Friday, May 27, 2016

This Is How My Eyes Changed Color After Eating Raw Vegan For 6 Years

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram claims that eating a raw food diet turned her eyes from “a very dark cafĂ© brown color” to a “hazel color with almost a honey lining around iris and they’re actually starting to turn blue.”
She posted a video that gained millions of views at this point—as well as comments, most of which are in disbelief of Carrillo-Bucaram’s claim.
She’s not the only one to make it, though. Steve Factor, “The Pure Energy Chef,” has also experienced changes in eye color, according to a blog called Conscious Nourishment.’s Yulia Tarbath says that both the puffiness around her eyes has gone away and her eyes now appear brighter thanks to the raw food diet she’s been on since 2009. That we can believe: clarity is one thing, color is quite another.
Carrillo-Bucaram, who was hyperglycemic as a child, “grew up eating a very poor Latin American and Lebanese diet—I ate a lot of fat, and was constipated my whole life,” she says in the video. Eating a low-fat raw, vegan diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables with few nuts and seeds, she rid herself of her hyperglycemia by the age of 18. But she also lost pigment in her irises.
After consulting an iridologist, she says she learned that when “we have toxicity in our bodies, when we’re constipated and things are not moving through our systems, we become ‘stuffed up’” and we can see that toxicity in our eyes. “The cleaner you become, the cleaner your eyes become. I ate fully raw and I allowed my body to cleanse itself naturally.” Gradually, throughout her eight years of eating raw, she says her eyes have changed color.
The eyes are not only a window to your soul, they are also a window to what’s going on inside. The color, clearness and clarity of our eyes is a direct reflection of how clear (and clean) our body is on the inside.
Dr. Morse (N.D., D.Sc., M.H.), a detoxification specialist, mega-healer (he has an 85% healing rate of success and has treated over 250,000 patients), and iridologist has made a series of videos on how raw diets can actually change the color of your eyes.
Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iris (the colored part of the eye). Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, health risks, challenges and strengths of various organs. For example, if you look at the chart below, you see that the top quadrant of each eye is related to brain health (specifically the cerebrum and cerebellum), and the innermost circle of the eye is related to digestion (the stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum).
A yellowish colour around your pupil is the main indicator of how toxic your body is, so less yellow means lower toxicity, and more yellow means higher.
When you think about the toxins and things that you are consuming daily, you can actually see it in your body through your eyes. When I was younger and into my teen years I ate a lot of chips, candy, sweets, pizza, and a hoard of other junk food. My mom always made home-cooked meals, but they were high in fat and didn’t contain the level of health my body required. I had major digestive issues, and became over weight at the age of 8 and well into the age of 15.
Our health begins in the colon, and when you are consuming foods that increase the toxic load in the body, you get “bunged up” to put it bluntly. When things are not moving efficiently and we become constipated, toxins build up in the colon due to improper elimination, and our eyes directly reflect this effect.
When I switched to a raw, plant-based diet, my digestion improved and irritable bowel syndrome symptoms went away completely. Adding in more fiber to flush out excess toxic waste, and learning to properly combine foods greatly helped improve the function of my GI tract. As I healed my body with raw foods, my eyes went from a murky greenish brown color to a much brighter blue-green hue. The whites of my eyes also significantly cleared up, which is another major tell-tale sign of health.
Not only the color changed, but different fibers of my iris have changed, and the freckle in my eye has completely disappeared. So I’d also like to make note that someone who is severely overweight (or underweight) and has blue eyes doesn’t mean that they are necessarily healthy. It’s not just about the color, but the way the fibers are shaped. Some areas of an eye may contain a yellowish coating which can indicate sulfuric acid levels in the body and the level of acidity in the organs and glands. For some people, this yellow color can cover the entire iris, which will make an eye appear brown or hazel, when the true color underneath is green or blue.
The take home story of this article is that the cleaner you become, the clearer your eyes become, and the better you will feel. I still find it incredible that my eyes have actually changed color, but really, it should come to no surprise. Your eyes are a direct reflection of your health, and after 6 years of being raw I can say that I have reached a level I never thought possible.
Not only are my eyes happier, but I am happier too! My eyes will probably continue on changing (as they continually get more blue), but until then, I will just trust in the process and allow my body to continue detoxing out the old and blessing me with the new.

Foods that change eye color in 60 days

Uva ursi tea

This soothing tea relaxes your eyes instantly, giving them a brighter appearance. It has also been credited as being the cure of numerous urinary tract infections. It is an intense antiseptic which has a diuretic function in the body. It is also known to be an effective treatment of various skin diseases. New research suggests its immense significance in the treatment of arthritis.
How eyes change color?
The iris is a form of musculature that controls the pupil size according to the light intensity in a given environment. When the pupillary size changes; the pigments of the iris are forced to readjust to the new space. This brings about a change in the color of the eye. These changes, however, are not drastically visible. If you want to change your eye color exceptionally and in a small amount of time, all you need to do is introduce a few changes to your diet.


An extra amount of honey in your diet can greatly enhance the color of your eyes. However, the honey needs to be organic. Persistent usage of this magical concoction will yield you a lighter shade of your natural color. It is a rich source of all sugars essential for excellent health. A rich concentration of fructose (38.2%) makes it an ideal addition to the diet of males. It helps calm down acid reflex in the body and eases out wounds and burns. It is our first line of defense against fighting infections.


Spinach – Sciondriver
Spinach is rich in zeaxanthin and carotenoids lutein which render youthfulness to your eyes. The high content of iron in spinach makes your eyes brighter. One cup of raw spinach yields 27 calories of energy. It is power packed with magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and folate. It is known to be enriched with alpha-lipoic acid which prevents stress induced changes to the body. A diet full of spinach helps in preventing cancer, asthma, lowers high blood pressure and amplifies bone strength. It also promotes healthy skin and hair.


Fish – George Alexander Ishida
Seafood is a rich source of all kinds of vitamins and minerals particularly vitamins B, C A, D, E and K. Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorous are the prime minerals present in fish meat that yield color changes in the eye. This change can be made permanent by including fish products in your diet regularly.

 Chamomile tea

Chamomile – Steve
This incredible tea lowers down the concentration of stress hormones in your bloodstream and gives your eyes a warmer hue. It is used to heal mucous membrane inflammations and is used to relieve various gastrointestinal discomforts. It is also used as a soothing bath for anogenital inflammation. When applied topically, it heals all sorts of sunburns and scars.

 Olive oil

Olive Oil – US department of agriculture
The wonders of Olive Oil are numerous and alluring. It is the best medicine for every ailment. It’s fascinating components such as the linoleic acid, linolenic acid and oleic acid render a beautiful, soft hue to the color of your iris. This oil is also said to work wonders for joint pain and is termed as the best organic moisturizer. It reduces the effects of stress and lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.


Onion – Liz West
The regular use of onions in the diet has shown gradual changes in eye color and also, in the skin. Onions are also vital in reducing chances of colorectal cancers. These sulphur rich compounds are also infused with vitamin C and works wonders for your skin and hair. A major constituent of onions, folate, is known to alleviate depression and helps cure insomnia. This also keeps the appetite in check.


Nuts – Adam Wyles
If you are keen on changing your eye color, nuts are the primary source of nutrition you should incorporate in your diet. Almonds are the lowest calorie nuts yielding six grams of protein and fourteen grams of fat per twenty-three nuts. Add a variety of nuts to your diet to witness a gradual lightening of your eye color. Avoid using roasted nuts as their nutrients have already been destroyed by exposing them to high temperatures.


Ginger – Delphine Menard
This rhizome is known for its magical powers at reducing the inflammation of the colon thereby preventing colon cancer. It greatly reduces muscular aches, nausea as a result of chemotherapy and ovarian cancer. Research has proved that ginger reduces the symptoms of asthma and heals liver damage caused by over medication. It is also known to relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrheal. It is, in addition to all this, wonderful at bringing gradual changes to your eye color.

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