Tuesday, May 3, 2016

23 Facts About Left-Handed People That You Didn’t Know About. The Last One Surprised Me!

Here’s the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question- How come anyone become a left-handed person? Although medical experts aren’t completely sure regarding this question, a research shows a complex relation between environment and genes.

Though there wasn’t any discovery of set of “lefty-genes”, it was shown that there are more left-handed members in the family of a left-handed person. Moreover, researchers have discovered different wirings in the brain in lefties vs. righties. As a result of the constant adaptation to the right handed world, left-handers are usually more independent.

We present you 23 things about them, which you have probably never heard of before!

This is the right time to learn some new, fun facts about left-handed people.

1. Left-handed people constitute 5 to 10 percent of the world population.
2. These people are three times likelier to turn into alcoholics.
3. These people are good in a lot of sports such as tennis, baseball, boxing, swimming etc.
4. An interesting fact is that over 40 percent of the top world tennis players are left-handed.
5. Usually, left-handers are using the right side of their brain.5. Left-handed people usually reach puberty later, about 5 months than normally.
6. Statistics show that these college graduates will probably become 26 percent richer than their colleagues who are right-handed.
7. United States have four left-handed out of the seven presidents.
8. The origin of the word “left” is from the Anglo-Saxon word “lyft” meaning broken or weak.
9. Left-handedness used to be considered as a bad thing, and it was usually seen as a sign of neurosis, rebellion, mark of the devil, nasty habit, homosexuality, and criminality. It was also related as trait which indicated musical abilities and creativity.
10. As we previously mentioned, about 10 percent of the global population are left-handed. But when it comes to rats, cats, and mice, the percent of left and right pawedness is equally split.
11. Pregnant women in their 40s have 128 percent higher chances of having a left-handed baby than women pregnant in their 20s.
12. Another interesting fact is that 1 Apollo astronaut, out of 4, had his left hand as the dominant one.
13. According to a study, left-handed people have increased talents in the fields of architecture, spatial awareness, and math, whereas right-handed in verbal skills.
14. Recently,one study has found that left-handers are slightly more prone to asthma and allergies in contrast to right-handers.
15. Statistics show that the number of left-handed people in America is nearly 30 million.
16. Do you know that August 13th is the Left-Handers Day? On this day, left-handers celebrate their left-handedness.
17. Medical experts discovered that when a left-handed person injures her/his dominant hand, s/he will learn using the other one more quickly than those who have their right hand as the dominant one.
18. Left-handed people are more likely to suffer from insomnia.
19. Have you ever heard that the longest words which can be typed with the use of just left hand with a conventional hand positioning are dresses, sweater, and tesserae decades?
20. Left-handedness runs in the family. Prince William, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Mother, and Prince Charles are British Royal Family members who are left-handers.
21. Left-handers can more easily adjust to see underwater better than right-handers.
22. Some of the world’s most wanted killers were left-handed: Jack the Ripper, The Boston Strangles, and Osama Bin Laden.
23. According to a study, left-handers process emotions in a different way than right-handers, and they usually get upset much quicker. John McEnroe is a perfect example of this, as we have witnessed him being angry many times.
Via Healthy Life Tricks

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