Showing posts with label Bio Morning Nectar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bio Morning Nectar. Show all posts

Monday, January 5, 2015

Protect and Moisturize Your Lips this Winter - Biotique Lip Balms

The skin on the lips is thinner as compared to the skin on rest of your body and has no oil glands, which makes it prone to dehydration in these cold, chilly winter months. Therefore, it’s really important to keep your lips protected and moisturized throughout this season.

A lip balm comes in handy to keep your lips hydrated anytime of the day. Therefore, Biotique has come up with an easy-to-carry and easy-to-use packaging of your favorite lip balms.

So, choose from our exciting range of lip balms and say Hello to beautiful lips :
  • Bio Aloe Vera lip balm – This nourishing lip balm prevents cracked and chapped lips, while protecting them from sun damage with a SPF 30 UVA/UVB sunscreen. It is rich in aloe vera that helps soothe and hydrate your lips.
  • Bio Almond lip balm – This overnight therapy lip balm has the goodness of almonds to replenish your lips and improve their texture and firmness overnight.
  • Bio Berry lip balm – Get a perfect plump pout with the Bio Berry lip balm which helps restore lips’ fullness while giving them a voluptuous, bee-stung look.
  • Bio White lip balm – This lip balm works well on pigmented lips to even out lip tones and visibly lighten lips for a beautiful smile.
  • Bio Morning Nectar lip balm – Lighten and protect your lips with this anti-aging lip balm which also has a SPF 30 UVA/UVB sunscreen to offer your lips complete protection and make their way to a youthful pout.
  • Bio Peppermint lip balm – Make way for smooth, kissable lips with Bio Peppermint lip balm which helps soften and refreshen lips for supple look.

Apart from protecting your lips with these natural and Ayurvedic lip balms, you should also follow these simple tips to keep your lips moisturized –

  • Drink atleast 7-8 glasses of water daily to keep your body and lips hydrated
  • Don’t bite or lick your lips as it may cause them to dry out and damage their protective barrier
  • Avoid using matte lipsticks too often as they can be extremely drying and can leave your lips extremely chapped

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Prepare your Skin for the Monsoons | Monsoon Skin Care Tips

The intense summer heat is on its verge to give way to breezy weather, cloudy skies, light showers and increased levels of humidity. The upcoming monsoons will be a welcome change from the extreme heat, sunburns and sweaty summer days. But have you prepared your skin to meet the seasonal change and handle the humidity?

Here we have covered some important and easy to follow tips to take care of your skin this summer :

  • Cleanse the Skin - Humidity tends to cause acne on your skin, therefore it becomes essentials to wash your face with a gentle, soap-free cleanser atleast two-three times a day to remove oil, impurities and purify pores. Bio Papaya is an excellent face wash to try this season as it cleans as well as exfoliates your face to dissolve dead skin cells. 

    • Skin Toning - Toning your face becomes all the more important this season to unclog closed pores and revive your skin. We recommend you to use Bio Honey Water toner which also hydrates your skin and gives it a fresh feel.

    • Moisturize and Sunscreen - Just because the weather is cool and sun isn't that bright, doesn't mean that you can skip using a sunscreen. You should stick to your routine of using a moisturizer and sunscreen even in monsoon to protect your skin. We recommend you to use Bio Morning Nectar with SPF 30 which will work both as a moisturizer and a sunscreen.

    • Gentle exfoliation - Higher humidity tends to clog your pores, therefore one must use an exfoliating scrub like Bio Papaya scrub to remove dead skin cells and bring back the glow of the skin.

    • Stay hydrated - Drink adequate water (atleast 7-8 glasses) during monsoon to hydrate yourself and your skin and give a healthy natural glow to your skin.

    • Use waterproof makeup - If you do not wish to be caught up with a running-down mascara or patchy skin on a rainy day, invest in some good waterproof mascaras and foundations that would stay put even on a rainy day.

    Apart from these tips, keep a pack of cleansing wipes handy to wipe off any dirt or sweat caused due to humidity. Also include fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals to get a healthy glow and stay stress-free this season.

    Monday, April 14, 2014

    How to Look Good without Makeup - Natural Skin Care

    The secret to looking good and beautiful without makeup exists and is possible for anyone and everyone.

    Women are generally scared to leave the house without any makeup because they think their face will look terrible without any makeup on. That’s not true. 

    Read these simples tips to make your skin glow and look flawless, NATURALLY. Also, going makeup-free some days and still getting compliments will make you feel more confident about yourself.

    • Believe in your Inner BeautyLet's start with the most basic part - believing in yourself and your inner charm. No matter how much makeup you apply or how well you dress up, if you don't feel confident or if you don't love yourself, no other person would be able to feel the same for you. So, first things first, Start Loving Yourself. 

      If going makeup-free all at once is too much for you, start adapting the change slowly by going for a minimal-makup look ie. just applying a kaajal (like Bio Kaajal) or mascara and a touch of lip balm like Bio Berry plumping lip balm.

      • Follow a Skincare Regime - Most of us neglect the importance of a proper skincare regime to protect our skin from daily damage most of the times. But, the key to looking good naturally is following your skincare regime religiously which should include the basic mantra - Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing. You should cleanse your face twice daily (once you get up in the morning and again before you go to sleep), and also exfoliate your skin regularly to maintain its health.
      Try to use herbal or organic products as they are skin-friendly and do not cause any side effects. We recommend you to use Bio Honey Gelcleanser, Bio Honey Water tonerand Bio Morning Nectar lotion as a part of your skincare regimen. And of course never forget to apply sun screen (Bio Carrot sun protection with SPF 30, which is our favourite).

      • Have a Nutritious Diet - Eating healthy and drinking atleast 7-8 glasses of water daily would make your skin naturally healthy and youthful. You should include as many fruits and vegetable in your diet as possible to balance your diet. 

        Also, try to include green tea in your daily diet as it is rich in antioxidants and helps making your skin fresh and young.

        • Personal Grooming - Often neglected by many, personal grooming is the most important step to look beautiful and confident. Regularly go for those salon sessions to trim your eyebrows, wax unwanted hair and manicure/pedicure.

        • Proper Hair Care - Whether you love keeping your hair open all day long or keep them secured in a bun, you should wash your hair regularly and get them trimmed at regular intervals to get rid of split ends. 

            If you have colored your hair or got them treated chemically, then give extra care to your hair by using the right products and going for a hair spa. You can use Bio Soya Protein shampoo and Bio Watercress conditioner which are specially created to maintain the health of color-treated and damaged hair.

            • Exercise DailyYou don’t need a gym membership, weights or personal trainer to help you lose those excess kilos. Also, no matter what your weight or body type is, it is essential to exercise daily to maintain your health and be physically fit. Walking is one of the easiest exercises to stay fit, and brisk walking for atleast 30 minutes daily can lift your mood while keeping you healthy and improving the quality of your life.

            • Pamper YourselfPamper yourself every now and then by indulging in shopping, eating your favorite cuisine at a restaurant or simply taking a day off from work and relaxing at home with your favorite music and book. This would surely pump you up, and keep those stress lines far away. A happy and relaxed you will surly glow from the inside out.

              What else do you think is necessary to look pretty without makeup? 

              Tuesday, April 8, 2014

              Easy to follow tips to keep your Skin healthy this Summer

              As you prepare to beat the summer heat and have a blast being outdoors, don't forget to prepare your skin and body to face the harsh weather.

              Here are some simple easy-to-follow tips for a healthy, glowing skin this summer :

              • Keep yourself hydrated - Summers mean scorching sun and that would lead to internal dehydration. So make sure you always keep a bottle of water with you to keep yourself hydrated at all time. Intake of atleast 7-8 glasses of water daily would not only help maintain critical moisture balance of your body and skin but also assist in detoxification.

                • Exfoliate gently - Exfoliation becomes a necessary step to follow in summers to make way for a clearer, smoother skin. A gentle exfoliating product like Bio Papaya tan-removal scrub would help remove dead skin cells and remove tan from your sun-exposed skin. Ideally, you should exfoliate your skin in the mornings before the application of toner, moisturizer, SPF and make-up.

                • Soothe your skin - After continuous sun exposure in summer, it becomes really important to soothe and refreshen your skin with cooling gels or balms to help prevent peeling or redness. We recommend you to use Bio Almond oil cleanser which would help wash away any makeup or impurities, and leave your skin feeling fresh. You can also make Bio Cucumber toner a part of your daily skincare regime, which is an effective cooling toner suitable for normal to oily skin.

                • Eat nutritious food - In summers, your body is not able to digest all the heavy foods, fast food and fried dishes, therefore you should eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables to keep yourself healthy. Fruits like watermelons, berries, and vegetables like cucumber, other leafy green vegetables contain essential nutrients that will keep you hydrated during hot summer days. 

                • Wash your Makeup Brushes Every Week - During summers, your skin becomes oilier and produces bacteria which may get caught up in the thin bristles of your makeup brushes. Using such brushes may clog your pores leading to breakouts or acne. Therefore, you should wash your makeup brushes every week and dry them in a glass in the sun to kill the bacteria.

                These simple tips would make you glow all day long and stay healthy all summer.

                Wednesday, March 12, 2014

                Protect your Skin this Holi - Holi Skin Care Guide

                Holi is just a few days away! And you all must gear up to have a big bash this year.

                Holi is the most enjoyable of all festivals however we all realize that Holi colors can damage the skin and hair. We got you covered this Holi with our Pre-Holi and Post-Holi skin care tips -

                Pre - Holi skin care : 

                • Moisturize well - The most important part of your pre-Holi skin care would be building a layer of moisturizer/lotion on your face which is the most delicate area. Use a generous amount of moisturizing lotion having sunscreen like Bio Carrot which has an SPF 40 over your face (including area behind ears and earlobes) to protect yourself from the harmful colours as well as the sunrays.
                • Protect your Hands & Legs - Build a layer of body oil or lotion all over your hands and legs to make sure your skin is protected from the harmful chemicals. Also this would help getting off the colour during the shower later. We recommend you to apply Bio Carrot Seed Oil which is light and not greasy, yet will give you the right amount of protection and if you prefer a lotion we recommend Bio Winter Cherry to nourish your skin and prepare it for the Holi party.
                • Oil your Hair - Your hair would be the first part of your body that would get affected by the harmful chemicals in Holi colours. So make sure you oil your hair really well, atleast 20-25 minutes before you start with Bio Flame of the Forest oil, which will prevent your hair from any damage. 

                • Paint your Nails - If you enjoy painting your nails, then Holi is the day when you should definitely not miss painting them with your favorite nail polish. A nail polish would not only build a protective layer on the nails but would also get you in a festive mood.
                • Lips and Eyes - Protect your lips by applying lip balm generously. We recommend you to use Bio Morning Nectar or Bio Aloe Vera lip balm which also has SPF 30 and therefore would protect your lips from harmful sunrays as well. For eyes, completely avoid wearing contact lenses as they may cause irritation if got in touch with Holi colours. 
                • Clothing - Now, when you have prepared your skin to face the Holi colours, make sure you clothe yourself with full-sleeved and full length bottoms, to reduce the chances of damaging your skin from the colours.
                Post - Holi care :
                Had a crazy Holi celebration? Well before you hit the bed to take a nap you must clean up the colour from your face, body and hair. The more delay there is in cleaning the colour, the tougher it will be to get rid of it.
                • Cleanse well : Firstly, dust off the all the dry colour from your face and body. Remove all them makeup that you might have applied with a makeup remover like Bio Almond Oil. Then cleanse your face very gently with a mild cleanser. We recommend you to use Bio Honey Gel with lukewarm water to wash off the colour.  
                • If there's still any colour left, you can scrub off the rest using Bio Walnut purifying & polishing scrub. Avoid scrubbing excessively as it will damage your skin and may cause irritation. 
                • Wash your Hair : Next, wash your hair using a damage control shampoo like Bio Soya Protein followed by conditioning hair with Bio Watercress nourishing conditioner. Repeat the process for another couple of days until the colour goes off completely. 
                • Cleanse your body with a revitalizing body wash like Bio Apricot which has a 100% soap free formulation that would help removing any pollutants without dehydrating your body. 
                • Moisturize - Apply a thick body butter like Bio Coco Butter for the next few days to nourish your skin well. Once the colour is completely off your body, you can start using your usual body lotion.
                • Nurture your Nails – Take out the nail paint using a nail paint remover and follow it up by giving a gentle massage to your hands. 
                The colour might take a couple of days to completely go off your skin, so keep patience and follow the post-Holi tips regularly until all the colour is gone, without excessively cleansing/scrubbing your body.

                Have a safe and wonderful Holi!