Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Preparing Foods and Cleaning Your Kitchen with Essential Oils

Helllllllllo my friends! I just got back from the Young Living Convention in Grapevine, TX! Woohoo!! I am so pumped, but my brain feels like it will actually explode from all the information and education that was provided in those 4 days. So to help relieve the pressure, I decided to share some of that new knowledge with you!

One of the lectures that I was most excited about was from Sabina DeVita, the author of Vibrational Cleaning Guide. She is a brilliant and well educated woman who has dedicated her life to helping people reduce their chemical exposures in life. She's not only an international speaker and author, but also a holistic energy practitioner, registered nutritionist, environmentalist, and energy psychologist. How cool is that?! I think she's my new role model.

Preparing foods with essential oils

Click to read more

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