Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014

What's in my Handbag? Work Edition

I've been meaning to post a 'what's in my handbag' post for a while as I always love these kinds of posts. Anything to do with storage/organising etc, I'm in there. (My boyfriends theory is that it's so I can find new ways to store more useless 'stuff'.. he's probably not wrong!) As the majority of my time nowadays is spent in the office, I thought I would do a work edition of 'what's in my handbag'. I love this bag from H&M, though annoyingly I couldn't find it on their website to link to it. It's very sleek and simple, so it's easy to accessorise with whatever I decide to wear to work.

So without further ado,  here are all the things I keep hidden away inside:

Handbag - H&M | Purse - Primark | Tweezers - Cancer Research | Diary - Tesco
Floral Notebook - Fat Face | Tiny Tea (see post here) | Jelly Belly Earphones - Boots
I always carry my diary with me, as well as a small note book for writing down ideas for blog posts.  I think this diary is really cute, and it's dateless so you can start it whenever you like. It has both weekly and monthly pages, so It's really useful to keep track of things like blog posts, events etc at a glance, and it's nice and compact too. 
The notebook was only £2.50 from fat face, and I just labelled it using washi tape and my label maker. I definitely need this as my memory is awful sometimes!

Like most people, I'd feel so lost if I didn't have my phone, and for now I have the iPhone 4S (how cute is my little box background?!) - but I will definitely be getting the Samsung S5 when my contract is up in June. I also carry my headphones with me too. I'm trying to learn a new language, and there are so many expensive programmes around - but there are some really great podcasts available for free that you should check out if you're looking to learn a new language too. I try to listen to them on my lunch breaks.

At work I tend to try and carry just a few essential beauty products with me as, whilst I do make an effort for work, I'm not too fussed about topping up throughout the day. I just bring concealer, powder, eyeliner,  mascara, eyebrow pencil and whatever lipstick I'm wearing that day. I only really use these if I have to give interviews and don't want to look like a complete mess! haha. I also bring a few bobby pins for hair emergencies, lip balm and hand sanitiser. There's also a small compact mirror I got for christmas, which has its own little pouch which I think is quite cute.

And finally, the last few random bits - One bad habit I would love to kick is chewing gum. The reason being that they're so full of artificial crap, but I'm a little addicted and so always carry some with me. I also carry my purse (of course), hairbrush, and my Tiny Tea bags. 

You can't see it pictured, but I store all of this within my handbag organiser, which I got from eBay here (I would never find anything in this giant bag without it!).
I always try to carry light, but it never really ends up that way. This organiser helps to stop me trying to jam as much stuff into my bag as I usually do! (though sometimes it still happens)

What do you carry with you to work/every day? As much as this, or even more?


Image Map

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Shopping Basket #1

1 Navy Coat | 2 Peonie Lights | 3 Paisley Scarf
4 Ipad Cover | 5 Stag Wall Decal | 6 Grey Bag

I'm sure I'm not alone, but I am not great at controlling myself when it comes to impulse buys. I tend to see something I like and try to justify the purchase with excuses like 'I can afford it', 'it's just this one thing', 'I'll use/wear it all the time', but then its just sits collecting dust.

So I figured I would start writing posts filled with everything I'm currently eyeing up. I'm hoping that doing this will help to curb impulse buys, and instead inspire future purchases that are actually worth while investments, rather than just wasting money.

The idea is that I can look over this posts and see if my thoughts have changed, or whether I can piece together great items I actually want. As Christmas isn't too far away either I'm hoping this will also help with gift ideas!

What products have you been lusting after?