Showing posts with label natural skincare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural skincare. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Biotique Baby Care Collection - For Your Baby's Complete Skin Care

Your baby's skin very delicate and demands special care and attention. Biotique understands that your baby deserves only the best and therefore our carefully designed Baby Care Collection using Biotique's proven Ayurvedic recipes would be the best gift for your baby.

Biotique's Baby Care Collection comprises of 6 essential products for your baby's complete skin care.

The collection features the following products -

  • Bio Green Apple Tearproof Shampoo - Washing your baby's hair has to be dealt really carefully as a shampoo may get into his eyes. But with Bio Green Apple 100% soap-free tearproof shampoo, you need not worry as it cleanses your baby's delicate hair and scalp gently without causing any dryness or irritating baby's delicate eyes.

  • Bio Almond Soft Massage Oil - In the growing years, massaging your baby's skin is really important to keep it soft and smooth. Bio Almond oil has the goodness of almonds, margosa and coconut oils with other natural ingredients that help nurture your baby's soft skin. 

  • Bio Honey Cream Body Wash - Your baby needs a gentle body bath and Bio Honey Cream 100% soap free gel is a perfect pick to cleanse and nourish baby's sensitive skin. The body wash is a rich and natural blend of pure honey, aloe vera, manjishtha, nutgalls carrot and  sandalwood that helps protect your baby's skin.

  • Bio Morning Nectar Moisture Lotion - Your baby's skin is prone to dryness very often and it needs to be moisturized well throughout the day. Bio Morning Nectar baby lotion acts as a blanked on your little one's delicate skin and safeguards it from dryness and irritation all day long, making him feel pampered and fresh.

  • Bio Milk Nurturing Moisture Cream -  A baby's skin should be moisturized as often as possible as it tends to dry out too soon. Bio Milk is a nurturing cream which is blended with pure extracts of milk protein, wheat germ, almond oil, honey and seaweed that will keep your baby's skin velvety-soft and fresh. 

  • Bio Basil & Red Sandalwood Caress Body Powder - Most babies get rashes caused by nappies or tight clothing. Bio Basil and Red Sandalwood body powder keeps your baby's body dry and free from nappy rashes, while keeping it cool and soft whole day long.

The Baby Care Collection kit is now also available on our website 

Monday, April 14, 2014

How to Look Good without Makeup - Natural Skin Care

The secret to looking good and beautiful without makeup exists and is possible for anyone and everyone.

Women are generally scared to leave the house without any makeup because they think their face will look terrible without any makeup on. That’s not true. 

Read these simples tips to make your skin glow and look flawless, NATURALLY. Also, going makeup-free some days and still getting compliments will make you feel more confident about yourself.

  • Believe in your Inner BeautyLet's start with the most basic part - believing in yourself and your inner charm. No matter how much makeup you apply or how well you dress up, if you don't feel confident or if you don't love yourself, no other person would be able to feel the same for you. So, first things first, Start Loving Yourself. 

    If going makeup-free all at once is too much for you, start adapting the change slowly by going for a minimal-makup look ie. just applying a kaajal (like Bio Kaajal) or mascara and a touch of lip balm like Bio Berry plumping lip balm.

    • Follow a Skincare Regime - Most of us neglect the importance of a proper skincare regime to protect our skin from daily damage most of the times. But, the key to looking good naturally is following your skincare regime religiously which should include the basic mantra - Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing. You should cleanse your face twice daily (once you get up in the morning and again before you go to sleep), and also exfoliate your skin regularly to maintain its health.
    Try to use herbal or organic products as they are skin-friendly and do not cause any side effects. We recommend you to use Bio Honey Gelcleanser, Bio Honey Water tonerand Bio Morning Nectar lotion as a part of your skincare regimen. And of course never forget to apply sun screen (Bio Carrot sun protection with SPF 30, which is our favourite).

    • Have a Nutritious Diet - Eating healthy and drinking atleast 7-8 glasses of water daily would make your skin naturally healthy and youthful. You should include as many fruits and vegetable in your diet as possible to balance your diet. 

      Also, try to include green tea in your daily diet as it is rich in antioxidants and helps making your skin fresh and young.

      • Personal Grooming - Often neglected by many, personal grooming is the most important step to look beautiful and confident. Regularly go for those salon sessions to trim your eyebrows, wax unwanted hair and manicure/pedicure.

      • Proper Hair Care - Whether you love keeping your hair open all day long or keep them secured in a bun, you should wash your hair regularly and get them trimmed at regular intervals to get rid of split ends. 

          If you have colored your hair or got them treated chemically, then give extra care to your hair by using the right products and going for a hair spa. You can use Bio Soya Protein shampoo and Bio Watercress conditioner which are specially created to maintain the health of color-treated and damaged hair.

          • Exercise DailyYou don’t need a gym membership, weights or personal trainer to help you lose those excess kilos. Also, no matter what your weight or body type is, it is essential to exercise daily to maintain your health and be physically fit. Walking is one of the easiest exercises to stay fit, and brisk walking for atleast 30 minutes daily can lift your mood while keeping you healthy and improving the quality of your life.

          • Pamper YourselfPamper yourself every now and then by indulging in shopping, eating your favorite cuisine at a restaurant or simply taking a day off from work and relaxing at home with your favorite music and book. This would surely pump you up, and keep those stress lines far away. A happy and relaxed you will surly glow from the inside out.

            What else do you think is necessary to look pretty without makeup? 

            Tuesday, April 8, 2014

            Easy to follow tips to keep your Skin healthy this Summer

            As you prepare to beat the summer heat and have a blast being outdoors, don't forget to prepare your skin and body to face the harsh weather.

            Here are some simple easy-to-follow tips for a healthy, glowing skin this summer :

            • Keep yourself hydrated - Summers mean scorching sun and that would lead to internal dehydration. So make sure you always keep a bottle of water with you to keep yourself hydrated at all time. Intake of atleast 7-8 glasses of water daily would not only help maintain critical moisture balance of your body and skin but also assist in detoxification.

              • Exfoliate gently - Exfoliation becomes a necessary step to follow in summers to make way for a clearer, smoother skin. A gentle exfoliating product like Bio Papaya tan-removal scrub would help remove dead skin cells and remove tan from your sun-exposed skin. Ideally, you should exfoliate your skin in the mornings before the application of toner, moisturizer, SPF and make-up.

              • Soothe your skin - After continuous sun exposure in summer, it becomes really important to soothe and refreshen your skin with cooling gels or balms to help prevent peeling or redness. We recommend you to use Bio Almond oil cleanser which would help wash away any makeup or impurities, and leave your skin feeling fresh. You can also make Bio Cucumber toner a part of your daily skincare regime, which is an effective cooling toner suitable for normal to oily skin.

              • Eat nutritious food - In summers, your body is not able to digest all the heavy foods, fast food and fried dishes, therefore you should eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables to keep yourself healthy. Fruits like watermelons, berries, and vegetables like cucumber, other leafy green vegetables contain essential nutrients that will keep you hydrated during hot summer days. 

              • Wash your Makeup Brushes Every Week - During summers, your skin becomes oilier and produces bacteria which may get caught up in the thin bristles of your makeup brushes. Using such brushes may clog your pores leading to breakouts or acne. Therefore, you should wash your makeup brushes every week and dry them in a glass in the sun to kill the bacteria.

              These simple tips would make you glow all day long and stay healthy all summer.

              Tuesday, April 1, 2014

              SPF Decoded - Which sunscreen you need this summer!

              Summers have now started setting in and that would mean extra exposure to the heat, sun and sweat for your skin. This summer give extra protection to your skin by choosing the right sunscreen for your skin type. And if you have a hard time choosing which SPF would suit you the best, keep reading as we solve this mystery :
              The foremost thing to understand before purchasing a sunscreen is what is an SPF?

              SPF or Sun Protection Factor determines how efficiently a sunscreen would protect your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays and other radiations that can cause sunburn, skin damages and tanning.

              Here's how different SPFs can help provide you better sun protection -
              • SPF 15 - A sunscreen with SPF 15 or less is suitable for people having darker skin tone which is less likely to get sunburnt but may tan easily. 
              • SPF 30 - A person with fairer skin tone needs an SPF of 30 or more for better protection from harmful sunrays. This is because that the skin tone is so light that it will tan more easily than of someone having a darker skin tone. If you have a light skin tone which is also oily, we recommend you to use Bio Aloe Vera sun lotion with SPF 30 to make your skin moisturized and better protected from sunrays. 
              • SPF 40 or more - People who live in sunny areas and are exposed to sun for longer duration should use a sunscreen having an SPF 40 or more. Bio Carrot with SPF 40 is an excellent sunscreen which is blended with pure carrot oil, extracts of carrot seed and aloe vera that provide your skin amazing sun defense. If you are looking for a water-resistant sun lotion, Bio Sandalwood with an SPF 50 would be a perfect pick which retains SPF after 80 minutes in the water. 
              Also, applying sunscreen only once in the day wouldn't be enough if you stay outdoors for long hours. Sunscreen should be applied generously half an hour before going outdoors and re-applied every 2 hours.
              Even when the day is cloudy, you should apply a sunblock of atleast SPF 15 as the UVA/UVB rays would still be able to harm your skin.

              Apart from protecting your skin using a sunblock, you can also follow some extra tips like wearing a hat to shade your face and scalp, and wearing quality sunglasses to protect your eyes from direct sunlight.
              Drinking plenty of water (atleast 7-8 glasses everyday) is also an essential step to keep your skin hydrated and healthy in summers.