Showing posts with label Bio Flame of the Forest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bio Flame of the Forest. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How To Get Fabulous Hair This Autumn Winter

In the last post, we covered some amazing tips about how to keep your skin soft and smooth this Fall and here we are with some useful tips to prepare your tresses to face the cold weather :

  • Cleanse Your Hair - Exposure to extreme heat and pollution would have left your hair feeling dry and frizzy over the summer months. Autumn is the perfect time to replenish the lost health of your hair and make way for shiny and smooth hair. 

Cleanse your hair 2-3 times a week with Bio Soya Protein shampoo that nourishes your hair and promotes a healthy shine. Follow it up with Bio Watercress conditioner to give maximum protection to your dry or damaged hair.

  • Regular Oiling - Sweating or perspiration might have made you miss an important part of any haircare regime ie. Oiling during the hotter months. But Fall is the time when you should oil your hair regularly to control the frizz and protect the damaged hair cuticles. 
We recommend you to use Bio Flame of the Forest oil which fortifies follicles against damage, adds shine and lustre to hair, and maintains its health. A regular massage with this oil will stimulate blood circulation to the scalp and relieve you of stress.

  • Deep Conditioning - While this step is not exclusive to just one season, but deep conditioning your hair is also a step which you shouldn't skip once summer is gone. To restore the lost moisture of your hair, try a deep conditioning treatment like Bio Musk Root hair pack which thoroughly clarifies hair, makes hair soft and rejuvenates the scalp. 

For best results, you can mix 2 – 3 spoonful of this pack with one egg or half bowl curd to make a paste according to your hair length & your requirement. When used regularly, Bio Musk Root hair pack will help strengthen your hair strands and promote fresh hair growth.

  • Get Rid of Split Ends - Those damaged hair tips with split ends make for a very ugly sight for your otherwise pretty hair. Sun exposure, pollution and dust can often lead to split ends. Therefore, you should get your hair trimmed regularly to chop off the split ends and keep the hair tips healthy. 
Also, do not shampoo your hair excessively unless you have very oily hair. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week to prevent drying out of hair.

  • Cover Up Your Hair - If you are heading out in the cold weather, make it a habit to carry a scarf along to cover your hair and protect them from extreme temperatures. You can choose from a wide range of hair accessories to cover your hair which would also make for a stylish option to style your hair this season.
Follow the above given hair care tips to protect your mane this season, and also don't forget to have a balanced diet, hydrate yourself and stock up on the necessary haircare products for your early autumn hair defense.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Oil Your Way To Healthy Hair | Oiling Hair Benefits

Beautiful and healthy hair is desired by each one of us. And the one haircare mantra that has been passed on to us by our mothers and grandmothers is Oiling of hair regularly. Oiling of hair is not only recommended for treatment of damaged and lifeless hair, but also a good massage helps in stress relief and stimulates blood circulation to scalp.

In this post we are covering some amazing benefits of oiling your tresses regularly to maintain long and healthy hair :

  • Increases Blood Circulation - Oiling your hair followed by a massage with kneading pressure opens up the blood vessels and helps increase the flow and boost blood circulation. This helps prevent your hair from premature hair loss and other hair problems.

    • Conditions Hair - Busy work schedule, bad eating habits, exposure to sunrays, pollution and other factors can take a toll on the health of your hair. Regular oiling helps fight such hair damage with its deep conditioning action. 
    The best way to condition your hair is to heat oil to a certain temperature, apply it with a gentle motion and leave it on for an hour followed by shampooing with Bio Kelp shampoo

    • Prevents Dryness - If you have extremely dry or frizzy hair, oiling with Bio Flame of The Forest oil would help lock in the moisture and nourish the tresses. Oiling would help also help protect hair which has become dry due to coloring, styling or heat treatments.  

    • Encourages Hair Growth - Oiling hair on a regular basis through an effective massage helps promote hair growth. Massaging your scalp in a gentle movement would make the oil penetrate deep within the roots and enhances scalp circulation. 
    We recommend you to use Bio Bhringraj oil which has an intensive formulation that nourishes the scalp and strengthen the hair strands to prevent hair loss. You can leave on the Bio Bhringraj oil for 2-3 hours or leave it overnight for effective results.

    • Promotes Shine and Smoothness - If your hair lacks the lustre and shine you desire then you should oil your hair atleast twice a week to give your hair a natural shine. Also, you can use your hair oil as a leave-in conditioner by applying just 2-3 drops of oil to the entire length of hair.
    Make sure you use hair oil judiciously and wash it off after every application with a shampoo and a conditioner for effective results.

    Friday, April 18, 2014

    Summer Haircare - How to get Beautiful Hair this summer

    We tend to give extra protection only to our skin in the summers, however our hair need the extra care too.
    Going outdoors in sun, dust or pollution has harmful effects on your hair, making them dull and luster-less. Ultravoilet rays of the sun can cook the hair shaft, causing severe damage to the health and texture of your hair.

    We have summed up some simple tips for you all to protect your scalp and tresses from sun and dust this summer :
    • Wash your Hair 2-3 times a week - If you are used to washing your hair at longer intervals in winters, it's time to change this habit and wash your hair atleast 2-3 times a week to make your hair and scalp healthier. Summers would mean scorching sun that would lead to sweating and greasy hair which need to be cleansed timely. If you are looking for a daily care shampoo, we recommend you to use Bio Green Apple shampoo & conditioner which has a mild formulation perfect for your hair in this hot weather.
    • Trim your Hair - While we all love our long hair and hate to get a cut very often, it's really important to trim your hair timely to get rid off split-ends and maintain their health. Also, it will refresh your style for the new season.
    • Avoid heating tools - Your hair would be getting a lot of sun exposure as it is which could lead to damage and drying of your scalp and hair strands. Therefore, you do not want them to go through further stress by using hair tools like straightener, dryer etc. too often. If still you need to style your hair, it would be best to try natural methods, like - washing your hair at night and piling it up in a braid before you go to bed. You will wake up having beautiful beach-wavy hair that you can style with cute accessories.
    • Moisturize and condition - Dealing with summer's heat and grime would also require giving extra care to your hair to replenish moisture to the sun-damaged hair. You should use a nourishing hair serum like Bio Almond & Cashew which will rejuvenate your scalp and add strength to your hair. We also recommend you to oil your hair atleast once a week using Bio Flame of the Forest oil to smooth and repair locks.
    • Hydrate yourself - Drinking atleast 7-8 glasses of water daily is a rule you should live-by in all seasons to promote hair growth, have a beautiful complexion and healthy body. Always carry a water bottle whenever you go out to keep yourself hydrated.
    • Use Organic products – In summers it would be best to avoid strong hair products and try products made from natural ingredients. Even when styling the hair we recommend you to use organic products like Bio Wave gel which is made from seaweed, musk root and centella extracts that help accentuate your hair style naturally. 
    • Sun protection - Summers are the time to refresh your wardrobe and add some stylish hats or scarves that will not only protect your hair from the harmful sun rays but would also give you a unique style.
    Following these simple tips and some extra protection this summer would make sure your hair remain shiny and healthy this season.

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Protect your Skin this Holi - Holi Skin Care Guide

    Holi is just a few days away! And you all must gear up to have a big bash this year.

    Holi is the most enjoyable of all festivals however we all realize that Holi colors can damage the skin and hair. We got you covered this Holi with our Pre-Holi and Post-Holi skin care tips -

    Pre - Holi skin care : 

    • Moisturize well - The most important part of your pre-Holi skin care would be building a layer of moisturizer/lotion on your face which is the most delicate area. Use a generous amount of moisturizing lotion having sunscreen like Bio Carrot which has an SPF 40 over your face (including area behind ears and earlobes) to protect yourself from the harmful colours as well as the sunrays.
    • Protect your Hands & Legs - Build a layer of body oil or lotion all over your hands and legs to make sure your skin is protected from the harmful chemicals. Also this would help getting off the colour during the shower later. We recommend you to apply Bio Carrot Seed Oil which is light and not greasy, yet will give you the right amount of protection and if you prefer a lotion we recommend Bio Winter Cherry to nourish your skin and prepare it for the Holi party.
    • Oil your Hair - Your hair would be the first part of your body that would get affected by the harmful chemicals in Holi colours. So make sure you oil your hair really well, atleast 20-25 minutes before you start with Bio Flame of the Forest oil, which will prevent your hair from any damage. 

    • Paint your Nails - If you enjoy painting your nails, then Holi is the day when you should definitely not miss painting them with your favorite nail polish. A nail polish would not only build a protective layer on the nails but would also get you in a festive mood.
    • Lips and Eyes - Protect your lips by applying lip balm generously. We recommend you to use Bio Morning Nectar or Bio Aloe Vera lip balm which also has SPF 30 and therefore would protect your lips from harmful sunrays as well. For eyes, completely avoid wearing contact lenses as they may cause irritation if got in touch with Holi colours. 
    • Clothing - Now, when you have prepared your skin to face the Holi colours, make sure you clothe yourself with full-sleeved and full length bottoms, to reduce the chances of damaging your skin from the colours.
    Post - Holi care :
    Had a crazy Holi celebration? Well before you hit the bed to take a nap you must clean up the colour from your face, body and hair. The more delay there is in cleaning the colour, the tougher it will be to get rid of it.
    • Cleanse well : Firstly, dust off the all the dry colour from your face and body. Remove all them makeup that you might have applied with a makeup remover like Bio Almond Oil. Then cleanse your face very gently with a mild cleanser. We recommend you to use Bio Honey Gel with lukewarm water to wash off the colour.  
    • If there's still any colour left, you can scrub off the rest using Bio Walnut purifying & polishing scrub. Avoid scrubbing excessively as it will damage your skin and may cause irritation. 
    • Wash your Hair : Next, wash your hair using a damage control shampoo like Bio Soya Protein followed by conditioning hair with Bio Watercress nourishing conditioner. Repeat the process for another couple of days until the colour goes off completely. 
    • Cleanse your body with a revitalizing body wash like Bio Apricot which has a 100% soap free formulation that would help removing any pollutants without dehydrating your body. 
    • Moisturize - Apply a thick body butter like Bio Coco Butter for the next few days to nourish your skin well. Once the colour is completely off your body, you can start using your usual body lotion.
    • Nurture your Nails – Take out the nail paint using a nail paint remover and follow it up by giving a gentle massage to your hands. 
    The colour might take a couple of days to completely go off your skin, so keep patience and follow the post-Holi tips regularly until all the colour is gone, without excessively cleansing/scrubbing your body.

    Have a safe and wonderful Holi!