Showing posts with label Floors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Floors. Show all posts

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Natural, Safe Tile Floor Cleaner- Only 3 Ingredients!

Just keep cleaning
Just keep cleaning
Just keep cleaning cleaning cleaning
What do we do we clean, clean, clean….

Sometimes, I feel like cleaning is my life. It's never done!! And with all the harsh chemicals it's so important to find something safe for my family. I mean, seriously, who want any nonylphenol ethoxylate on their toesies!

Psh! Chemicals. Ruin everything.

Anyways, months ago I went on a mission to find a GREAT natural tile floor cleaner. I honestly didn't think it would be that hard, but I should have known better! Whenever I think something will be easy-- it's not. Oh, life! You're so funny!! she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes (Yes, I am perfectly aware that I wrote in 3rd person)

I don't know how many different recipes I used but they all kept leaving a film on my tiles! It was driving me nuts. I knew that there had to be something better... and then I found it! Yay!

What You Need
All natural Tile Floor Cleaner #DIY #Greencleaning
  • 1.5 gallons hot/warm water
  • 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar (but you can add 1/4 c more for dirtier jobs)
  • 5-10 drops Essential Oil(s) 
    • Like Purification, Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Thieves 
  • Optional for tough jobs: Add a splash of a green cleaner.
I've been eyeballing the measurements for a bit and it works just fine, so don't get too wrapped up on the exacts here!

Mix the ingredients into the hot to warm water. Stir to combine. 

Ready. Set. Mop!
Click to read more

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

DIY 2-Ingredient Carpet Cleaner with Odor Remover

In life there are some things you simply don't want to wake up to:
  1. Freddy Krueger
  2. Alien abduction, especially from the Alien Queen. 
  3. Vomit
Unfortunately, I experienced one of those things this morning, and no, it wasn't alien abduction, but based on the fact that I'm writing about carpet cleaners I bet you knew that. I'm sure that stories about Freddy Krueger would provide you with a much more riveting story line than what really happened: vomit! Lots and lots of vomit. {sad face}

My dog, Hercules, barfed all over my bedroom carpet. To make matters worse, during the "event" I tried dragging him into the bathroom which caused him to leave a trail of puke all across the carpet. Once we were in the bathroom, he (of course) miss the tile and vomit on my white bathroom rug, my scale, my favorite pair of jeans and he barely missed the cat. {sigh}

It was horrible. It was everywhere.

The point of that horrible story is to tell you that I decided that this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate how awesome my mom's Emergency Carpet Cleaner works! She has a kitty who peed on the guest bed and this got the smell out. Amazing, right?

 If you have children-- don't worry! It can also work for their bodily functions, too. {wink}

I think that picture speaks for itself, right? I took it after a single application of the DIY Carpet Cleaner.

What You Need
  • 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • White Vinegar
  • Spray Bottle
DIY Carpet Cleaner and Odor Remover
Simply mix the ingredients into the spray bottle at a 50:50 ratio. You don't need a lot-- just enough to make the carpet damp. 

After you clean up what you can, squirt the mixture directly onto the "contaminated" area. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes and then use a scrub brush to really work it into the carpet. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then assess the situation to see if you need to reapply.

If you think that the stain hasn't lifted enough, repeat. If you are happy with the results, then use your vacuum to clean up any remaining residue. 

You'll get the best results on fresh accidents and the vinegar really helps to dissolve the smell. Of course, your carpet will smell like vinegar until it dries, but I'll take that smell over the stench of vomit any day! 

My poor pup isn't feeling much better though! Doesn't he looks so sad?!

Sick Puppy!

He FINALLY starting eating some food this afternoon so I hope he holds it down! Poor Hercules!

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