Monday, January 12, 2015

7 Diabetes Symptoms In Men

In addition to women, men also have the same risk of developing diabetes. Men are also much affected by this dangerous disease. In general, men who smoke and drink alcohol more likely to suffer symptoms of diabetes. If we look at the symptoms of diabetes in women appeared to have similarities with the symptoms of diabetes in men. The symptoms of diabetes in these men to look out for, among others, thirst and excessive urination, weight loss unusual, blurred vision, increased appetite, erectile dysfunction, slow healing of wounds, and nerve damage.

Some of the symptoms of diabetes in men is often not realized due to the limitations of their knowledge, and often they let the symptoms are so getting worse. And if they examined symptoms of diabetes in men as early as possible, it is likely curable. Therefore you see the following article about the symptoms of diabetes in men who have to watch out.
Actually there was no significant difference between the symptoms of diabetes in women or men. But at least, it is known there are 7 symptoms of diabetes in men that you should be aware. Here is an explanation of each of these symptoms.

1. Excessive thirst and urination
  • In general, people with diabetes have excessive urination due to the amount of blood sugar levels in excess. Because excessive, then the body is stimulated to secrete excess sugar levels through the kidney with urine.
  • Usually, people with diabetes are excessive urination occurs at night, especially during night sleep, thereby reducing the quality of sleep. This is because blood sugar levels are relatively high at night than during the day.
  • While the symptoms of excessive thirst is the impact of the body too much in passing urine. But actually it is the body's attempt to avoid lack of fluids (dehydration).
  • During blood sugar levels have not been controlled well, then there will be constant desire to drink. In contrast with much drinking will lead to the desire to urinate.
 2. Unusual weight loss
  • Without realizing it, people with diabetes will experience weight loss with no known cause obvious.
  • In diabetics, weight loss due to the removal of most of the sugar in the blood to the kidneys via the urine system. Whereas the sugar in the blood is the result of the digestion of food in the stomach. As a result, regardless of the amount of food eaten will be the remnants during the insulin is not able to distribute the sugar as an energy source for the body.
3. Blurred vision
  • Blurred vision disorders are often called cataract and usually experienced by people with diabetes who have acute.
  • Cataracts can occur because of the sugar to form a layer that covers the eye lens. This is what causes the eye lens becomes opaque, thus inhibiting the entry of light into the eye and consequently impair vision.
  • This disorder can be overcome by doing eye surgery by replacing the damaged eye lens with a plastic lens.
4. Increased appetite
  • In general, people with diabetes have a big appetite, but the weight does not go up.
  •  There is an increasing appetite triggered by depletion of sugar in the body despite the high blood sugar levels, thus making the body feel weak as less power and ultimately the desire to eat. In fact, if checked, the sugar content in the blood is high enough.
5. Erectile Dysfunction
  • In the long term, diabetic men can also suffer the risk of erectile dysfunction, which is the reduced number of sperm produced by testosterone.
  • In acute conditions, can cause impotence.
  • Erectile dysfunction is caused by nerve cell damage due to diabetes. Diabetes can lead to disruption of blood flow around the system of nerve cells such as the kidneys and genitals.
  • If not promptly treated, it can interfere with the relationship of domestic harmony.
6. Healing of wounds are slow
  • In the event of injury, the wound healing is often very long. This is due to reduced blood supply due to narrowing of blood vessels.
  • For prevention, it is recommended that diabetics always keep and care for their skin even though no injury occurs.
7. Nerve damage
  • Diabetics also suffered nerve damage, because diabetes can damage the nervous system.
  • Damage to the nervous system resulting in the disruption of blood flow around the system of nerve cells as well as in the eyes and kidneys.
  • Nerve cell damage due to diabetes is also called neuropathy.
There are three types of nerves damaged by diabetes, which is damage to the motor nerve, sensory and autonomic.

In addition to the symptoms of diabetes in men above, there are also some symptoms that can be observed individually as fatigue, dry mouth and headache. This is because the body lacks oxygen to burn sugar into energy. Decreasing the amount of oxygen in the blood caused by a buildup of sugar in the blood vessels so that the flow is slowed. In the end, the heart works harder (palpitations), headache, dry mouth and easy to feel tired.

Basically, the symptoms of diabetes in men above can be prevented with a healthy diet, reduce sugary foods, avoid smoking and alcohol and diligent exercise. Then if you are overweight, get a diet with reduced calorie foods, fatty and sweet. That way you will avoid the risk of developing diabetes.

If you feel you or your friend has any of these symptoms then the best way is to immediately see a doctor. By check to the doctor, can be immediately handled and will not get worse.

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