY beauty and almost everyone has the same questions.
  • Where do I even start?
  • How long do I try a product before I switch?
  • Should I keep my store bought products?
  • How do I find my routine?
  • Why does my skin look like this?!
  • What's your beauty routine?
So I'm going to be smart and answer all of those questions now. In one place. YAY for being smart! It just took me three years.... and my friend Natasha telling me to write this.... DETAILS!

You should know that I'm not a doctor or a dermatologist. I'm just a really crunchy girl who happens to really like looking beauuuuutiful. I also may have done a lot of research (and experimentation) with DIY beauty. So let me tell you what I figured out...

Starting out with DIY beauty? Learn what you need to know here about getting started the right way!
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

DIY Bath and Shower Gel for YOUR Skin Type

Ugh. I admit failure. I cannot make a DIY bath and shower wash.

I bet you're confused. You're like "But Sherri-- I just clicked on this link because you lead me to believe that this was a recipe for a DIY bath and shower gel." Well, it is. But, you see, I didn't slave over a hot stove melting items. I totally cheated.

I've made a ton of different DIY recipes for bath and body wash, but NONE of them felt right and I don't want to tell you about something that's meh. That's dumb. You don't read this for meh. You read this for AWESOME. So I'm going to tell you about the most awesome DIY bath and shower gel EVER!

Easy DIY body wash for all skin types

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

4 Love Potions To Support Romance

Once upon a time there was a lucky woman who happened to be blessed by being in a super awesome relationship with a hunky firefighter. The firefighter oozed manly sex appeal, but even with all the eye candy the lucky woman sometimes need a little extra help to get in the mood. That's when she discovered a miraculous "love potion"!


Lucky for you she told me all about these recipes because this couldn't at all be talking about meeeeeee....

DIY love potions to support a healthy libido #sexytime #essentialoils

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Soothing Calendula Body Lotion Bars

CONFESSION: I used to hate my skin. Okay, I think that feeling was mutual because I'm pretty sure it hated me too! All that hate and anger was manifesting as blemishes, redness, and unattractive bumps and dry spots all over my body. I was tried to make it happy by buying $100 creams and $150 spa treatments, but nothing worked! Soooooo frustrating!!!!!

But then something amazing happened: I went all natural (aka chemical free), my skin cleared up and became soooooo happy! Sure, it still acts up every now and then (um, winter skin anyone?) but I've learned that sometimes my sensitive skin just needs to be pampered a bit more than other people's skin especially when it's dry. And that's 100% okay because I like being pampered.

How to make DIY body lotion bars for dry, irritated skin. #DIYbeauty #calendula
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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Rest and Relax with Bedtime Balm

I am the type of person who lays in bed and thinks about her to-do list instead of counting sheep or snuggling up with a good book. Needless to say--- I have had trouble falling asleep.

When I started using essential oils I was naturally drawn to many of the calming scents. I found that when I used them before bed I was actually sleeping soundly and falling asleep quickly for the first time in YEARS!!  {mind blown}

It really is so amazing what just a few drops of essential oil can do! If I don't use them before bed, I can really tell a difference in my quality of sleep. AKA: I wake up 5-10 times a night and that suuuuuuuucks. 

How to make your own #DIY Rest and Relaxation #Bedtime Balm to support #sleep

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Friday, November 28, 2014

How to Easily Remove Adhesive Naturally

This is so stupid easy that it isn't even funny, but everybody loves stupid easy, right? Why would you want to do anything the hard way, especially if it concerns glue? You don't because that's just ridiculous. So welcome to the easiest blog post of the year. Yaaaaaay!

I have always absolutely detested adhesive stickers. The are such a huge pain in the butt! Half the time I can only get half of the sticker off before I regret purchasing the item it is simply because it's nearly impossible to remove all the glue!! But I found the most simple and easy way to remove any sticker, glue, adhesive, or even crayon markings. It's ahhhhhhh-mazing!!!!

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Homemade Orange Spice Solid Perfume

Solid perfume is my favorite way to carry my signature scent when I'm on the go. By carrying a little tin I don't have to worry about leaks or glass breaking in my purse which I loooooove! You can also get super fancy and put some of this perfume in a necklace locket to carry around with you. It's such a cute idea!!!

The best part is that this is super simple to make! Like ridiculously easy. You won't even believe it.

How to make an old fashioned solid perfume

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Homemade Lavender-Rose Hand Cream

I am a self proclaimed germaphobe!! It probably has something to do with my nursing school training. Once, they made us look at our hands under a black light to see what was there. Um, scary! Even after washing most of us still had lots of germs on our hands! So now I wash and wash and wash.... {shakes head} I blame the black light!!!

Now please understand that I am not endorsing that anyone try out compulsive hand washing, but I am saying that most hand soaps can dry out our skin even with regular usage. So for those of us who enjoy a frequent lathering, you can only imagine how dry our hands can get!

How to make luxurious lavender-rose hand cream

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Relaxing Rosemary Lavender Bath Salts with Magnesium

One of the easiest things to make in the DIY world is bath salts. Why? Because you really only need two ingredients: Salt and Essential Oil.

How to make relaxing rosemary and lavender bath salts

Of course, you can add extra amazing things to get awesome results like dried herbs, different kinds of salt, and even a little bit of carrier oil to make things moisturizing. However, I prefer RELAXING bath salts to unwind after a long day so I add something special... magnesium flakes.

If you've ever used magnesium oil you know how amazing it can be! It helps to reduce stressful feelings, promote relaxation, helps the skin and so much more! My mom swears by it's anti-aging properties and calls it her surgery free nip and tuck. It's amazing how it's helped with her sagging skin!
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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Homemade {EASY} Lavender Mini Soap

I love the idea of making my own soap, but I admit that I am a bit scared by the idea of lye and all that goes into it. Soooo... I cheated. :) I hope you appreciate my sneaky ways!

Easy relaxing homemade mini-soaps which only take minutes to make! #DIYbeauty #DIYgifts

I bought pre-made organic goat's milk soap that has a melt than pour base. This make it soooooo easy to make your own soaps because you just, well, melt and pour! It's brilliant, awesome and easy --- that combo makes me so happy!! I have to say that this is one of the absolute easiest DIYs I've ever made!
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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Peppermint Cinnamon Body Butter

Get ready to blow your friends and family away with your mad DIY skills. This recipe smells very much like my Peppermint Chocolate Bark and quite frankly--- you will just want to roll around in this stuff. Or maybe it's just me...

But probably not. :)

#DIY Peppermint Cinnamon body butter is the perfect #DIYgift for #christmas

This mixture is just beautiful-- it's got hints of chocolate, peppermint, cinnamon and almond which all screams the Holidays to me. I'm more than happy with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
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