Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to Use Carrier Oils

OMG! Everyone wants to know about carrier oils!! One of the most popular questions I get is "Which carrier oil should I use?" Oh, Lordy! That's a heavy question. {sigh} The answers really range from "Anyone you want!!!" to "You probably should use coconut oil for that". There are so many factors, but I've dedicated my WEEK to writing this post to answer your most pressing questions. Lucky you!! YAY!

In my mind, there are really two completely different rules to using carrier oils when it comes to beauty {aka your face} vs simple dilution for essential oils, so we're going to talk about both today!

Carrier oil 101-- learn about the basics of what is a carrier oil and how to use them with essential oils for #DIYbeauty and #bodycare

Click to read more

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