Showing posts with label Man Stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Man Stuff. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Budget Gifts for the Manly Outdoorsman In Your Life

I'm awesome at giving gifts if you like anything glittery, but tools? I just recently learned what a socket wrench was. Sort of. In theory.

Anyways, I told The Man I was going to write a blog about what to get a manly man and I needed advice! He said that every manly man wants the following:
  • Tools
  • Car Stuff
  • Awesome Stuff
  • Weapons/Survival/Camping/Hunting/Zombie Apocalypse supplies
  • A Little Something-Something ::wink wink:: ::nudge nudge:: 
Hey! And one of those options is completely free. ;)

The rest... well, not so much.

I'm going to focus on budget friendly options that are geared towards the outdoorsman/survivalist/military enthusiast. Why? Because cars and tools are boring.

And this is a PG blog so I'll let you figure out the ::wink wink:: ::nudge nudge:: on your own, but I thought we could take a look at some....

"Awesome Stuff"

magnetic wristband
  • Magnetic Wristband This is awesome and it kind of goes with cars and tools. It's a magnetic strap that he wears on his wrist and it will hold onto anything metal (nails, screws, nuts, bolts...)
    • Brainteaser
      Mind games baby! This one is HARD! 
    • I know that The Man has lost a bolts down the hood of the car and has had to fish them out-- this will prevent it! 
  • Hanayama Brainteaser Puzzles Mind games are always so cool! Guys love figuring stuff out! 
  • THE WALKING DEAD Seasons 1-3 DVD Sets -- I think this is awesome and it teaches your man survival skills in case of a zombie apocalypse which is very important. I mean, he is going to be the one protecting you and your family. It's best to teach him. 
    • Seriously, it's one of the best TV series on right now. We love it and I even HATE horror movies.
Survival Knives
Okay, I know I'm pretty much a hippie, but today I'm going to write you about weapons. I know. It's crazy.

Mind blown. Poof!

But, really, it's all love's fault. You do crazy things for love.

So I know you're thinking, "What gives this almost hippie the right to tell me what weapons to buy my super awesome manly man?"

I'm so glad you asked!! :)
  1. Well, I was in this little thing called the United States Military. Maybe you heard of it? ;)
  2. I grew up with a Marine for a Father. Enough said.
  3. The Man (who was specially trained in knives while he was is the Army Special Forces) has educated me on the fine art of knife selection.
So, that's my credentials. Hopefully, you approve. If not, then let me convince you...

Or just look at the pictures.

Whatever. ;)
Click to read more

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Man's Skin Moisturizer and Beard Conditioner

Ladies, let's not be selfish. Sometimes we need to think about our men and today I am devoting my beauty knowledge to the male sex.

Let me explain....

First you have to understand that men are simple creatures. They don't want a lotion for this and a cream for that and an oil for this other thing. No! They want ONE THING for EVERYTHING. "The Man" has dry skin and a lot of scuff so I thought I'd make him one product to take care of both! Tada!

Ingredients for DIY Man Skin and Beard Care
DIY Beard Moisturizer
  • Glass Mist Bottle or Dropper Bottle
  • 2 TBSP Distilled Water 
  • 2 TBSP Almond Oil (if allergic to nuts, use Jojoba oil)
  • 3 TBSP Witch Hazel Toner (alcohol free)
  • 1 tsp Vegetable Glycerin
  • 5 drops Argan Oil (optional)
  • Optional: 5-8 drops of Essential oils  (see below for ideas)
You simply mix it all up in the spray bottle and it's ready to go! If you're using essential oils, I recommend adding them to a pinch of salt before mixing them into the solution so that they better disperse through the mixture.

When he's ready to use it, just give it a little shake (oils can separate).

It's best to use after a normal face wash OR after the shower.

It can be used in one of two ways:
  1. Lightly spray mixture a couple of times directly on your face and beard. You will need to massage it into your beard for just 15-30 seconds. If  you feel like you need to rinse then you can simply use water, but there is no reason that you would need to remove the mixture.
  2. Use a dropper bottle. Depending on the beards length and density you will need to use between 3-8 drops of the conditioner for your beard. Massage it into the beard. Wash with water, if desired. For your skin, you can use as many drops as you feel necessary to moisturize your face. For my moisturizer, I use 3-5 drops daily. 
Essential Oils
If you want to have a scent or added benefits to your beard then you can add essential oils. I would recommend staying away from citrus as it can cause photosensitivity (more easily sunburned), but here are some ideas of what you can add:
  • Peppermint: Oily skin or hair
  • Cedarwood: Thinning hair
  • Rosemary: Thickens hair
  • Lavender: Dry skin or beard
As always, when using essential oils for skin or hair care, make sure you are using quality essential oils. Even if they say "pure" on the bottle, there may be added chemical or synthetic ingredients which can cause skin irritation. Please read this article about how to find Quality Essential Oils.

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