Monday, December 15, 2014

Homemade Calendula Oil for Sensitive Skin

I know that I talk about essential oils a lot, but herbs are another one of my passions. Earlier this year I took a course about how to use herbs and Calendula was something that really stood out to me as something I NEEDED for my sensitive skin. The more I learned about it the more I felt like it could really take some of my DIY recipes to the next level.

What Is Calendula? 
Calendula officinalis is a really fancy name for regular ole Marigold. You can grow your own (dry it completely before use) or you can buy a good quality organic variety (like this one). 

If you haven't dried your own herbs before, then I recommend that you read this really detailed guide about harvesting and drying. It's a science and if it's not done correctly your mix won't turn out the way you want it and could even mold. {sad face}

How to make your own calendula oil for fabulous skin

Click to read more

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