Saturday, April 30, 2016

Drinking Water on Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up and See What Will Happens

You already know that drinking 7-8 glasses of water is really important for your health. However, many people do not know that drinking a glass of water right after waking up has therapeutic benefits. While sleeping our body becomes dehydrated because it needs fluid to function. In order to reduce your body fat, drinking a lot of water is really essential. It is something that trainers and dieticians recommend. Also, water will help you increase your energy level.
You have to drink 16oz of water right after you wake up. You can drink even more, depending on your weight.

Here is why you have to drink a big glass of water after rolling out of bed:
– It starts up the metabolism
Consuming a large glass of cool water after waking up fires up your metabolism up to 24%.
– The body is dehydrated when you wake up
Maybe your body won’t send you any signals that it’s thirsty, but it is because you haven’t drunk water for 7-8 hours.
– Flush out toxins with water
The intake of fluids helps our body cleanse and get rid of toxins. Consuming fluids right after waking up aids the body flushing toxins out.
– Our brain tissue contains of 75% water
Our brain does not operate fully when not properly hydrated. In that case, you can feel exhausted, of experience fatigue or mood changes.
– You will eat less
According to a study, people who drink a glass of water before every meal lose 4,5 pounds over a period of three months. Water fills the stomach with a substance that has 0 calories and people feel full.
Drinking water in the morning is an excellent way to purify your internal system. This treatment includes one of the most important results – colon cleansing, enabling better absorption of nutrients.
With this water treatment you will have the following benefits:
– Glowing skin
– Production of new cells
– Balance of the lymph system
– Losing weight
– Colon cleansing
– Curing of illnesses and diseases

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