Sunday, June 12, 2016

How to Find a Girlfriend in College

How to Find a Girlfriend in College  - Whether you're looking for tips and for singles looking for a girlfriend (of course the pretty girlfriend) in the fast and the shortest-maturity in a nutshell? You try to check out the following article from, hopefully this article can help you to get a girlfriend is beautiful as you've always wanted.

how to get a girlfriend in college

How the heck can a quick girlfriend pretty?

Many men want to have a beautiful girlfriend, but often has three constraints, namely:

2. Do not know where to look for and find beautiful women,
3. Do not know how to make a beautiful woman so a girlfriend.

His solution is of course the 3 simple steps, namely:

Phase I: Get Up Your Confidence,
Phase II: discover the many places there are beautiful women,
Phase III: know how to make a beautiful woman falls in love.

Let's discuss one by one.

Phase I: Get Up Your Confidence

Many men KNOW the fact they were ABLE to have a beautiful woman. It's just that there are several factors that make them not confident and feel unworthy to have beautiful women, namely:

+ Physical, Age, and the material does not support,
+ The rejection that was done in the past, women
+ Bad Comments of others,
+ Waiting for the right situation.

In fact, anyone HAVE a RIGHT to have a girlfriend beautiful women no matter whatever they like.

Just go to your town's largest MALL, and sat down at the foodcourt 12.00 – 01:30 noon and 5.00 – 6.30 pm, then you will see a lot of evidence where the man was walking with his girlfriend away.

The main factors of your success to have a gorgeous girlfriend starts from your confidence, which radiates from the way you conditioned your interactions with women.

Then what should you do to have self confidence?

Continue reading.

Phase II: discover the many places there is a beautiful woman

If you want to buy clothes, you are not likely to look at the shoe store.

This also applies in finding a beautiful woman who would become your girlfriend.

Many men are hard to find beautiful women they want because they are looking for it in the wrong PLACE.

You have to KNOW CLEARLY what kind of your dream woman, and where they gather to let you EASILY find them.

You may not find WOMEN career in high school isn't it?

4 factors that you should consider so you can find the ideal beautiful woman you are:

+ Ages
+ Interest
+ Culture
+ Background

By first updating the identification of these three things, you will know MORE CLEARLY where the place to find beautiful women that you want so that you're not incorrect place.

Phase III: know how to make beautiful women to fall in love

If you are careful, you will not be hard to see the PROCESS of making a beautiful woman being your girlfriend. The process is:

+ ATTENTION (attention),
+ CONNECTION (relationships), and
+ COMMITMENT (attachment)

This process originated from the female ATTENTION towards you. Of attention, there was a great interaction. Such interaction will take you and him to have relationships and commonalities. Then from a deeper CONNECTION, there is a taste for stylish COMMITMENT with you.

So, his STAGE are:


The steps to run smoothly, you need to be armed with the devastating techniques 4, namely:

+ Story Telling (the art of storytelling)
+ Flirting (the art of flirting)
+ Kino (the art of touching a woman)
+ Talent Show (art talent show)

So love tips today from, hopefully inspire and help you to get a girl that you really want. Visit continue to blog Tips looking for a boyfriend to get ' enlightenment ' about the life of romance.
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