Sunday, June 12, 2016

5 Essential Oils for Coping with Mass Tragedy

My heart is broken.

This weekend my hometown has been host to multiple shootings which have killed or injured so many people. We lost a great talent, Christina Grimmie, on Friday and countless others when a night club was attacked on Saturday. The worst shooting in US history. My heart is breaking for the victims, their families and my city.

Although I know that there are more good people and more love in this world than hate, violence and psychopaths-- it can be a scary place. There are no clear answer on how to stop this trend of violence, but one things is clear: we have a duty to be persevere. We have a duty to honor those lost.

Thankfully there are some natural ways to help strengthen ourselves and our resolve while allowing us to grieve the great loss and honor the victims of these horrible attacks.

5 essential oils to help cope with mass tragedy like what happened in #orlando recently. Prayers to the victims families. #chooselove

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