Sunday, May 22, 2016

How To Reset Your Thyroid To Burn Fat And Activate Your Metabolism

An elderly man who had serious medical problems, asked Erika Schwartz, MD for an advice on the medicines and treatments he used. Erica called his doctor- cardiologist and asked him whether they should change his therapy.
The elderly man had problems with obesity, sleeping disorder and low testosterone and thyroid levels. He also suffered from unbearable itching due to advanced stage of eczema.

She was calling his cardiologist for three weeks and finally he answered the phone. But after she asked him whether they should change the patent’s therapy which made the problem with eczema worst, he said:
 “The guy said to me, ‘I can’t talk to you. You don’t know science.” After stating that they have the same medical degree, she adds “he hung up on me!”

After the conversation she had with his cardiologist she explained everything to the patient. He decided to change his cardiologist and to follow the advice of Erika Schwartz. She planned to increase the level of the thyroid hormones and to exclude the remedies for cholesterol.
Firstly the patient was afraid that this will cause heart attack but Dr. Schwartz explained him that with maintaining the proper level of hormones naturally, the cholesterol level will stay stable as well.
Thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland (endocrine gland which looks like butterfly and is located in the base of your neck). Two types of thyroid hormones are secreted- triiodothyronine and thyroxin (also known as T3 and T4). T4 is converted into to the active T3 within cells and it is transferred towards the other body organs throughout the bloodstream.

Their main function is to regulate the metabolism and to provide the body with energy. They are very important hormones as they help other organs to function properly.
The most common thyroid disease is hypothyroidism. When a person suffers from hypothyroidism his/her thyroid gland is inactive, which means that the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones needed for proper body functions.

This medical condition can be caused by various internal and external factors as Hashimoto’s disease, which is actually an autoimmune disease which causes the immune system to attack the thyroid gland.
Hypothyroidism can be liked with various symptoms as brittle nails, dry skin, hair loss, feeling cold, depression, mood swing, excessive weight gain, fatigue, poor reflexes, brain fog etc.
Unfortunately these symptoms can be a sign of other aliments as well, so the doctors often prescribe inadequate medicines and not even consider Hypothyroidism as a potential cause of these symptoms.
Mary Shomon, a thyroid expert and author of many books, claims: “People are going in with high cholesterol or depression and are getting handed cholesterol meds and antidepressants. And no one’s ever checking to see if the thyroid is at the root of the problem.”
She also adds that the conventional thyroid function tests are widely criticized. One of these tests is thyroid stimulating hormone test or TSH test which shows the level of pituitary hormone, TS, in the blood.

But it doesn’t show the amount of T3 or T4 in the blood. The pituitary hormone actually stimulates the thyroid gland to produce and release thyroid hormones
That is why the patients can have the symptoms mentioned above and still have a normal TSH result, so they are prescribed with improper medicines that cannot help with their problem and can even have some dangerous side-effects.
Dr. Schwartz says “At the end of the day, we suffer because we’re treating individual symptoms, and we don’t look at the body—at the person—as a whole.[The TSH test] is actually doing a disservice to anybody who wants to take care of themselves, or someone who actually wants to take care of the patient.”

To obtain better results, the levels of T3 and T4 should be separately examined. It is also important to be sure that T4 is being converted into active T3 and that the T3 is transferred towards the body organs.

The natural treatment of Dr. Schwartz also included diet changes, hormones, supplements and exercise. She healed the whole body and doesn’t treat the symptoms only and that is why her treatment was effective.
She says: “What I also found out was that giving those people thyroid to begin with—giving them T3, let’s say, to begin with, which is the active thyroid hormone—was actually the quickest way to get people to feel better. And once they felt better, then you could tweak their diet, exercise, lifestyle.”
Shamon believes that the way thyroid hormones affect the whole body is very important for effective treatment:
 “Our metabolism relies, in large part, on our thyroid’s ability to function properly. If we’re not getting enough oxygen or energy to the cells for digestion, for pancreatic function, for brain function, for all of the other hormone production processes and the glands that are producing those, then everything is going to be slowing down and not working properly,” she explains. “It’s the gas pedal, essentially, for everything.”

To conclude, both external and internal factors can cause thyroid disorders like diet, environment, immunity etc.
 “We’re living in such a toxic world—and our lifestyles have changed so much. And that’s a critical thing for us to realize when we look at our diets and we look at our daily habits. We have to put in place some strategies to compensate for the fact that we’ve moved so far from our natural evolutionary ancestral history.”– claims Greg Emerson, MD, founder of the Emerson Health & Wellness Center in Queensland, Australia.

The most dangerous toxins are mold and mycotoxins:
“There’s a huge amount of scientific evidence that the poisons that the mold produce are terrible for the thyroid gland. And the other problem is that we’re consuming foods which are also high in mycotoxins.
Or we’re consuming foods that are high in sugar, which makes the mold grow in the body. And we’re also not consuming foods which are protective against those mycotoxins. I don’t think I’ve seen a patient with Graves’ disease—which is an overactive thyroid—who has not had a problem with mold, and then mycotoxins.”

There is another disease which is known as hyperthyroidism. This disease causes excess secretion of thyroid hormones. This condition is linked with sudden weight loss due to accelerated metabolism as well as irregular and rapid heartbeat.

The good news is that this hormonal imbalance can be improved by making some crucial life changes like: regular exercising, diet rich in raw food, reduced stress levels, healthy relationships etc.
Dr. Emerson suggests that you should ask yourself: “Am I eating the right food? Am I drinking the right water? Am I getting enough sun? Am I getting enough sleep? Am I getting enough exercise? Am I getting medicines in my food?”
Dr. Schwartz also adds: “Listen to what your body’s saying. If you can’t sleep at night, why don’t you sleep at night? Did you drink too much and it woke you up in the middle of the night? Are you eating too late? Are you eating the wrong foods? Are you exercising too late? Do you have all this electronic equipment sitting right next to you? Do you sleep with the TV on?”

So, if you try to follow the advices mentioned above, you will succeed in defeating the disease with the right treatment.
Dr. Schwartz claims “There are a million reasons why you may not be sleeping at night. And you need to look at them and take responsibility for improving.”
Joseph Mercola, DO is one of the best and the most popular American alternative medicine doctors and he also agrees with Dr. Schwartz.

He also believes that you can control your health with the help of many research and quality resources as well as with consulting qualified individuals, experts and doctors. He also says:
“It’s probably the mindset that you are responsible for your health.”


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